Pokemon is one of the Nintendo's most
beloved franchises and now that we
finally have smash confirmed for the
switch this year all that's left is to
see Pokemon make its debut on the system
and Nintendo was kind of lightly talked
about it before they've hinted at it
saying that something's in the works but
we don't have anything official there's
no dates there's no titles there's no
screenshots nothing so in our excitement
of wanting to see this fusion of Pokemon
and switch hopefully happen soon we
might have made some modifications to
the snapper
now for those of you that don't know
about this awesome piece of history
right here the Pokemon snap station
first came out back in 1999 as part of
well advertising Pokemon snap you could
find them at blockbusters here in the US
in Japan they had them at this
convenience store called Lawson and in
Australia they had a met Toys R Us the
entire idea is that when these first
came out you'd actually play a little
demo of Pokemon snap and take pictures
or you could even bring in your own copy
of Pokemon snap or Pokemon Stadium and
plug it in right here once you've done
that you could buy one of these little
cards which would have just a one-time
used credit these were not refillable
which kind of made them worthless after
they're used and you could use that in
order to buy a set of stickers that you
print out of all the pictures you took
which was a little tiny postage sized
things now at one point these were all
recalled and shipped back out and
instead of having Pokemon snap they've
shaved Pokemon Stadium like this guy
does right here so just having this
thing around in the office is a cool
piece of history but we decide to do
something a little extra special with
this one and also make it a switch now
if you're wondering where the actual
switch is hidden in this whole setup
it's actually right here inside this
giant pokeballs so this is actually a
custom design that we got from the same
person the super my Odyssey ship hat
design it's got some of the same stuff
going on we have a place you can dock
the switch you got a little place to put
an amiibo on display but on top of that
there's a little added functionality
because he also had a place to store to
Joy cons and slot a bunch of games now
to go with this dock wanted to make sure
that we had joint cons to go with a
switch that were on theme there's not
really an official Pokemon joy con yet
so we grabbed these guys from a
different seller on Etsy which features
an awesome Pikachu design on the front
and pokeballs on the back this thing is
just really awesome looking now of
course it's not just as simple as we
have this dock here and boom a switch
works there's a lot of wiring going on
back here so let's go ahead and take a
look at how we cut this all to work so
we have the dock itself running into an
actual Nintendo dock we tried using a
couple different ideas before we used an
actual dock that's still the shell in
place we tried a third-party dock and
may have bricked one of our switches in
the process but we ended up deciding
that we remembered we still had that
Zelda kart dock so we just opened that
one up and took this guy out and have it
set up back here to plug the dock into
now that's running into a converter
that's turning the HDMI signal into our
yay so it plugs into a switcher that's
now being plugged into the TV that's
already a part of the pokemon snap
station so we're able to switch between
going with the original design or with
the switch now we didn't just do this to
do something insane and weird and fun
although we do that a lot on this
channel but there actually is a goal in
mind here this is actually gonna be a
gift for a certain Austin Evans who is
soon going to hit three million subs and
this is a star little way of celebrating
it for him use a huge Pokemon fan and we
just wanted to do something a little
different more unique so let's trim it
and see what he thinks
so I know the big three million is
coming up really soon and we want to
give you just a little gift to celebrate
technically this is your Snapple this is
your establishing what are this you
haven't seen a lady three months yeah
what would you put in one of our offices
and left at our own devices so we messed
with it wait so it will be cleaned it
out door about that later okay okay okay
so you know we cleaned it up fixed it up
a little bit so it's much shinier than
it was you know does like one's back
yeah yeah yeah don't look too much in
the background and we did do one thing
to it and it is still a fully
functioning so I can play the game right
now yeah you can do that but instead you
might also want to play did you recover
switch to this there may be a switch
weird and the switch might be in here oh
no dude that's awesome well hold on same
house again so this is the original CRT
yep yeah how are you getting the switch
that's what's a way that is everything
back here that is oh okay so that's a
lot yeah that's just a few things so
we've taped to the back of this guy okay
: so you've got the switch in here oh
you have the the joy cons that match
yeah oh no we went full pokemon theme
there is nothing here that's not Pokemon
this is oh okay okay
I'll fill it we're going from switch and
down to what is this this is a USB seed
doc or not you do that part that is a
switch dog that is a rolls eldest which
dog that we kind of forgot we had so we
reopened it and put it out here okay we
messed for the third party earlier
another switch but that's that's a
separate story entirely okay god yeah
yeah so we use the inside of that that's
going into a HDMI RCA converter okay
just then going into the switcher box
which that is the only thing that we
messed with as far as like the internals
of the stablishing goes yeah snap
machine instead of going straight into
the Samsung is now going into this
switch box along with the switch
this is going into the Samsung TV so I
know what the last time that actually
took a look at this we open it up
there's a full n64 setup in here yes
there is I mean we gaming yeah no that's
still going on I mean you can see
pokemon stadium taped to the bottom
right now that's so cool and it is
actually we realized that you just have
a power strip set up for everything that
was in there anyways so that's what the
switches plugged into to so there's
still only one power cable there's no
other stuff going on you just plug the
one power cable in and you have a fully
working snap station dude and switch
that is awesome
so basically we can go between playing
n64 games such as Pokemon Stadium or go
right back to the switch yep wait so
what how you it's just a switch on the
back no just yeah switcher box right oh
yeah it's almost like two so you mean
you keep me put this against a wall and
you're good to go so I think what we're
about to do next is obvious
safe to say I think this one over really
well fans cool yeah it's so cool I
relive this word out like you really
have you enjoyed it looked order you see
the million soon sooner with this yeah
yeah guys have not like subscribe this
guy yet do it cuz it's close
let's go seating it okay like this close
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