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The Pokemon Nintendo Switch Leaks

can you answer this question yes what do you think of the alleged Pokemon switch leaks okay so for those of you that don't know what that is or what's been going on a little while back and so we talked about that they are working on a new pokemon game for switch and that was about it was gonna come out maybe in 2018 maybe later we're not gonna say anything specific there's just a Pokemon game in the works and recently people have uncovered trademarks for something called Pokemon let's go with the idea being that's Pokemon let's go Pikachu Edition and Pokemon let's go Eevee now because of these names a lot of people think that it might be either a remake of Pokemon yellow in which you start off a Pikachu and Gary / blue whatever you want to call them started with Eevee other people saying that it's just pointing to the fact that the game is going to be featuring the original starter area and then there's also a lot of people kind of assuming that it might have some kind of crossover with Pokemon go because of the names Pokemon go Pokemon let's go but it's all kind of just conjecture based on the naming so as far as where to think about them I mean it's all wild speculation the only part about it that I do really believe personally is the fact that it is going to take place in the original starter location from the first games pokémon red and blue the reason being is because even before all of this news Nintendo was already playing really heavy hints they were kind of gonna revisit that area I mean Pokemon Sun and Moon constantly mentioned the Kanto region so yeah I think that you know those might be the names I think it's gonna be in the first area but that's all I really personally believe out of all those rumors everything else is just people kind of making thin connections so one of these that got a lot of questions on are my thoughts on the new Call of Duty Black Ops for when there were two main things that really came up first off what do you think about Call of Duty making a battle royale mode and do you think Battle Royale is the future of gaming well I think it's a little extreme to say that battle royale is the future of gaming I don't think it's gonna replace all games out there but it certainly is the hot thing right now and I think all major big-name shooters are gonna offer some kind of battle royale mode for quite a while until maybe the genre starts getting a little too old so you know call duty I think even battlefield I think all those companies are gonna start having some kind of battle royale mode in their games even if it's not the focus and kind of like when MOBAs blew up and we got a flood of those in the market the same is gonna be true there's on run we're gonna see a lot of smaller companies and big companies pumping out Battle Royale to try and cash in and compete against pub G and for tonight is it gonna be something that's just gonna be the main standard for all shooters from now on I don't think so I think it's gonna be really popular for a while I think there's gonna still be games that celebrate the genre but like all trends it's going to be something that has its peak and overtime just be another game genre and second do you think call of duty black ops 4 will actually be as successful as black ops 3 because of the lack of single-player campaign or old many players abandon it personally I don't think the lack of a single-player campaign is going to affect sales at all and if it does it's gonna be really minor don't get me wrong I like single-player campaigns I know there are people that look forward to that in call duty but it is just not the focus of the franchise anymore I mean even Activision has said that for black ops 3 less than 10% of the people who played the game actually finished the campaign it's just not the target audience anymore and making those campaigns is expensive I mean they have to hire acting talent and especially design levels it's just a lot of resources that could instead go to making the multiplayer better and giving you even more maps to play on so yeah I don't think it affects sales at all and honestly I think it's the right move do you think we will get VM Cuban GP a virtual console get ready to ride popping jaw-dropping GameCube action yes and no so Nintendo has said repeatedly that they are not putting Virtual Console on the switch but I don't think that necessarily means that they aren't going to have retro games so the entire system Virtual Console is that on some of their other platforms you've had the option to buy some retro games for like you know six bucks apiece as digital content and play the games there but it didn't cross over between systems and was kind of annoying it was a whole thing and they said that they're not doing that on the switch but they have said that retro games are going to be some part of their paid online service so what I think Nintendo is doing is they've been really trying to like pick up on a lot of the business strategies that other companies are doing for longer we've been seeing a lot more DLC in their games that kind of thing paid online service so I think that if we're going to see retro games on the switch instead of being virtual console where you're buying individual titles they might move on to some kind of new system that's more along the lines of PlayStation now or the Xbox gamer pass where you have a membership and that gives you access to a number of retro games now that might be just all one thing under the online membership or maybe that's just sort of a taste of it and they announced a more full service down the line if they're going to do retro games in this way I think that's the direction they're gonna start going would you rather see the return of Fable with a proper fourth entry the resurrection of scalebound or a new xbox IP any of these would be really tempting because I would just love to see some more exclusive content on the Xbox between the three of them fable I think it's time is just done I mean lion head is gone the original creators and around anymore and now they've just done like a card game with it I think it's just the times over it was a fun series but it's just it's gone between scalebound a new IP the new IP ii is really really interesting to me because it's just like it could be anything maybe they do something entirely brand new or something really cool that'd be awesome but on the other hand I was really excited for scale about I like the idea of writing dragons and blowing stuff up and kind of having a little bit of that Devil May Cry style action mixed in like that all called an appeal to me a lot so if that could actually get resurrected which there's been rumor that maybe it's back on track that'd be great either way I just Microsoft needs some more exclusive games that would be awesome do you think any other Zelda games will be ported to the switch for example twilight princess or Majora's Mask so for a little while Nintendo got really hooked on porting some of the bigger Zelda games to the Wii U and 3ds on the 3d guess we got both n64 games Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time whereas on the Wii U we got Twilight Princess and Wind Waker and yeah I think it's possible they might bring those over again to the switch especially with the high number of Wii U games reading to be released on the switch but I think is necessarily a top priority I think they've already got a lot of other bigger games they've been bringing over and I think doing a port of a port just isn't quite as high and if they do do it I really hope they don't just do them individually again I would love if they just did like a collection whether that was having Wind Waker and Twilight Princess together maybe even throw in Skyward Sword so we have that whole kind of run of games all together that'd be cool I just don't think it's a top priority I think down the line some point for so much maybe issues a new switch with better resolutions at the same battery life or a new switch with the same resolution but way better battery life which would you choose you know resolution is nice and all I mean I've even said in videos before that I would love to have some version of the switcher you do have a 1080p screen because it does a lot better but honestly if I have to choose between that battery life I would take the battery life because if I want to have better-looking visuals I can dock the system but when I use in handheld mode the whole point is to be portable and if I can get more than just you know three hours while playing certain games that would be fantastic and really if we're talking about performance versus battery life there's actually a third option I would maybe take instead of battery life which instead of better resolution I would love higher in more consistent frame rates because while a lot of games do run great in handheld mode it really breaks my heart when I play some games that I really like but then in handheld they have some framedrops they're not really doing a steady 30 it's just high consistent frame rate was definitely the best way to go for me but between resolution of battery life battery life hands down
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