this has anything to do with lead do you
sorry to cook and run did you just leave
your clothes on the kitchen floor
do you think the next Playstation or
Xbox will have a switch like factor I
guess and no let's break this down we'll
start with PlayStation so PlayStation
like I said in a previous video talking
about the future of you know what
consoles are coming out and stuff
there's a biggest enigma right now
they're not really talking too much
about what they're doing in the future
and I think there's a good chance
they're just gonna stay very
traditionalist and we'll just have a ps5
but there's also the fact that you know
for better or worse they have had a
history of seeing Nintendo do cool stuff
and want to do something similar and the
idea of something like the switch isn't
that foreign to Sony I mean they kind of
had that concept with the PS Vita or
they released the PlayStation TV the
only problem was they were two separate
things and the PS TV didn't give you
anything better on a large screen TV you
just had 720p up scaled and not a very
pretty way so it's something that
Playstations messed with and I think
they might try to do again but I'm not a
hundred sure as for Xbox I don't think
they're going to do the exact concept of
a switch but I think they are going to
embrace that concept of play anywhere
where you can play something on your
console but they're gonna also do things
like being able to stream gameplay to a
phone or some other kind of mobile
device so that it has that concept of
switch where you can play it on the go
at home anywhere you want you have
access to gaming I think that's out of
you they're going to do they're just
going to do it a different way why do
you think PlayStation won't go to e3 in
2019 because they don't need to they
really don't
III is most big conventions like III
don't really need to be around anymore
they made a lot of sense back when the
internet wasn't so just prevalent
everywhere and everyone had to easy
access to information it made sense to
have everyone come together and check
out technology but that doesn't
necessarily have to be anymore and I've
said this before with Nintendo where I
think Nintendo has cared less and less
about e3 every year and if they've
instead been relying a lot more on their
Nintendo Direct so they're gonna keep
going in that direction so I think
PlayStation kind of just didn't need to
anymore they've been on top for a little
while right now their system is still
selling well they've got a lot of great
first party games and if they want to
have any kind of major event to make
announcements and have fans and stuff
check it out they'll just run their own
they don't have to be a part of some
larger things so yeah it just honestly
this mid point makes sense they don't
need to be at e3 I think Nintendo is
gonna slowly step back more away as well
Microsoft might stick with it for the
time being but you're already seeing a
lot of the major game companies leave
and it's just gonna keep going that way
what do you hope to see it this year's
first Nintendo Direct you know I'm
actually not entirely sure what to
expect right now because so many of the
past ones were so heavily focused on
Smash Brothers and stuff coming out
during the holiday season there's still
a couple games on the horizon they've
only talked about a little bit like the
next Yoshi game Animal Crossing David ex
machina but I'm kind of hoping that for
the first one this year there's a focus
more on new stuff I want to get some
more new things announced for the switch
whether that's getting some more ports
from the Wii U there's a couple games
left over like Mario maker that I think
would do great on the switch and I just
really want one big surprise I just want
something to come back anything well
actually okay personally I really want
to see Golden Sun come back I really
doubt it I want that so bad there's also
been rumors of Advance Wars which would
be cool too but Golden Sun number one
they need that back bring them back most
anticipated accessories I don't know if
I have plural accessories that I'm
really excited for right now but there's
one specific one I'm excited for the
moment and that's the Astro c4 TTR
controller for ps4 and PC now if you're
not familiar with Astro they are an
accessory company that's most known for
their headsets they're known for really
high quality headsets but they haven't
really done controllers before and this
is the first one they've announced of
doing for ps4 it is a pro level
controller and I just want to get my
hands on it and try it out I mean we
have some ideas of what function is
gonna have we know what it looks like
but as far as how the actual you know
quality's gonna be and how it actually
feels in the hand I'm really curious
because they're known for really high
quality in headsets and that can
translate someone over but controllers
are an entirely new thing to so I don't
know it's gonna be something that is
actually super amazing or if there's
gonna be some missteps or mistakes
anywhere I just I'm really curious to
get my hands on it and see how the final
product actually handles what limited
edition switch do you think we'll get in
the future you know there's a lot of
games that are still on the way for
Nintendo that I think could make a lot
of sense but the biggest one for me
would probably be Zelda now that sounds
weird for some of you because you know
hey we already got breath of the wild
it's probably gonna be a while until we
get a new main line zeldo which is true
but there's been a lot of heavier rumors
we're gonna get some kind of new zelda
game a lot sooner probably something
that's either an HD remake of a game
like Skyward Sword or maybe some kind of
side spin-off game but even that's going
to be high enough profile just by
getting a special edition system because
even for the Wii U that's exactly what
they did they did the Wind Waker HD
on wiiu and we got a Zelda theme system
for it so I think they could easily do
the same thing again for the switch most
anticipated game of 2019 there's a lot
of games choose from right now I mean
this you know the year just started and
there's so many games or at least
slotted to come out this year some might
get pushed back but you know looking at
just all the stuff that's coming up
there's a lot of really great choices
but for me personally I'm gonna have to
say Devil May Cry 5 I know that's not
like a league choice for some people a
lot of people are expecting me to say
like Last of Us 2 or something but I
just I grew up loving that of May Cry
franchise so much I mean to this day 3
is still one of my favorite games period
just top-up they're really high up and
as soon as 5 was announced I actually
replayed through one three four and even
the reboot one which I have very mixed
feelings about but yeah you know there's
a lot of stuff that's gonna be great
this year but just for personal hype
levels I'm really excited to see that
series come back and I hope it is an
amazing game well Microsoft finally have
a hit first party action or story driven
game in 2019 or will we have to wait
until next gen you know honestly I'm not
sure because at least looking at what we
have for sure coming out this year right
now from Xbox I think the biggest ones
are or in the Ballou is which I'm super
excited for but even bigger as far as
just name goes crackdown 3 and gears and
I think all of those have potential to
do well it's just a matter of whether or
not they're going to be so good that
people want to adopt Xbox that haven't
already adopted it or want to abandon
their current system and go to Xbox
whatever and I'm just not sure I want
them to be that great because it's just
great to have awesome games an awesome
competition but you know it might just
be appealing to people that have already
bought in and we'll see you know but if
none of those do it then yeah I think
they might have some really big surprise
to saved up for the next generation
because they've already been building up
a lot on what they might be doing with
these new systems and I'm personally
really excited to see what they have
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