The Latest Inventions, Gadgets and Technology! #37
The Latest Inventions, Gadgets and Technology! #37
they say the hair is the crown of the
head like a lion king of the jungle hair
loss is the painful phenomenon nobody
says it out loud but it is for some
people being a victim of thinning hair
is never easy incorporating depends
knotting technique with Germany's bio
scalp technology we are providing a
toxic-free non-surgical and drop fruit
solution to hair loss
let our kite bring back the youthful and
confident lifestyle we have
70% of the world's water supply has been
treated with chlorine and it's
continually getting harder to hydrate
ourselves during the day the tap water
we briefly completely abdicate in
considering the more than part of our
body is made up of water it's a crucial
supplements like energy levels and a
day-to-day function
reducing refill an activated charcoal
filter that removes chlorine and other
organic contaminants from tap water
means you need to sit on the 65 15 of
the plastic bottles you'd find in a city
market over the last two years we've
been studying the signs of activated
charcoal and the filtering qualities
that has attacked what a positive for
the poor and it's proven to remove
selected missiles and chemical
contaminants so we wanted to utilize the
science and design a product that was
benefiting everyone each filter contains
an activated charcoal sticks made from
coconut shells and the filter a 700 ml
bottle 150 times four for one hundred
and five liters activated charcoal is
made of a small low volume port and one
gram of it has a surface area of 100
meters squared were just he became two
sides in a football field the force
contained negatively charged ion which
attract the positively charged elements
from tap water of lead copper and
chlorine it effectively removes his
contaminant but retains the Nets mineral
resulting in a fresh and fair Ophelia
treasure we visited the five main
supermarkets here in New Zealand and we
found we could store silver on to 65% of
the bottles they could bark Michele was
in a global matrix of exclude of
thousands of different voter and water
vapors for again and reclosable adapted
this means that encourages people to
keep reusing their clean up plastic
bottles activity percent of the world
bottles go to landfill and we believe
refill of another step in the reduction
of fevered water consumption worldwide
the encasement has a hexagonal and
misspelled design achieving extreme line
and steady flow it have made from
recyclable plastic the 28 millimeters
that the cap means we can screw into a
huge range of beverage bottles all
around the world for any person which
means it makes it the ultimate travel
accessory and anywhere you go you can
have access the filtered and tasteless
tap worked with a hundred and fifty
refills of 700 ml bottles you can save
hundreds if not thousands of dollars on
bottled water each year
as every voter knows being out on the
water is a great way spend time with
friends and family have a little
adventure and connect the real world but
there's one big problem that every boat
owner has questions after a great time
on the water once you leave your vessel
they start popping up questions like the
anchors set with a bilge pump running
when we left did you plug in the shore
power despite all of the technology
involved in modern boat
it's remarkable that there's no simple
affordable way to answer questions like
these with the ubiquity of today's
communication networks should you be
able to know the state of your boat
anywhere at any time for all these
questions and many more we created float
float hub is your boat connected it's
way to always know what's going on with
your vessel while it's docked at anchor
on a mooring and even while underway
want to check the state of your house
battery compared to last week from a
thousand miles away no problem
that's exactly what slope help was
designed to enable and you can do it
from any computer phone or tablet using
only a browser load up it's both a
physical device you install on your boat
and an online resource to get started
you just plug into onboard power using
either a USB connector a bayonet style
power adapter or fixed wiring into your
ships batteries it has a very low power
requirement and will run continuously as
long as you have a minimal charge strips
such as a small solar panel or of course
any level of Shore power because the
device itself includes onboard sensors
for location temperature and barometric
you're already streaming 24/7 data about
your boat by running a connection to
your house starter or other battery
banks you add continuous voltage
monitoring next a simple lead to the
output of your solar wind or other
charging systems will add that data
stream to the mix
other onboard instruments including
depth Sounders wind state indicators and
water sensors can provide even more data
about your vessel and they don't need to
be powered continuously float up will
incorporate this extra information into
its stream when it's available you can
also add a connection to your bilge pump
and float up will sense and timestamp
every time your pump powers on and off
giving you exact data about when and for
how long any of your pumps are running
on the float hub website you register as
a user and then add the resulting
account information to your device using
any browser in fact all device
configuration settings are done right
through flow hubs built in Wi-Fi network
that same system will also let you feed
marine data wirelessly from float hub
right into many popular charting
applications once your device an online
account are set up you can review data
it will depending on your membership
level you can look at all of your
vessels history or just see a recent
snapshot the complete system means
knowing the state of your boat is always
just a click away
you can also configure flow hub to
automatically alert you if something is
wrong using tests that you can fully
customize load up can send you a message
if your boat moves outside of a
prescribed area starts running a pump
more than normal or a battery voltage
drops below a set value by storing and
analyzing day to day and night and
letting you know automatically if
there's a problem closeout keeps all
those nagging questions at bay
what do you think cool all right
ever since I got my own CNC router four
years ago I've been wanting to redesign
my invention and make it available for
everyone so when I got an email from
Kickstarter I need at the time had come
I've developed two completely new
designs for this project the smaller one
uses ping-pong goals or anything that
that size which makes it possible to
build the track so the ball can jump off
and bounce back on the track again the
smaller track is called boa the second
set is called anaconda and uses
beautiful polished all those steel balls
with the diameter of 10 centimeters it's
almost four inches
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