The Latest Inventions, Gadgets and Technology! #73
The Latest Inventions, Gadgets and Technology! #73
our migraines ruining your day
introducing Provo vo the coolest
migraine headband over 1 billion people
experience and suffer from migraines
worldwide that results in 157 million
hours of work missed due to migraines
each year as someone who suffers from
migraines continuous work absences or
decreased productivity can hurt your
reputation in the workplace the number
one symptom of migraines is throbbing
head pains many turn to medication in
search of symptom relief but migraine
medication today is associated with
harsh side effects such as nausea
numbness and secondary headaches these
medications can also have a decrease in
effectiveness over time those who use
ice packs for symptom relief limit
themselves in how well they can treat
their symptoms a pack must be frozen and
ready at all times and you may not have
access to a freezer fortunately we have
an effective solution - portable cooling
for those suffering from throbbing
prolific a revolutionary cooling
headband designed to relieve migraine
and headache created by migraine
sufferers we understand your struggle
migraine sufferers missed key events
moments and opportunities we are trying
to improve the quality of life and help
sufferers push through with their
previa immediate intense cooling at the
touch of a button temperature adjustment
to your comfort level no fries are
needed it's rechargeable and provides up
to one and a half hours of cooling
relief with temperature pulsation
headband curvature was designed and
studied the universal and comfortable
with a variety of head sizes pro Livio
easily connects to your phone for
temperature adjustment in the palm of
your hand
speaking of phone connectivity we plan
to create a highly developed associated
smartphone application in the near
future that will allow pro Livio users
to receive personalized feedback based
on their specific triggers enabling them
to identify what causes their migraine
attacks and how to help
the pro level hyper cooling headband
provides portable clean and immediate
it can be used to help soothe migraine
hangovers hot flashes and concussions
we're pro w stake
and start spreading the news
I wanna be a part of it
New York New York and these vagabond
some of you may know the problem when
you want to use a smartphone for
watching and moving the train for
reading a news while having a coffee for
skyping or just watch a football match
hands-free and your smartphone always
goes like this so we designed a product
to solve this problem it's a smart
simple stable gadget it's hold
credit-card sized perfect to take away
well one thing is fix your smartphone or
you mini tablet but hold is more than
this choose your own colors and designs
and use it in many situations create
relations through customers while giving
them more than just a business card
solve everyday problems or use it just
for fun and take it with you
we want to offer 100% biological
degradable material
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