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4 Real Transforming Vehicles That Exist Now

for real transforming vehicles that will blow your mind number four Jade I tried all this time we thought that the Transformers franchise was fictional but it turns out that those giant battling robots are real jadeite right is a transformer robot that transforms into humanoid robot from a robot car designed by Japanese engineers the almost 4 meter tall robot takes one minute to transform into an electric sports car with two passengers on board it is a cool idea but let's not get too excited for now it looks like my grandma could outrun this thing this is a first though in a true real car to robot transformation okay it is slow but it can actually transform into a robot and take a few steps and if they have the ability to do this then it will only improve as technology gets better seems like the new beginning of new possibilities number three yo smart connecting car this tiny electric car drives sideways and shrinks to fit into parking spaces created by a team of German engineers the concept of this car was to make driving and living with an automobile easier in the densely populated urban areas with increasing numbers of people it can shrink to take up less space and even drive sideways into parking spaces since each wheel can rotate 90 degrees although the eeo car excels at parking you won't be amazed by its performance the top speed is just 40 miles per hour the onboard battery pack takes 4 hours to fully recharge while range is estimated at between thirty and forty four miles the eeo smart connecting car isn't designed for production but it demonstrates possible ways to make cars easier to use in cities number two Hummer either Hummer either looks like a standard Jeep Cherokee SUV but when it gets stuck in traffic the car body can elevate the bass widens and the car can drive right over other cars the hydraulic rig is big and heavy Hummer either weighs 8,500 pounds almost double the weight of a standard Jeep Grand Cherokee fully extended the roof of the car stands at nine feet tall offering just enough clearance over the roof of a standard car and decent clearance from the sides however to make sure the Hummer either doesn't shear off a mirror or scrape roof there are four cameras and an integrated quad split video screen in the vehicle seeing a car transform like that on a public street would surely raise some eyebrows but this cool smart idea is just a well-executed marketing stunt for the time being to get some attention and promote the company's other services number one antonin a real-life BMW transformer made by a turkish company called lecture on their first model the anthem on took 8 months to complete and the basic price is six hundred thousand US dollars anthem on the transformer has been built using an actual car the head neck arms and fingers move using a variety of motors speech and voice control is possible through the integration of sound sensitivity although it's not drivable yet it is possible in the future due to its electric engine and it can function via remote control hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and don't forget to subscribe and tell us what you think in the comment section below
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