5 Must Have Gadgets that Fit on your Key Chain in 2017
5 Must Have Gadgets that Fit on your Key Chain in 2017
in debate world people have access to
numerous digital services through the
use of various devices if you do the
math a person may easily have more than
15 different accounts security experts
agree that for a password to be truly
secure it must contain a random
combination of letters numbers and
symbols remembering such a secure
password is not a job meant for us
humans in the past few years hackers
have proven over and over again just how
vulnerable our computer systems can be
major companies like eBay Dropbox and
LinkedIn have reported cyber attacks
that have compromised users information
and passwords this is why we created
Passport it's a security device that
allows you to generate store and use
unique in the Cure passwords for all the
services act and devices you use
passport is small enough that you can
comfortably carry it in your pocket or
purse along with your keys passport is
easy to set up and simple to use it can
connect to your devices via a USB or
bluetooth and it's recognized
automatically on all major platforms
here's how you use your passport first
access your passport by entering your
master key
the only password you'll ever have to
remember then access the login screen of
the service you'd like to use on your
preferred device
finally browse your passport for the
appropriate account is selected passport
will automatically log in to your
say goodbye to using unsecure passwords
and having to remember any of them ever
again should it fall into the wrong
top 4 incorporates several security
mechanisms to protect your privacy it
encrypts your data using the same
encryption algorithm the US government
uses to protect top-secret information
our free synchronization app also allows
you to create and store an encrypted
copy of your account for easy recovery
in case of loss or theft me I'll make
the small powerful companion that helps
you find your things small and light
tile mate is designed to easily hook
onto your keys drop in your purse or
stick on your bike when your things get
tile mate is there to help you find them
ring tile mate to quickly find your
remote control or use the tile app to
retrace your steps and see where you
left your car on a map if it's your
phone that you're looking for just press
the button on any of your tiles and your
phone will ring even on silent
and if your bike goes missing Kyle can
still help you find it just ask to be
then when any user in tiles global
network comes within range of your
missing bike the tile app will alert you
of its most recent location tile mate
the simple easy way to find your things
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