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13.3" USB Powered Monitor! - GeChic 1303H

have you ever just really needed a screen for a second or two or for something like a raspberry pie or desired a small additional screen for your laptop while you're on the road or even just a portable monitor in general well Kashyyyk sent us there on lap 13 o3h portable monitor so stay tuned to see how that stacks up and like the video if you guys are interested in seeing an exploration kind of video where we see where the value is and 3d printing something or just buying it intel brings ddr4 to the mainstream with their new core i7 6700 K and Core i5 6600 K processors click now to learn more the 1303 h portable monitor is a 60 Hertz IPS 1080p 13.3 inch screen powered by 5 volts running at 2 amps which can be received by up to 2 different input ports just in case you're having a hard time hitting that amperage level off of one cable it has a built-in speaker which is really not that great but I didn't expect much from it considering the size of the overall package it's good enough to troubleshoot things which is cool I guess and if you want to bypass it you'll be happy to hear that there's a 3.5 millimeter audio jack on the side as far as inputs go there's a surprisingly large range supported all the way from VGA to HDMI and DisplayPort which is awesome because this is an impressive amount of inputs for a little monitor one actually fairly major gripe though that I have with this setup however is that the inputs require a connector that is the same as a micro HDMI connector which is the only actual cable that's included in the box notice how the VGA input is the same as the HDMI input this may leave you wanting instead of satisfied because the only cable included is for HDMI meaning that if you want to use a VGA connector or a DisplayPort connector you need to go by the cable off of their website because I don't personally know anywhere else where you can buy something like a VGA cable that terminates in VGA and micro HDMI so I try to do that so I could tell you guys how expensive it was but unfortunately their website currently has a program execution error so I guess that's not really going to work out for me looking on Amazon also showed cables from this company but they were priced at about 20 bucks each which is pretty rough considering I found a VGA cable for literally 36 cents I appreciate the range of inputs I just wish they would have either had a better solution for this or included all the cables or adapters in the box on the other side there's a bunch of buttons like power and random settings changes that show up on standard monitors as well like changing the input or brightness this is standard fare are no grapes here the buttons aren't too BIG's they don't often get pressed when you have the case on and they're easy enough to press when you really want to speaking of the case this thing is freakin awesome I realize that I'm getting quite excited over what many people are probably going to think is the most boring part but seriously it's great not only does it double as a multi positional landscape stand by utilizing and extremely easy to use magnetic arm thing that's hosed on the back of the stand but probably the coolest part is the fact that it will protect the screen and transport by covering it up and adding some soft padded areas on the inside there are other portable screens on the market but having them break and transport has been a pretty constant issue with certain ones of them this should help alleviate those problems lastly we have actual visual appearance which is actually pretty solid the screen isn't all that big which is understandable so the 1080p doesn't actually look horribly stretched out like it can on like a TV or something the IPS panel looks quite good even at wide angles and it's brightness isn't anything to complain about Brandon even said that it looks good enough to kind of use as an editing monitor on the road which is high praise aesthetics wise the bezel is pretty huge and it's really not that thin in terms of the actual unit itself but I'll give it a pass here due to the added benefits of durability I guess so let's run through some usage scenarios the first two I wanted to try we're pretty straightforward but directly related to what we do for work first I had Brandon hook it up to one of our filming cameras to use as an external monitor this could really help someone who's trying to film things solo fixing your position or the position of some object in the shot would be a lot easier if you can see it in a nice large frame which could also be much closer to you but there were some issues here for some reason the screen would throw a signal out of range error unless it was set to 60 P 1080p 60 720p 60 480p 60 didn't matter just as long as it was running 60 P kind of weird this may be look into the manual that actually happens to say read before usage on it so yep those previously stated working settings are clearly laid out as the only supported settings with the addition of 1080i60 now while I'm sure the mast race is like oh well I see literally zero problems here this isn't a good thing this can cause compatibility issues for a monitor that I really just want to work all the time and while most things will work just fine it will actually narrow the potential list of use cases including who will use it say what you will about frame rates in movies and videos but our camera guys won't normally film in 60 unless they're planning on slowing it down which makes this thing useless for them then we have the simplest scenario of them all which is probably the most common use case for this monitor a travel monitor unfortunately we can't really test this but I put it through a baggage handling scenario and then plug it into a laptop and it worked so that's a pass in my condition if it can survive the baggage scenarios of going through transit then we have the idea of a troubleshooting monitor and Raspberry Pi monitor being able to take this thing around and test other people's systems and problems especially if they're having a display issue could make things a lot easier but my favorite part is actually you could just take it around to any of your randomly deployed raspberry PI's or other various mini computers you have to check in on them and perform diagnosis really easily without having to haul a monitor around if you can't connect to them through a network for some reason in conclusion yeah this thing's cool and it does have its uses but it's still not a whimsical purchase at three hundred and thirty US dollars for a 13.3 inch 1080p 60 Hertz screen that you have to buy really expensive cables to use anything but HDMI with you're really gonna need to justify the portability aspect to make it worth it which I'm sure some of you will totally be able to do so and honestly I'm already pretty excited about bringing it on trips in order to help the editors so they can have a dual monitor setup for their laptop so 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