$1337 Gaming PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars 6 Pt. 1
$1337 Gaming PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars 6 Pt. 1
we've got two teams Linus and Dimitri
from Harbor Canucks and Luke and Jai
from J's $0.02 competing to build the
best budget gaming rig it's all the
usual rules no splitting up no using
your influence and there is a special
caveat this time we've got a massive
1337 dollars of debt ze brand cash
here's big smart so good bunch
everything comes out of your budget food
water transportation even the means to
carry around your purchases so who can
find the best balance of money time and
effort find out on scrapyard Wars scrap
guard wars is brought to you by the new
D brand grip learn more at the link
below there we have to pick all this
okay hold on I gotta get out of this
year okay okay so Demetri I have a
special plan to keep us from getting
disqualified this time my goal is to
look as unlike myself whoa as ever
before color wait who's this guy I've
got these sorts I'm gonna be wearing
clothes toed shoes
oh yeah and the hat and a hat and
sunglasses am i recognizable who are you
okay so while everyone is double
counting the money back there because no
one trust me for some reason I'll be
showing off the devices that dbrand sent
over for our contestants news we got a
couple Alienware gaming laptops
including their palm rest games and a
couple of MacBook Pros and of course
phones so there are two Google pixels
and two iPhone seconds it will be up to
the teams to fight out who gets what but
what's this the iPhones have something
special on them is that a new a brand
product oh wait yes it is you're seeing
it here for the first time this is the D
brand grip it is an all-new case from D
brand your favorite maker of vinyl skins
it's got basically four key features
number one is it's got naturally impact
protection they weren't gonna have me
shoulder thing off unless it was capable
of sustaining a 15-foot drop it has
number two compatibility of course with
the brand skins out of the box something
that other folks have been frustrated
with mother cases about number three is
it's got a carbon fiber composite frame
so what that means is it's super
lightweight it's super strong and it's
super durable and number four again
they're dealing with me the main
objective when designing this was to
create something that's less likely to
be dropped in the first place so they're
using a special material around the
outside that starts out grippy and
actually gets grippier over time and
even molds a little bit to your hand as
you use it so everyone's gonna be using
and I call dibs on an iPhone no that's
not gonna fly okay we'll figure it out
in a minute okay
so Luke made a very compelling argument
we should split them right down the
middle and leave it to the teams to
fight over who gets the MacBook and who
gets the PC who gets the iPhone and who
gets the pixel does that work for
everybody yeah okay I guess all right so
then Dmitry MacBook or alienware really
for you for me all right I'll take the
MacBook see it's all this is like this
is a man measurement contest and a man's
a man's a man is not measured by the the
weight and power of his device but by
the size of the trackpad how much at a
disadvantage are you local guys here in
Vancouver like you far enough away from
this to River yeah if someone was like
yeah this port Kells I'd be like well
actually I didn't know where that is cuz
it's a tureen but you know but you know
enough about the surrounding cities
though to have an idea of like if this
person says were in this city you know
like you know that's not close okay so
you're not gonna head up to Bakersfield
no you could probably take a random
sampling of a thousand people in the
Lower Mainland and Luke and I would be
in the bottom 1% for people who have
actually spent any time in the city what
did you say I said you don't get to
decide we can pocket the cash we don't
spend it right you're the one making the
rules no challenge right who do we
believe the producer of the talent the
talent that always tries to cheat GPS on
money not building a computer in scrap
card wars it would be a whole new level
in 3d you guys have an awful lot of
laptops for sale in this area are you
stopping no why wouldn't I be
we're totally not sorry not sorry that's
a few streets away I've loaded up okay
don't forget the money Oh God
it blends into the table I can't even
load the page to create a new Google
account I'm trying to get a burner
account going here and it's gonna have a
better name than Ash Ketchum this time
oh yeah yeah give me a worse thing
because that's impossible
hey Jay you have both laptops right yeah
I have everything except for what you
had on the in front of you yeah he's not
he's not driving his car he's just
parking it so the cheating will start
later the problem is like where we are
right now literally is this giant
residential neighborhood and where we
need to get to in order to find
civilization to like set up a base is
not near I'm kind of thinking I want to
find some place sort of off the grid
that we don't run into them literally
everything we have on us is all we have
to make this work in a very loud
airplane the weather's nice though we're
about like Facebook group speak our
pages because those exists yeah back
home I can find better deals on Facebook
pages and I can on Craigslist you seem
to find more people there that really
did kind of don't know what they have
guys don't think the bike idea could
work but the problem is you find some
places 15 miles away that's a 30-mile
trip that's two and a half hours you
know it's definitely a different way of
thinking because you can hop in a car
and drive 20 miles you know and it a
quick amount of time even in traffic and
so you find yourself thinking much
differently in terms of logistics and
then you get there and what the parts
like not what you want you lose so much
time that way normally this show is
about haggling right but what if you
just offer asking but then we try and
talk them into bringing it to us yeah
getting people to deliver could be huge
trying to get people to come to you is
not as easy as you might think
cuz it's kind of an unknown no no but in
a written rule but online sales as the
buyer goes to the seller my alias says
birthday is gonna be August 18th so I'm
working on a birthday computer ok that's
gonna be my life can I be like your
sister or your brother on the alias so
that we can I'm can be looking for parts
for my brother's birthday computer we
really don't look that related you have
blue eyes and an accent you're my
brother from another country yes okay
tell me something can you can you do
like a fake like Canadian accent I don't
think I can fake speaking what I'm
speaking now no no can you can you fake
talking like a new though see it's when
you try to imitate an accent you you
either funny or you're insulting people
yeah but no you can't insult me though
could try and imitate my accent okay
trying to imitate my accent okay it was
very close until the accent would
actually yeah I'm actually like starting
to freak out a little bit I I'm not sure
how we're gonna do this Ben we might
find someone that's got like some old
versa that we could rent for like two
days for like a hundred bucks that would
be interesting we'd have to pay for gas
but a versa goes really far on a gallon
it's very yeah yeah how's he been
thinking through city bikes yeah I saw
that yeah so he could rent like a city
bike but the problem was Demetri was
telling me a little bit about it like
you have to put down like a $500 deposit
and you can't use cash has to be on a
credit card it's not of course I dropped
my essay not not the grips iPhone 7
Dimitri is exactly what I expected our
super chill easygoing good ideas drop it
some more man
no that's my phone to have hit okay so
there's only two CPU benchmarks and the
way that we always do it is like like a
weighted total so whoever gets the best
score on the benchmark is a hundred
percent mm-hmm and then if someone if
the other team that's eighty percent of
that score then they get eight out of
ten I see so you guys the high score
gets ten at a time right - yeah so I
think basically we need to jump on
everything we can find and try and get
like a 1080 Ti what if we approach it
for the dual duo to use for 4k stuff
that would kill it the benchmarks you
know what you're probably right and fire
strike will scale nearly perfectly $900
I think you might be right I think -
980ti eyes would be a better bet but
then we have to be got to blow a bunch
of yeah you know what we we could pull
that we could pull that stunt we just
buy a calculator and lots of poutine
yeah we just like hang out we go like
see you they because you never been to
Vancouver before right no so that's why
the challenge is so interesting because
now we have to explore Baku were
together yeah but we could just go to
Lake Capilano Suspension Bridge and like
be tourists together yeah I think
there's a pretty good chance that
the third day will be me and Dimitri
tooling around the city maybe we'll like
you know rent bikes or whatever and
we'll go like bike the seawall I have
got a very good chance of that PC
desktop computer for editing $800 it's
got a 4770k it's got 8 gigabytes of RAM
7200 rpm he's got it 660 in FL but we
potentially even have my little pro
budget it's a complete system so yeah I
find these like every time I've never
ever going with one yet but we can try
but one thing that I would suggest is
talking to him and seeing if we can get
the monitors there's 200 GB monitors out
of there right I'm gonna try to buy
those wonders personally outside of the
show let me melon yep
just start step firing off anything else
thing because I'm you know ask them like
will you sell the tower without the
monitors how much yeah and then we can
maybe even like we live in a start
either get rid of that outside of that
that's I'm just gonna get whoo goat is
just their sneakers why do you need a
dedicated buy and sell app for sweet we
are walking right along so I mean we
could buy some new sneakers I mean you
probably bought haven in you see what
are you are you hating forget about the
how much do you miss your sandals Minh
are you hating on my sty actually really
like these you know these are actually
really comfortable shoes huh would you
believe they were on clearance our
clearance in the ladies section that's
where I found this gem when you found
them yeah you know what
where's the where's the the 210 80s for
by the - 939 ATT eyes for 400 was that
unlike oh yeah I gotta get that out as
well so 980ti let's see I hope he didn't
post the ad for x 400 firm
989 I think it's in our best interest to
move really fast on the highest end GPS
we can find you just so they can't get
you want to consolidate things like
should I just like Ford you ads for
people to contact yeah we can do that
but I think that any phone calls needed
made you should make from your phone
that's a local number yeah yeah and we
don't want another one of those like
someone called me from California things
happening absolutely I'll be there okay
there we go
you know this guy that would be our luck
if we started with the big-ass Howard
have to carry around the rest of the day
a nice smooth 16 oh wow to go over
pocket yeah mr. Cooley
there's got to be a clue what that I've
met a budget money lady's finest of
course I think he's just trying to
offload it quick you think we should try
to shoot above I'm gonna contact him
anyways but part of you feels like if
you if you won't we take it as is and
then Henry try and sell the monitors
ourselves do the cheap right
okay hi I'm calling about your video
editing PC sorry I'm calling but your
video editing PC video anything I do
sorry about that alright fully built
1,300 well the six and rising system
really rise in two thousand five hundred
gigabytes exceeds 450 TI 1050 Ti is guy
wants $1,300 what an idiot
so one of those people who thinks that
like because that's what they paid for
it that that's what it's worth
plus it's probably a little marked up
because you've let's see beastie gave me
PC for 650 and I 3 without a GPU okay we
know how this this guy feels like os/2
40 elite hello
a 59 60 X what is the insight next what
is this oh but it's $1,000 no it's
negotiable yeah we can at least get
something from him his power supply it's
not too much the ax 860 I for 350 bucks
ax 860 I brand-new from NCIX is 265 so
these guys this guy's drunk yeah hi I'm
calling about your video interview see
that you have for sale in crisis oh yeah
yeah it looks great
I had one question I actually already
have my own monitors and even on the
graphics card side I have a pretty good
graphics card but I need like everything
else that's in the system do you think
we could do a slightly different deal
there's one type who's interested in it
and he wants to take a look at it
tonight if he doesn't take it then I'll
give you a show back and we'll come up
with the price what were you thinking
dollars and cents wise like 600 550 yeah
okay that would be great
what is that guy coming to see you sure
yeah that would be good for us yeah then
I'll let you know
great okay 800 dollars that almost seems
of monitor flips saying yeah but I feel
like we've never really hard time
slipping well that's silly just over
$500 for GPU who buy it as is and then I
mean yeah we don't have an SSD but so
we're getting an idea tar
right but we still need an SSD so we
really have like four hundred and thirty
seven dollars and I found that entice
for both four hundred so we'll Hannah
4770k I'm not eight time if this guy
comes back like well then I'll be like
just um okay you guaranteed like tell me
we will buy this this is not an if we
will buy this okay we'll just flip the
monitors we can't get at I know a dude
but like ten any for 600 bucks is I
think I'd rather go Timmy
what Henning is like what 10% 50% faster
than 92 yeah I know it's not a ton but a
little bit yeah and like if we have room
in the budget yeah and this one's been
catching my eye repeatedly $400 982 we
should message him anyway because we're
gonna need one regardless even if we get
this tower right all you know is got him
for $10 firm low offers will be ignored
so we could get an H h1 10 I GT for 120
bucks so we got a 90 I that system we
just talked about an SSD I'm pretty sure
we still afford that and just have like
a really nicely cool TV holy crap this
one is pretty useless there's like lots
of bras and the electronics electronics
oh wait this is just the feed oh I'm not
looking at categories well I selected
what category I was interested in oh wow
this is a really weird computer it's a
Xeon e5 six core with 32 gigs of ram in
a Corsair air 240 you know that little
tiny Corsair with SLI GTX 950 s what you
might as well just get a 980 posted two
weeks ago need to sell ASAP how much
well they want $1600 for it it's like
super Dom like it's a terrible thing
so these guys seem to be like like a
salvage shop so I'm gonna start I'm
gonna start calling around to those
kinds of folks mm-hmm and see if there's
someone that's got a lot of stuff lying
around hi do you guys have a lot of used
hardware we're trying to build a gaming
system for about a thousand dollars well
because we're we're trying to get a
better system for the money so if you
have like order stuff yeah but that
would be I mean that would be slower
than getting a 980ti
okay so sorry can I just get
clarification do you guys have older
hardware oh I see okay all right okay
thank you anyway I like how he
immediately goes into the lecture yeah
PC brand new lines BAE 6700 K whoa 765
bucks with the 6700 K Samsung Evo 500
gigs 16 gigs whoa bar is this guy
whoa Oh ITX board no this is this we can
get here we can get here Corsair CX 600
M does that have do you think that could
handle 980 SLI we'd have to get a new
board and we'd have to get another nine
seventy or eighty nine seventy nine
again on the 970 for sure let's see what
a gtx 980ti goes for on ebay 323 but
this is bids this is still going going
okay I want buy it now let's do Buy It
Now 300 maybe boxing a little bit you're
gonna pay and shipping anyway is is that
a founders Edition that you found no it
was a EVGA oh maybe you're right let's
see know is this with this yet - does
the other nestled I bridge he has to he
does have to
and a bridge these are SC pluses with
back plate with the ACX cooler this is
basically the game this is one thing is
wanting to get let's make sure that the
let's make sure he doesn't get it okay
does he have a phone number
I bet they're on their way there now let
us realize that video editing or photo
editing like to consider about right now
I think gotta get in touch with him I
haven't sent up to okay you gotta yeah
yeah I don't know where I'm sending from
though like I don't know what hi
oh my god HTC no GTX t I not 200 300 800
that leaves us five hundred and thirty
come on avoid CPU power supply case SSD
five things fine 100 each oh you know
what I'm gonna start with this yeah can
you throw in the sli bridge oh we're
fine just set my phone number through to
90s are $320 first season is baccarat
worse I bought a 290 for 200 bucks like
prices on graph this parts are just
stupid 6700 K
GTX 1060 and please patriot blaze 240
SSD 80 bucks downtown Vancouver I wonder
if this guy would be interested in
leaving the graphics card oh yeah that
would be good that computer we found is
pretty sick 2500 K with eight gigs
oh that $100 brand-new never opened 250
gig Evo's in Surrey so the day started
with the usual Craigslist shopping I
don't even know how we ever make an
episode out of the first day of
Stuttgart worse you just try and find
all the things and send all the emails
and hope that you know people who have
had their listing up for two months are
actually going to apply to you and then
we had a moment we found not one but two
gtx 980ti s for 400 bucks a pop oh okay
hold on a second I just heard back from
the two 980 t is for 800 bucks should we
just do it and then you'll know the rest
of it dual 980ti require a lot of power
yeah so we need them powerful at least
800 at least 650 watts at least six
faces but like I've been actually decent
650 because otherwise we don't want it
to not boot yes that means that we have
very little budget for food
transportation so like the remaining of
their money which is I'm gonna be
totally honest with you I had totally
forgotten about that I bought in my
excitement about the card honestly I am
blown away by how expensive transit is
no the last time I extensively use
transit I was in high school or Surrey
University and I had a go card so I
wasn't paying for it anyway and even if
I was the rates were way less than what
they are now
oh yeah how about we at least get the
one in them or we can get the second one
and try and sell it to the other team
because they're looking at that right
now as well you can't tell me that
they're looking for this can we sell to
the other team okay okay we use aliases
Linus isn't selling it Johnny Crowe is
selling it so we can list it once we buy
it for 450 or 500 we could even 420 baby
and they have to come to us yeah and
we're gonna be moving around you'll be
like oh yeah sorry you know what we're
not there anymore right now or get them
hooked so then they think they're buying
it and then destroy them by eliminating
their options in the GPU or we could
jack up the price at the last second
like when they like we'll pull an
opposite of like Craigslist oh sorry you
know we had you know we've had a lot of
people contact us about it it's more now
should we actually do it that I think we
okay I think we take the cards even if
we only keep one of them I bet we can
even if we decide to flip one for 350
okay we still only paid 450 for a 980ti
that's still a great deal cuz like look
this 970 is 250 980ti is a lot faster
than 970 you know a lot faster mm-hmm
you know what I'm feeling pretty good
so there's a z170 board I think very
much for for the z170 do you think we
can afford a z170 system because that
means we need what has well like we have
to find a 40 46 70 K or something no z1
70s what's we can do Skylink yeah but
that's gonna be too expensive there's no
way we can get skylake stuff for that
cheap but what about thanks 99 then it's
cheaper oh you want to try and get an X
99 chip remember I still want SLI GPUs
that's gonna be worth more to us because
it's for gaming benchmarks and only two
CPU heavy ones like honestly I think we
should still explore the AMD option here
fx-8150 plus moment let's say suits
motherboard 245 including cooler but
it's only look at the core speed it's
1.4 gigahertz yeah but that's probably
just like throttle
oh that tells us the board does that
board have SLI support and five a 97
hour 2.0 I don't think it does
what are we going across fine no no I
want it to work okay but there might be
other listings because if we're gaming
at 4k I don't think the CPU is gonna be
that much of a bottleneck
oh oh oh we're going on the road baby
we're gonna pick meadows oh really far
away this is a dual ninety at the ends
right we're doing that okay we should
trance it out there we should try and
find some food and we should just go to
like a grocery store like buy some bread
that's pit pedals yeah no no but it'll
be like this part of it so but it's fun
it's we're right here yeah it's fine so
if we had a car how long did that take
us know half an hour
your office is closer to that know what
I'm saying Allah
right who's this hello
above the SSD sorry okay great
we have one issue we're a little bit far
from you we're downtown Vancouver could
you beat us at a Sky train station
reagents okay I'll try to see if we can
get to you and I'll give you a call back
I'd like to today or in the next day or
two we're just having some issues
getting out there you guys already know
dbrand they make the precision cut vinyl
skins that make your phone look nice and
protect it from incidental scuffs and
scratches but today no no not that today
is something new this is the grip and
it's not just another phone case it is
the grittiest phone case that you have
ever seen and it's got this super cool
like patented impact protection
technology that works super awesome and
it's fully integrated with the bronze
customization meaning that you can use
any D brand skin with your grip so check
it out today we've got it linked in the
video description ok this this is the
this is the speak now or forever hold
your peace movie do you disagree with
the strategy make it work or flip one
okay you got three days so my fears for
the coming week is that we've
underestimated our budget even though
the budget is so large from a likely you
think that that's that's 1337 that's a
lot money to spend but look at
Craigslist it's very you look at all the
apps it's quite though the stock is low
for good hardware the guy with the
motherboard ended 90 I let's say we can
get that 980ti for 450 how far is the
things to get around the console spend
so our bus tickets they're cheap so
they're like three to seven dollars each
this is a three zone trip so we have to
pay like a lot but on the bus we can
whip out our laptops and be working so
we're taking the bus unless you have a
better plan know the bus is good
I think the bus everybody will bus it
okay let's go okay let's do it oh my god
it's a 46 minute car ride or an hour and
45 minutes
public transport route so we have to
take a bus we're gonna have to walk and
then take a train or we take two buses
in the train or two trains on the bus or
we can eight-hour hike there do you want
to do that no if we had bikes we could
get there in just as much time in just a
little bit over two hours the priority
is making the best use of sourcing leads
so okay let me just go move my bike and
then I'll be right back I'm not finding
any CPAs man that concerns me with this
is the amount of time that's gonna be
taken try to get this SSD talk to this
other person that's on the email my to
haggle him down there the one that's
just north of us a little bit so what do
we tell them I can come get it right now
and I'll call them because they asked
for that about a hundred bucks I would
just tell them this pump will dry as
$400 yeah
or you'd hit them like 1/10 of the breed
to us yeah look like in terms of just
parts right now I've here it's like junk
I know
so this be a new element of scrapyard
bores our camera people don't feel like
transiting or biking or doing whatever
with us so they're just gonna drive
around to the locations so we actually
have to vlog scrap yard worse okay you
know what though I don't know if we can
go straight to the bus stop because um
no not because of food because of
actually a little tip that I think max
inadvertently gave to me so she was like
am I allowed to tell you stuff about
travel and I'm like no and she's like oh
well never mind you'll figure it out and
I remembered like it's like stupid stuff
like this right like I've taken public
probably twice in the last eight years
oh my god
you need exact change what for the
busting yeah and how much you said they
are so why don't we go to a grocery
store get something to eat get on the
way and you'll get some change but all
this extensive food it's not even that
unreasonable I just don't want to spend
any money from our from our stash how
much of these my wife always shops for
the food so there's so much food product
pieces though let's go buddy
hold on a second first you think he's
230 and per Brad is 230 this is the
better deal
good calorie yeah and let's get the
tomato put in tomato inside and some ham
oh never mind there's six bucks but then
we got plenty of here for like the whole
day and if Linus cares so much about all
the calories stuff let me tell you for
four slices you're getting 90 calories
combine that with 300 calories of the
bread boom here's 500 calories from Neal
man okay I don't know if we're gonna be
able to afford tomato what if we do
having tomatoes
if we can't afford tomato we can't
afford a cheap okay fair enough
what about avocado that's what all the
young kids spend all their money on is
avocado right I would rather get it to
me okay we're buying Tomatoes daddy
he was very practical in the calorie
intake of the food items of looking at
particularly buns and food and not so
much of about the the quality or the
taste so that was but like what - chunk
of bread this with the practically -
sunflowers actually like pretty heavy
and this is a hundred and ten calories
per slice
while I'm super thrilled that Dimitri is
my partner for scrap yard Wars and
shopping for technology because he's a
great partner for that I'm really glad I
don't have to grocery shop with him and
he's like oh wow there's like so much
sugar in that friend of bread and this
is enough bread for us to carry around
with us for like realistically today and
tomorrow like we can have a couple
sandwiches a day each for three days and
still have some leftover 1273 spent we
have no hardware yet unwired food
acquired and i have some really good
news he's gonna meet us at braid
skytrain station yes we don't have to go
all the way to Pitt Meadows and you know
what the picture of cash money was were
sold of yeah he replied to me he's like
yeah I wanted to check about the cash
cuz you never know you know goofballs on
Craigslist right and maybe of saving
that to him yeah and so he's like yeah
no problem I'll leave in 20 minutes
that'll put me there in about about an
hour so I'm fixing though he takes us an
hour to get there timing a lines
yeah homicides I am like him I am liking
how our day is going so far we got dude
we got what we got noms for the bus
Dimitri's going to ask this guy with the
garden if he can borrow his tap to to
wash our tomato
it's a bold plan bold plan I think the
guys telling him to screw off no no I
think he's telling him I think he's
telling where this happen
tell him how to operate it look at that
I do realize how inexperienced Linus was
good transportation bus is coming
what oh wait hold on the after school
bus he confused the garbage truck a
school bus and a regular truck with a
he's like the bus is coming it isn't
regular white why would you call that a
city bus like what he's doing and this
was right when I was washing my tomatoes
in this community garden
so he's like bus is coming so I had to
rush out and get my tomatoes wash I'm
like a giving Madhuri's meal for my
it's not that the only thing that
concerns me is I bet those guys aren't
gonna spend any money on me really but I
overheard them talking about it I think
they're planning to just write to make
sure they have the biggest budget for
yeah beat how can you make good
decisions yeah fine enough he's down
there you can't this is why we're doing
what we're doing that
I got
so if we're going from where are we've
done this
okay so we're going from 29 to brave
okay so that's two zones okay for Ted
seriously I got all the coins for
we'll use the bus tomorrow thanks oh you
can't know it you can do coins there oh
yeah but it's not gonna give me change I
bet you can eat 20 here no way yeah but
you don't have a 25 cents all right well
I have a 25 but I don't want to waste
five cents I'll give you change now fine
I'll try I don't think it's gonna you
don't think you'll get a nickel back
itself oh no way they gave you a nickel
back okay the Canadian band oh and
someone else left a nickel before hi
this is James I emailed you about your
SSD oh yeah okay yeah I'd like to come
get it right now we don't we don't have
a view or anything so we probably just
walk it would take us about an hour
would you be flexible on the price at
all we're looking at comparable drives
at about $100 you put it at 130
you put it at 130 we found comparable
drives in a few different locations but
they're just a little far away for us
and we'd like to get one that's closer
okay sounds good okay
what's what's dry was that was that was
a date for nearly fifteen
I don't think it's listening all right
later okay so the challenge with the end
eBay system I think is gonna be finding
someone who's got a high-end enough
motherboard to have SLI compatibility
but they also bought an AMD system No
see this guy has an FX 6300 for 65 bucks
no clothing and no motherboard so we
have to find an empty board separately I
just heard back from the guy with the
core i7 920 the rampage extreme and six
gigs of RAM I'm like hey are you willing
to do it for 200 no ok well I give them
a pose
for flexibility here's a reality check
for that other day.i seven 960
motherboard eight gigs ram 68 70 one
terabyte case and a high current gamer
from antic for 395 off this board has
sli though SLI is turning out to be kind
of a problem line is this our station
man I'm going I'm going I'm going good
okay go 55 - I got this okay why would I
click on a link - hello hey how you
doing I was calling about your
Craigslist ad for your editing PC how
firm are you on the system having to be
sold as a whole I mean I it's like a
really good package deal but I already
have like 4k editing monitors and stuff
I'm just looking for another tower to
add to my office
are you selling a video card video cards
no no not him yeah earlier this morning
about that same thing so I don't know
what's okay what if I took it all in and
I came to get it I don't actually have a
car I'm visiting Vancouver right now in
business so that's why my number comes
up out of town but if I was to come to
you and get it what's the best price you
could give me for the whole package
what's your bill ability you know I'm
heading to downtown actually later on do
you know what grab is I think I'm
looking at a map of where it's at right
now or only an 18 minute walk away from
there yeah if we're good on this then
virtual handshake and let's make it
this wheel in front of the in theory yes
actually that's me you're not Johnny
your lunch this is a regular phone this
is a gripped phone this is for comedic
effect so get a grip
coming soon available at the link in the
video description love our videos and
want to see them sooner join Flo plane
at the link in the video description
it's got the next episode of scrapyard
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