we've been live for a bit we were just
you know we were having like a
contemplative hahaha did you know that
old time yeah you just let that happen
yeah yeah as I was watching you over
here I'm on it's like she's just so
hahahaha so we've got a we've got a
great children of you guys today it's
actually been a heck of a week I don't
know what you've been doing but I've
been I've been traveling to the faraway
land of Toronto oh wow Canada um
majestic all manner of my job who are
you visiting with tell the people dad
mouth saenko so uh Cinco yep yeah
no I good I went with Joel I figured
that was pretty cool yeah alright so
we've got a lot of great topics for you
guys today
AMD announces Fred Ripert and uh all for
those named the chip formerly known as
Naples with a far more controversial
name well forgotten
well destiny too is going to be
exclusively on battlenet which is
actually kind of interesting because I
believe before they were saying steam or
just open to everything and wanna cry
has only collected ninety two thousand
dollars in ransom which like considering
the scope there on is really not very
much we'll talk about that later
Wow crazy wild phantom is almost you
know movie the whole thing I'm actually
like my brain is pretty tired like I did
I went three hours one way and three
hours the other way and like which is
like not enough for 56 hours kind of
thing like it's and like generally
speaking I handle the timezone shift
pretty well but I also was up till 3
a.m. Eastern Time
Western Western time fills like nothing
no don't stop vanilla now I'm not going
to stop the stream savage thank you 79
of your wig line is up - books and also
the tech carnival hey do not many
tickets we sold for that ah go ask me
all the time and I'm like I don't know
but I couldn't know I could find out
yeah I could definitely find out I'm
gonna ask sippy P um I love that guy
he's awesome
alright well I'm not doing the wind are
okay do you want to yeah yeah well every
all is forgiven
okay so should I talk about my trip do
you want to talk about what you've been
up to this week or get it actually where
you're through okay because I I want to
know so I signed an NDA Oh minute I
walked into the studio really yes what
so I can tell you that much what okay I
will tell you I will tell you things
that I'm allowed to tell you because
like here's the thing is less were you
working on I guess you can't face his
studio is like his house so like oh so
he doesn't want you to talk about like
so I I like met people and like it was
an NDA but like the people that were
there and the stuff that was there oh
yeah like the photos NDA but what you're
doing I was like I never think I know
what you're doing it's not it's an NDA
of like making sure that you properly
respect someone's privacy yeah who is a
public figure
yeah and till notes closely makes sense
so there's a separate release that we're
going to get signed for everything that
we're publishing from the piece that we
did and then like he gets to sign off on
it but like basically what I can say is
that Joel Zimmerman aka deadmau5 super
chill guy yeah we were supposed to be
there from 1:00 until like the end of
the work day we didn't leave until the
wee hours of the morning just like
shooting the
and working on working on our video and
just like it's actually really cool the
guy is so there's there's a huge
difference between people that are
famous for like for like being famous I
guess like socialites
and people who are people who are famous
for just like really really caring
deeply about their craft and the guy's a
gigantic geek like yeah
such a nerd I've thought about getting
his master class not because I want to
learn how to actually do that stuff
because I would be horrible at it we
both know this but I think it would just
be interesting to watch because I like
watching people that are that passionate
about something just talk about it yep
and so and it's it's what's cool is that
no matter how basic of a thing we were
talking about because for me electronic
music is like explain like I'm five
pretty much yeah I don't know much about
the scene I don't know much about the
artists I had I confessed it to him I
was just like so as part of my research
and due diligence for this trip I put
you into google play music and like
listened to some music
I legitimately have listened to a lot of
his stuff and we probably everything and
the funny thing about it a see was just
crazy chill about even even like like
for me that's pretty embarrassing but
it's less embarrassing for me to admit
it up front right then for him to be
like you know something something
something what do you think of this song
and you're like oh is it one of yours no
some stuff okay good river stage oh
alright Google Play Music conveniently
sorts by popular so lay up okay so when
when know so when when we were looking
at some stuff that I can't talk about
but that is really cool it was going to
be in the video like I recognized saying
one song that was good and we used to
have lands one song that we could play
like on the speakers because my parents
and my friends and me all liked it was a
dead most song it was stroke okay head
under that one but like like it's just
kind of funny that like out of all the
music between all the different genres
that all
people like that these like really big
lands with lots of people it ended up
being some deadmau5 songs right that
were the easiest to play so ya know it
was really fun he's super cool we spent
the entire day there and basically it's
going to be like a studio tour but not
like most people would go in and do a
studio tour with deadmau5 in fact in
some ways I think me not being a rabid
fan boy it probably helped us approach
to do a little bit differently because I
think you know what would a typical
person do they'd walk in they'd be like
can you wear the hat right that's kind
of lame and so and actually specifically
want him to not put the hat on so
instead you know we're looking at ah I
don't like I don't know what I can say
what I can't say like I'm some G series
s I'm sure he'd be cool about it but
like we're looking at the tech behind
how he does things yeah he even does
like a short so because I was like okay
explain like I'm completely stupid how
electronic music works and he actually
does like like a like a kindergarten
level like demo live demo super cool
just it'll be it'll be great for anyone
like mine personally really stoked was
like electric electronic music is like
that kind of dude you like is that but
what does that mean and and we get this
very basic explanation of its really
awesome that's cool however he loved
here I was grading projects I was trying
to finalize contracts with people about
things I was modernizing something that
I'm not going to mention what the heck
else did I do
meeting with multiple accountants about
weird really annoying stuff one of which
like wants me to this is going to go a
little bit too even a persona we called
the stupid stream after party odd well
carry on one of them no I told both of
them that I'm a US and Canadian citizen
and one of them like very aggressively
wanted me to move
the states renounce my Canadian
citizenship and get convinced you guys
that flow plane should move to the
States and all this kind of stuff what
and like had a giant picture of Trump on
his wall it was a really weird meeting
yeah a lot of weird stuff happened this
week that's probably how I'd frame that
to be completely honest but yeah there
you go okay um sure and right out okay I
actually tried out a really wicked
keyboard okay
it's a pre-release keyboard from wu-tang
I'm making a video on it but it's the
optical key switches where it's like an
analogue gradient as you go down uh yeah
yang wheel driving we finally got one of
those in I think we were had one like
aged ever ago and they said they'd they
didn't want to send me an early one
because they were like we want to send
you one when it's done so you can see it
when it's ready and it will kill an
early one because I asked forever ago I
think around like Computex last year and
yeah so when it's wu-tang like like boom
ting not wu-tang did I say we turn no
you didn't okay but twitch chat is like
Maru tank even know I know it's not a
little tanky yeah get out of here all
right in the wings but yeah now he can
he can he can he can go he is dismissed
all right yeah let's so this was
originally posted on the forum by Doc
swag I have more to talk about with full
plane but I think if I'm ready or not
why also I want to line it up for when
we do the little bit of a teaser thing
okay sure okay all right
AMD Oh what oh oh did we move but we
moved the HDMI the doodads around hold
on what I'll be right back okay I talked
about yeah yeah yeah I'm Dan we'll be
introducing stuff called thread Ripper
risin thread Ripper this there am
visible oh sorry
they will have 16 cores and 32 threads
that's why they're called the thread
Ripper which is just absolutely
I believe there's a couple different
yeah there will be up to nine different
thread rippers hey these are rumors the
1998 ex and 1998 with 16 cores the 1977
ex and 1977 with 14 cores 1976 ex and
1956 ex and 1956 all have 12 cores
and then the 1955 ex and 1955 with 10
cores why are they making this so
complicated it's a little messy okay
it's really messy but having it be a m4
and being able to get 16 cores is pretty
sick so this is all this is all also
these are claims from WTF tag just to be
clear wait hold on
and there's also saying that these
thread Ripper CPUs won't be compatible
with the a m4 socket which or just 1331
pins but will demand a massive 4,000 94
pins that have a picture of it was that
the epic thing that that little epic
although it wouldn't surprise no it
wouldn't surprise me if thread Ripper is
it will look the same as epic and fit in
the same socket so much like what Intel
does with their high-end desktop so
their 2011 VIII's and their xeon
platform which also fits in socket 2011
v3 I'm expecting AMD to have their epic
line of server chips and their thread
Ripper line of high-end desktop and or
workstation chips exist on the same
socket so that will allow them to have
more PCIe lanes more pins for
interfacing with more cores up to I
believe it is 6 channel memory I'll try
to find that I read that wrong and
thought it was on a different socket
sorry guys um 6 I can't remember it's an
8 channel memory or something stupid
like that I can't remember I think it's
a channel memory actually now that I
think about it and then the other the
other thing is that what's still looked
ok so what's interesting about this to
me is that the way that Intel
their Xeon processors on LGA 2011 three
and their their core i7 processors on
LGA 2011 three is a couple of things and
the main ones are dual socket support so
I would expect that that will continue
to be a differentiator for AMD but the
other thing that Intel does to keep them
separate from each other is support for
ECC registered memory on Xeon system
journals of your 16 channel I think that
16 channels to the dual ah wait 16
channel Wow okay well maybe maybe twitch
chat I don't know about to be automatic
so that's the epic so 430 if you want 32
dims so yeah um the epic is on the same
platform yeah I guess diagnose that
could be another way that they
differentiate them right so yes so
rumour Rumour there will be up to 9
thread rippers I really I kind of hope
they just call them risin 9 to make life
a little bit easier and I really am not
sure what I think of these convoluted
kind of zones for them the 1998 ex and
1998 tell me this 16 cores on a desktop
what's the value here if you want to run
like for Lyme tech systems on one system
so I'll let you in on a little secret
I've chatted with the line tech boys and
so far virtualization on Rison is not a
great experience okay go ahead carry on
streaming to a lot of places at one time
add a lot of different like output
resolutions sure and for some reason you
don't have like a separate box handling
that yeah okay what else you got no I'm
going to bench sure
amazing sentiment the best in the bench
so we actually did a demo a little while
ago re-rendering
yeah yeah okay so like workstation
workstation but you wasn't saying works
yeah because I'd like I'm talking like
competition with high-end desktop like
to me I'm kind of looking at thread
ripper going this seems like a very
niche product right now because risin 7
already goes all the way up to 8 quite
high-performance cores yeah
which for desktop workloads like it's
about like like it's about like talking
about how your how high-performance your
SSD is when it requires cue depths of 16
in order to even you know differentiate
itself from a low-end SSD like that's
what we're talking about we're talking
about a product with all this
theoretical power but that a desktop
workload pretty much wouldn't touch and
to be clear I am not complaining the
fact that AMD is coming in and putting
pressure on Intel about core counts is
great but right now I think the sweet
spot is just six-course so what people
in chat are naming a lot of things that
you could do with it that aren't the
scenarios that learn to solve okay a lot
of what people are listing our
workstations that's and remember all our
station one of them was like steady at
home and stuff that's not a which is
like it's not necessarily workstation no
but it's not really uh like it's a it's
it's it's more like a power virus it's
less like an actual thing that you're in
or the computer doing yet to be clear it
has a value but most people remember
we're talking about if you don't sing
like cryptography and stuff who's
actually doing that it I'm like you're
probably doing this GB and GPUs are a
thing yeah another guy said Bitcoin
mining but like again yeah I go with a
graphics card yeah or don't they have
like a video rendering I'm out of date
on the whole Bitcoin thing I'm doing
Jake's trying to convince me to do like
another Bitcoin it's still you still
kind of just want to use your video
credit yeah it is it still just video
cards okay yeah
and I think I'd like activities you can
form up so basically what is what I see
as being positive about this is that
it's putting pressure on Intel to
finally give us more than four cores and
it's putting and it not apparently
apparently I'm wrong
how GPUs are not a thing well no they
still are but yeah I'm not sure um okay
now let's talk about the chip formerly
known as Naples so here's what I don't
get why is it that companies that have
great code names like Zen architecture
and Naples product code name which is
like inoffensive unoffensive it's not
offensive what's offensive about epic
it's stupid yeah okay it's like it's
like you're you're marketing this to
like data center professionals why are
you calling it epic why don't you just
call it elite while you're at it yeah
yeah yeah you said you said inoffensive
though okay no that's not an offense
it's not offensive it's like it's just a
little silly I mean to be clear it's not
like I necessarily have a better answer
and like it's possible they would have
wanted to call it
XenServer or something like I don't know
what they wanted to call it but there's
there's always complications around you
know trademark infringement and
copyright and all that kind of stuff so
you know maybe that was the only thing
left but unless it like stood for
something really cool then I don't
really I don't really get this as like a
as an enterprise-grade product now with
that said we should we got a strawpoll
this because I was going back and forth
with another with another journalist
this morning actually on Twitter
and we were kind of debating debating
this whole this whole thing you know I
thought dad yeah okay I'm not going to
say what side anybody was on but it was
Ian from a non tech we were chatting
about it and the other side of the
argument that got brought up was okay
we'll hold on a minute what if your
typical like data center you know
purchaser you know is goes home and
watches anime and like plays video games
and like thinks that things are epic and
you know like is it really that far off
I don't think it would be that far off
okay so let's just stop all this epic um
you know what at the same time
personally if I was purchasing this I
would worry about this being on an
invoice that would be handing someone
okay okay so because that would be like
maybe they just think I'm buying it
because it's cool it doesn't sound like
it sounds flashy and it sounds like
something in toys are ass it doesn't
sound like serious infrastructure
hardware you know what I mean yeah but
you know with that said it's not like
some companies haven't had a ton of
success with that oh definitely red
cameras the red dragon right red epic
while we're at it yeah red wedding yeah
but then it like at least they spelled
it right like I feel I feel like button
seriously I feel like you'd be more
proud about this if they put an eye
there instead of a why like would you
like it more if it was spell right
because because a big part of your
defenses whole times that it's been
silly I'm gonna be honest no I won't
like that it's interesting now that
they've gone down the path of Rison
being ry okay so every the second letter
does always have a note this woman's
going with the eyes okay are wise and
like so lame it well yes I hate that but
if your guy here we say me to listen I
got you I got you I just hate that okay
so so far my professional yeah are
saying I'm on the end that makes sense
because I'm on the unprofessional to
things I don't really care but I would
part of me would be like like I might
have to defend this to someone because
they can be like why did you buy
something called an epic why are you
buying epic processors yeah like we just
need some infrastructure stuff what are
you doing and I'd have to be like okay
like epic is really good because it has
a lot of threads and it's cheaper and it
has a lot of memory bandwidth and then
by then their eyes glaze over and then
you really sign up yeah yeah yeah yeah
it's like okay everything's fine but
like that was an unnecessary amount of
communication that had to happen yeah
and you know like the stupid thing is
like we're probably gonna we're probably
we're probably gonna all like okay that
it doesn't matter anymore in a number of
years but somewhat someone named Linus
rocking mandals in the chat I don't know
what's going on there but said no
because intel owns the I letter for
processors and like obviously like they
don't own it but that's an interesting
point they might be trying to stay away
from the I in anything there are lots of
words that don't have eyes in them yeah
like blind what I'm genuinely confused
no I've oh oh you can have eyes and be
flies which is booing so hard it's just
like boo you can be blind with eyes
still you don't have to like have your
eyes have been removed line oh yeah I
should just end it all now um oh we're
okay so at any rate drive it brutal that
let's talk let's talk about the chip
formerly known as Naples okay I was
right eight channel ddr4 16 channel ddr4
one of these articles so single-dose rip
now known as epic single socket
processor with scales up to 32 cores and
as far as I know there will be dual
socket variants as well no that's fancy
I'm giving are we getting some I have I
am in touch they wanted a board so
basically what what who I don't know
as I can say okay what I can say I can
talk generally about server hardware
generally speaking if someone's going to
cede you server hardware they're going
to be like what are you going to do with
this because if my answer is we're good
friends in a bench I'm going to be like
cool go buy one then so if we come up
with for me I want to come up with a
really cool project so I want a couple
of 32 core ethics for a total of 64
cores and I want to figure out something
completely banaynays that we can do with
it so assuming that it's speed
transcoding yp9 8k footage Sherdog like
you so there's that that would be really
cool I had another idea every phone um
if so is that like something that you
know just that would be wonderful fail
with more CPU cores basically infinitely
uh there's we're still talking to boiler
but it boiler Watts to do this thing
which completely makes sense that I'm
totally on board but we can't do right
now cuz you're not on the infrastructure
right now it's like distributed
transcoding where you like slice up the
video and then transcode it in a bunch
of different places on a bunch of
different servers right actually record
if we had a 64 core machine would that
be unnecessary maybe do in one place
right I don't know it's still a target
boiler apparently it's like 30 times
yeah because keep in if you just have
like a monstrous computer then maybe oh
well yeah okay okay so I'd be totally
down for that okay and then one of the
ideas that I wanted to look at is where
it's always got if they've got
virtualization sorted out a little bit
more to be specific I'm talking about
KVM so Red Hat KVM because that's what
on raid uses I think it would be amazing
to get my hands on like a multi-gpu
bare-bones server much like what we did
for 10 gamers one CPU but well it's just
like yes excavation work and what get
this what I'm thinking is the entire
editing then running off of one power 6
editing 610 core editing workstations
off of a single tower
okay so that's kind of something that I
have in mind for what I'd like to do
with it so I'm going to I'm going to try
and come up with some cool projects but
yeah basically it's this this thing is
unbelievable so eight core memory up to
16 games per CPU they've got it provides
up to a hundred and twenty eight PCI
Express 3.0 lanes allowing you to
connect more GPUs directly to the CPU
and that's really important for machine
learning type applications we've got our
unboxing of ssues the fastest
supercomputer in Canada so I went down
there and they've got they've got a ton
of GPU nodes and they would love to have
the GPUs connected directly to the PCIe
lanes on the CPU in fact we were talking
about that fir it's in my notes but I
don't remember exactly what workload
specifically it was okay we're Intergeo
communication is incredibly important
and the more hubs that you have to pass
through the worse and then I even talked
to the so cool talking to like these
high-level architect guys I'm like okay
well what about envy link and he's like
yeah the cost just wasn't right for what
we're doing is it's all these kinds of
trade offs where normally as a consumer
you hear about this crap and you've
gotten video on a stage with fricking
wood screws and whatever it is that
they're talking about going this is the
future of blah blah blah but then you
know to us but this is all totally
unattainable stuff whereas you're
talking about people who are working on
data centers that are in the value of
ten to twenty million dollars where they
are actually taking like a two million
dollar solution and a three million
dollar solution and evaluating it the
same way that we would like to different
yeah but that they're just working on a
different scale it's all the same
conversations it's like do I want to pay
this much more for this much more
performance increase and they just for
their design it didn't end up making
sense and and it was going to add some
cost and I don't know the exact numbers
so there's no like nd8 information that
I could hope to give you I just know
that they didn't use it and they opted
for these they opted for certain
you note some of the GPU nodes for
certain workloads are connected directly
to the CPUs and some of them are not
depending on what they're needed for and
these ones are higher cost that's just
like how cool huh that's pretty fancy
you guys are so baller I love you so
epic is expected to launch before the
end of June you can tell AMD is in
full-on crisis mode about their stock
dropping what was it two weeks ago well
my goodness no matter what stuff
covering we have stuff please just wait
we have so much top even Radeon
technologies group was showing off stuff
so this was originally posted by PC
gamer 324 on the forum the original
article here is from oh three a three
okay well Digital Trends here we go
AMD's Radeon Vega Frontier Edition is
the most powerful graphics card yet
according to AMD alright so the numbers
put forth by AMD are as follows it'll
have 64 next generation compute unit so
that's thirteen teraflops of peak single
precision 32-bit compute performance
which should put it in the neighborhood
of invidious top cards I think their top
card is 12 and that's a Quadro p6
thousands don't quote me on that but I'm
trying to look this up as quickly as I
quadrille p6000 yep twelve teraflops for
their top-of-the-line quad row which is
about a $5,000 graphics card what else
do we know about it it I wasn't sure
about all the stuff you said I was
checking in with something 16 gigs of
HBM to memory so that's pretty
impressive on a super-wide 2048 bit bus
have you shown them the shroud the
shroud looks freaking sick yeah
AMD finally gets it on the shroud
although if it's like plastic and kind
of cheesy looking that I really don't
gonna be that impressive to be fair the
last one that they came out that was
plastic and cheesy looking once it was
in a case it was actually a little hard
to tell right
okay built with like not amazing but it
wasn't that bad so they're saying that
vega's memory architecture can access
terabytes of memory and we've actually
seen them kind of moved beyond the like
the memory that's there like HP m2 orgy
DDR memory that is soldered to the board
and what was that what was that
professional card that was using SSDs
like it was using NAND in order to have
I forget how much memory it was on it
I don't remember I'm sorry you guys I
wish I had like a more exact set of
talking points for this but they were
showing it off at CES and the idea was
that they were using NAND flash in order
to dramatically increase the amount of
basically the size of the project that
you could work on because it's still
faster since you've got a nice lightning
fast interface than trying to go out to
like a scratch disk or something so
apparently AMD is claiming that they've
done several benchmarks with it and the
Vega frontier Edition is apparently 70%
faster in SolidWorks okay which is like
pretty insane another program that I
haven't personally heard of called katia
I'm hoping I'm saying that correctly is
it's 27% faster in okay which is pretty
I mean AMD has been known from time to
time sorry I didn't mean to get an ice
cube in my mouth from them okay it's
gone in earnest so Andy has been known
to cherry-pick benchmarks from time to
time but still it's promising and like
that happened last time you just
reorganizing and controls event that
happened last time with their CPUs to a
certain degree but then a big part of
what they're claiming did end up being
true that's right and what we do know
based on that it's not getting
completely stomped on is that we're
going to have competition yeah at least
until Nvidia trickles down volt
and like yeah but there's like with
their CPU what they were claiming did
completely end up being true yeah so if
you're into SolidWorks there's one
really cool thing that is happening yeah
but again it depends on how you're
benchmarking that specifically what kind
of projects you're working what you have
inside works is okay this is basically
the AMD show at this point laptops are
coming rise and mobile rise in Pro the
original article is trusted reviews
let's go ahead and pull that up don't
worry we'll get through this eventually
rise and finally comes to laptops this
I'm actually excited about I would love
to have like a 6 or an 8 core laptop
that would be awesome I don't know if
they're going to be able to get the
power low enough and I haven't actually
looked that closely at this yet but like
6 core laptop would be freaking awesome
and be is claiming 50% more CPU
performance than its previous seventh
generation ap use lordy I would hope so
yeah and a lot of games are a little
whimsical I think because they're from
kind of you know older stuff so 40%
better graphics performance and a 50%
cut in power but you're jumping quite a
few categories are quite a few
generations yeah of improvement that
Intel's been making so you they might
not be leapfrogging Intel but I guess
the promise here is that they're going
to be competitive and then they also
announced risin Pro a version designed
for business pcs huh Wow
so that we get a weird like I get it pro
professional but for a long time Pro has
been like a gaming thing yeah like
higher just like higher performance yeah
you know that's actually a little bit
weird but oh well click if you like
rides and smart or like even just rising
business what yeah cool so back up a
little bit it helps them to kind of
announce all this stuff kind of looks
like it I mean they haven't quite
recovered from this was when they did
their their quarterly report right yeah
ok well yeah we'll see how that goes I
mean I don't know what cheering the
thing I don't know what people were
expecting from that quarterly earnings
report like if I am I am barely accurate
to what
yes if I invested I in tech companies I
actually love to know what our viewers
think like should I be allowed to invest
in tech companies because I'll argue I'm
allowed to but I have to disclose it
okay yeah but like it's it's a matter of
whether they will allow me to but I I
would have I would have probably bought
some AMD right after that drop because
it was the drop was based on people
having completely unrealistic and
unrealistic reaction to what AMD has
been doing over the last quarter it's
like rising seven and even rise in five
are the tip of the iceberg you guys
that's like the enthusiasts gamer chip
and then the like slightly less
enthusiast gamer chip where they're
going to move volume is rise in three
and where they're going to make margin
and start to be profitable is going to
be products like thread Ripper and epic
so and yeah I don't know what people
were asking for they're not only that
but you know any new product is going to
take some time to ramp up in terms of
yields in terms of having stock on the
shelves in terms of the platform
maturing a little bit I mean I don't
know if you guys notice but you didn't
hear from us run out and buy Rison in
the first six weeks because it was it
was promising and we were confident that
AMD and their partners like hey soos and
gigabyte and MSI we were confident they
were going to get all this stuff
addressed but it wasn't yet and when you
buy a computer it needs to work on the
day you buy it so I mean a lot of people
criticized us for doing a core i5 build
guide shortly after the launch of Rison
but the reality of it was when we were
filming that we weren't ready to say go
buy a rise in PC yet not to be clear it
has improved a lot like a lot so I am
expecting over the next quarter or two
these kinds of results to change in a
big way sorry oh no problem oh they want
me to do a strawpoll ok you know what
I'm gonna I'm gonna do a couple let's
rap on whether I should be allowed to
invest in
company oh do you like yeah I don't know
I I don't know so to be clear I actually
oh this is something I've been meaning
to talk about on land show for quite
some time we are working on it like a
private deal with a much much smaller
tech company so maybe I'll talk about it
after hour after hour ad break but not
it's actually bad about that well it
creates a potential conflict of interest
like if I oh yeah and then yeah I own a
bunch of invidious stock as a viewer
because I thought I thought we were
looking at be like insider trading side
of things no I don't think that's an
issue because I can just not buy when I
know anything and that's pretty easy to
do because I think you know if you were
to just go okay the embargoes up three
minutes later now that everyone knows
all the same things I know go buy
Groupon I mean you can you can kind of
beat the rush on that kind of thing if
you wanted to is it an advantage yes but
is it against the law as far as my
understanding goes no it wouldn't be
right so as a viewer I would say no you
would say no I've won eleven yes go
ahead and cast your vote because so for
me where I where I've kind of drawn the
line already because like I said we are
working on an investment deal with a
really really small company so where I
kind of draw the line is that if it's
stuff that we cover competitive like the
competitors of like if it's stuff where
it's kind of one option or the other and
we're I'm in a position to inflate the
appearance of let's say but then I guess
is every so would you be declaring in
every single video that you cover this
one mono company on I'm saying mono
because you're not covering other ones
in its face that you have ownership now
I could to a certain degree that makes
every single video and add yeah I think
the disclosure regulations are such that
you talk about it only in the context of
talking about that company so let's say
I owned a bunch of
of Intel if we are going to talk about
an Intel news story I need to have a
thing up that says I disclaimer I am
long Intel or something like that like
you have to clarify your your position I
am long into a long Intel so so I am I
have a long-term investment in Intel
where if you would say I'm short Intel
if you think Intel is going to have a
big quarter and you want to kind of put
in some money grab it back out yeah so
long or short yeah and I think medium
but I'm not sure like I'm not an expert
on this stuff I've only actually bought
stock like twice so so there you have it
we should probably go through our
sponsors for the show speaking of you
know disclosures my god that's not
really a disclosure first book right so
if you guys are running a small business
let's say you are come up with a small
business we've never talked about before
come on trying to distribute videos on
the Internet no not like that
that's not that's trying to ten tail
cars yes okay so if you have a small
like shop out of your garage where you
were even a model one because you accept
payments through your phone or let's say
you're a locksmith okay so you got it
and then we'll go with you know the
usual one that's more likely in our
audience let's say you do small time
tech repair if you run a small business
fresh books is the way for you to take
your accounting solution with you on the
go it's got all the same functionality
in the mobile app that it does in the
desktop version and keep track of
everything from expenses to hours worked
on a given job to your invoicing you can
send professional-looking invoices in a
matter of minutes and you can accept
payment through the FreshBooks platform
on your own term so you can take
deposits and then take the rest later
or you can take everything after the
fact and you can even see when your
client has seen the invoice so you know
that so you know that they saw it so if
this sounds pretty good actually oh and
I forgot right they've got they've got
free tech support when you call fresh
books you talk directly to a human being
and they walk you through what you're
having trouble with no robot portals
which are insanely frustrating had to
deal with one I can mention who but it
was really brutal it took a long time
and it's really annoying
I'd to call my credit card and I ended
up like five or six tiers in we're sorry
we're now closed like so you basically
you just wasted like nine minutes of my
room and I can't even talk to anybody
about why this transaction didn't go
through perfect thank you anyway not
with fresh books so head over to fresh
books calm slash Lynn and you can try it
out from free tool around with the
software it's super easy to use and see
if it's right for you when you are done
deciding it's right for you go to
freshbooks comm slash tech tips wait
okay well I guess it doesn't really
matter and enter the land show and how
do you hear about us section alright ah
oh nice savage jerky time I get Reaper -
well you don't have to eat me for you
could have yeah you could have the ghost
pepper buffalo sauce I'm going to ghost
pepper Buffalo really today yeah I'm
doing which one's hotter to remember is
that sticker was my own no click going
I'm not taking the research I want to do
this one's your favorite one right no no
all of my the maple the maple dog April
bacon yeah the maple bacon one I just
ate it all after the show hahaha I
really like the mojo habanero that's my
favorite one yeah so good amount of
spice you can tell it's like the second
or third savage jerky spot when it's
like the stuff that we absolutely cannot
resist it is just all gone okay well
this is my favorite one but he hid it
from me so I couldn't have any more of
it hmmm
are you good so far you had the ghost
pepper so you didn't have quite the
hottest one this one's actually still
sealed the ghost pepper and buffalo
sauce is hot enough for me but some
ghost pepper Jake does really good with
spice he's very very playful
all right so savage jerky whoo-hoo see
that one where to go mojo habanero gives
you a bit of a kick mm-hmm but it's not
like like it's not doing that to me like
I feel good it woke me up a little bit
it's definitely spicy it definitely hits
you my mouth is burning but it's like
yeah an okay amount of burning
I'm not having uncontrollable hiccups I
guess I guess one spicy so you can buy a
mix you can get like crack pepper and
sea salt yeah and a few other ones and
like find your find your sweet spot like
I did with mojo had to be clear all in
the troll your friend is good yeah it's
just what you can handle
yep so savage jerky is made with the
best ingredients without nitrates or or
preservatives ah and the goal was to
create a snack that's full of flavor and
spice that isn't bad for you the
inspiration came from the flavor of
garlic lime and cilantro as it brings
out the natural flavor in premium beef
and this is in my notes people seem to
love the sriracha bacon maple buffalo
bacon and the traditional flavors they
also make barbecue sauce no I had no
idea that's cool so use offer code ltte
to save 10% over at Savage jerky dot-com
the crack pepper and sea salt it's like
a really good but more traditional style
beef jerky we have the problem with that
one is that you can rip through a whole
pack like two minutes yeah so yeah if
you want to like troll your friends and
get a ghost pepper Reaper something like
that it works or you might like it if
you have to reverse bite it's actually
easier it gets a little bit easier
just get easier alright oh it's with
it's also when you stop though because
it gets easier after the first bite and
then for a while but then when you stop
eating it oh yeah I know that hits you
again so l TX l TX is the tech carnival
that we're doing in the summer we're
going to have booths games prizes and us
the whole LMG team will be there a few
examples of the kinds of booths that
we're going to have like we wanted you
to be just kind of goofy so it's gonna
be stuff like guess how many CPUs are in
the jar um video editing whispers yes
good like the jelly bean thing but like
CPUs I think free geeks probably gonna
be into okay yeah there with like you
know just some no free you can be there
may be may be okay DVD but like we're in
talks with actually a lot of pretty cool
folks okay
one other example would be the case toss
so we're going to get a case
manufacturer to give us some cases io
their own now I'm not exactly who but
someone's going to do it okay okay
because I'm pretty excited about that
and I know there's a few people that are
pretty excited about that we're gonna do
like a VR with Luke demo so basically
you'll be like kind of showing people
though that's exciting
that's cool I've been wondering this
whole time what I was going to do yeah
that's really
and then Terrans probably going to be
doing like he'll have an l TT video and
he'll just be working on it the whole
time so you can actually watch teryn
edit you can ask him questions that's
been a great idea we're not expecting
him to actually get anything done
because people will be like blah blah
blah but like if people want to see how
it's done in person I thought that would
be really cool but it's going to like
pick up his workstation and take it
there so we've got a lot of really cool
ideas there's at least a few hundred
people coming so far so it's not going
to necessarily be like over a thousand
people and crazy but that may actually
be a blessing in disguise
because at least that way we're going to
be covering with ah like a significant
title sponsor we should be able to cover
most of the cost of the venue already
and and it'll actually it could end up
being a pretty intimate event although
now that I say that if it was like oh
yeah I want to go to an infinite huh so
no guarantees how many people are going
limo ride I think that's sold out whoa
yeah cool so that was that happens
faster than I expected
um I thought at when I first read that
that by the limo they meant the Civic no
no everyone was like oh that's too many
people yeah yeah ten people in my Civic
would be like pretty intimate as that
goes all right I'll talk about this
wanna cry collects basically no ransom
despite infecting 200 thousands machines
so the deadline is is beginning to pass
here the original article is from
Bloomberg I have a theory um and
apparently the attackers have claimed
only about ninety two thousand dollars
in payments ha how about that hey my
theory is if this happened like a number
of years ago like when I was still in
high school I think it would have
actually been a lot more impactful
because now I think if people like have
a baby now or get engaged now
all their photos go up on social media
so it's not their one backup that's on
their computer and I think what they ran
into here was if people had super
important stuff the three hundred bucks
was not good but probably not the end of
the world and then other people are like
oh well this is a fairly major
inconvenience but I can go get my
computer reformatted and everything's
fine because everything I do is in a
browser notice how they're releasing
computers they're like almost just
browsers right yeah so like for a lot of
people it's like oh what the heck is
this they show it to some techie friend
or they bring it to Geek Squad they're
just like oh yeah we can do it cheaper
than that ransom price anyways but we
have to do some stuff and then people
that are like oh my goodness this is
mission critical information 300 bucks
for like a big business sucks but like
hmm not the end of the world so if even
one percent of people had paid the
ransom it would have worked out to over
six times the amount they actually
collected so I feel like almost no Joe
Snow's actually paid for it and it gets
worse because of the attention on this
particular case the authorities think
it's unlikely the money's the attackers
have received will be transferred from
Bitcoin to more traditional currencies
due to the risk of it being detected
yeah with that said there's a lot of
stuff you can buy with bitcoins so I
don't think that's a bigger problem as
some people might yeah but they could
they could still track that to a certain
degree right I guess that's like that
money is sketch depending on but but
okay but there's minor consumers they
might buy very illegitimate things
scatter it around and then yeah what
yeah no yeah should be fine oh really
apparently people sell like mixing it up
and obscuring it as a service that's
cool I don't know enough about but why
do you know this go away
Jake is secretly running Silk Road 3
right now out of his house you told me
this offline great yeah yeah okay can I
have a favor can I have more water
please yes the payment Bitcoin through
his secret onion well thank you I'm
dying thank you and ice to thank you you
see the latest alliances okay oh that
hurt yeah I like have like are you doing
yeah oh your throats even red here well
that's probably for you that I always
have a redneck okay yeah born in the
sticks um oh okay so you need milk I
don't think we just have milk now we
don't unfortunately and yes I know milk
works a lot better than water so this
was originally posted on the forum by WM
groom a K and the original article is
from the tech report obtained ins and
companion CPUs will arrive in 2018 so if
you haven't been paying attention to
this obtain dims are going to be super
high capacity module level two that will
fit in that are going to
much better
super high-capacity modules that will
fit in otherwise normal Ram slots as far
as I know then there will be a like a
special BIOS configuration that allows
you to use it as a slower kind of so if
you got your level 1 cache and your
level 2 cache your level 3 cache I'll
guess in some cases there's level 4 but
don't worry about it
then your next here is DRAM and then
traditionally your next here was mint
but it's like many orders of magnitude
slower so octane sits in between and
what this will allow you to do is have a
massive effective memory capacity for
your system without needing so many DIMM
slots and without spending so much so
when we were checking out that set to
use supercomputer one of the things that
they told us was that oh okay oh they're
uh they're systems that needed
one-and-a-half terabytes of excuse me
yeah wait yeah one-and-a-half terabytes
of memory had to be to you just so they
could fit all those RAM slots then the
systems that we're going to be used for
workloads that needed even more memory
than that the three terabyte memory
systems of which I think they only have
four had to be for you systems with quad
sockets but get this the quad socket
CPUs they were using for eight course so
their quad socket systems actually had
the same number of cores as their dual
sixteen core socket systems or their
dual socket sixteen core systems so 32
uh yeah 32 total and so good because the
only reason they needed it well so they
could have more ram so this could solve
that problem as long as the workloads
that they're using can are okay with the
data being a little bit slower but not
as low as trying to put it on NAND flash
someone just asked me what I'm eating we
literally just a sponsor's box yeah
savage jerky I'm just still
eating their stuff another cool thing is
that they're saying that it's supposed
to be cheaper lower prices in DRAM yes
much cheaper than beer and which like
usually happens with new technologies
over time it's not super common for that
to happen with a new technology right
out of the gate yeah that's pretty cool
but it's intended to be yeah because
it's it's designed to be an order of
magnitude bigger than G Ram but also a
lot cheaper to sit right in between mend
and de grandma I'm actually I'm super
excited to see where this takes us in
the future
oh I realized I should probably talk
about the deal that we are working on so
we've been we've been working with lime
tech makers of unread for a year and a
half now I think going all the way back
to oh no cuz seven gamers one CPU well
you're gonna have to go hmm so it would
have been closer to two years now I
guess wow really
anyway so we've worked with them on a
number of projects we use their software
and I like it so much that basically
what we're what we're working on is an
agreement where I would actually take a
stake in the company and I would be
working with them on future development
we seen it in action in terms of where
it's at today but I think that there's a
lot of stuff that we could help with
that would make it so that they could
really take things to the next level so
basically that's where I'm at on that
nothing is finalized so I can't really I
can't really give any more detail than
that but I just thought in the interest
of you guys understanding you know sort
of what we're up to over here I want to
make sure that's clear the reason that I
was comfortable with lime tech even
though I have specifically gone out of
my way to not buy shares and companies
like AMD and Intel is that we don't
really cover their competitors I mean
not just in the last two years but even
you go back a couple years before that
we basically don't touch nav systems and
the reason for that is because we just
don't really like most of them we don't
think they're we don't think they
user-friendly we don't think they're
that easy to use which is the same thing
we talk the main reason that I don't
like the Mara
and quite frankly viewer interest is not
that high and a lot of the stuff that
we've done with unraised has really been
more about the other functionality that
it has so like the the virtualization
and stuff like that so yeah that's
basically where I'm at on that so what
else do we got and we go actually a lot
of topics is these are scrapper doors
yeah I'm down how are we how are we
going to do that again jump to random
part hmm okay so I don't know how to do
I owe you know what I never figured out
the audio input so that's a thing that I
didn't do
let's go ahead we know it last time I
held up the lava rock to run hydrophone
which was terrible um so that might be
the only way to do this well it's not
the only way but I feel I can't you
listen to it over HDMI right now because
I don't know either these don't take
audio all right click on it okay what
yeah I think go to camera quick but I
can't yeah change the audio from
built-in flash none to the recorder that
you want to come from nevermind there
they go see what what would I do without
you what would I do without you probably
a lot of the same stuff it just wouldn't
be as fun or is good yeah yeah yeah Luke
so I scrapyard for season 5 episode 1
hopefully this works up already over on
floatplane Club Oh hold on well you got
a playback devices is it oh I can't hear
that in my monitor which is super scary
because I have no idea what kind of
volume I'm outputting at so I'm sure
twitch chat will be telling me if I
broke their eardrums yet you plugged it
into the computer directly you would
hear it
yeah in theory this is that's how this
is supposed to work that I forgot which
one I'm supposed to plug into so good
because I'm really really dumb maybe
they can hear it's a little bit too loud
well that most people are saying it's
good though the vast majority people are
saying it's good I feel like a little
bit down and then okay we'll call that
good so so you just want to skip to a 45
minute episode actually 46 minute
episode you just want to skip to a
random spot sure I don't know I don't
even know what's going to come up okay
why are we watching in three six on P
that's peasant that's peasant stuff
peasant stuff before you see that
playback you see that lightning bass
playback hold on hello stop here here
listen for the click in wheat like oh
one of the things to you is that West
Coast's North America is like not even a
good area for us yeah it's always over I
don't even know what we're doing here me
$25 over hi oh did we not have to
preview looking for such long clip that
once maybe intersect a little bear
breaks there's a report you guys for ten
bucks I wonder what we're figuring out
here it looks like uh let's see okay
okay okay okay so that that's enough so
basically what was the point of this
so scrapyard Wars Episode one is coming
out that right there it's coming it on
YouTube tomorrow tomorrow if you want to
see episode two tomorrow you can sign up
for floatplane and you can see that
today episode one today and then watch
episode two tomorrow and be totally
caught up on the floatplane side of
things also really cool note this is
what I wasn't sure about telling you
guys last time we now have some load
balancing going on with Gio's so a lot
of people in Australia and the kind of
general European area have noticed a lot
of improvements that's because we have
some like kind of more on location
servers for you guys up and running with
some load balancing going on
say where they are yeah Australian so it
Australia and the other ones in France
but it should be able to better serve
you than ones in Canada so yeah a lot of
people from various countries around
Europe have had a much better experience
than before when everyone was just going
through Canadian service we are going to
continue to expand so if you're in an
area that like isn't super great right
now ironically where we are is like not
the greatest it's good you just watch
the playback yeah it's good it could be
slightly better and it will be slightly
better because we eventually have Westco
servers but yeah if you're in an area
and you are consistently not getting
super great bandwidth I'm not hearing
this very often almost not at all but if
you are let me know where you're from
and we will look into getting that
better to be clear like the
infrastructure upgrades we're making
right now have nothing to do with
capacity for the platform um like
there's a lot more people on it than you
would probably think but it's not like
you know a billion people or anything
like YouTube or something it's more just
trying to make user experience better
yeah I mean this is the kind of boring
stuff that takes months to work on and
figure out where you want to launch and
like bring a bunch other career and it's
frustrating when like we're an
international group and we have people
from North America watching all the
footage and they're like everything
looks great I can watch 1080p everything
it's snappy hooray and then someone from
Australia's like I also download it yeah
we're like I can sometimes watch it in
360p I'm like that's not fair people
watch us from everywhere I want this to
work well for everyone yeah that cost
this much and now we're doing it so
we're actually going to do like a more
float plane another float plane QA after
the land show if you guys you don't kind
of hang around for that yeah um
otherwise I think we've got a few more
pretty good topics for you anyway one
actually no we have like nothing oh wait
no we do have more there's also a little
teaser of Episode two on float plane
only so if you're a full plane guy you
haven't been there on there and a couple
days jump on there check out the teaser
for scrapping Roy's Episode two it's
it's it's pretty good
what huh so actually I did not know
about this so this was supposed to by WM
groom a K on the form the original
article is from ARS technica and it
looks like Google gets to keep their
trademark even though it has turned into
a generic term for searching the web so
going back to our notes here when a
brand name becomes completely ubiquitous
like thermos I didn't even know
teleprompter was a brand name me neither
and video tape didn't know that with
almighty messenger it can lose its
legally protected status so the this
process is called generis ID and in 2012
Google filed a cybersquatting complaint
and claimed trademark infringement when
amendment registered 763 domain names
that combined Google with other words
and phrases including Google Donald
Trump com oh what a jerk I see what he
was doing there so the man filed an
appeal citing generis ID and the court
ruled that Google still retains its
trademark even if the term Google has
become known for searching the internet
so how does that actually work though um
I have no idea I mean John would be a
more sort of because like sensible
person to talk about this hey hey John
he's coming he's coming
alright I'm giving up my seat I'm giving
up my seat okay John's coming in to talk
about genericized joggle generis ID
alright okay hit me or Luke hit
something yeah there you go good job
well so - what Jenner outside Google
almost potentially lost its trademark on
Google because like oh I'll just google
it has become a general term for looking
something up on the internet someone
sued them over it because they tried to
take down a bunch of his domains and he
was like okay a lot of pronouns there
okay let's see in 2012 Google filed a
cybersquatting complaint and claimed
trademark infringement
when a man register 763 domain names
that combined Google with other words
and phrases such as Google Donald Trump
com the man found appeal signed engineer
aside the core
with a rule that Google still retains
his trademark even if the term Google
has become known for searching the
Internet so how does that work
isn't that literally but even though
Google has become known for search Nina
isn't that the whole point of genera
side it is genera side is kind of um
it's not a hard and fast rule it's not
like Oh
after a certain amount of time or a
certain number of people say it in a
generic manner it becomes generic it's a
little bit squishy uh but they do look
at things like and I don't know what
happened in this case because I just had
the one little note in front of me but
they could have looked at something like
Oh has Google taken a lot of steps to
protect its trademark um you know back
back in the day before when photo
copiers were still like a like more of a
cutting-edge thing than they are now
people would say Oh Xerox it you know to
make a copy even though there are tons
of coffee errs not made by Xerox right
so Xerox house you took out like a big
newspaper ad say saying we're telling
people say make a copy
don't save Xerox is because they're
trying to protect their trademark so if
Google made you will show that they were
taking active steps to Primark so maybe
it also helps them because Google puts
their Google branding on way more things
than just a browser they do yeah that
might help I have no idea yeah maybe
it's in like I said it's kind of a
squishy area of law I'm not surprised
that Google one if it takes like quite
yeah I mean just aside from the money
they have to spend yeah it takes it
takes a lot for a trademark to become
generic so yeah so there you go cool
that's it I think that's okay carry on
reddleman get in I'm back the SaaS drone
registry requirement got shut down the
original article is from TechCrunch
let's go ahead and pull that up but
basically a federal appeals court shoots
down ha ha ha ha ha the FAA is drone and
I just the registry requirement it's
likely that the FAA will appeal this
decision or I think some other approach
which seems to be very common in the
states with stuff like net neutrality
being tried like a billion time
hundred billion different names so drone
hobbyist John Taylor argued that the
Federal Aviation Administration doesn't
have jurisdiction over what the law
classifies as model aircraft the
registration database was proposed in
2015 to address growing drone ownership
in the US which has brought with it
privacy can and safety concerns so
that's basically where we're at on that
so stay tuned for more and okay winners
of the casemod world series 2017 posted
by rod rosenberg on the forum man I hate
that guy
was it rod yeah I don't I don't know I
don't know if rod was did he post his
own winning let's say no no it doesn't
look like it was he in it or was he a
judge yeah well I don't uh he has
something to do with I'm just trying to
find like it okay no there's there's no
uh no beard rods maybe he said something
in the link yeah I can't click on itself
too stupid to do okay so the first
winner was uh oh no I think he just
thinks it's cool that Vega by SS pick
Russia mom you know not FPSRussia that's
a different thing but good try good try
Thank You Nick ah looks cool that's
apparently made out of a mastercase 5 it
looks like they just chopped it like
pretty early on completely and just
recognize it'll we'll know the very bit
at the front this bit is recognizable
and that's it then it stops undergoes a
complete structural change yeah we
noticed the complete structural change
you know they're pretty pretty intense
yeah yeah like hey here's the case what
is it'll just take the top corner of it
you can take the ramp we don't need it
not we built awesome what is that based
on this is pretty clear you turistic
ideas and metal not an elite one 130
okay yeah I can see that
cool PSU on the side just put the PSU
over there
to be kind of open like you can see the
graphics yeah because that's actually
pretty much really pretty cool it looks
really good
yeah all right and that's pretty much it
thank you for tuning in to the Rancho
you'll see you again next week
seeing that time same bat Channel outro
oh yeah I'm really not firing all
cylinders today that's cool
actually I am I'm just in other places
so someone's like finally a good LAN
show episode
good job guys rusalka
and last week we got the one before that
was created yeah oh yeah after party for
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