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$300 Budget Gaming PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Episode 1b

previously on scrapyard boards $300 cash the very best gaming rig that we can build seems like an okay deal for an 8400 computer to me someone just accepted our offer for $100 on a 7950 sorry I can't come down to get anything tonight so I might have to pass and now the conclusion or part of it I've got a 500 watt Antec power supply that we're headed to pick up right now and then the r9 290 I got for 180 so that's actually pretty sweet we will go pick that up later did he say 290 is that fast what's a graphics card okay so it's day 2 of our search and we've got to find out where our destination is so I'm not exactly sure where we're going okay I have the address for our first appointment on my laptop which battery's low scrappy our doors one there we go now we're good okay I really hope that's not it I think it might be holy crap this is some sketch okay so this is five three three two holy crap this is like this is some sketchy demons no parking well they parked in front of it like where does this door go I don't know there's some blood in there though hello are you Santa hi I'm Linus nice to meet you this is Nick he can turn off the camera if you want that's fine yeah so our contact here got us pretty hooked up actually he had the whole thing running on a test bench to show that it booted up and had core temp cpu Zed installed and everything so we could validate that everything's good to go so this is an ek 35d s3 yard a pretty decent little board it's got an extra chip on there for SATA to raid we've got eight gigs of what appears to be mix-and-match so we've got half Samsung half Kingston ddr2 800 there's aq 6600 on there with a cooler and then we also just thrown in got what appears to be the remains of a freezer seven I think we can make use of that with with an extra fan or something along those lines and then we also got an earth watts 500 watt power supply which was better than I was expecting I actually didn't know what model of power supply we were gonna get but this has got two PCIe six pin connectors on it so that means that powering our graphics card later isn't gonna be a problem at all and then I thought we were getting a 500 gig hard drive and we actually ended up with a one terabyte hard drive so oh yeah right in the case so there were a few sort of Coolermaster elite class options or there was a silverstone tjo for that happens to be missing a couple of bay covers well I have some day covers we've got a card reader a floppy drive yeah baby so oh and look the Vancouver Olympic mascots that was a bonus I didn't even have to pay extra for that alright so I'm feeling pretty good we just need the rest of this day to go well it still need a graphics card so I just got my antique basic power 500 watt continuous copper powers which is exactly what I was looking for looks like it's in good shape clean happy with all that kind of stuff well I was talking to the guy though I was like yeah thanks for doing this like I know it's really short notice because I just emailed them this morning and it was his dad or whatever and he's like yeah it's been an interesting day someone was just here picking up a case in power supply like 20 minutes ago what who do you think that is there's like no way that isn't Linus except it wasn't man we're probably so close oh that would have been so funny if we were picking stuff up at the same time anyways let's let's go get some lunch cuz you know we're having a chill day they're probably freaking out driving everywhere so I had multiple leads on 79 50s for $100 and then I actually ended up with two GTX 580 s lined up for $100 I decided I won in 79 fifty so I bailed on all the five 80s I got back to what looked like a very promising 7950 lead and then heard nothing so this guy who's actually gonna be on different job sites today but I asked him very nicely yesterday to bring it with him in case I need it I'm gonna try and track him down next after we go meet up with the guy who I promised t-shirts to technically I don't think we're allowed to use anything that we didn't get but Luke will never know that I used my own ah yeah that's true we can always just lie to lose right yes fine is it - lie yes it's right in that back well so we just arrived to meet up with them I was trying to figure out how to tell them I don't have the right shirt turns out I did grab the right shirts we do have Linus tech tips shirts so this will be this will be a lot more successful than it otherwise would have been so hello gentlemen nice to meet you sorry I wasn't able to take the card unfortunately but so I found a 7950 which gives me about a 10% edge and GPU performance yes so I gotta take it my plan for this if I didn't get the Zalman was I was just gonna rip the block off and use like a stock Intel heatsink on the GPU core or something which would have been awesome it's like super ghetto but I found this 7950 so I kind of had to take it but you had said you wanted me to sign something as well I brought a silver pen smartass they're the real Linus since I showed up and didn't didn't buy anything actually all right well it's a pleasure to meet you gentlemen we've got to get to our next appointment here and I'm gonna go get like a hot chocolate or something but I'll see you gents later Wow because we're not five minutes early were 19 it is now 140 he was supposed to be here at 1:15 so he just texted me saying he'll be here in one minute but I'm like it's fine I guess 1:45 I got it Lisa philately coming up I don't like it when people are late I especially don't like it when they're battling and when I like clearly stated that it was important and I needed to go early 7950 guy said he'd call us back in 10 minutes and that was 18 minutes ago now the guy we just met with that we gave the t-shirt to he has the 580 hydro copper so what I'm thinking I haven't seen him leave yet not that I'm parked outside a Starbucks like stalking someone I haven't seen him leave yet so if I don't hear back from 7950 guy that's our back-up plan and we take that and then we try and get in touch with Zalman cooler guy again and we go for it because that's down in Richmond which is kind of far but but definitely doable finest speaking okay I'll be there in about half an hour as well there you are let's have a look at our spoils as long as it works this will be the only piece we haven't validated this is a pretty beefy looking card this is a mostly rear exhaust style card so it's got the it's got the cooling fan just above the vrm cooling piece right here alright I am feeling good I don't know if this is technically cheating cuz it's just an aesthetic thing but I'm gonna try and find some aluminum face plates I actually have some boxes of random junk that I'm taking to the office this is like a $40 piece that realistically I wasn't Luke's not gonna believe I salvaged Oh God for nothing these are what I actually need yeah okay all right so I'm thinking we'll do the build off in here so one person will take this desk surface and then the other person will set up a couple desks here and then we can use our pile of computer cases to construct like like a wall a wall like a barrier so that neither of us can see what the other is doing so we've been back at HQ already for like two hours and Luke and Brandon are nowhere to be seen they said we can start building at 3:00 so given that it's 2:30 right now we're pretty close so let's get set up save on select until 730 series SSDs with instant rebates during presidents week February 22nd to March 1st 2015 click now to learn more I'm excited this is going to be awesome that's what I said before we turn to the camera on and now we're doing it again it's fake but it is what I legitimately said so is it fake I don't know no one knows ok so are we doing the parts part show off Oh even though we have no alcohol and no cleaning cloths I found this napkin on the floor oh that's weird it doesn't have a model number maybe this is an unreleased processor i digest it has a model number so there's our CPU that's gonna be a phenomenal performer here's our RAM okay here's our other ramp alright here's our third set of RAM our fourth set of RAM and our eighth set of RAM she's got a little bit of a viewing port back there I got to be careful he can see around that corner quite easily and he's a little rascally devil I'd be careful with that one that's the sound of a quality side panel being dropped right there I would only drop it like that if I wasn't worried about damaging it because I have so many cases I bought six cases I thought that would probably be about a vote par yeah you probably only bought six cases because you're gonna need six cases to end up with a fully functional one yeah next time on scrapyard Ward's luke runs out of gas in the bad part of town nick fights the Statue of Liberty I just don't have like freedom how's what what what about that oh yeah you're about cleaning what no it's not his it's his week this week ever no last week I missed it oh editing a video last week so I was kind of not in the mood to do garbage and also I forgot
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