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3D Printing Candy with 3DSystems - CES 2014

Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2014 is brought to you by NCI XCOM your source for great technology selection and service along with Corsair memory and Western Digital hey guys we're here in the 3d printing section checking out 3d systems and their food printers so this can print chocolate and sugar stuff which is insane and I'm here with Liz to tell us more about it so what keep tell me more generally about your guyses printer yeah so 3d systems is really excited to unveil at CES this week the first food-safe 3d printers the chef jet and the chef jet pro so these printers were super excited they work with a bunch of different recipes like you said sugar and candy and a bunch of different flavors and chocolate and they're fully certified to go right in the kitchen along with your oven and your microwave and all that and they can 3d print awesome geometries to go on cakes really cool ornate wedding cake toppers everything from that down to custom sugar cubes to sweeten your coffee and little personalized candies and anything in between and really anything you can imagine and we're really excited about this because it's totally new territory for 3d printing right so it it opens it up to folks who maybe wouldn't be able to engage in the technology otherwise and that's really exciting to us and we can't wait to see what these these pastry chefs and bakers do once they get their hands on this I think it's gonna be really cool seriously because looking at what you guys have here a lot of it looks like building block platforms so like if someone wanted to make it like you just said a pastry or something like that they could 3d print the base or something and then build on top of that and even if you don't want to do that if you just want to go with the 3d printing style there's some really intricate stuff my favorite thing is the the hollow cube and you linked them together that's insane that you guys are able to do that so so with with the plastic printers you have rolls of filament how do you how do you get like is it like a canister of powder or how does that work exactly so it'll be either we haven't quite developed it yet because these are prototypes and they'll be available in the second half of this year the delivery system of the dry materials hasn't been quite ly quite worked out yet but it'll be a dry material so you might pour some into a bin or you might have kind of a canister type situation but it'll be a dry Ramat area a wet raw material they'll add to the dry yeah and then is this something you can mix on your own or is it something they would order from you guys or how does that work right it's something we would provide because the material would be really dialed in to work very well with the machine so we get consistent print quality every time awesome thanks a lot if you want to see all of our CES 2014 content be sure to subscribe to Alanis tech tips and as always thank you to our sponsors NCI xwd and Corsair
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