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4K Video Editing Workflow - Intel Booth @ PAX Prime 2015

alright so we're here for demo number one at the intel booth at PAX Prime 2015 I mean you guys know I'm all about the hardware sure there's like 4k video editing and showing off like how awesome that is in a minute but first let's check out this machine from cyberpowerpc it's using that sick in wind case with the tempered glass side panel fortunately they round those corners otherwise I'd have no fingers at the moment and of course it's all about what's inside so you got a triple water cooling radiator taking care of an intel core i7 6700 k that is the latest skylake processors got 32 gigs of ddr4 memory from Corsair yes that's right ddr4 has officially hit the mainstream that is to say you guys are finding out about that now if you hadn't already heard us telling you about that before but don't worry too much about that we've got a couple geforce gtx 980 TI is because come on guys it's a content creation demo sure but that doesn't mean that you can't game in your spare time and I mean that predate pretty much takes care of the meat and potatoes of it so then oh my goodness I completely missed right we've got we got what's the storage in here we've got an Intel 730 series SSD which they are storing all the footage on to make sure that you don't run into any i/o issues when you're scrubbing through high bitrate footage which is the demo that we're about to see so we got Andrew here stepping in to be my vana I really appreciate that man thank you I mean a little more you know cleavage might might help if you want to be a vana may be able to dress with like the split up the lip button you know it's okay i will talk to wardrobe about it i'll make sure at the next event you got that taken care of but I go ahead and get started so basically he gets to pick any project here that he wants fires up the shortcut it launches adobe premiere pro Creative Cloud this is the 2015 version which you guys don't care about but I'm basically stalling for time at this point there we go although I'm not stalling for that long those of you who have ever launched from ear on a slow machine will know that that's a pretty darn quick launch time thank you SSDs and faster computers so all this footage over here on the left is 4k footage of a variety of different cool scenes it's shot at four k natively on a variety of different cameras one of which is the gh4 all the footage has been converted to prores for k for 22 and then you can basically see he's dragging and dropping it onto a time like this this is the impressive moment if you guys are video editors you know how choppy and Jenke scrubbing around on the timeline can be especially with high bitrate footage and especially with 4k footage on a 4k timeline but that is not the experience that Andrew is having at all right now check that out you guys it is really hard to find exactly the right moment and you can waste a lot of time in video editing lord knows unaware of this with a team of video editors wasting their time all day while I pay them Brandon he's given me the shaking head maybe maybe maybe we need you know and improved workflow where we can enjoy this kind of thing so once he's done all he's got to do is go ahead say yeah I'm really happy with this setup export it and then they've got a really cool thing going on here at the intel booth if you guys are ever ad packs and you missed the intel booth you guys are missing out because they are giving away a poor i7 processor and all you have to do to enter to win is just create a video look at that so you picked the intel 4k preset export setting you put in your email address and then if you want to take it home by the way they've got these sweet thumb drives that I just ripped out of this without safely removing because I live dangerously they got these sweet thumb drives you can take your project away with you and all you got to do is experience what it's like editing video on a new high-end workstation in 4k and then you have a chance to win a core i7 processor pretty darn cool stuff you want to go ahead and export that for us there Vanna thank you look at this he's like doing everything all properly while I stand here and try and be like it so you go one minute 40 seconds 26 because adobe can't count but that's a subject for another video so thanks for checking out this video at the cyberpower 4k editing demo at the intel booth don't miss any of the linus tech tips PAX Prime 2015 coverage
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