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5 BIZARRE Wearables

tick plots reached out to us about a sponsored post for the tick watch - and have just recently launched a new Kickstarter for their Android wear powered tick watch s and E they've got every feature but the kitchen sink that got me thinking the Smart Watch space has really matured I mean these things used to kind of suck you couldn't answer phone calls track Fitness or check your notifications on either iOS or Android like you can with this thing but that isn't to say that every category of wearables have matured in the same way that watches have what about other wearables well funny story turns out that question can take you down some strange rabbit holes by using split head phones which hang out of the vagina but it's ok because I've saved you a trip to that corner of the Internet and here goes five bizarre wearables brought to you by a normal one the tick watch - number one I'm going to level with you guys although I may have the behavior of an immature donkey I also have the age of a grown-ass man and frankly my hair ain't what it used to be to be clear I'm not complaining there are lots of people my age who have it a lot worse but when I saw the I grow hair growth system I knew that I needed one first two questions is it considered wearable tech if you're never going to wear it outside and is it still wearable tech if it has an infomercial instead of a Kickstarter campaign not sure but it goes on your head and it uses low level light therapy tech to help treat thinning and balding hair results may vary near infrared lasers transfer small amounts of energy into the skin and apparently this mechanism isn't completely hogwash but that doesn't keep this 550 dollar unit from feeling and even smelling a little cheap and pretty uncomfortable I'll have to get back to you guys in four months with whether or not it works but what I can tell you for now is that it does a decent job of warming up your head and that I appreciate that the folks at a pure science were thoughtful enough to let me route my own Tunes through the otherwise inexplicable included headphones oh and don't forget your I grove volumizing shampoo and accelerate 35 spray because why not you're already in for five hundred and fifty dollars so go big or go bald right call them next ten minutes and you'll get four bottles for free number two how many times have you found yourself fronting down the boardwalk in your daisy dukes thinking gee I sure wish these timeless country cut-offs offered guiding vibrations to help me navigate this concrete jungle just me well now they can these vibrating connected jeans include two vibrating sensors on the belt one on the left side and one on the right providing useful haptic feedback like left new message or step on it Sally or you'll be late for the hoedown these shaky shorts stay in sleep mode until you put them on and are actually even smart enough to stay asleep in the washing machine enabling the battery to last for up to four years long after you've realized what a bad idea it was to buy them number three if you think wearables are for obnoxious young people think again driller systems has partnered with Frances oldest industrial manufacturer of Keynes to tap into the large and lucrative senior tech segment they're made for it smart cane is the winner of a CES 2017 Innovation Award which really okay honey way it uses embedded sensors and artificial intelligence to learn its users habits and then it detects abnormal situations like Falls the GSM connected cane then sends an email SMS or even places a phone call to the users caregiver who can then send a response signal back to the cane all without needing to be connected to a second device that's huge because when my grandpa leaves the house he can hardly remember to bring his pants let alone his phone I'm actually kind of getting into this I feel bad for the smart canes competitors this thing is so disruptive they're not going to have a leg to stand on number four this one's less of a wearable and were vana insertable it's the Kansas smart thermometer basically a regular old thermometer that works orally rectally or under the arm which is a that's kind of a new one but anyway it plugs directly into your phone and sense it's readings to a very nice and fleshed out companion app that tracks temperature and symptom profiles and lets you easily send them to your doctor it's also kind of bendy which is hours of fun for a simple man like me and comes with this extension cord so you can read temperatures from all kinds of things number five the world's going to crap and just fear but the air too but that doesn't mean your outfit has to introducing where the world's first pollution filtering respirator hidden behind a chic French designed scarf the replaceable filters stop particulate matter as small as 0.1 micrometers while the recycled polyester scarf keeps you from looking like the Iron Chef of meth whether you live in an apocalyptic health cape or riding your scooter through an office where is a breath of fresh air or so they say so then to answer our original question yes other wearables definitely do exist but for the time being it's likely that wrist warm ones will be the most common so thanks to tick watch for sponsoring this video check out the latest tick watch ethany on Kickstarter and visit their Facebook page for a chance to win a tick watch of your very own if I'm the link in the video description
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