
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

6M SUBS - and none of them matter...

so it is a pretty big day for happened today so first of all we cross the six million subscriber threshold and whatever it might say in the in the thumbnail there every single one of you matters we we owe everything to our subscribers the fact that we get to do this cool job the fact that we get to make content every day like just it's it's absolutely incredible you guys are utterly amazing so I'm gonna get to what I meant with the thumbnail in a moment but then there are actually a couple of other really exciting things that happen today that blew my mind so YouTube's own stats are usually delayed by about a day sometimes there's some glitchyness so I'm gonna use a third-party platform here social blade but lioness tech tips also had its most views ever in a single month at sixty eight point eight four million and its most subscribers in a single month at two hundred and sixty seven thousand so wrap your brain around those numbers for a minute if we were doing a quarter million subs a month every month Linus tech tips could have reached six million subs in in two years like it's absolutely incredible how people are finding Linus tech tips and getting subscribed to it because I've got some I've got some algorithm stuff to chat about with you guys because we discovered something really really interesting about maybe not some of the changes that Google is making to the algorithm lately because you guys might know about all that stuff already things like changing the subscription feed to not necessarily be chronological we're not going to get into exactly what they've changed because I'll be being 100% honest with you guys I'm actually not a huge consumer of YouTube content and so I usually find out from like a third-party source when something changes about you know subscriber feeds or homepage or whatever else and I'm like oh okay I guess that's interesting but it's just something that we observed with one of our videos recently anyway before I do that what I wanted to do because people are always congratulating Linus whenever we reach a subscriber threshold or whenever we you know have a video with a lot of views I get a lot of emails in my inbox so I just wanted to run around our office and not everybody's here right now but I wanted you guys to have an opportunity to meet every person behind the scenes here to the best that I can they're not all here and just you know they've got 10 seconds to describe what they do here because as much as people might think that YouTube's not a real job or that what we do is easy because we just you know record videos and then post them online or whatever there is a ton of work that goes into everything so first up is laser James I had nothing to do with this you have been here over a year now you had plenty to do with it yeah so my job has become a mini expert on a ton of different stuff very fast so it sounds like we know what we're talking about for your Maps that's a great summary actually Jake what do you do here videos cool he does other stuff too then we've got Anthony our resident iMac Pro destroyer potentially fixer let's see what happens here so yes Anthony is another one of our writers he does a lot of our very highly IT technical content whereas James is more focused on consumer electronics and then alex is sort of a crossover tech slash like maker guy ya know we're like really Jackie projects and laptops are me mostly yeah actually that's true he does the vast majority of our laptop stuff edie what do you do here can you get back to work please that actually is legitimately his job he did a thing on like our workflow a little while ago he hosted it I actually did a surprisingly good job of it and his job is really to babysit me and tell us to get back to work what do you do here my dear redesign sets I do accounting I do hiring I don't know what else I thought you were I thought you're serious you said you resign that's good Janice do you want to say hi I got me here and that's it's an important job all right you're gonna takes a little while to get around the office these days all the people over here are you guys are pretty I think Nick's been with us a long time Nick what the heck do you do all day literally nothing go away no no you're gonna tell them you gotta tell them the six million subscribers dream there's confidential information on my screen please turn it away I make him do the things and make sure that there are videos essentially so Nick is sort of like a general manager he officially got like CEO Oh in his title I think last year yeah yeah so his job is kind of anytime I'm not around you know he and Yvonne are running the show and you know I I will question a decision made by them but I will not overrule a decision made by them over the normal course of our business so he's he's got a lot of responsibility around here Colton what do you do what do I do not general super fun anymore yeah that's true I do business management and all that fun stuff dude all the stuff you love finding LTX planning LTX hosting a little bit of hosting tech became the host another tech work you soon that'll be dope all right cheating on cheating game cheat what a tech quickie on games yeah oh it's actually pretty good a lot of people who watch our content have no idea how many people it takes to keep this ship tickin hey Brandon its million subscriber stream you're telling people what you do here what I can't hear you everybody's making this joke everyone's trying to ignore me I actually could not hear what you're saying I'm using 6 million subscribers stream what do you do here Oh God clearly nothing no no I I light and shoot everything that you guys watch yeah pretty much pretty much every well like 90% of what you see is probably been touched by me in some way uh-huh all right let's see if let's see if Tyler's around there are some I mean a lot of the people you guys are seeing get a fair bit of screen time but some of them are really unsung heroes hey Tyler are you around well he's not here right now but this is his desk Tyler manages the warehouse chaos and makes sure that it's not actually too chaotic and we can find things when people win prizes and giveaways he makes sure that they arrive where they're supposed to go he does receiving for all the new items that come through our door he's even done some writing and some support work for video projects in the past over over the last couple of years he's become an invaluable member of our team yeah there you heard Brendon Tyler's a superhero there's so many things that you know he never gets credit on camera but that he has that he plays a role in it's a six million subscribers stream you're live what do you do here I pack batteries that's what you're doing right now but I okay dennis is one of those ones where he gets a lot of screen time but a lot of people actually don't know why we employ so many things I do tech quickie I do Technic and translation team yeah and I hang out and Darren what do you do here I don't know man I edit all of the videos it feels like Terrans also been in charge of to a very significant degree of improving our quality control over the last couple of years so you guys used to notice a lot I think with only audio in one channel or like blatant errors and the transitions that the problem was that we had good editors but those good editors didn't have enough time so now we have good editors and we have processes it's the golden rule for all videos watch the video that you've exported after you've exported it and before you put it up that's the rule that helps a lot out Riley hi well I'm working at you typing you actually had really nothing to do with this journey to six million subscribers no I'd like to think that I really supported you mentally though he would always message me and say Riley I've got so many problems how do I fix them how do I build a YouTube empire I was like it's simple just call it name it after yourself and then Wow you know what I'm a prime do you want to be on the six million stream what do you do here I added videos and I'm the mean Lord apparently yeah if you've okay yet why don't you explain no I know if you've seen a video that's to me me he might have had he might have had he might have had a hand in it might have had handed it I don't think I'm gonna find anybody in here so I think the last one is that I had wanted to find Tyler but I don't know where he went off to just trying to think if there's any part of the office that I missed here um hope ya pehle is not here but he's I think traveling somewhere or something like that yeah I think we actually we actually did reasonably well Luke's not here but he doesn't actually work here anymore he works in floatplanes office which is across the tape line in that other room okay so now I'm going to get to the part of this video that I teased oh yeah I've been starting today either I'm gonna get to the part of this video that I teased at the beginning and that was the whole like I'm not gonna call it clickbait cuz it's not I have a point but it's cliquey I'm gonna get to the clicky aspect of this video title is yeah kind of 31,000 people are waiting for me too I have my computer right now thank you alright so that was just a really short summary like there's so much stuff that goes on around here like you know creating you know checklists like this and processes and procedures you know like closing up the building you know all that kind of stuff it really does take a lot more than people would think to run to run a studio that's on our scale because you might not think about this but six regular LTT videos a week sometimes seven if we throw like a sponsored one in on the Friday slot that's normally when show plus when show so that's seven to eight plus a couple tech quickies that means we're doing 10 to 11 videos a week plus tech linked so that here's 13 to 14 videos a week it is not insignificant all right so let's get to my discovery why I would say that the six million subscribers don't matter okay earlier this week we'll start the phone earlier this week we uploaded a video called nest cams are a big ripoff and what happened was we got a ton of messages through YouTube comments on Twitter messages on the forum just all over the place we even got other we even got other tech publications contacting us for comment because as far as everyone could tell this was the first like real verifiable documented case of YouTube just not delivering a video from a major channel into people's subscription feeds and this was coming right on the tails of the revelation that YouTube had changed the subscription feed to show videos out of order and we were you know understandably upset because that video at around seven hundred and eighty-three thousand views performed about I'd say about ten to twenty percent worse than I would have expected given a number of factors given the title given this topic given the thumbnail and given the overall channel momentum at that time because that really is more of a factor than I think a lot of people realize how much of a high your channel is on effects how much of a high you stay on and vice versa then what happened is Jake whose video that actually was he was the one who did all the the janky 3d printing of the the cool DIY security camera realized that if you dug into the Advanced Settings on that video for some reason here we go I mean you guys are probably reading this backwards I guess but I'll read it to publish to subscriptions feed and notify subscribers was not checked now we still don't know who who clicked that but someone must have because that's not an option that's enabled by default and there are a number of people who have a hand in publishing a video so the editor usually uploads it the writer usually like checks it and fills in all the information and then either them or someone else might set it live so anyone could have done it and everyone's like oh not me not me not me not me but what was really interesting about this was how well the video performed now I did just say that it was I'd say 10 to 20 percent worse than what I might have expected for that video but I mean 10 to 20 percent of 800,000 is like eighty to a hundred and fifty thousand we have 6 million subscribers as of today so a few days ago it was 5.9 something 6 million subscribers amounts to only at the at best a hundred and fifty thousand views on a video are you kidding me ah so check this out if we go into a normal video that was published around the same time so 12 kilometer Wi-Fi we're gonna go into the video stats for that guy and we're gonna punch down into our views and then I'm gonna show you guys the subscription status data here this is really cool so about 73% of the views here were from people who were subscribed and 27% are from people who are not subscribed over time that ratio is gonna shift a little bit because right when you publish a video it would make sense that it's more of your subscribers watching and less of people who are who are stumbling across it thanks to the algorithm alright now remember those numbers what was it 73 and 27 like that okay now let's go to the video that never made it into the subscription feed dun dun da check this out seventy thirty seventy thirty it never made it to the subscription feed so I mean I actually just found this out a little while ago like I was started really digging into these numbers so I haven't put together like some kind of conclusion as to what all of it means I'll leave that to game theorist or something like that but what it does show me is that if YouTube is tooling around with the algorithm whatever they're doing seems to work nearly as well or maybe nearly as well as someone manually subscribing because they managed to deliver almost like within it's verifiable now that we can look at the ratio they managed to deliver almost as many of our subscribers that video as they would have if the video was in the subscription feed so uh there that is finally what prompted this video we've got six million subscribers thank you so much every single one of you it means a lot to us but it's more of like an emotional meaning because YouTube is changing or Google Google is changing the way that the subscription model works so much that it just doesn't seem to actually be that important to the success of a channel like it's nice to have the jump start because that might prompt the algorithm to pick something up better but something we've noticed over on tech linked is that the videos with my face in them in the thumbnail are tending to get more views but the ones that Riley hosts actually have better retention so why is is Google using like facial recognition to tickle oh well this one's hosted by Linus maybe we should like push it to people who are interested in lights or even not hosted by like you know a lot of youtubers put celebrity faces in their thumbnails when they're reporting on a story about them or whatever the case may be it may be maybe that's a factor in how Google propagates the content but one thing we know is that if it was purely based on watch time which is what Google has said is a huge priority for them then surely better retention stats would be a key component to that right and yet it feeds more of these to other people now we haven't checked the click rates you know maybe more people just click on it because they recognize me versus Riley but there's there's clearly a lot more investigation to be done and by the time we could possibly finish it I'm sure Google will have completely changed it all over again so thank you guys very much for being part of this amazing ride and we will see you again at ten million with a diamond play button to be awesome I am so excited I don't know how to end this stream how do I end it okay I can mute the microphone I such as pro-sex
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