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A $400 Keyboard with NO ACTUAL Keys!

it keeps getting stranger and stranger around here when it comes to keyboards the advantage to was kind of like a gateway drug with its key Wells and thumb clusters then came the safe type keyboard with its freak'n rearview mirrors as for today well we're clearly screaming down this slippery slope at an ass waxing rate because we've arrived at the or B touch a keyless keyboard and it also works as a mouse some how what how even do the Corsair one features a compact form factor that is fast quiet and you guessed it compact check it out through Amazon or Newegg at the links below okay so like the other economic keyboards that we've checked out the or B touch takes two hands to operate but not this time because the letters are physically separated this time it's because both hands are actually required to register a single keystroke so to type a letter then you need to coordinate the movement of these two domes in a process called cording the dome on the Left points at one of eight symbol clusters while the dome on the right is used to specify the particular character you want to type based on its position within the cluster the end result then is that each letter basically has its own Associated gesture and unlike a regular keyboard where some letters like Zed and P are more difficult to strike than others on the or B touch all the gestures are equally easy to perform though with that said some are more difficult to memorize than others more on that later now I want to talk about what it's like to actually type on this thing surprisingly it's actually kind of fun according to or B touch most users can type at 60% of their QWERTY typing speed after about five hours of practice and believe it or not I believe it no of course at first you have to stare down at the keyboard to do anything at all and it feels like it takes days to string together a single bloody sentence but even within just a couple hours of practice James had most of the letter gestures memorized and when he was telling me about it I got kind of this weird vibe apparently that feel when you finally write a word with complete fluidity is like totally a huge rush whatever floats your boat dude then though once you really get the hang of it you can start to do some serious power moves because get this one after typing a letter you we need to return one of the domes to Center before typing the next one that means that if consecutive letters share the same cluster or color then you can bang them out by moving just one hand it's again I'm going from someone else's breathless account here about as exhilarating as stringing together a fatal combo and Mortal Kombat but much more productive on the subject of Mortal Kombat according to or B touches unmanned yule because the or B touch performs all the functions of a keyboard and mouse it can be used to play games well how about that let's try it out shall we okay then first we slide down twice to enter mouse mode now we use the right dome to control the mouse and the left dome to click all right now we switch back to type mode so we can reload and try walking around it hmm we're not moving and there's no way to actually hold a key down so I can't actually walk anywhere and even if I could I wouldn't be able to aim at the same time so okay you can't win them all let's get back to typing this is pretty cool even though it only has two moving parts you can still do advanced commands like Control Alt Delete and highlighting an entire row of text using the shift and end keys albeit at a much slower pace all right then Linus an else enough if it's so limited and slow who's gonna buy this thing ah I'm glad you asked like our other our go keyboards the or B touches design does eliminate the three musketeers of repetitive stress injuries pronation extension and ulnar deviation unlike them however it's really made for folks with hand or arm prosthesis arthritis spinal injuries cerebral palsy and other finger dexterity impairments it's also been found to be really appealing to people with autism because instead of being laid out randomly the letters and colors are both arranged in a logical way according to this chart many autists can actually type faster using the or B touch than they can with a QWERTY board which doesn't mean we don't have some constructive criticism it definitely slides around on the desk too much during use it's build quality is unexceptional given the $400 price we think the num lock mode while well-intentioned is pretty difficult to use flying blind with no backspace and while there are gestures for arrow keys we really think a dedicated d-pad would make navigation easier in many cases and possibly make gaming slightly less poisonous with that said though we still think the RB touch is a homerun it's surprisingly easy to learn our only comfort related grievance is related to palm sweat after extended use and they will even make you a left-handed version or adjust the actuation force according to your particular needs plus it comes in a tube filled with rubber duckies I'm touched if you're a small business owner or you're a freelancer FreshBooks is the way to solve your accounting problems instead of being so complicated that you have to have a freaking degree in accounting in order to be a drywall or a computer repair technician FreshBooks is built for the way you work it lets you be more productive more organized and get paid faster you can create and send professional-looking invoices in less than 30 seconds set up online payments you can get paid on your terms so that you can take deposits or just get paid all at once it's totally up to you and you can even see when the client has seen your invoice to put an end to the guessing games the best part is FreshBooks comes with you on the go so whether you're sitting down at your computer or on your phone you have access to the entire functionality of their cloud-based platform so for an unrestricted 30-day free 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