
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

AMD making new CPUs - WAN Show June 1 2018

it's when Showtime and I am very upset this is this is quite emotionally striking for him right now yeah I am really not sure how to process this right now okay legitimately this is weird yes like even just that part and the back in order to like administer the show you have to go that I go over here like the number of years yeah that I have been sitting to your left yep and this is what happens when we let a prime work on the land show set you were sitting there so you were party to it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes okay so one of my questions is why didn't they just put the little table over here I don't know because I can't take this okay why do you is this yeah that we sat on the couch no in the race room Oh hold on no I was on the lift still are you sure no I'm pretty sure I was on the left but back then you still had to administer to the left because the table was forwarded to the left oh here we go okay whoa yes I used to be on this side yeah but you in the middle left yeah oh it was it was in the middle to the left oh okay okay anyway other than what is clearly wrong and terrible we have a great show for you guys today Intel launched to obtain dims yeah so like mmm modules but like using obtain super cool so that's pretty cool AMD is preparing new CPUs which are super uninteresting but it's still good that they're doing that but it's good that they're doing that because the more pressure we put on Intel the more likely they are to release something other than obtain dims those are still armed is introducing a new processor with insane performance hooray it's gonna be the Razr processor oh wow did you ever see his keynote on the razor phone no it's insane insane performance you know what they put so much that it was insane you know it's funny like the rest of the internet didn't seem to really pick up on that the blower they didn't think it was as funny maybe it's cuz I know him like maybe that's part of it where like I was just I was I was watching like someone that I know in real life tried to do like CEO keynote guy things and I was like oh man you still have some work to do what else we've got oh we've got a rumor a couple of rumors that Apple is gonna be launching one iPhone model next year with three rear cameras everyone is getting closer to that what was that camera called with like Alden oh my yeah start with an L I don't know it's I don't remember if there's like a million lenses on the front yeah yeah we're getting closer to that becoming a reality all also the Intel Core i7 8086 KS confirmed so we'll get to that after the intro that I don't know maybe it still works I don't know I don't know every last time it broke and then I fixed it live yeah that did that but yeah I mean it sure yeah okay hold on a minute hold on a minute is that the side that I'm on now oh I think it is no cuz that was made with the black coach yeah oh wow this is messing with my whole world right now I'm actually not even sure so I'm on the right side in there yeah and if that's really weird I forgot yeah despite it being shown to us twice every week that's a hundred times a year but for three years geez oh wow all right all right okay so you've had a pretty rough week yeah I've had a pretty rough week yeah and for some different reasons and some of the same reasons so I'm gonna go first um I'm leaving for Computex I can't give you that mic pack because I have to shoot one more video after this she's changing the mic oh well then I can give you this mic pack so I am flying out for Computex very very shortly and I will be gone for like ten days yeah I'm gone for a while I'm going to Taiwan and then China which is of course the same thing right Dennis are you making that sound because you have like a gag gag order so I'm going to Taiwan then China yeah oh is he going with you yeah yeah he's going with me oh yeah is it gonna be a problem like going to China with a Taiwanese like who lives in Canada and like works in Canada but he didn't stick her over his passport so I think he's probably still okay did you hear about all that no there was a thing going around where I don't know if you could get them from the government or if people were making themselves but it was like semi endorsed from the government at first and then it wasn't later on but there was stickers that got rid of the Republic of China thing or whatever it's called okay like on your Taiwanese passport yeah and then people that traveled with that to China were like super denied entry Wow yeah but he has not done this well that's interesting isn't it he's let him in China yeah that would be good so I'm going to Taiwan than China so I'm gonna be gone for ten days but you're gonna notice something really weird while I'm gone there's gonna be an LT T video every day yeah so that's been this week and last week and actually the one before and then also we shot another season of I was gonna mess with them oh he's gonna say tech showdown because then they'd be like oh no no one loves tech and you know what I guess that's okay yeah that's probably because frankly I don't really love it either yeah it had potential dude it had potential ex the first episodes more it's like it's like the sixth child you know there was so much potential but you just didn't really put the work into it and it came out half-baked and so yes new season of scrapyard wars I apologize for all of the six child's out there and guys the stick this time is pretty insane it's insane so it's just a classic Linus versus Luke which I don't think we've done since season two with the water cooling challenge has it been that long yeah cuz after that it was the three-way with Austin and then there was BS mods yeah and then there was two V two down in LA and that's all six season to beat you up here yeah Wow that's right with Jays two cents yeah that's it interest so it's a classic lioness versus Luke yep but the challenge is okay so this is a multi-part er in terms of the challenge and it just keeps getting worse first of all we can't use the Internet that's enough right there which it didn't even occur to me means no email and no Google Maps both of those things didn't initially click for me that was that was a pretty big deal I treat email like long text messages yeah like I don't think of them as anything other than straight utility like just part of my life I think of Google Maps like GPS yes I don't really think about obviously it has traffic data and stuff included in it but I never think like I am going to use the internet to find my way to this thing exactly I'd like to be clear we're not stupid we understand that that these services obviously the internet yeah but it's just not something you don't you think about yeah okay so it's become so routine so anyways so yeah no use of the internet no use of Google Maps also no use of GPS so if your car had a built-in GPS you can't do that because that would have been unfair because both cars didn't and not every better GPS in their car and it somewhat defeats the purpose anyways of not being able to use the Internet yeah so then there was the next real challenge there was like there's enough obscurity there's enough difficulty already and then colton on the day of i didn't know this was coming it was like by the way it's a best bang for your buck competition there's no fixed price i didn't know that either yeah so I knew that the challenge was gonna be no internet but it hadn't really occurred to me what exactly that meant when I heard that I was like oh yeah okay so I can't Craigslist and I can't find people online yes I didn't think about the email part I didn't think about the maps part yeah like when we were standing there and I was thinking like how am I gonna do this I immediately thought of those things and best bang for the buck challenges are in a lot of ways much more difficult oh yeah than having a fixed budget and trying to build the best machine for that budget because all of a sudden any strategy from $50 or all the way up to $5,000 yeah has the potential depending on the workload to be the best bang for the buck yeah like you could show up with literally old tower from 2012 that you found in a back alley for $0 and if it gets one FPS in the game you have an infinity scholar guaranteed to win you win yeah so it's like the the best bang for your buck challenge is enough in itself that was season 3 yeah that was the competition in season 3 then there's the no internet then there's the no GPS it was intense so we've got people Joey Pomeroy asks when does this all air that is a tremendous question so we've said we're gonna do this before but this time our sponsor is being super cool about it and Dee brand has basically said yeah we understand you guys want to do it up right and so what we're going to do is we are going to pre edit the entire thing so that we can get all the pacing right and then we've said this we've I know we've said this multiple times yeah but this time we're and you know what every time we've gotten closer yes yeah yeah like last time we storyboarded the whole thing and edited at least more than one and then I feel the editing on season 4 was the best I still maintain that I don't know what happened that year so yeah so we are going to have the whole thing pre-edited so we can make sure the pacing of the season is right and it actually should be a little bit easier to get the pacing right because one of the biggest criticisms that I have as a viewer of scrap yard Wars is that the first episode is always just us typing on Craigslist and you're just talking like mumbo-jumbo model number number model blah blah blah combine this with that trice whatever yep whereas when you don't have the internet you basically have to go we both immediately started driving hoof it yeah we we spent like a couple minutes i sat with my head on my desk for a while yeah and like I stood around for a sec and then was like okay yeah I'm gonna go here but like there was no googling obviously or existing so I don't want to spoil anything for you but you guys need to watch this season and I will I will tell you one thing that I did I made a sign to go in the back window of my car with my phone number on it your actual phone number that basically said want to buy gaming computer did anyone call SMS this number no ok so I know I had that I didn't do so it's not even a spoiler I guess was setting up one of those signs and like sitting at a bus loop this is the stuff we came down to okay how's his heart how did people find each other before the internet I don't even know okay well I thought about this but but you wouldn't do it anymore but classifieds and stuff right I where would you find a newspaper that's that's and like no one's gonna do that anymore what kind of what kind of like a technology savvy person would post something in a newspaper so there yeah there's really no point but like I think that's what they would have done oh man back in the day yeah so anyway it's gonna be great um swamp meets I think oh yeah but who runs a swap meet from no I know I'm just a lot of these things yeah yeah yeah I even thought of like what if there's like a LAN party or something and I could just go and like buy a ticket and ask people if they want to sell me their computer like adilyn I got an offer to borrow one like I could rent a computer from someone which technically like is it against the violates the spirit of the competition exactly sure which is why I didn't do it but like the guy was like yeah you could like rent my computer and like direct it for like a week and they just bring you back there's technically no rule against that but like no no okay one he knew me I wouldn't hire either way so that it was it was pre ixnay but like while I was saying there I was thinking like if he didn't like maybe I could ask people I don't know probably no one would do it I would never even know that you rented it if you were just like a good I got this for 10 bucks I'd have to be mad but like well you watch the episode and figure it out yeah I think I'd take back your trophy yeah III think I think I would take back your trophy if you won like that that's not cool yeah because I have been known to take back a trophy you know if I feel like how skeptical would you be they've been missing I feel like you would have been digging and figured it out on the spot you know no I probably would have believed you like you you've been you've been honest with me over the years no okay looks like a full it's probably has LEDs in it hmm like it probably has a window I'm renting a gaming tower from s'okay right yeah no like I don't know I would ask prying questions yeah be like yes who did you get it from did they know you where did you get can i buy one of these now how many can we buy and flip and make tell exactly exactly so oh I think people are really confused so I said if you won with that strategy I don't take the trophy yeah yeah um all right because if you we rent a computer for $10 you're probably gonna win that was like we would never spoil scrap yard Wars you guys know scrap yard Wars is like it's like sacred around here you do not talk about scrap yard Wars outside of the company to ensure even a lot of people internally yeah don't know who wins until the episodes come out so all right did you want to do some like actual tech news or something might as well I guess so I mean we the people all came all the way here from and you know they clearly don't know where to get their tech news because they haven't already watched all of this I think yeah so this was originally posted by I'm a raised or on the forum and I think it's just I'm Razer oh okay whatever I'm the original article is from oops properties deactivate activate there was this no ties duplicate mmm maybe not oh wait wait wait hold on hold on new idea new ideas that even the right one block them notifications alright um Intel launches obtain dims so these are sort of ddr4 sticks except they're only ddr4 in the sense that they fit in a ddr4 slot but they are not ddr4 because the actual chips on them are not DRAM they are not ddr4 it right that's interesting so basically they're announcing the availability but it's not like you can actually buy one right now it looks like they will be sampling these two they're sampling them now and they will be shipping them for revenue later this year but only to select customers and then broad availability is planned for sometime in 2019 so in a nutshell are actually let's go through some more specs first so they'll be using obtain DC / - sorry they'll be branded as obtain DC persistent memory so that's data center not direct current and this is this is in contrast with obtain DC SSDs so those would be like PCI Express or in via me or whatever else just regular SSDs I'm sure and they are not to be confused with the consumer-oriented obtain memory caching SSDs that was such a terrible name for that product like they should have just called it like the obtain accelerator or something yes obtain memory you literally in the spot you just made a far better name for it and you know what the stupidest part of that is when I was at their launch event when they were launching op memory they briefed us on this they knew this was coming they knew actual obtain on Adam for servers was coming and they still called the little MDOT to thing that accelerates your hard drive Auto obtain memory unbelievable Intel I love you guys dearly but holy crap you sometimes obviously contact one of the business guys about having us help you with your naming schemes yeah you know a new business actually be really - media group you know you know you know how many people have asked me when we're gonna do the next asus rog rig reboot do you know where that name came from I know this story but I'm gonna pretend that I don't because it will work better if you're telling me for the first time so no wow you just completely you completely ruined everything I've never this is I'm so interested where did where did our G rig reboot come from okay so they originally when we were when we were pitching this uh they sent us what were that what were the names that they they pitched us because we were support it was really are bad we were supposed to get back to them light was over a span of weeks they were because they pitched us a name and we thought it was like really bad and or generic that's a great picture yeah which that should probably see that picture okay so just I have a really weird relationship with my Asus rep I'm just gonna see if they're so much on your screen right now though uh is there anything there is right there that right there okay sit okay I got it yeah anything in here no that should all be fine okay yeah yeah I can show my screen now okay so this is an email that he sent to me we're kind of rethinking the whole program at the moment so this was when we weren't sure we were gonna be working together on it socks with sandals do not create the branding image that we are after here the whole neo chic glam southern surfer rockabilly theme is great but come on even the socks are white and so this is a this is a tweet that we had sent out around that time that is me in case you guys are wondering so feeling a little you know a little aroused it's totally fine hot and heavy yeah yeah anyway so they understand idea and I was super busy and had no time to think about it so Colton walked into me on my office he's like look I'm not leaving your office until you give me a name to give them because job pool that's the last thing holding up moving forward with this project and so I'm like oh I don't know maybe like ROG rig reboot and then if they hate that like come back to me literally on the spot we should offer us naming things as a consulting fee based like service to companies because they're so bad at it like did you know that Seagate's rebranding for their drives you know iron wall yeah and they still have Barracuda I like Skyhawk okay I like it too I think they did a good job but get this to come up with that scheme they hired the person who did the color based branding over at WD yeah they couldn't just copy it it's not like there was a it's not like there was any kind of you know secret like they already had Barracuda I'm calling just keep going there's good it was cool okay swordfish Drive sure shark don't know and like the like Barracuda has like two kind of steps to it so iron wolf makes sense why did my shark is maybe a little bit too sure you'd have to hire someone to come up with that like I'm not trying to be a jerk right again Seagate my friends I'll everyone I've ever met from seeking love you dearly but holy crap what were we even talking about I don't even know all right obtain memory oh right right right okay okay well no you never actually got you said colton came into your office right I just mean I came up with it on the spot because I had no time to think about it and within a minute or two it's not like cold and stay there for a few hours and now I get people like messaging me or like walking up to me at conventions being like I loved our og rig reboot when are you gonna do that again like like it's a thing now [Laughter] all right so opting from DC persistent memory Oh initially available in a hundred and twenty eight gigs just you know I like how searchable that name is 256 and up to 512 gigs on a single module yo dude you got crazy OD CPM in your dog so the modules are pin compatible with standard ddr4 DIMMs and will be supported by Intel's next generation Xeon server platforms so whoever they are currently sampling these things to apparently also have Intel's next gen server stuff yeah so that gives us some hints as to soon that gives us some hints as to when we might see those rolling out and broad availability is planned for 2019 they're not officially disclosing whether it will be possible to mix and match DRAM and obtain persistent memory on the same memory controller channel and the 192 gigs of ram for the development preview systems indicate that they are equipped with a 16 gig DRAM dim on every memory channel so maybe also not disclosed power consumption clock speeds specific endurance ratings other than them saying that they should last for a similar lifetime to the server with their regular memory that's it so I actually have to tag out with James but it's gonna be probably a double swap I actually I yes but first I would really like to tell you guys about Oh savage jerky so that I can eat SATA is that okay can I do at least the savage turkeys uh-oh I don't have my notes because normally I load them up on there they don't know this have a jerk you know well basically a high quality snack that's made with fresh ingredients without nitrates or preservatives that's not bad for you they've got 13 different flavors of drinks good I'm down alright 13 different flavors including my favorite the maple buffalo bacon mmm they also make barbecue sauce hot sauce and a spice rub their Carolina Reaper hot sauce uses one of the hottest peppers in the world the Carolina Reaper and I got to say you can use offer code LTTE and save 10% let's have a jerky calm but you probably shouldn't because the more of it you eat the more you need to keep ordering it I think I have a problem okay I'm gonna let you do honey and I'm gonna go and do one more video but something super cool you ask you may have some Alex you see what happens when that is two pieces Wow Oh guys you're right now there is see this is really interesting because we're gonna be able to open up the YouTube analytics and see the drop off we'll be able to quantify just like how much people hate James as a code no slash love lioness or just gotta get that laser James in their diet okay optic word spreads oh my god honey is a free browse do I have a thing for this there we go honey is a free browser extension that automatically finds the best coupons on the web so you always get the best prices on everything you buy online you know those like old coupon websites where you like Google is there a coupon for this website and you find a whole bunch in the list and most of them don't work and they're all really annoying and bubble but it does it all for you instead of having all that annoying stuff it works you don't get it I don't have to mess with any weird websites it's all good while you shop honey will instantly find every working coupon it can and will automatically apply the best discount to your car check out it's friggin awesome so it already figures out which is the best coupon code anyways so you don't also have to do that jungle which is nice there's like there's no reason not to use it it's pretty great that's day yeah yeah they've partnered with lots of online retailers like eBay and Newegg to find you the best deals they don't sell your personal information in some cases when you use a coupon with honey they earn a small commission from the merchants because they like they partner up with different people they do not sell your data or give your information to third parties either which is cool there is there's a statement in here that says there's no reason to add honey there is no reason to not add honey to your browser today it's free just takes two clicks to install and we'll save you money go join honey at honeycomb slash Linus or click the link below if you're on YouTube to add honey to your browser today honey sweet then we have spectrum do you have yours here yes anywhere but I like this orange box oh let me try it done you know where these ones yeah these aren't gonna be for me these are kind of those are a little bit they're feminine yes there we go staring at your monitor all day can be hard on your eyes and also make it tougher to fall asleep that's the the latter note on that is my least favorite part spectrum is an affordable long-term solution to staring at your computer screen or phone actually as well using a software solution like f.lux and twilight will not give you the same type of filtering that these glasses do features include that they're stylish you might not like these on me because I'm a very weird fit for glasses but I think James looks better in those ones and if I had different ones they might look better or you do like these on me who knows they're also nice quality and have a one-year warranty which is which is good we've had these for over a year now I think oh yeah and they look brand new so yeah there I like how flexible and light these puppies are boom they have low color Distortion they block high-energy blue light while keeping colors as similar as possible so yeah that is a thing any of these glasses will have a very minor amount of color change and it is this is pretty minor a little bit noticeable but it is very minor I've had two other ones that are a lot worse I will tell you that much they're primarily focused around Canadian US markets but they are working on expanding into Europe and they do offer shipping internationally they also now sell at Memory Express for Canadians that's interesting month 11 oh that yeah I had no idea get for that and for the month of June they'll be offering 20% off spectrum glasses check them out at spectrum glasses comm slash collections slash pro spec or prospect I think it's pro spec or on memory Express or through the link below if you're on youtube today I didn't have the right banner up I noticed you say coupon coupon I suppose I say I'm a Coopers coupon coupon I'm not seeing you're wrong it is a you not a double O so coupon fun I don't know I like okay we're gonna leave this banner up for a little bit because I forgot to put it up yeah before then I have no idea what you guys have spoken about so topics in a line definitely not what definitely not that one what was that one okay there was it's been removed how long was it up there okay let's let's explain school shooting game on Steam has been removed rightfully so in my opinion yeah active shooter and Wow yeah straight up an unreleased steam game in which you play as a school shooter a SWAT team member trying to neutralize them or a civilian has been removed from the platform and both the developer and publisher revived games and acid respectively responsible for the game have been banned from the platform the Games trailer depicts a player running down high school halls and through classrooms indiscriminately murdering teachers until a swap team shows up Wow who how could you possibly think really think it when they first were making the game it was you couldn't play as the school shooter you could only play as the SWAT team person neutralizing them it was just like a SWAT game with like veiled and and that kind of Aereo and then someone genius was like you know how we can just use pill play on the other side you be a terrorist in counter-strike you gotta be a psychopath like there's no amount of slimey there's no amount of slimy greasy marketing like whoa we'll get a lot of attention and we'll make money there's no amount of that that can motivate you to be bad in sense what does Chad think what do you think Chet well everyone can see sorry whoa intro no whoa it was scrolled I can click on me sociopath how is this worse than GTA very worse I would say it's very worse very much worse do because in my opinion in this one you are set up specifically to do that in GTA it's it's a choice yeah yeah well I mean you do have to rip people out of their cars at least you don't have to punch survival sex workers or randomly shoot people walking down the street you have a choice and I guess arguably in this game you don't have to play as the shooter you could only neutralize them I suppose the other thing is this is just so much you can't shoot up schools I think in the in fairness in this game you cannot shoot children I don't even know if there's children present it might only be teachers but still this is just so much more topical in GTA it's open-world and like anything could happen it's supposed to just simulate the amount of variables that exist in the real world whereas this is just specifically like hey this tragedy that affects now hundreds of families in the u.s. like every week and it's like the greatest tragedy that could happen really now let's just do that now the other argument here is that is censorship some people think steam should be completely open for whatever some people think this safe is too far I mean it's a platform that they own this isn't a government system so they can kind of do whatever they want sure they can but sure but what should their philosophies ability yeah I mean that's up to them like at the end of the day they're a business if you don't like that they're removing this go somewhere else well I think they remove in response I would cry because this is I read about this topic was posted last Saturday I believe on the forum originally and then it's been updated that they did respond I mean the graphics of terrible was this even on their radar it would have been one of those brutal like no one knows about a games that's what I'm talking about maybe that's why they probably had no clue it looks it looks like jock I don't know personally but it looks like junk some of the people most of people on the game the forums so she's made for outrage marketing by making a game with stolen assets as a cheap cash grab maker is banned because their record of making stolen si games yeah so is just some like junk game thrown together in no time yeah it wasn't on steams right and the dude the publisher developer dude has a history of customer abuse and publishing copyright materials so and user review of manipulation so he's just like so bad but in the forums related to the game some people mostly people were saying get this game off of here off the platform but some people were saying that they criticized valve for the fact that it gives the boot too many games contain containing nudity while letting the likes of active shooter state this is prior to the bad people are saying that it's kind of like a free the nipple thing you're on Instagram and there's you can be so scantily cloud and covered in oil and putting your butt up against camera but you can't be like breastfeeding yeah I don't know it's I I maintain to a certain degree that like freedom of speech and whatnot is a government based thing and it doesn't apply to that platform if that platform is like I don't want you shooting teachers in a game they have full right to take that off their platform if it becomes discriminatory for some reason then it's a different issue but I don't think that's the case valve seems to have known who this person was pre-existing troll history of manipulation and other things they probably would have banned it just because he's banned regardless I'm pretty sure he was already banned and just made a new thing to put this up possible so like I it might not even have to do with the game itself might just have to do with the fact that they don't want him releasing stuff on the pop here's a question for you you know how ever since the first mass school shooting Columbine people have been blaming video games notably Grand Theft Auto and music like Marilyn Manson music and most gamers so many thousands of gamers have been like look like games are not the reason that these things are happening well there's been studies that have proved that too sure what about a game like this do you think a game like this that's so like it's a simulation of of the event do you think that could desensitize a person make them more likely to carry out such a heinous crime I think we're getting down a little bit of a weird path here I I don't think playing a video game facilitates doing a crime because I don't think playing call of duty inspires anyone to join the army if that makes sense I think there are some games that can do things like that but like there's there's a video that I like that's online that takes like a pro counter-strike player and they give him like the gun that he mains with and he shoots one bullet and he's like I'm done I didn't enjoy that I don't want to do it anymore and just leaves so like it doesn't necessarily inspire that I think if you are interested in cars and then start you can go are you waiting okay all right you can just there's no other way so like I'm gonna block the camera what are you thinking okay put your head a shake man if you are already into cars and you start playing like I don't know force a force of five sure yeah it's that will probably just drive that further drive it'll steer you in that direction yeah yeah yeah it'll it'll like it's already a passion of yours so you're doing something within that range and kind of just accelerates it yeah yeah you're not putting on the brakes no you're you're trying to immerse yourself more in that right and I don't think like maybe if you're like obsessed with this stuff and you're already watching like every new poorly done news article where they talk about the shooter a lot and they say his name and all this kind of stuff and you're like really really into that type of thing and then you start playing this game like it might be a component sure well I'm not gonna be like it's not the source there's I don't think anyone's gonna play something like I gotta go do it like I don't I don't think that's gonna happen I think you're already they banned it yeah yeah cat now good yeah I think if you're already obsessed with the thing and already immersing yourself in it so much it might be a component of your insanity but like it's not do you think there's any way that a game like if you're a person like that that a game like this could offer you release and make you less likely I have no idea I am NOT a psychologist probably varies greatly between individuals yes it has a lot of things do because people make out our arguments like that for prostitution like Facebook to remove the trending topic I love it like you okay all right all right sorry Facebook doing something I don't even want to read that topic and that's about all there is to it they're removing the trending topic sections the side of your newsfeed they've got a couple of things there that are trending hashtags usually their news articles that are a few days behind Twitter anyway and for like four years that's been up there and people have always been questioning how Facebook chooses now they're just getting rid of it all together and they are working on some other some other types or ways of delivering news to you including breaking news labels and a section that collects local stories do you have an opinion on this thing with star citizen and how you can get it you can buy this pack of DLC that includes every item in the game but that pack costs $27,000 yeah no I think spending $27,000 on a game that doesn't have a like full release date yet and might never fully release is probably a solid investment plan in the post Bitcoin boom I like it so here's the thing because this may be this may be a limited time offer so you could spend 27 grand and then sell those ships on the black market Wow and if you call in the next five minutes you can have a dancing French guy walk up under your camera yeah shaking his butt in the screen Wow not one but yeah Wow this is supposed to be the least used set yeah so here's the thing though I once I once around and I was in Latvia and I had lunch with this couple from California and they both work in the mobile gaming space in Silicon Valley and the marketing end of it and they were telling me they worked for games like candy crush and they said that the biggest percentage of money comes from Wales it's it's like 99 yeah I guess so much of it comes from Wales there's a who spent over a hundred grand a year the the the vast majority of your user base in the mobile gaming space doesn't matter at all so if there's a Wade of taking money from leveraging like the whales like do you care who the this $27,000 is equivalent worth to you and me like it was like more less or less like it's guys like a Saudi prince he's like oh I can have all of them like cool boom done the thing is though this isn't even they're not even getting like unique items it's not like you're getting a one-of-a-kind no one else is getting this ship only you have this ship it's just always you just get everything and everything in this case is 117 chips and 163 extras I'm not familiar with the game with those extras be weapons vehicles screens different guns different modifications to the ships literally a poster in your hangar mmm it can be a lot of stuff lots of stuff that's cool that's worth it I like a little model of one of the ships that goes digitally in your hangar in the game like that that could be what it is there's a lot of little extras this game's a Kickstarter still it's not outright this seems like a really good way to fundraise from those whales get the button get it for the rest of but we were fundraising in like what 2012 like what what year did this start can I find the original star citizen Kickstarter Kickstarter star citizen October 18th of 2012 holy cow yeah I dude whoa this is like Duke Nukem Forever status but they're still selling stuff and they MIT they raised over two million dollars originally make the game they burned through it did they visits over we need an estimated delivery November - oh no hold on let's see one more little detail here is that you don't even have access to buying this $27,000 pack of goodies unless you've already spent a thousand bucks which is so sweet you can't even view the page that's awesome because it's adds this exclusivity layer which I would imagine is oh so tantalizing to the to the whales who can afford this how much the stars' isn't raised in 2018 we're googling here SARS doesn't raise more money than every other video game on Kickstarter combined holy cow 2017 I think this DLC pack has got to be the most expensive game related content ever chris Roberts collection of spacefaring games raised thirty four point nine 1 million in 2017 like my god it's so crazy stretch goals okay does it show their total on here funding stats all right look at that eight whoa well Leonard set hundred and seven million dollar ah whoa what is that other statistic says star citizen system your people ears probably all time probably doesn't include churn it's not current yeah so what there's two million people playing no there's too many people that like have accounts yeah I think it's doing people that have paid some amount of money oh wow that's my assumption so let me I just want to make sure they're not like procedurally generated citizens or something no no no no no no no 187 that is so much money how much okay here hold on like like the Lottery's 30 million usually well some are that big what are you trying to find out how much money would it take to so GTA 5 costs 265 million dollars so GTA 5 still cost a bunch more but that's how much they've crowd funded that's insane I wonder if we could crowd fund a Falcon 9 rocket so like just like guys you're all against oh my god okay across against humanity you know they dug the hole no you didn't hear about that no I know they had mailed people poop and stuff he's human hole cards against humanity' raises $100,000 to dig tremendous hole were they were they allowed heavy equipment yeah I see some heavy equipment in the picture it'd be better if it was just shovels just a bunch of people I heard of some dudes who went to a party I don't know if it's a grad party or what but they just decided to dig and they they just spent the whole party digging and in the morning the whoever the host is just has a giant hole in their backyard and nested like show their parents oh my god yeah they weren't invited that's horrible okay so yeah so hole got dug is apparently a holiday whole sorry holiday whole calm was website dedicated to the whole set up by cards against humanity' and as long as money kept coming in they would keep digging so people had to live donate money and they would keep digging well I got more expensive or something well like they could pre-purchase time uh and it got more expensive over time and I apparently they got $100,000 so if we could get enough money for a falcon 9 to just send like something stupid like this like a car with a dummy a 10 or something you know yeah I mean like cards against humanity' should send like an a-hole falcon 9 rocket like just cards against humanity' cards into space wow that should be their next establish um shaped like a tree like it looks like a tree it's made of tree parts holiday rocket there you go craziness immunity there it is we should do well but we got it um I think we should do one more okay all right I'll allow it a soos mining motherboard this thing is actually pretty nut so you might as well talk about that our source is field Jen eg EJ wow that was a all right it's very clearly a capital J I got what I said the same thing though it's kind of like a eg just kind of goes happens yeah I'm okay I'm gonna show you guys this it looks insane so I actually didn't know so okay the first thing I look for is a wall where you gonna put all the twenty GPUs that it supports there's obviously not slots for it but there's a bunch of USB slots I didn't know that you guys don't have that going over PCIe like that yeah that's cool so the mining stuff has a little a little tiny little tiny card that you plug in that converts to USB normally so they're just skipping that step hmm so you don't have to have the whole lane blocked out you just have all these USB plugs you don't have to worry about that step you still gonna use B cable then that terminates back into another thing and you're good to go that's pretty cool it's a sweet-looking board drifty nuts crazy ones a combining master I don't know it says in the notes I just I'm lost here we will scroll down I think I put on the bottom so I thought I was boring it's just it's just interesting it's one of the most interesting looking boards I've ever seen that's why I wanted to talk about available in North America starting in q3 look even look at the power dude 24 pin 24 pin 24 pin eight pin Wow but does it have onboard Wi-Fi I did notice that they still had their can you guys see my mouse oh this one they still have the like sound divider just in case you want to listen to some Jam hell of a sound card oh man on your 20 GPU mining rig you just got a rock some ac/dc you're just listening to white noise heck yeah okay are we good is that does that conclude the land show oh my god it feels weird cuz I feel like I had two wine shows hmm like it feels like this wine show was really short so I'm like no I'm not done yet oh I see you mean but like I think it actually yeah I think we're I think we're about good but thank you for coming to the wine show the the multi-part series alliances screwed up his deep brand on this laptop but anyways does your phone that is my phone not a crack on screen it is well so yeah oh sure I forgot that last time there we go I was going to do the intro tell you hey well it's the intro and the outro bad timing did you fart nope this is cherry you know I wasn't talking with the sound oh that sucks savage jerky - spectrum is crap honey honey oh it does kind of smoke a prime I believe it jinyang
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