
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

AMD strikes back at GPP - WAN Show Mar 30 2018

yes mind us yeah so get rekt welcome the audio show yeah the show that as long as you do not have daylight savings time is still half an hour early heck yeah yeah oh man we we don't we don't operate in these confines of localized ideas of time yeah you know man like you know time is like you know really it's just a measure of like the Sun you you just think it's this time cuz the man tells you yeah so we're telling you what time it is it's when show time and when show time happens when a wizard decides that it arrives anyway a Mac OS finally supports EGP use / Thunderbolt 3 nice the Exynos model Galaxy S nines apparently are significantly worse than the Snapdragon ones which sort of runs counter to what we had talked about on the show a little while ago or it seemed like Samsung was gonna be nerfing the X and O's ones yeah so we'll get into that a little bit more later but else you got Apple releases iOS eleven point three to absolute critical acclaim no not necessarily we'll see we'll see you later they're not necessarily against it either it's just not the most exciting thing in it AMD strikes back at GPP which is brand-new never heard before news no one had any idea that AMD was against GPB at all that's really in true fake news show how much of that donut did you just consume like actually like [Laughter] [Laughter] okay well we oh that's good yes the wrong lower third now this is the part where I smile it is the wrong lower third no you clicked oh yeah thanks anyways alright so I made it the big news this week is of course about us oh we broke up we broke up with fennel berry apparently we have already got an email from one of sun'll bears co-founders yep that is pretty upset and I don't know I'm not gonna go into I mean I'm not gonna say anything that you guys couldn't probably assume but what I will say is that we stand behind everything we said we asked them for comments we gave them two weeks or three weeks two weeks I think we gave them two weeks till I wasn't sure if we were saying that part but that's pretty important in my opinion we gave them a couple weeks to get back to us and be like yo here's our plan to make sure that none of this is a concern we did not hear back from them yep and I've used P ia in the past we have other people here on staff that have been using it actually some of them for quite some time because I used both concurrently total bear I liked because it was just so fast it was really like to get going yes that's true but then any more long-term installations I used to be a a4 so you know every everything has a place and P is place is in our video descriptions and tunnel bears is figuring out how to explain selling to McAfee yeah I mean and as I said in the stream so I'm just kind of I just want to reiterate for anyone who didn't watch the stream today as I said we actually don't we're not aware of any huge problems that will arise due to this acquisition honestly we don't know that anything will change or go wrong or be bad or anything like that what we do know is that it gave us and many members are of our community reason to doubt that things would continue to be status quo and fine and that we couldn't get a comment from them for a couple of weeks so we kind of went well let's look look at the other options and being who we are it was not hard to get VPN services to return our phone calls you know knowing what the endorsement of our community does for a particular service they were like yeah we want to talk yet yeah house now how about now yeah so that was a big thing and yeah so there's some third you know there might be some frustration on tunnel there side and we're kind of our story for that but the flip side of it is that just you know we have to when you go through the internet moves first when when you go through something like an acquisition people need answers like right away and when it's something as serious as your online privacy especially with some crap that's been happening Leon oh yeah yeah things like that there's no waiting around for a month to hear back if the service that our viewers are using is like still cool oh ok or not yeah um all right so why don't we jump into our first FS in the chat for the time bear sponsorships really speaking of tunnel bear sponsorships after favors bad probably get banned by the bots so don't it's only for 20 seconds at a time but look at that ha why did you encourage them why was he watching the bots just like just covered Karnas like it's not even a ban how I think they overpowered it it's a bad steamer I'm not even kidding did the bot crash no wait no maybe it's turned off or maybe yeah maybe maybe it's temporarily off alright oh so okay let's jump into our first first first like external topic for the day yeah this was posted by vegetable stew on the forum and the original article here is from MacRumors booth looks a little something like that Apple releases Mac OS High Sierra 10 dot 13.4 with a GPU support and this is actually pretty exciting for a couple of reasons number one is that I'm excited to finally be legitimately excited about thunderbolt ports on the MacBook Pro and on the iMac Pro because I initially saw the iMac pro-animal Wow it's got Thunderbolt ports that means that even though it's like a lockdown sealed up Apple product the most important part of it that might need to be upgraded within the next I'd say three to four years is that can actually be upgraded it's the GPU yeah so the iMac pro if it supports the GPU can have its RAM its storage I mean with some difficulty of course but it's Ram its storage and its CPU upgraded to up to an 18 core processor up to i think its 256 gigs of ram so on which is a lot only four sticks so you gotta buy little really high density modules but so you can do it but but you can do it and then it's got I forget it's either wanted to SSD slots but I mean honestly a machine like that's got 10 gig Len you should be using a high performance NAS for your bulk storage anyway so it makes it like a legitimately pro machine I was so disappointed when I found out that the iMac Pro didn't support EGP you unless you booted into Windows so the hardware was obviously there but Apple had it turned off in Mac OS so it didn't support you GPU unless you booted it in to win and I'm still disappointed about this one it still doesn't support display target mode or whatever they call that target display mode so you can't continue to use it as a monitor for your like next generation yeah iMac problems because it is actually a really nice monitor that would be nice that would be super swell but here let's have a look and see if there's sort of anything else to add here so the rest of the update includes support for business chat conversations and messages in the US whatever data seemed not being sort of immersed in the Apple ecosystem I actually don't know what that is maybe there allows jumping to the right most open tab using command 9 in Safari oh boy ok Safari is so bad you know the one thing that makes it completely unusable for me is the fact that it doesn't support favicons every tab is just gray oh yeah so I like I can't tell what anything is that's actually unusable for me yeah but the number of tabs yeah you became a tab mark I did I was so good I corrupted I was so I wrapped it him it's great like never beyond 5 I regularly use like 25 to 35 gigs of ram with chrome now I'm regularly yeah regular do you don't even have an ultra-wide yet either because let me tell you okay my work computers of Walter roid and at home I have three monitors okay okay you know what's up yeah anyway so like it's completely unusable for me what else we got here you can sort Safari bookmarks by name or URL what are these updates these are up why are they offering browser display privacy icons and introduces a smoke cloud wallpaper that was previously only available on the an iMac what is some more Safari stuff okay so let's focus on the e GPU stuff because that is by far the biggest thing about it the most exciting so here here's the features you can connect additional external monitors or displays with your EGP you that's pretty cool so not only being able to connect additional displays because you could do that already but being able to dry them off of a different GPU very cool you can charge your MacBook Pro while using EGP you so that's pretty cool if you're into mobile yeah you can use an e GPU with your MacBook Pro while the built-in display is closed ok that I probably would have mostly taken for granted you can connect more than one e GPU using the multiple still Thunderbolt three ports that's cool yeah but any PC can do that too no I know but like yeah and you can use virtual reality headsets plugged into the e GPU they don't have favicons I know can I give them credit for everything I know I know what they can get I mean knowing I'm sure I'm sure there are Mac people in the chat that are like um actually Linus there's on the on the App Store you can actually get this thing in $7.99 and it'll add favicon I'm like or everyone just did down was it for a browser but everything on the Mac is like that there's like a fix but it's like like a seventeen dollar download or whatever and it like fixes some of the BS in finder and it's like yeah this would probably be free on Windows and Linux it would definitely be free people are like next topic no no no this is a big deal I was actually getting to the sort of the the climax here so to speak you can run an NVIDIA GPU on your Mac yeah properly in a supported way because up until now the only way to like NVIDIA has Mac OS drivers they release them but the only way to run a modern Nvidia card would be to be using a Mac Pro from like 2013 or something or to be using a hackintosh thanks Bigsby I really wasn't talking to you right now so I think this is gonna help a lot actually because like the B MacBook Pros have been really popular for a long time especially for editing that's right and now if you can yeah do some stuff on the road but also dock it when you come home and edit more heavily there that's right I think that's actually really cool I think that's fantastic and I mean not just editing I mean you look at any GPU accelerated workloads you know whether it's a simulation or whether it's rendering whatever the case may be like if you want I actually don't know if NVIDIA has Quadro drivers for the Mac so don't quote me on this one but if you had the ability to run a Quadro on Mac OS and again I don't know if like SolidWorks supports it yet or anything like that the point is we're moving in that direction and yes and choice is always good in the same way that if you are able to choose between AMD and NVIDIA on a PC it is good that you can choose between AMD and NVIDIA or for your Apple experience too so that's the thing that I'm most stoked on actually this is this is interesting we've got we've got someone asking why is it that Apple only uses AMD this is from near rut near rots of time I don't know I don't know what that says people are saying no Nvidia official support okay so we'll give it we'll give it a little we'll give it a little bit more time for India GPUs to be officially people yeah I was just going to say I think that's gonna become a thing over time they are do the first step but well I don't know with Apple you never know they may actually lock it down so something that Alienware did is on their gaming notebooks the ones that have the GPU dock their proprietary connector on the back they actually intentionally locked out and I don't know if they're still doing it but they intentionally locked our Thunderbolt II GPUs oh and you know it's intentional I think I talked about this with like an alienware third team review a little while back you can tell it's intentional because contemporary XPS models worked fine with the GPUs and there was a specific error message that said that this is that that Thunderbolt GE GPUs are not supported on this model and so it is possible that they would do something like that so let's let's let's sort of not put it past them but okay so there seems to be some debate in the in the comment in the comments here in the twitch chat so which I was dead 1990 says Nvidia does offer official support yes they do for their GPUs but what I think people might be saying is that Apple is not currently supporting NVIDIA GPUs with they're EGP you enabled necklace and and I believe it would be possible for them to allow or disallow so having not actually tried it yet and right now our I Mac Pro is still broken we have a video coming on that very long story do you know anything about this yeah okay very frustrating stubble okay I haven't heard an update in a while but I do I know everything about the beginning it hasn't gotten any less stupid okay okay yeah it's still broken it's right there are they still refusing that video coming or but it's I mean it's it's right there right there that's a super broken broke dick screen on the front of it so anyway understood apparently they killed thunderbolt to support okay sorry I can't I can't will you discuss the proof that Intel cherry-pick CPUs for reviewers no probably not anyway because wait we like did a video we showed filter I got you may okay where was I going with this right right right um no actually I think yeah I'm Apple news I think we're pretty good yeah yeah it's a good thing the other thing yeah we're excited we hope I'm quite happening because I actually think like especially you got us those blades hold on hold that thought yep why Apple only uses AMD there's a bigger threat on the forum about this this week we had someone asking in twitch chat my my tinfoil hat theory I don't think Apple's ever explicitly come out and said this is why we straight-up will not work with NVIDIA but I think in Apple's mind Nvidia still owes them like a billion dollars or something well because do you remember that whole scandal back in and must spin like 2012 2011 something like that way back when Nvidia's again don't quote me on the exact year the exact model but I believe it was 940 MX graphics cards or 640 whatever it was it like an apple only so I don't know if it was an Apple only skew but basically what happened was in video was doing on motherboard GPUs for Apple that because of this problem with the type of solder and the way that it was soldered and the way that that machine heated up and cooled down they were basically the solder joints were basically all failing like actually all of them an apple at some point ended up having to issue a recall and they did not 860m people are saying maybe it was the 860m yep so Apple and NVIDIA to my knowledge did not reach an amicable agreement about how they were gonna cover the costs of that recall hmm since then to my knowledge we haven't seen an Nvidia based machine out of apple at all and so there's there's people talking about how maybe NVIDIA wants too much margin or maybe this or maybe that or maybe Nvidia won't give them the supply or whatever the case may be I don't think it's any of that stuff I think this is just actually tech giant grudge match 2018 and I don't see how they would ever resolve this because frankly both of them are fairly um maybe arrogant isn't quite the right word but I know you mean they're both pretty my way or the highway yeah and pretty inflexible you know I don't know I don't actually know they're both big giants that expect everyone to bend over for them yeah like now they're angry at each other so and they're both just kind of staring at each other nothing's happening yeah so I think I think Apple would actually build their own GPU before they would put Nvidia products in their products and it's it's not even that crazy yeah like Apple has the money to shut out anyone and NVIDIA is basically printing money right now to the point where they've got to kind of sit there and go yeah we don't need you you don't need Xbox we don't need Playstation whatever we'll just we'll keep selling we'll keep selling Tesla's to data centers all day have fun yeah yeah and so as long as as long as neither of them has any reason to check their ego I don't think this is ever gonna get resolved and you see like the way that they continue to behave with NVIDIA snarkily providing drivers from echo s your move I bet you that pisses off Linux quite a bit oh wow I never thought ok nothing that you or I can do about any of that no all right why don't we jump into our next topic here this was originally posted by diehard life diehard life I can never read that just you it's too leet-speak no never the original article here is from a non tech and or die hard lives maybe I don't know live live no wait no I think you got it wrong I think it's die hard to live yes die hard to live yep ok we got this we got this we can read your name uh Wow so contrary to what we fought earlier I'm actually also reading an article on a non tech it looks like the s9 with the snapdragon 845 actually crushes the Exynos 9810 equipped phones in web browsing video editing photo editing writing oh no phone benchmarks really are very confusing like you actually just have to do it by device cuz like look at this kind of stuff the the reference design for the 845 crushes everything in the writing 2.0 test yeah but then the s9 + gets beat by a Snapdragon 835 s8 and yeah ok but then a pixel 2 XL is like way below both of the Exynos wins and data manipulation so randomly and loses in everything else I think yeah I don't even know what to tell you guys but basically they've determined that the Exynos 98n variant of the s9 is significantly slower than the snap dragon 8:45 the Snapdragon one is available in Canada US China Japan and Latin America and everyone else including Europe gets the Exynos 9810 so they've identified the root cause as a very conservative scheduler and devfs mechanisms so you know I was actually kind of I was kind of bummed out that I ended up with a Snapdragon version and the intro is playing somewhere oh really yeah oh I started playing it for like a second by accident oh yeah yeah for just like a second and then I skipped away from it okay okay I was kind of bummed because initially it looked like Exynos was gonna perform better but then now the Snapdragon performs better and actually oh do you I am NOT beggin oh yeah but I had X no slash generation I think last generation that was better or something you know what I'm at the point now where phones haven't been slow enough that it's mattered for like probably about three years so yeah with that said my iPhone 6 is really friggin slow now like really slow I'm gonna tempted to go in and see how to change my battery okay no the iPhone 6 isn't that old iPhone 6 release date here we go tubes 2014 bro well three and a half years ago bro yeah okay the 6s really was a lot faster too but yeah and like once you hit three years for a phone line two years you start to really feel it it's really slow though yeah like super bad at a year-and-a-half I usually start at a year to a year and a half I start really noticing battery problems right and then at two years I'm like there's battery problems it's also kind of slow things are getting at three years it's like okay I want a new phone bugs are not getting fast yeah yeah yeah all right Apple releases iOS 11.3 yes here's from naturally because nobody else would consider this newsworthy no I I wanted this I the only thing I have to say about most of this is that it's pretty boring yes we're getting new AR experience okay we got a straw pool this we got a straw pull the hell out of this and it doesn't count if you were just like tooling around with it for ten minutes okay I want to know who here has persistently used no you don't have to use it like all the time yeah okay have you both okay have you actually used AR but okay might the reason why I keep on saying this is I'm sure a ton of people because we have a very interested tech interested audience yeah I've opened the app that's not what we're talking yeah that's not what we're talking about we mean like some form of extended use not persistence I'm not saying every day but like you you actually really like kind of got into it how about this okay so the pool is have you actually used a okay cool we've got no we've got tried it once it's lame / not ready yet sure used it for something practical like and it has to have actually worked like not a ruler application yeah where you measured a room and it wasn't right like if it was if it was right and that that was actually useful for you that counts and then we've got use it consistently cuz I want to know is anybody actually using AR I have laughed at one video of AR are we counting Pokemon go no no we are counting things that are being advertised as a are because Pokemon go was more like pointing your camera stuff and then Pokemon kind of get inserted into the scene it is technically augmented reality but it there's nothing spatial about it and it's very old-school yeah it's it's not an augmented reality device that uses any kind of newer technology to actually embed the graphics into the real world it's just mostly putting them over top of your camera okay what about snapchat snapchat no that's not it fixes onto your face it does use tracking it's slightly newer than go in terms of the tech I know what you're talking about I know this still isn't yeah that's really not it okay how do we define this that's that's the thing it's hard okay no guys I know it is AR I know it's technically AR but I think he's talking an application that is specifically a are focused snapchat is more about sharing pictures that has an AR element know what that's a great way to define it so I'm talking about IKEA is furniture arranger okay and I don't just mean you used it and you put in the furniture and you like thought oh this app is pretty cool I mean you actually used it like you went and bought something based on the experience you had with it yeah or like a game that overlays itself on to a tabletop I'm talking an AR where AR is central to the experience we and we know Pokemon go use AR kit it's just very basic we want something a little bit more hardcore okay so no Pokemon go and something that is absolutely our focus okay someone in the chat ban all ir s-- that's good let's not get that confusing that's like hurry up so I can click no look we're on it okay all right while you guys reply to that why don't we do our sponsors for the day sponsor number one I am eating Oh No let's maple buffalo bacon they sent so many packs of this with the latest don't touch my maple buffalo bacon you can have anything else you want oh yeah I did that we did a couple weeks of like super spice I think I think we both earned uh I think a little bit of a relaxing departure from that I really miss like every time I deserve nothing so I had the huge piece and like that were like that was painful yeah so savage jerky is made with the best ingredients without nitrates or preservatives the goal was to create a snack that's full of flavor and spice but not bad for you they've got 13 different flavors of jerky with my personal favorite a buffalo bacon I mean cut you off for one quick second that is one thing to know have you ever felt gross after eating like a big thing of jerky yeah like greasy yeah have you ever felt that with these nope no they're good they're not estimate that's not in a thing yeah I haven't been told to say that butter not grease they're not greasy they don't feel this one's greasy er than most this one is but that one's not at all yeah so great flavours mohos great traditional is great the the salt and pepper one is great the maple buffalo bacon cannot endorse that strongly enough although I will say it's not for everyone someone tried it after the show and they're like yeah but they've got lots of different flavors for lots of different tastes and they also make a barbecue sauce a hot sauce a spice rub their Carolina Carolina Reaper hot sauce these is one of the hottest peppers in the world and they've got Jerky's made out of those same Reapers also ghost peppers and if you're into it if you're into punishment savage jerk you can do it I don't care how tough you are how spicy the food you eat is savage jerky can be singular person on the planet that I know of that is the best spice tolerance that I personally know of who like doesn't have a sense of smell so he doesn't even have to worry about that part of it all that kind of stuff did okay eating it wasn't super great the next day because he like scoffed it down because it tasted good so like it's yeah if you want to really go for it you can you can so you can use offer code ltte to save 10% at Savage jerky dot-com next up we've got synergy - synergy - allows you to share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers be they Windows Mac or Linux based they've got a brand new UI that makes the whole thing straightforward and easy to set up without having to know like the IP addresses of the machines their new networking back-end allows you to basically have it automatically work with complex networks that synergy would never have worked with before their SSL encryption has been moved from the pro to the basic tier so all users can benefit from encryption their new background service runs on all platforms and lets users control all of their machines before they've even logged in which is pretty sweet as well they've removed the concept of server and client computers so users can now share their mouse and keyboard from any computer without having to reconfigure so check out synergy 2 at seamless comm slash synergy slash when for bringing us finally to the big controversial one someone just asked two winners when his savage jerky gonna be acquired by McAfee I just thought that I thought that was kind of is there someone equally evil in the food world Monsanto that we could what is that you have not gone down conspiracy rabbit holes I see no okay I don't let's just keep you know what hold on a second I'm take no I'm taking off I'm taking off the sponsor lower third we'll get to P ia in a minute okay they're like I'm not super up on it I used to be really well informed they have something to do with um apparently Nestle is evil and literally everyone okay what Nestle Nestle um they have a few things they're a giant company so there's gonna be some stuff I know they were pulling water out of BC at some like under the table kind of rate okay okay um that was like a huge thing up here for a little while there bottled water is like pardon my french awful like it is awful it's like the worst it tastes like pool water well like that you know that that that cheap one that comes in that that but crinkly bottle the crinkly body but everyone rebrands but that is Nestle why it's awful it's the worst bottled water I rather drink tap water in like you know how like any late work Times said that BC has the most corrupt government in of all North America I did hear about that yeah yeah so that was part of that whole thing because it was like super under the table and they were buying it for like essentially nothing just huge amounts of water they have child labor issues in Ghana tried to buy all the rain water rights in Bolivia yeah they're uh stopped producing they're like water wars which are starting to just kind of starting to happen now people have been talking about happening for a long time they're on the front of that for sure Oh okay yeah someone says they wouldn't even douche with Nestle water okay that's a little far I think huh someone says la tap water is actually excellent an excellent is spelled wrong it's probably from the water sorry no offense no offense we love all of our Californian viewers you guys are great your water not so great anyway sorry are you saying um anyways Monsanto has something to do with genetically modified organics oh whatever I don't remember to what degree okay but there's like insane amounts of conspiracy theories around them I don't know if they're true they might be true I have no clue I'm not informed I'm sorry if I remember correctly at one point in time they were like aggressively pushing farms to use their stuff and trying to make uh sort of like wasn't seeds that weren't theirs and I don't know but I don't know if that's true so many unsub's on follows so many for what oh they don't burn your water yeah yeah yeah look look look look we have the greatest water in the world we actually do we live in a rainforest yeah like sorry it's hard to compare yeah I'm just I'm being an elitist and it's not nice and it's not fair please don't unsub and I'm follow because I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings okay somebody in chat is saying they sue farmers for seeds that blow into their land so like the wind kid at someone else's saying Monsanto kills GMO seeds and Sue's farms for using their CI I don't know there's a lot of stuff I don't know what's going on I just people don't like him I don't know okay all right okay all right all right all right so anyway anyway anyway anyway PIAA so reasons to use private Internet access IP cloaking hides you true IP address and your geographic location it allows you to browse on and that browse allows your file keeping your identity hidden which is especially important for a political dissidents journalists human rights activists etc that's what's going on right now I'm going to China oh yeah yeah you should have it III braum I think the last time I was there I think I had like five or six installed just so I could like check which one had the best out connection you can avoid data mining and targeted advertising you can block unwanted connections you can unblock websites allowing you to bypass lots of government censorship censorship and firewalls allowing you unrestricted access to more of the Internet and you can save money so not only is P ia extremely affordable they actually allow you to hide well where you're from and browse websites that have different pricing depending on your location so travel is a key one here if you browse as though you are from Asia for example little interracial hot flights are often much cheaper than if you look at them from North America little pro tip oh yeah I think something legally changed in China with VPNs by the way guy no yeah so so obviously you're not using one wind you there no totally not I will check my gmail by using TeamViewer to my nope that doesn't work I'm not doing that I'm not doing that oh yeah that's right TeamViewer doesn't work there I remember trying it last time yeah well anyway you can connect up to five devices at the same time they have over 3000 bare-metal servers and 44 locations across 28 countries and you can get go sign up there there you go there's your link pretty simple boom - tech tips with dashes you want to hear something crazy yes um I don't know what the numbers at now but the last time I looked at it was like a couple hours ago we've already had like 700 people sign up with our lane Wow yeah not that surprised to be honest because I know I think there was hazy there was a little bit of a response wind tunnel bear oh well not wind tunnel bear came out and told everyone but when people figured out that tunnel bear was being purchased by McAfee there was there was a response and I think people were looking for it maybe a new home than the door new homes oh my oh I don't have a lower third for LTX but LTX gonna be awesome it's July 14th but the Richmond Olympic Oval I'm actually so stoked he's gonna be there absolutely I'm gonna be there it's an LTT meet up and tech convention focuses on letting people get their hands on cool technology oh this is cool I took it start at $35 Canadian so that's like $27 u.s. it's not just an enormous you can get here yeah you can check it out at LTX Expo Con and travel yeah this is cool we have a booth list now this like just went up today I hate what yesterday's this we don't know how many caves it will be yet oh I didn't know what it was yeah no I know and why would it be that long I don't know I don't know blacked out thing right you have a little black with the K on it also might not be there because it depends on so Nvidia announced a new quad row okay two days ago well don't people tell people too much and they figured out and well no no it's fine it's just like I don't know if they're gonna send us enough oh so depending on how many of them because it's 32 gigs of ram on this thing so depending on how many they send we could go crazy town yeah and depending how many they don't send we could actually not end up taking it at all because one of our old Quadros died at some point so we don't have enough cuadros to run the old machine okay so it depends on Nvidia support whether we'll be able to have it there or not yeah so yeah mainstage this time we're putting a cage around the case toss cuz that was super day yep are you gonna take part in a key swap competition key swap keyboard key swap competition oh wow there's a real change to how we're running it this year it's gonna be a lot more like prize and like yeah like event focus I heard what that I I don't think I'll win honestly I usually do keyboard key swaps when I'm like watching a show and I do it really slowly we're gonna head out for shuffleboard I'm definitely doing that to shuffle I want to do like all these heatsink install race we're gonna probably have our multi-headed VR set up there just some a CPU delighting booth we're hoping to find a retailer who will like actually allow you to buy a CPU there that's yeah test it yeah I suggested make sure that we're he's super cool super cool uber maybe gonna have a land there I don't BYOC LAN so Intel has like a mobile yan force yeah they are apparently considering showing up that would be so cool yeah so I've met those gonna be I'm sure well they might through the show but I'm sure they don't know me as an attendee but I've met those guys at PAX for 11 years yeah and they're super cool yep I like there so there's gonna be lots of stuff there and we're bringing back some of the just like stupid carnival games like the bungee run in the hamster ball race and pedestal jousting a bungee run was super fun yeah BS mods is gonna have a booth I don't remember what they're gonna be doing with people but last year they did a tubing Bend right yeah red line sort of tutorial things so it's good and final it's gonna be great it's gonna be a lot of fun I'm really excited based on how good it was last year plus all the improvements that have been talked about I think it's gonna be really good oh the PIAA link is dead ah like did the site crack yeah I would be pretty surprised Oh had sent me a message something about re-enacting something oh yes you want me to do it now I can I can do it now if you need uh oh man yeah I need to do a photo for my for my visa application for going to works dude yeah okay no no the link the link works you guys did we do B copy thorough and linked you want to throw that in the chat sure okay yeah throw the chat um okay in the meantime when we jump into one of our other topics here we haven't even touched like the bottom part of the dock do not mean used there not any news topics AMD strikes back at the geforce partner program the original item lock 21 on the forum the original article here is from digit times yeah did you time apparently the /pages part was not included in the link that was pasted oh so now it's there and do you have us did you get Kirby yeah oh nice do you have a switch well technically I'm not gonna be able to play for a while so like if you want to borrow oh no the only switch I have is the like work switch so I was just worried you could borrow that I meant the game oh okay oh oh oh oh they want me they want me to go do a thing can you handle can you handle a Geforce you know nothing about it but sure yeah you know what now hold on hold on let me let me let me find so let me find something well how much more do we need to do oh oh dang uber settled with the family of the woman that was killed by the self-driving car what did you think they were gonna do I don't know I thought it was gonna get dragged out so to speak oh oh you know what that's my cue to exit um is that the end of the show no no I just got to go do some stuff if you want to go ahead and cover a topic or two on your own I'll be right back all right sounds good okay which would show oh man okay let's talk about that why not let's do it could I bring this up on screen I need to go on here hold on guys operating both laptops is no fun do you do there we go all right so we're talking about the the I sounded horrible the did metal grinding yeah try to only do it once more sorry okay that wasn't actually that bad all right uber reached a settlement with the daughter and husband of Elaine Herzberg who died after being hit by a self driving uber vehicle in Tempe Arizona the settlement presumably includes a cash payment but no details were provided by either uber or the family's attorney also since last week people in temp have uploaded videos of which we can watch but doing this on his things not great so okay I think what they're doing is they're showing you guys can't see it it doesn't work way to go Linus also he sounds like he's dying don't worry about that he's completely fine I know that he's fine I know what's happening over there I can't show you guys but basically in ubers footage it was super super dark and it was really hard to see anything and people are showing that driving on that Street at that time of day it's actually not that dark which goes pretty counter to them saying like oh well the self-driving thing couldn't see very well and it's actually pretty well illuminated and in some of the pictures it shows quite a bit of lights going along the side of the road yeah which are not very visible in boobers footage it also gives credence to the belief that an alert driver could have intervened because they would have been able to see much more easily and it makes sense because head light illuminates farther than two seconds ahead of a vehicle so it should have been able to stop the uber topic deal with the yeah you showed up like right at the end of the uber topic so we're good to move on to next one also that door opening and closing during LAN show should never be a thing oh really yeah it's terrible oh wow all the metal grinding noises Oh going into the mic sorry everyone we apologize we're really sorry hopefully this makes it worse this helps your ears to a little bit okay amy strikes back yeah we can talk about it it's kind of boring though AMD you strikes back taiwan's asus tech gigabyte and msi are caught in a dilemma over the development and shipment of new gaming models as they are DPP members but also have long term partnerships with AMD industry sources say it said that the three Taiwanese brands have reportedly adjusted their new product development roadmaps and they may also launch new gaming brands based on AMD's GPUs I mean I don't see that being very effective like can you Matt can you imagine like what's a Seuss's brand gonna be like your public of rayner's you know gigabyte a or you Oh a or me I'm sure their branding departments can come up with something pretty good but MSI's branding is literally gaming yeah like that's what they call it it's just like GG txt this game MSI AMD gaming III doubt it I sincerely doubt it this this whole thing just smells so bad and you know what's really interesting you can always tell when nvidia is in like full-on damage control mode because they say they don't damage control they just don't do anything yep and you know what it's not a bad strategy because it's gonna work people go away faster we're gonna get bored of talking about it good we are you guys are gonna get bored of hearing about it because there's no proper news there's there's no news the other side is upset yeah if they said anything then that would be newsworthy and we'd have to talk about it again and it would actually create a whole new new cycle of of people being mad at Nvidia but as it is Nvidia can just kind of sit there quietly wait for this to go away and I think they're gonna get away with it if everything that's been said about this whole program is actually true you know then that will be a problem SpaceX is apparently close to becoming an Internet service provider so the original article here's from the verge this was posted by monkey business over on the forum this is apparently not new news it's okay I know - it's fine we're just gonna keep talking about it anyways it's still interesting and it's coming closer and there's been new information that's come out but like so it's satellite internet which it's not gonna be the fastest thing ever but right now is extraordinarily expensive and I guess there's a lot of room for improvement in that particular industry and if your whole deal is that you launch things into space then getting into the satellite communications business is probably not that much of a stretch so earlier this year they launched the first two of their planned 12,000 satellite constellation the company is starting out with a 4425 satellite array and the FCC is requiring SpaceX to launch at least half of them within the next six years so SpaceX hopes that StarLink will become a big a new generator that can help offset the R&D and operations costs for the rocket company SpaceX expects more than 40 million subscribers for StarLink by 2025 which would be roughly thirty billion dollars in revenue so Apple for washer oh right we got to go back to the straw poll results oh we never did oh good call twitch chat have you actually used a are sixty-two percent of you say no straight up no not even tried at once straight up no twenty-eight percent of you say tried it once it's either lame or not ready yet so essentially 90 percent of people so literally 2 percent of an audience that is hardly no offense hardly representative out of general mainstream population on normies use it consistently here's what what okay like I get that early on in any technology it's kind of like land grab and it's a land grab for like mindshare here here here's the most confusing one why is Apple involved in this yeah that's usually their deal is to wait until all the really like crappy stuff but they've been acting weird for a long time ever since Steve Jobs has been gone they've been acting really weird hmm okay well yeah so I like the thing is some we could say like oh but Steve Jobs pushed new things to insert in specific realms and yeah you're right but his first version would also be awesome I mean yes and no I mean the iPhone didn't have copy paste no but it was pretty sick okay yes yes it was it was pretty nigh the original iPad was kind of big and brick like thick and battery life was terrible but it was pretty sick for its time okay all right all right all right all right all right so they are though like actually just not very sick for its time apparently most of you are pretty much on the same page yeah that's what I mean like there's a difference in the feel and it's not even just the percentages that tell the story here the user consistent category is 35 people like like yeah and you look at the millions of dollars being invested into this for I'm sorry how many actual like bodies that are using it I don't know man and I think in like in like 10 years and I'm not saying that's like the beginning of it being awesome I'm just saying in 10 years in general yeah I'm not saying it's gonna take that long and this isn't a prediction of anything just in 10 years I suspect it will be pretty commonplace okay this is terrible so this is supposed to buy xrq n on the forum the original article here is from xda-developers LG is apparently seeking feedback on display notches okay LG here's some feedback no no we are so close like we are actually not that far away from being able to put these elements under the display anyway you know have the courage to not to not isn't it weird that we've gone from like Apple products are really nice but over expensive and they can't game so the PC people are like why why are you wasting your money on that they can't play games anyways - everyone's trying to copy Apple even when it's not working like Apple used to copy everyone else and generally like do it with really nice build quality yeah now it's everyone copies Apple even though people don't like it I don't know apparently some people actually like the nagy why I don't know maybe they never watch movies or they don't want anything in their notification bar I'm like I just don't get it I can't even tell when my VPN is connected or not cuz there's not enough room yeah whereas on the iPhone 8 I can tell and like my notification bar is maxed basically all the time yeah and I actually look at it exactly because like if there's certain icons that are probably important things that I need to check and other icons that art has important know oh this is our last big topic of the day this is supposed to by sipping on the forum the original article here is from NPR really oh boy restricted by YouTube gun enthusiasts are taking their videos to pornhub Wow Wow so that's pretty interesting cuz guns are sort of a huge huge vertical on YouTube so starting next month YouTube is going to be banning certain subjects in the firearms category prompting some channels to upload their videos to the Canadian porn site pornhub instead banned subjects include selling firearms just be really gentle when you close that the noise is like aids on the mic yeah that's good good just leave it perfect yeah selling firearms or certain firearms accessories through direct sales or linking to sites that sell these items now that second part huge like deal-breaker yeah they won't be able to take sponsorships from gun sights or and if you take their address I'm taking away their sponsorship completely away what's left and if you know the thing the thing is that they're one of the one of the reasons that this is happening is that this type of content is not particularly add advertiser friendly in the first place so it's not like these guys have other advertisers banging down their doors and while they will maybe find advertisers whether they're advertisers that are edgy and you know more mainstream publications won't touch them or whether they're just they just don't really care what it will affect too is the rates that they'll have to pay because if there's less competition for sponsorships or advertisements on these particular channels then the rapes inherently drop any instructions on manufacturing a firearm ammunition high-capacity meg homemade silencer suppressor okay well that probably shouldn't be a thing or certain firewood if it's legal that's the issue right to my knowledge suppressors are not either in case you can get suppressor in some places why why not that's the question I'm not necessarily or not it can be no there's no reason for civilian to need a suppressor there is actually a man there's medical reasons easier on your ears I'm not arguing for either side I'm just saying there is arguments for why you might want one okay do you know how much that entire band of earplugs cost thanks four dollars possibly not enough depending on what there is and what you're firing you'd probably need over ear protection and we're both in some new stuff so you know how much that over your protection up there cost I'm not arguing I'm stating but it's they're also banning okay so the accessories include those that enable a firearm to simulate automatic fire or convert a firearm to automatic fire and high-capacity Meigs instructions for how to convert a firearm to automatic or okay those are duplicated you know um so in range TV which has 144,000 subscribers on YouTube has chosen to publish videos on pornhub and a search on the site yields 5 videos currently uploaded by in range TV Wow do you need something else oh okay what okay um all right so that was pretty much it for the land show today thank you very much for watching we'll see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel goodbye hold on we're still rolling the outro and says brush off your dirty right sleeve please okay there you go just in time for the show to be completely over baby boo boo boo my favorite president even see it
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