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AMD's HUGE Announcement - the Best Value Ever??

okay so you guys know how it is best laid plans of mice and men we're talking a sixty email chain of you know the videos that we're going to make here at the tech day and there's a bunch of complications so we figured out a compromise AMD is giving us a worldwide first exclusive piece of information it is inside that door let's go find out what it is so we'll be sitting down with Raja Kaduri here who is the lead of the radion technologies group and we're going to find out whatever it is this is they won't tell me anything other than that it's a big deal you know it's kind of hitting great noise that's okay just use my technique just kind of go low yeah it's fine so what I'm assuming then is the big reveal that you've got for me is an enlightening story about the subtle changes to the radion font um that's actually the biggest story we got I think that's that's confidential we can't talk about it that thing okay well what are we gonna do instead we got the camera so you know what we are yeah yeah I've heard of it you heard of it have you tried I had to take my vibe review unit back to the office so that my VR editor could work on it and it was one of the hardest decisions I ever made yeah so love ER yeah have you tried like kind of like you know Google cardboard or like gay we are type er yeah so what I'm going to tell you Linus is that like so there are kind of two kinds of we are in the market okay so there is VR that is I call it bad VR right but very convenient because it's you can just take your smartphone and put it inside your Google cardboard and yeah and do that kind of stuff so it's bad we are that's very convenient and then there is good we are right like what the stuff that you see with HTC and an oculus right it's very inconvenient and you ask me why it's inconvenient it's because you know it has tethering it has this it has that but most important inconvenient the good VR has is it's very expensive oh I was going to say the worst thing is that I have to explain to my wife that I'm drilling holes in the wall to mount my this idea that two so there are a bunch of inconveniences there and we have taken a stance we want to get good VR to over hundred million users right okay and so we created a product you know that begins that revolution to get good we are two hundred million users the cost of the PC today is one of the biggest you know roadblocks for getting hundred million PC users to have good VR ok and and in the cost of the PC GPU plays a big role right you know to play good VR with HTC or oculus you have to shell out over $400 today right ok so we created this new technology very very comfortable for good VR for 199 dollars so that's the price that's the price $1.99 $1.99 and you get awesome we are you get like you know premium we call it the you know the oculus and all call it we are premium you get premium VR for less than $200 for the first time in the history of PCB are two hundred bucks so do I get testing one yes you'll be one of the first ones to get to see the one very since the gift thing in there it's in this beautiful also very durable very durable right now so this is it this is it this is the new so he also is radiant who else outside of AMD then and any other press he'll help one yet nope you're the first one you're the first one it's beautiful with I like it you know teeny little six pin coming it's been connector it's got little power it's got the classic you know EP extension at the PCB compensator as I like to call it okay right and you know very cool very quiet okay and because you're using this FinFET technology right in the new architecture we have reduced the power for VR premium solution to less than 150 watts so there you have it the price of the RX 480 is $200 so there you have it then guys you heard it here first AMD is drop drop drop in well lots of things but mostly the barrier to entry for VR so thanks for watching if you guys dislike this video hit that dislike button but if you liked it hit the like button get subscribed maybe even consider supporting us directly by buying a cool shirt like this one linked in the video description joining our community forum linked in the video description or hitting that little eye up there with instructions for how to change your Amazon bookmarked one with our affiliate code whether you're shopping for Polaris GPUs or toilet paper or whatever the case may be it'll give us a small kickback thanks again for watching guys and stay tuned for more hilarious content coming to you
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