ASUS Ares ATI Radeon 5870 X2 Graphics Card Power Consumption Test Linus Tech Tips
ASUS Ares ATI Radeon 5870 X2 Graphics Card Power Consumption Test Linus Tech Tips
well this will be my last video on the
asou series dual GPU 5870 video card and
i just wanted to take a quick look at
power consumption so I'm running 3dmark
Vantage once again I'm at just the
default box speed which is two of these
so 258 70 clock speed so I'm just gonna
go have a look at what we're pulling out
of the wall here bear in mind that this
power supply is about 80% efficient so
we're pulling about 80% of that
infirmary I've seen it go a little bit
higher I've seen it get up around 500
watts from the wall but yeah overall for
a for an overclocked 6 core processor
and a dual 5870 ludicrous speed graphics
card it's not too bad now I suspect for
this part it's gonna go up a little bit
higher you can hear the graphics card
working a little harder for 40
no that's inside it's gonna go for me so
when the video card is not working we're
sitting at around 300 watts so there you
have it
power consumption on the assuit aries
graphics card
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