All New NCIX Tech Tips Studio Tour Linus Tech Tips
All New NCIX Tech Tips Studio Tour Linus Tech Tips
now if you're following me on Twitter at
Linus tacular
seeing my post the other day that the
old tech tip studio is no more obvious
clearing it out and done with it I've
also posted a couple preliminary
pictures of the new and improved tech
tip studio but I wanted to take you guys
on a quick little tour so let's start
with the tech tips rack which used to be
in the room that was adjoining to our
old detective studio so this is our
rendering machine where we do any sort
of video editing this is our test bench
where we can well put things on a test
bench and we're slick can benchmark
where he won't disturb me and Diezel
over on the other side anymore cuz it
used to be that has his rack was totally
in the wrong place then we got a KVM up
here which will allow us to switch
between those two machines some storage
here now I used to have kind of a
separate room for storage but now I'm
gonna keep all the storage on one side
of we're if you look down this used to
be two rooms then there was a door in
between them but I actually opted to
have the wall completely removed so we'd
have a more open space in here so all
the storage will be in this corner and
then also in this corner as well so
that's cases and weird stuff like that
and then this is your smaller stuff your
video card your motherboards your memory
your CPUs all that kind of hoo-ha is in
this corner with all the random
networking stuff all the networking
stuff goes on the top because I very
rarely sort of use that stuff now this
is my green screen wall so we've got
special chroma key paint and this way I
can unbox things in space if it comes to
that I've also got something that I need
to unbox pretty quick here the node 605
fractal design so this will be the
unboxing table and what we'll do is
we'll actually position the camera over
there so that what can happen is you can
either point the camera this way at the
green screen or the green background and
if we want we can then just turn it
around and point it out what is the NCIX
tech tip set and also painted in chroma
key blue just in
we wanted to do some chroma keying on a
blue background so here you'll recognize
the usual and CX tech tips table as well
as well here's our TV but we run into a
bit of sort of an issue where the TV is
kind of too big for our new set so you
can see I've got well no tip outlets
here so that I'm gonna drill a hole or
rather cut a hole I have one of those
one of those handy-dandy drywall saws
around here somewhere I'm gonna cut a
hole and then I'm going to run the HDMI
cable down but this is too big so we're
gonna replace it with something that's
smaller and something that finally has a
matte screen and a matte bezel so you're
not gonna see so many reflections in the
screen which is sort of sort of brutal
then over here this is the tech tips
whiteboard where I usually have this is
what you see me glancing out of the
corner of my eye when I'm trying to
cheat and read stuff then we've got our
portable monitoring station so the
tripod will actually go here in the
middle of the room so it's just a matter
of turning around the lights to shoot
that way and turning around the camera
on the lights to shoot this way which is
very cool then we have another rack over
here not sure exactly what I'm gonna do
with this one yet this will either be
another test station for it slick to
work on or it can be something where we
run things temporarily in order to do
some kind of a demonstration over on the
tech tips table there so this will be
just kind of a portable rack we might
keep things like extra peripherals that
we sometimes need to film and you know
like the tech tips shirts and all that
kind of stuff so so this is just kind of
a utility rack for the time being so
that's pretty much it guys thank you for
checking out my little tour of the owens
i cables thank you for checking out my
tour of the all new and improved NCIX
tech tip studio don't forget to
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