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All-screen Phone with Pop-Up Selfie Camera!! - Classic Unboxing

all right well I don't always chill on the weekends but when I do I'm always bound to end up working on a video kids are being kind of loud okay let's take this outside so this thing just arrived at the office I'm actually supposed to be going camping today but I'm gonna have to see I've got all my camping supplies that maybe I can actually maybe I can use here to somehow facilitate this video ah yes here we go so I was packing to head over to the campsite when yeah that seems when someone message me from the office to let me know that the vivo next just arrived complete with its product review guide which basically has all the information that I have about this phone because I haven't really been following it other than that I know that this is the fully bezel list phone that vivo has been working on slash teased over the last little while and another thing that I know is from having talked to at least one other phone manufacturer the original idea behind this was that it was only going to be a concept at least that was their understanding of it but then vivo turned around and actually produced the thing so I mean yeah initial impressions here this is nice this is something that I've seen more with the Chinese brands than with the Western ones it actually comes with a like a thin plastic body protector so you can take that off if you want but it doesn't appear to be designed such that you're you have to take it off so you can leave that on there until you know dbrand decides whether or not they're gonna support it with a skin or whatever the case may be at the top we've got a headphone jack that's nice to see I'm surprised they managed to do a full body and a headphone jack and then this right here is the little trapdoor that hides the selfie camera because when the entire front of the phone is an uninterrupted display there's no room to put like a camera or face ID sensor or anything like that and this is really impressive okay so this button let's hold on let's just go ahead and unlock it oh wow they sent the they sent the review samples like kind of pre setup I guess we're taking these back I'm not sure so we've got an AI button over here but that doesn't seem to do anything at the moment spec wise right that's notable so this is using Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor it's got 8 gigs of RAM this particular one has 256 gigs of ROM so this is basically completely maxed out in every way but the the notable thing here is it's using the AI engine version of the snapdragon 845 so I haven't actually seen a phone that's using this variant of that particular processor yet so one of the things that phone manufacturers are really pushing when they've got this AI tech built into their chip so this is true of honor' with their Chiron processors and who was it oh right I think it was honored to with the honor 10 where they were using an AI version of a 600 series Snapdragon don't quote me on that one but what they're mostly using it for is battery life optimization so maybe we can find some settings in here not actually that familiar with vivos power consumption ranking interesting okay that's kind of neat I'm not that familiar with vivos android skin and then the other thing is in the camera so this is cool something we're seeing more and more of so oneplus supports this on the 1 + 6 I've seen it on another phone that I can't talk about yet and then I'm also seeing it here but I actually kind of like vivos approach so gesture based navigation it's on the iPhone 10 as well obviously for your back button you just swipe up the one side I'm sorry I have no idea for home you swipe up the middle and then again just like the iPhone 10 you swipe up and hold if you want to get to the multitask interface but what I like here is that they've gone and they've put these three subtle lines here so that there's no confusion about it but you still get pretty much the full screen experience all right now I brought a bunch of phones out can you see okay I can even see what's on the screen okay cool so add actually drove to my house to help me shoot this so I brought a bunch of phones out we've got the Samsung Galaxy S 9 which I'd say is sort of the last of the very thin bezel but not entirely bezel is phones at this point now that we've seen the industry trend going the way that it is I've got a pixel to excel which I apparently didn't boot up before we started yeah yeah the bootloader is unlocked I know whatever and then just for lulz I've got this budget phone that I'm actually working on a review of so this is the Alcatel 3v and what's interesting to me about this one is that it actually has not that far off of a screen to body ratio compared to something like a pixel to Excel so even the budget phones are really making off a lot of ground compared to what would have been a flagship premium device like what six months ago it's actually amazing I was having lunch with Luke yesterday and he pulled out his pixel XL his pixel one XL and he put it up to me to show me something and I thought that he was showing me a screenshot because it looked like sort of the screen of a phone within a frame and it took me about three heartbeats to realize that no phones just had bezels like that so it's one of those funny things like upgrading to an SSD where you don't necessarily put in an SSD and go wow my computer sure faster but then you take it away and you go wow how did I ever live with this okay it's a little less extreme than an SSD but it is one of those things that you definitely notice after the fact so alright pixel to XL not exceptional galaxy s 9 yeah sure here why don't we come over here can you see it a little better alright let's go ahead and bring up a browser so that we've got something that's a little bit higher contrast so galaxy s 9 with the edge to edge to edge display does a pretty darn good job now let's go ahead and pull up the new vivo phone for comparison here it is it's really heavy wow that is pretty incredible so one of the little tricks that they've used as you can see how small the chin bar is that was something that again my understanding was that we weren't gonna see on an on Apple device for a while so what Apple did in order to get the chin bar of the iPhone 10 so small was they actually folded some of the electronics that are tied into the screen under it using a flexible OLED display so you can see here that oh and I'm totally gonna drop one of these if I keep this up there we go so you can see here that Apple still has the skinniest bottom bezel compared to the s9 and even to this full screen one so actually it no yeah okay thank you so actually it looks like no apples patent still has a patent or it might not be a patent it might just be an exclusivity deal on the completely like folding underneath electronics hasn't run out yet but other manufacturers are getting pretty darn close I guess that's why we've got a slightly bigger chin on it than the other bezels the other ones are all pretty much equal though now I'm probably gonna follow this up with a full review actually you guys can let me know if you want to see that or if you're just like actually you know what I don't care who cares about vivo then I guess you can feel free to leave a comment with that too but one thing I do want to do before I end this sort of one take classic unboxing is I do want to take a couple pictures just to see where we're at here iPhone 10 is probably a good point of comparison these are such good conditions it's an overcast day that it's not really it's not really going to be that challenging for either of them you can see there's a fair bit of like fisheye effect in the lens there's more distortion and I wouldn't thoroughly expect even on a cellphone camera so here there's some but apples either correcting for it or they've got a slightly less wide-angle lens looks like it is yeah it is actually a touch less wide that's why we're getting a little bit of that fisheye effect also colors look pretty warm ah yeah sure or whatever try making your photos beautiful what are you saying ouch oh ah wow that is actually okay now obviously I'm not looking at it side by side next to anything else but nope yeah I am NOT impressed with the amount of detail on that front shooter so far alright whoever's calling me not right now but look at that I mean it is like it is like just holding a window into something like to a so much greater degree than the s9 that I'm pretty blown away right now like do you remember those digital picture frames that they would sell at the Best Buy and you know they were like 45 bucks or whatever and you were just like yeah this is kind of a cool concept except that they're like 60% bezel and then they've got like this little tiny screen in the middle of them this is like the opposite experience of that that is unreal here I'll get I'll get you in the shade so you can like so you can actually see can you see better now it's green turned Hub that's crazy hey man like particularly for something like playing games watching movies actually that's a good idea why don't we just fire up a Chinese phone and willing to bet it doesn't even come with YouTube of course not no play store no YouTube that's what I get for just you know starting it but fortunately I've got Baidu and 10 cent and Taobao so okay that might have to wait for the full review I guess I'm probably going to have to do that but then the next thing I want to do is I want to see that selfie camera look at it go oh wow hey that's actually far from the worst selfie camera I've actually seen I mean yeah it doesn't look great but that's a very tough is there a sound effect okay now hold on there is are you can you hear that sounds like like a space-age like friggin I don't think that's entirely actually the the motor noise but it's pretty that's pretty cool I also you make it go down just by like going somewhere else so if we look back at this picture give it a second there it goes that is pretty cool now I mean I have my doubts about the durability of a mechanism like this but I will say to vivos credit it's pretty nice that they've managed to integrate the rear camera into the regular rear of the phone and that they don't have a little thing that pops up for that because I mean personally I use that a lot more than I use the front one and so my concern about it immediately braking is significantly reduced the other big cool piece of tech in this phone is it's got a built in in screen fingerprint reader so I'm actually going to turn the display off so we can try and get a look at where it is on the x21 if you looked at it just right you were kind of able to find it but it actually looks like they've improved it yet again they're iterating really fast on these and I can't see it at all now that's incredible screen yeah yeah it's on screen so here we'll just set one up hold on a second oh I don't know if it has bla-bla-bla input methods needs to connect to the internet okay that's okay if you guys have seen the x21 video you've seen how it works but uh yeah no I cannot see it at all so I think that's pretty much it it's heavy really heavy the screen looks absolutely incredible initial impressions of the camera are not great but there's plenty of time for me to you know try it under different conditions and have it really impressed me and I don't know anything about pricing yet so stay tuned for the full review of the vivo NEX subscribe do i do I do an outro with these classic unboxings I don't know I just cut it
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