
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

An Hour of Nonsense - WAN Show Feb 8, 2019

in real life yeah friends its when show time again that is to say it was when show time 22 minutes ago but in fairness to us this is actually the closest we've been to on time in about a month I love how at the time was 4:30 so we always went live at 5:00 yeah another time still technically 4:30 but we kept on hitting 5:00 so then we'd yeah so acting like it was 5:00 well Colton went rogue that's what actually happened yeah do you do you know this part of the story he changed the thumbnail he changed it and he changed the description so that he he basically unilaterally without any prior authorization for management changed the landowner five o'clock start which means then he made a mistake he told me yeah he told me it started at 5:00 now and I was long ago okay so I'm gonna head down there at 5:00 and then so today I had a new laptop so that I won't accidentally leak any information on the show anymore so I had a new laptop tube setup and then I had to do the thumbnail and then this computer got signed out of a bunch of stuff and then here we are 22 minutes later and it's time for us to be honest with you guys because we've actually gotten a lot of really negative and or angry feedback over the last few weeks about the state of our titles and thumbnails for the land show you know people have said hey you guys put this topic in the title and you barely talked about it now in fairness to us that used to happen a lot even back when we did talk about tech news on the show there was times where we literally would not talk or we would completely forget about it but people are particularly upset because over the last month or two when show has gotten to the point where we talk very little about any tech news regardless of whether it's in the title of the video or not so today we're leveling with you guys the show is just going to be an hour of us being with each other and we might talk about some tech news we do have some topics for you guys the NYPD is apparently mad at Google there's been a crackdown on facial recognition in Australian schools the FBI conducted a sting operation on huawei at CES this is hilarious and I'd actually really like to talk about that one there's a rumor of an upcoming gtx 1660 TI whatever the crap that would be okay so that you can overclock your switch apparently right that's thing if you're into that sort of thing that seems like a good idea so that was a list of topics that we may or may not talk about and intermixed with all that might be discussion of luke's beard which really hasn't improved since last week and you what sorry i got to deal with yeah you you do okay you know what let's roll the intro let's reel the intro because we forgot to roll the intro at one point people are mad about that too why what now - says Luke Spears oh no kami Eibach says Luke's beard looking mighty fine so I think I think I'm gonna give it one kind of chance yeah where I'm gonna try to clean it up now okay and how what exactly is your plan to clean it up because right now you've got this whap sided thing going on here yeah it's really hard to shape it right so I'm gonna try to like cut it into shape which probably isn't gonna work okay cuz you know that the entire comments section of I think it was last week's wine show was basically beard advice for you right no you got a comb it like this way and then you got to do that you gotta use like a conditioner you get it yeah there was like a bunch of product recommendations for stuffy who I was talking to they just don't know you very well anything more complicated than like a bar of soap doesn't touch this man he's a simple man I just yeah I don't know people have asked me for any kind of soap that don't come in a bar that's too messy okay do you use conditioner no no I have do you hold on on accident thought it was shampoo do you use shampoo yeah really I just know I am poo for my whole body I'm gonna body wash for everything is this a TMI moment about how much hair you have is it more just your belief that soap is soap so mess or your cleaning stuff therefore whatever has the highest volume yeah so per dollar is therefore superior Costco so I feel like three packs you buy like six at a time you don't go back for a year I have to confess I am just as bad as you but the other way so for me it's bar so I don't own shampoo okay the shampoo bottle is for my wife I don't touch it no and and I I just I just use the bar for soap your hair yeah oh I didn't even know that was like no yeah I guess yeah is soap not soap yeah and like it's not like I keep my hair for very long yeah like I kind of gets long enough that lets so it's funny thing so I ran into trouble with my kids because my daughter's in particular well they have longer hair than me and so when they're babies you just use like this infant like general wash yeah and you know they have like they have really short hair and they have really delicate skin and blah blah blah so you just use this like infant wash sure and use it all over anyway just out of not feeling like searching for another product if it's good enough for an infant it's good stuff for a 3 or 4 year old I just kept using it on them and my eldest daughter's hair got to the point where it was just like straw coming out of her head and I was like light bulb moment conditioner right I will like there was one time I accidentally grabbed a bottle of conditioner and put it in my gym bag okay and then went to go have a shower at the gym if you conditioned your whole body how was that it was so weird because it's like really like I don't use conditioner so I don't know but it's like oily is it it's more oily pretty sure yeah yeah so then I like I didn't look at the bottle and I like squished a bunch into my hand and put it in my hair and then like tried to transfer around it was like what defense they looked very similar in a lot of cases yeah and I was I was highly highly confused but yeah people have asked me many many times what I do to my hair I'm like yeah it's it's water in the shower and then I go flop and then I leave the house so if it can't be that easy I probably shouldn't do it which is why I'm probably gonna trim the beard No yeah so uh one of the reasons that I brought this up is another youtuber who I believe own Miller with Phil DeFranco launched a hair product what yeah so I was just gonna say like if we ever get to that point you'll know that we either had outside consultation or you just shouldn't buy it it's just like it's a it's in like the shape of a shampoo bottle but it's just like three bars of soap the entire sales pitch would be like it's cheap you just buy it like really affordable your supply at a time yeah yeah it's green trust us it's not Irish Spring yeah I don't know so that's okay I have I have a funny story yeah you know you've complained mildly about my shoes I've had the same pair of shoes yeah nope yeah I was gonna say toe is doing on one of them but this isn't weight sorry I was gonna like this story no oh I see just a story okay let me guess I mean yeah okay I'd like to I'd like to guess what happened here so for reference its it's supposed to it's supposed to be know what the shoe is suppose I think everyone knows but this is not what a shoe is supposed to guess I got a guess okay does it involve like a campfire no actually but that makes a lot of sense but no no I see where that was yeah well informed though and this is like oh it's how are you wearing this today no I don't have other like these are really light yeah I know they're great this is why I have a really hard time replacing them the back is destroyed oh yeah like I need new shoes yeah now I especially in the initial yeah and like this isn't quite a whole but it's definite all the way through like the first layer here yeah others many many many holes how could its the toes okay I thought you were gonna I thought you were gonna tell me no there's also a huge groove that's on the bottom that's new it is it heat-related though uh there there yeah there was he there was he there's technically he okay there's also a lot of movement wait were you like being dragged behind something can I give you a pretty powerful hint fine I wasn't wearing them they got stuck in something and yes curled up yeah and it was there was heat involved yep you're getting really close there's like a molded thing put them in the dryer yes I'm like high heat so okay though the actual problem is that it jammed itself between the side wall and the like the three arms that are in the I don't know what they call the three panels that are in the dryer and it was like stuck in there minded itself around that's why there's like a groove in the bottom and it's bent over and stuff it wasn't like high heat it that's from like friction molding like it's the dryer was like I don't care you're going around the circle so yeah I'm gonna have to finally buy any shoes I can't believe you're still wearing them today like when did this happen last night okay alright so this weekend that's your that's one of my tasks is to get new shoes so I said get toe shoes what are too old oh oh I did but the problem is they are also higher maintenance what do you want to maintain about toes okay one if you don't wash them all the time like they stink unless you get the socks if you get the socks the socks are really expensive yeah and they like take a long time to put on I guess you have to get each one of your freaking toes mentioned the drawback that you look like an idiot you do okay I'm just checking yeah but I actually really like them a lot I have like part of my like knee problem with wow this is great this is like what toe shoes look like in the marketing materials what toe shoes look like on your feet they don't look like no because they go up higher those are like those are those are weird they're all weird those are exceptionally weird Ed's super into them ed likes the toes I like them so they they help my knees a little bit I find a little bit because I don't know if you remember I used to run barefoot all the time yeah convincing you to put on any amount of clothing at work was kind of a challenge okay fair different story but yeah I used to run barefoot all the time so that made it so I could run barefoot with a little bit of protection as I stepped on something that was the idea so yeah I've also met people that not only thought they look stupid but we're like personally offended by them personally as they like really really really hated feet and because they could like see the separation of the toes it like looked more like an actual foot and it like disgusted them how do people like this shower I mean look at your own yeah yeah like how do you I didn't address it at the time but I was like that legitimately has to be a little difficult yeah how's your week this week it's been pretty good actually it doesn't seem like yours was I'm assuming by the exasperated sigh I don't I don't remember I actually don't remember much from this week so we we did a bunch of videos obviously yeah um some of the ones we did are actual pretty cool I don't have my regular laptop so unfortunately I can't I can't see my list of them but um what was the one that we did in my office it was cool oh oh I started working on one that I'm pretty excited about so red and NVIDIA came out and said that they were working together to have r-tx cards accelerate actually Adobe was involved as well so to have r-tx cards accelerate working with 8k red footage in Adobe Premiere in real time so you can actually use the GPU acceleration on the r-tx card specifically to get smooth 8k video playback at one to one while you're editing and I thought that was really cool so we're actually gonna be doing a piece fairly soon on what exactly that looks like and over the course of a couple of days I finally got my test bench working which involved three CPUs two motherboards three sets of RAM two graphics cards I don't know what its deal was but I think a CPU managed to just die okay it was one that had been previously deleted and it had been sitting in storage for a while okay I actually wonder if the liquid metal seeped out and then is contacting something inside right now like honestly anyway we've got a piece coming on that but I want to talk a little bit about liquid metal actually cuz we've had there was a post it was either on the forum where I saw it on someone tagged me on Twitter where they were talking about an issue they were having with their laptop that they had liquid medaled so not deleted in this case because laptop CPU still have bare dies but they had liquid metal did I think it was like six months or a year prior or something like that they suddenly had issues with it they took the thing apart removed all the liquid metal that was on it put regular thermal compound on it fired it up and it booted up again and I just want to kind of like address this again because even though I feel like we made it really clear in the videos that we did at the time people seem to be still running around and putting liquid metal on their consumer electronics be they phones or laptops or whatever else we said in the videos and I want to say it again we don't recommend that it's actually a pretty bad idea because anything that's going to be stored in a vertical orientation especially anything that's going to be stored in a vertical orientation when it will be warm runs the very real risk of having the liquid metal seep out and make its way on to other things because it doesn't necessarily behave like water would where it has a lot of surface tension for example where even if it was a liquid like it would be unlikely to to just kind of ooze out or crawl over things liquid metal is nasty freakin stuff and so like putting it on something like a phone is basically asking for your phone to die yeah so that's what I have to say about that oh we also did this was this was great I guess we'll see how people like it we also did a video where I read me in comments for the first time that's okay do you like respond to them sometime I felt like I kind of had to they were 10 out of 10 very mean ah I put James in charge of it so he picked them he he hand-picked the meanest comments that he could find were they like personally offensive or were they like Gary personal oh they went after everything from my voice to my looks to my mannerisms to my mannerisms oh yeah oh for sure yeah I haven't seen one of those oh oh oh yep you may enjoy the video you may enjoy the video I don't think I will be like this isn't you you've heard me say this since the start of us working together so you know this but I've never seen those things right like people have complained about your voice and didn't you say like someone hated editing your videos even right now about my voice being annoying that never made me think ever once understood that I don't know I find it annoying so I think they don't remember eyes don't be telling you yeah I find it annoying and that's why it's so hard for me to edit anything that I host maybe yeah because I remember we were like in the office at ncx talking about it and be like I don't know you're dying but it's fine I don't find it as bad now and maybe it's just because I've also gotten more used to it okay or maybe it's because my my manner of presenting is is it possible that voice is also just naturally deeper we have better microphones and better microphones that's probably a significant part of it is we have across-the-board better microphones for everything we do honestly one of the biggest upgrades that we made in the last little while every last I have to take this off I always wear this microphone home it drives me nuts I'll get in my car and that's what I'll realize because sitting down with it is kind of uncomfortable yeah I'll be like oh I'm wearing the bloody microphone again or you have the clicker or you know I don't have the prompter in my pocket pretty funny it's really annoying because it wears it out and it's already I've had to kind of like reinforce this thing up here cuz this is like your drink this is a fiver yeah yeah that's my heat shrinking job it's really bad because I used like this really stiff heat shrink that doesn't really fix the problem because if you're trying to implement a strain relief and you just move the strain really just some worlds yeah you move the point of strain somewhere else then you're you're just prolonging the inevitable you're not actually preventing it from being damaged so what I really need is I want to get like a bunch of those you know those really little Springs like they have on pens yeah so I want a bunch of those that are just the right size for our cables and then I want some nice flexible flexible moss yeah that's a pretty good job I'm not trying to like plug our own sponsor but yeah there's a few different companies I've done stuff like that unfortunately you don't get to pick the cable for like a syncing microphone like this anyway so the thing that bothers me is that I'm unnecessarily damaging it and this is like twenty five hundred US dollars worth of audio gear but I don't regret it at all cuz this has been one of the best upgrades that we've made sound is super important yeah it's like actually really really important we still don't always get it very right but at least but at least generally speaking on the videos now we get it more right than we used to a lot of people you know there were a lot of comments on the on the 10 years of LTT video did you watch it by any chance I did you did yeah there were a lot of comments on it I want your thoughts in a moment but there were a lot of comments on it that people were like you know the reason people are harkening back to the old days isn't because of the production values in fact it's because the content was better I'm like okay okay I see your point but one thing that I wish we had found as we'd gone back and looked for examples of production gear upgrades was the videos that I would personally stitch together and forget to put the audio in both channels because a lot of the time I'd be doing it on speakers and I wouldn't realize that you you you just took all the blame for a problem that every single person did at that point in time so thanks mr. boss but I did it too and it happened from other people that were editing videos at the time as well it happened a lot on our channel to the point where like it was a consistent complaint in the comments section people like how are you guys still doing this like years later how is this still a problem because there were so many videos where audio was only in one channel that is absolutely a thing and there was there was lots of other problems as well so to be clear we're not saying like production values are the be-all and end-all to better content I'm just saying that they were when I was saying it was hard for me to go back and watch that stuff I meant it was so bad in ways that were entirely preventable there's I think I think there is some justifications to the comments as well though not I don't necessarily think the content was better I think that's an overgeneralization and possibly a misdirection of them assuming something because they they don't necessarily fully understand the problem I'm not I'm not sure I'm just saying it happens a lot yeah there was a comment or earlier about people saying something about something and it was like knowing from the inside I'm like kay that isn't actually the problem but I see why you would think that Brett makes sense but that isn't really what's going on because what I'm gonna say here is we were quite campy back then yes and it might have felt a little it might've I don't know it might have felt a little bit more personal and campy and more like just sharing friends making videos yeah and it relates to a tweet I made relatively recently where I like everything will change over time like the original Assassin's Creed games are intensely different than the new ones the original Battlefield games are intensely different than the new ones and they will lose sometimes what the original identity was yeah yeah I think that's fair you'll claim a new identity like we used to do unboxing videos in front of insects yes it's changed a bit yes like the content is drastically different I think that in particular yeah I want is for the better sure but it's different people might not agree and they might have glommed onto that and it could be a nostalgia thing where if they actually watched if you actually made those videos now in that level of quality they'd probably be like they're about those things I mean that's yeah boards in power that's all something that I think a lot of people forget is that or don't think about is that maybe their own tastes have also changed yeah maybe if we actually started making videos on boxing power supply's again they would find themselves also very bored by it in the same way that I got to the point where we would sit down in the garage with like a pile of stuff to unbox that's often how the preparation started yeah and I'd be like oh just had a power supply hold on give me like a couple minutes but am I gonna say about this what could I possibly say there was there was times we had to do like pep talks I'm not even it happened I don't know if you remember but like there was there was times where we had to do sort of pep talks or like you would try to like get amped up before we started the video yeah like holy crap this is boring I'm neither motherboard and we had had to shift from the products that we were getting were interesting enough to drive the content yeah - we had to make them interesting enough and that was a big shift and that's something that the industry did and we had to react to it or we wouldn't have kept improving so like there's there's things that had to change because the industry change there's things that should have changed because their production quality things there's things that change because the company's way bigger now there's there's there has been a lot of change so I think it's not completely unjustified for someone to say like yeah it's changed but I think it's I think it's objectively fit so what did you think of the video I liked it did you get the nostalgia feels yeah so you think like there's there's I have to like I look at it and for me like certain sections are more important sure or like for instance I wasn't in the last chunk which makes sense cuz I left for floatplane so like I cared more about other parts or whatever right but like the video was really good cool yeah so you want to know something interesting I didn't write it really huh that kind of makes sense Ashley earlier this week was actually the two-year anniversary of the writing staff I mean and I mean the bulk of it so yeah Anthony Alex and James now Jake worked here before that but it wasn't right area and then John obviously has worked here for much longer than that but he is working almost exclusively on tech wiki and tech linked so so so the actual like the LTTE writing staff yeah two years now and that was that video was a moment for me because it used to be that people would often comment on the videos like that was that was honestly a big difference change in production value that we didn't address in that video because it wasn't really gear related but that was one of the biggest different changes for me I mix it as a content creator and at the time especially in the first few months people would would say in the comments like this wasn't real boy alone this wasn't written by Linus it sucks I was even then I was still reviewing the scripts and I was going through and I was making changes but I've gone through sort of periods of greater or lesser interference in the work that they hand in to me and I've also gotten better at copy editing someone else's work over the last couple of years so I've gotten better at my job but that script was really a fun one for me because it showed it revealed to the extent to which they have gotten better at their jobs yeah so that's kind of a cool like wasn't necessarily included in the video but was literally a core component of the video like it harkens to them regardless that's pretty cool yeah and and it's not just James like those that wrote it it was James that wrote it but those guys Tom really have started to think about how to tackle a project in a way that makes them less like bench markers and writers and more like content creators over the last couple of years so I shot a video with Alex today on the Coursera one and there were a couple of things that he did differently in the video then you know back when he had started and the scripts I would get from them were so like they were cookie cutter they were rudimentary so there's this flow to it where it refers sort of back and forward to itself as you go through along a couple of different threads that's really it's the kind of thing that you wouldn't think about unless you're a gigantic nerd and you're like reading the script and going through it with the writer but it adds a level of dynamism to the video that otherwise wouldn't be there and I find that stuff really helps to make it feel like a story which really really engages the viewer and the story is far more interesting than just the speeds and feeds yeah absolutely sort of this black box yeah and then the other thing was he actually thought about what we could do production-wise to make it look and feel a little different than just another system review and you know what's funny he talked Brent somehow he talked Brandon into a dual cam setup one tripod just aimed at me why does not and one tripod off to the side with with a sorry I telephoto lens on it so that we could get like close-ups of me interacting with the product at the same time and when I walked in and saw this setup I was like huh what the heck that is so similar to that thing that I can now one key difference is that we aren't trying to do it live to tape which means the host is literally switching which source the audience is looking at like I was dope no you're talking about there's no anyways that was so amazing no no that was the pinnacle of creation but I still I still got a real kick out of it that's fantast okay Peter dat seven I do want to get back to this as soon as I am able to any updates on your crazy new internet connection I actually do have updates for you but first we really do need to go through our sponsors yep first up is private Internet access this show is brought to you by P ia actually there was there was a big thing oh I hosted tech linked today and right ISPs were selling your like real-time location data to all kinds of where do wells including bounty hunters Wow yeah okay but like so it's definition of Bounty Hunter and the dog you know yeah yeah yeah like not like so like arrest you because you have a warrant for your last oh okay yeah still I'm just yeah some people in the audience might assume like oh those are the guys that boba fett yeah so yeah not quite but with that but still so basically you should be using a VPN all the time and yeah you should be using a DNS server that are a DNS service that is that doesn't log your activity and you should be doing kind of anything you can to keep your activities private and then what was the other big thing right yeah there was another big one Abercrombie and Fitch who else got caught doing this I was basically using their iPhone app to screen capture purportedly to you know record the way users interacted with the app but they actually ended up with like credit card information and stuff Wow yeah to be clear I don't think P ia would necessarily save you from either of these situations wasn't anything you can do at this point really seems like something you should probably but it's not hurting it and it's gonna help you in other ways too which is super so go check out P ia l mggg slash p IA when this stuff is getting ridiculous go check out tech link for the full details on that stuff and yeah i also brought to you by madrenas oh so it's actually here I have not tried it yet but I did promise them even though I'm not really a coffee drinker that I would roast the lambo roast apparently it's pretty good third-party reviews are in cool yeah sweet so lambo roast is a specialty crafted roasted coffee blended and designed by madrenas coffee and lioness tech tips so we actually had a bunch of coffee lovers here on the team contribute to this the African and Latin American beans in this blend give this roast a suite at chocolaty flavor with a huge bold body and smooth caramel finish so there you go guys you can check that out at the link in the video description the drina's coffee calm / - they make it sound like a like a caramel chocolate bar and of course guys you can check out their specialty cold brew coffee Zin these convenient 15 ounce grab-and-go cans 40% off at madrenas coffee calm / - what is it what do you want he wants one good throw oh is he gonna go make up he's gonna go make it I'm gonna try it go make it Jake and in other news oh they didn't bring anything for you these are both maple buffalo bacon that's okay I'm sorry Luke that's okay I'm the only one who's going to be eating any savage turkey today that's okay you can do the you can do the talking point okay if you'd like to sure it's right there so oh yeah I can just look savage jerky actually no I'm gonna find my own savage turkeys great they've been a sponsor for a long time they don't use nitrates or preservatives in their jerky I remember that that's amazing and they use the best ingredients with a goal to create a snack that is full of flavor and spice and isn't bad for you and if it's maple buffalo bacon try to keep it away from lioness because he will take it Linus his favorite flavor is maple buffalo bacon it's great delicious and he clearly can't stop eating it until it's gone love it my personal favorite is the Moho jalapeno grab yourself a bag and other and maybe some other flavors or try out some of their their hot sauces really good I yeah they're hot sauces are very good I've actually I that bottle that I took is super gone it was gone almost immediately anyways check that out use offer code ltte to save 10% on all of their products and go to LM g dot G G slash savage jerky follow that link easier to get there use that code everything is all good boom I'm so happy right now because I have a matinee buffalo bacon in a while I ate it all and then there wasn't any left did you only get two bags though or is that just what's here I hope there's more okay yeah okay so our new internet our ISP I tell and tell us who like owns the actual fiber all over the Lower Mainland can't seem to get on the same page about how exactly it's getting from the D mark which is where it comes into off the street which is actually another building in this complex how it's getting from the D mark to our building Telus says I'm good Telus says that I tell didn't do the right thing you know splicing in three and four whatever they said they've know what that means and I was like okay and then I tell us says tell us isn't really privy to how their equipment works it has no idea what the hell they're talking about so right now I am as far as I know supposed to have ten gigabit internet now and I don't so that's the update on the 10 gig Internet and I am like pretty excited I thought it was five point one five so it's five point five to the general Internet okay yeah but it's 10 but it is actually 10 to everything at Vanek's it includes AWS Akamai Google basically anything that matters so effectively it is ten gigabit internet yeah and I want it and that's where I'm at right now is there any rough ETA or anything soon ok soon TM yeah ok there are a couple of tech topics I actually do want to talk about today so this is hilarious this is supposed to by Daniel T in on the forum and the original article here is from Bloomberg and it's like it's not actually related to a lot of the Huawei stuff that's been in the news lately yeah but it just kind of is a really interesting look at how Huawei is accused anyway of operating its business so here's the summary Adam con the inventor of Mirage Diamond glass which is meant to be six times stronger than Gorilla Glass sent a sample of his product to huawei a potential customer and you know it's funny on the tech linked episode where we talked about this some of the people commented under the video look you're an idiot if you send a pre-production product to huawei of course they're gonna copy it well no companies like Huawei and Apple and Motorola and Google what will they partner and they license technologies from partners in order to make a better product so no that's actually something that you kind of have to do except that instead of while we returning it when they were supposed to and in the condition that it was supposed to be in they sent it back months later and badly damaged so we had problem to send it back within 60 days and to limit and their tests to any that wouldn't cause it damage this is pretty standard in the industry and it's meant to make it harder to reverse-engineer intellectual property so the sample was scratched cracked in half and had three shards missing when it came back on an FBI gemologist later concluded that Huawei had blasted it with a 100 kilowatt laser that was powerful enough to be used as a weapon so the FBI is involved at this point they get Conn and his chief operations officer Carl sure baath has participated as participants in this investigation of Huawei and they asked him to travel to Las Vegas so this is drinksy yes we were there like we were down the street while this sting operation is happening and asked them to conduct a meeting with Huawei representatives and they actually secured a room at the LBCC this is the convention center yeah and Bund it so the FBI could listen in from another location of the building so they bought signage to make it look like a con had rented out the space so sure Boff was outfitted with surveillance devices and recorded the conversation while a bloomberg businessweek reporter watched from a safe distance Wow so finally this they didn't actually confess to anything in the meeting but on January 28th so this is about three weeks later the FBI searched the Huawei lab in San Diego where a cons glass had been sent it was eventually forwarded to China which they weren't supposed to do and the FBI raid was a secret but not to con insure baath who had been receiving regular updates after it through their lawyer um by then they had apparently I didn't actually know this this is I think is a newer development they had succeeded in getting Huawei representatives to admit on tape to breaking the contract and to violating US export control laws Wow so the FBI this is how they figure into all this they met with con tell him that the bureau was hoping to educate local startups cybercrime and security vulnerabilities and to encourage them to come forward with suspicious activity and they were trying to gather intelligence on Chinese efforts to obtain us technology I was gonna say it's probably more related to that yeah yeah probably like heavily more related to that it's interesting it's also interesting that happened in the convention center I know right like you like we were we could have been like there while this when I walked right past where I did those rooms it's probably just those little rooms in South like I walked right now yeah yeah that's crazy that's cool that's pretty this is the kind of thing that like it's cool that someone is actually like standing up to this because the thing about a contract is that it's only as powerful as the entity that signed it yeah and there and as their will to enforce it because breaching contracts is absolutely a thing okay i breached a contract once probably more than once accidentally oh okay I thought that was a specific dick I was good no like oh did I know okay okay I thought you meant like there's something with no your demeanor was like no sorry there's something going yeah yeah oh you destroyed me I'm assuming there are contracts that you've broken so I breached a contract once with a company called student works painting I was I thought you were gonna say like okay can you get someone who knows coffee things maybe get Alex Alex knows coffee things know can you just ask Alex it'll be easier just ask Alex Jake okay but haven't you like since lmg times I thought there was like an Nvidia thing mmm oh okay like accidentally publishing yeah a piece of content like technically no me yes okay that's technically yeah this is why I said probably more than once yeah definitely yeah okay but there was one time in particular that I did it on purpose oh because I was going over a period of significant depression oh and I believed that it was caused by my my job painting houses or running that painting business I asked them nicely to let me out and they basically said you signed a contract yeah that's it that's all there is to it you have to finish the rest of the summer but all I really wanted to do was quit and go work at the computer store and so I I worked through it with my wife and we basically went yeah this is pretty bulletproof even had a lawyer look at it like a free legal counsel through the city or whatever they were like yeah you probably can't not do this and finally I was like you know what I'm not gonna go to work anymore and I think that the optics of a student painting company suing a student are probably bad enough that they're probably not gonna actually do that because that's a really bad idea and that some interns yeah that's something that I have actually sort of relied on at points in my career I will confess that during secret shopper we did not fully vet the legality of recording our conversations is that it's an it single party consent in Canada we will we did look into it and it was questionable okay so single party consent yes in Canada but that doesn't necessarily apply to conversations we're having outside of Canada it could certainly be challenged oh I thought it literally did but I thought it was where the recording happened anyways yeah our belief at least my belief I actually had to fight this battle internally my belief was that the optics of you know someone let's say someone that ended up not looking that great like origin or iBUYPOWER or del especially del the optics of someone like del suing Linus tech tips over exposing their customer service agents outright lying to us like was gonna be bad enough yeah they probably weren't gonna do that so so I guess what I'm trying to say is though the law is only what is what someone is willing to enforce please don't take this as advice yeah it's not I am NOT a lawyer and I'm not qualified to provide any kind of I just wanna like make sure we've got that yeah so I guess what I'm trying to say is I think it's cool that they're getting involved in what would otherwise not be possible like in in something that's happening that's wrong a little startup yeah trying to deal with what they wouldn't be able to defend themselves they wouldn't be able to enforce this contract against a gigantic multi billion-dollar multinational because even if they were going to win it would be very very easy and rather simple for Holloway they're just be like Kate well this is gonna be tied up in like a five-year or a get our legal ragged house and we'll just bury you with that so by then they'll have been making insane profits selling this reverse engineered glass already and what do they care they can literally pay for their involvement in this lawsuit through the money they are stealing from the patent that they violated yeah it happens a lot actually yep yep so I think that's cool there's one more news topic that I did want to talk about but Nick did you have something you want to jump in with we don't neither of us coffee how long 10 seconds well how's this work I don't okay we don't we don't coffee we don't know okay first 50 bang okay cool why do you why do you push down yeah what are you doing right now what is this straining the cop we're straining the coffee okay you don't drink like oh so the the coffee liquid is squishing through that filter thing sure okay this must be absolutely painful for people to watch okay is this so we're going straight from we don't consume coffee at all to Jake is just serving us black don't pour too much in because I want it to cool down a little yeah I'm gonna want to cool down a lot so like give me less than that that's fine that's fine that's fine there we go I've always liked the smell of coffee I've never been inclined to drink it maybe twice in my whole life I don't know like his cream or sugar customary I should not drink it straight so if I want it if I want it what what are you even talking about Jake cool I mean it's uh madrenas come that's nice and light this is probably yeah legit for camp I'm just I'm just gonna try it hold on we're gonna do a couple of really hot isn't it I have you you mean we have to send you a play okay there's one more news topic I wanted to do beforehand we should also probably do a couple super - oh wow we haven't done an LTX update holy crap this show is never gonna end is there a blog update oh oh holy crap ticket bracelet ticket pricing Oh John will brought me a better coffee mug here's my gamers Nexus coffee mug fantastic thank you John oh I'll always be shilling for gamers Nexus guys ticket pricing for LTX is here so we'll be using dream hacks preferred tix or platform to sell and process tickets this year they'll be sold in US dollars this time sorry Canada and everywhere else but to combat the dollar conversion we have apparently lowered the cost of the admission ticket what it was last year so here they are Saturday pass 30 bucks Sunday pass sunday sunday sunday 30 bucks two-day pass 50 bucks dreamhack b-y-o-see plus two-day pass $80 in response to the obvious question no you cannot get b-y-o-see without a full two-day pass yeah but that's that's for fairly obvious reasons that is how that should work just guys anyone wants to complain that is like legit how that should work alright the LTX merch pack is 30 bucks that includes a lanyard a t-shirt and and a pin like an L TX pin it'll look a little something like this and an LMG office tour which is is that the day before which which is on the Friday the day before is 50 bucks I will be conducting tours all day I guess pretty much ok surprisingly cheap yeah it's about 15 20 bucks well we're gonna do groups of like 10 or 20 or something like that giving the two yeah yeah yeah I'm just going to do that all day the reason we're charging is to control demand if you guys honestly want to know why yes because if we made it free then we'd have literally three plus years ago we made it free and we had a line up around the building and we weren't able to serve everyone and people were like upset I don't even know if we had two million subs at that point a fifth of the size we are now so sorry and then VIP which includes dinner and what else does it include yeah yeah there's like a little party here is it here at the office yeah okay so you come into the office and there's like a hangout after work and specific VIP merch I think they get a special hoodie is that right different color t-shirt so that's four hello oh yeah the land center will be done by then heck yeah that's it no that'll that'll be done cold for sure for sure so here's a bunch more information you guys can check it out on the LTX Expo blog oh right yeah here's what the pin looks like here's what the t-shirt and the lanyard look like all good stuff tickets go on sale ah 12 p.m. Pacific time February 22nd so also something that I wanted to make clear is that these prices are the right now prices we are going to be selling tickets in waves and prices depending on demand may go up if you want to come to LT x and the Dreamhack land that's going to be there buy your ticket do it fast because there's a good chance it will cost more we think there's going to be very high demand we're we're trying not to like be too optimistic but the number of creators that I've heard back from who have a strong interest in going including some that are quite big has been very encouraging I think that if you're just not that into Linus Media Group you might still want to be there so one thing one interesting thing that I'm going to point out which is probably gonna be a big part of the reason why people are gonna buy tickets faster this year is the first two years the first year was a pretty cool set of stuff plus we got to hang out with Linus Media Group crew the second year was like that was about that good yeah there was a ball pit the second year was like more cool stuff and you get to hang out the lines Media Group crew oh and some other creators showed up which we didn't necessarily know about until last minute that's really cool and then this year is like there's a land there's tons of booths the VR section got like multiplied by a billion its Rheem hacks they're like everything's been scaled up to such a ridiculous degree that no matter what part of it you actually want to go for if you want to go to hang with lmg people there's gonna be everybody there be there and if you want to go there because the conventions freaking sick then the conventions freaking sick which is like I don't know that's that's a really good there's so much to do like it's this this year's gonna be wild I'm so excited all right I think I've said that enough on the show are we doing this I want to do one more top okay okay though the rumor GTX 1660 TI so Nvidia was kind of mad when the end of our our TX 2060 video we basically said well if you were looking for a value card from Nvidia for this generation wait for the rumored upcoming something that will be without RT X and now it looks like some of the initial rumors were wrong in that it's not going to have as many cuda cores as the RT x 2060 so even in conventional games it should be significantly lower performing but it does look like there is another card coming that will be have the RT x stripped out of it and might end up being a better value so it's going to be based on the tu-160 in GPU with 1536 cuda cores 6 gigs of GD r 6 and it will not have our TX no word yet on tensor course the first listings for MSI and palette cards have appeared on Russian retail sites and I can talk about this rumor because I don't have any official word from Nvidia other than getting mad at me saying that that was unsubstantiated and you shouldn't trust the rumors and I did they did get some stuff wrong but it looks like there was no line I think the worm the the rumors weren't true at all now here's all the numbers that you saw in the rumors on screen behind me in that half with their last major launch yeah sweet yeah all right whatever man coffee then super chats ok when's the last time you drank coffee probably close to 8 or 9 years ago okay I have sipped coffee once in my life for the one of the like the manly desk management video and I had to borrow a mug from Burkle I think I think Nick van Berkel made the coffee for me because I had no idea how to make coffee so I've been in yeah we used your truck I've been in shots where I'm supposed to drink coffee I just swapped it for water yeah so ice is legitimately coffee I forget why I had to I forget why yeah can I can i whatever there's coffee there's coffee in there alright so I'm gonna try it and just because I don't like it doesn't mean you guys might not like it but there you go that's an important note neither of us are coffee drinkers nev us and this is black it's pretty strong I guess that's black how I don't drink coffee I don't drink coffee either it's better than the other one I had I was just gonna say it's but it's like better yes exactly okay I usually get the like look from coffee that did not give me that like it's I I was expecting it to be like super bitter and I can I can taste what they were talking about on the bag we're gonna have not black coffee maybe we'll do that next week because realistically we're gonna have a madrina spot to do next week anyway yeah like it's way better than like whatever garbage Nick van Berkel made for me throwing endorsement right there even people that don't like coffee are like yeah that's all right better than garbage yeah um yeah I can also taste the undertones that they were going for so that's pretty cool actually there's some third-party reviews of it already because the first shipment went out and people seem to think it's pretty good so nice yeah all right yeah couple super chats Erik says who's gonna do the voiceover for the Linus audio book come on me obviously well when I do my book I'm just gonna read it yeah yeah that makes sense so like the funny thing is I think I have I talked to you about how I'm gonna use like more like a podcast subscription monetization model I'm gonna release it chapter by chapter it's gonna be the most blatant cash grab of all time and then so the so the audiobook is just going to be a podcast that you subscribe perhaps no right you should have your own channel on Flo plain making everyone mad that's how you should distribute it no I know right the like Linus personal so it's like yeah hey all the you know the whole thing where you know - media group makes revenue and then you know takes that and just assign salaries to everyone and like everyone kind of wins when the company wins yeah forget that nope this is the Linus personal job well no you can still do that split behind-the-scenes my grand soo Shadow Zion shout out to you to Zion dials Oh Everett says I'm applying for the grip position just waiting on permit so how many people applied whoa Oh for yours yeah oh my god people are so mad about the way that I pronounced rel and kubernetes I said are helen kubernetes or hell yeah no I thought you said no did you screw me because people told me it's rel you're supposed to it's like a silent age oh I've always just gone I've said the abbreviation okay that's my I thought I said RHEL I don't know whatever either way I got my check you read this stuff all the time like I'm not yeah I don't know nucleus draft Dotson chat nuclear flame asks if you still play star citizen no no I would play still when did I I mean you bought it I bought it yeah didn't play it Adrian send a super chat please put the constellation design on a sweatshirt it's cold where I live but I love the logo that's good we should totally do that it works it'll love that design crewneck I'd be down for that yeah crewneck sweatshirt idea um which no I don't have it on me it's at home I put it in the wash because one of my kids like spat up on it or something yeah I'm sorry dad hoodies here soon like oh oh yeah a couple months yeah I know it's really cool here Nick you want to show them what we're talking about I Dennis says the leader ever am I in the right place did I say our Hill are you sure I didn't I didn't I don't remember it's an abbreviation this city hi this hoodie it's sick yeah well if you logo on the arm I'm the doctor says life doesn't properly appreciate lionesses voice okay but the other day I'm watching tech linked with Reilly hosting and my wife walks in and says why does every tech guy have a high-pitched annoying voice good gravy dang iconic sorry first wind showing it's on my birthday thanks for all the content helped me build my first PC that's freakin awesome I love hearing that from people yeah shoutout to zero hope to see you at LTX by the way AJ pointed out also the floatplane team is gonna be at LTX if that's what you're into yes I will be around gonna be madness um alright what else we got here Luke says Jake's in your doctor disrespect joke was perfect I actually that I got a lot of like tweets and comments about that that's pretty funny oh I don't know how to pronounce this name something weighing on liquid metal to my 9900 K a few months later it seeped out and it fried my motherboard and PSU rib dang yeah he said what did doctor disrespect ever do to anyone I was like probably disrespected them Erik says sorry didn't mean to imply I didn't want you to do it I love your sex voice and since $69 I have no idea what you're talking about hell yeah no I don't think so all right McHale says just to say your backdrop every time I watch the man show reminds me of the old red vs. blue series I think it's supposed to be I think it was supposed to be orange I'm not sure though don't is it supposed to be red and blue alright membership perk oh yeah once a month you guys will be able if you join as a member on YouTube once a month you'll be able to pick between the things that we're doing on our Friday live streams that is assuming that we are organized enough to make that happen josh says built my own home server with dual Zeon's 36 terabytes of raid 5 storage for plex and backup 10 gig internal network and battery backup learn lots from your channel been here since the beginning that's freaking awesome alright so thanks for tuning in guys to the one hour of BS show and there might be some tech news we'll see you again next week same bat-time same thing before we're done oh no no no you do it no I'm just kidding someone asked for flow plan updates there is notifications in now we haven't been broadcasting it like a ton because there's a bunch of improvements coming to notifications so there there's nicer things will be happening with notifications but you can get them now if you go to your settings cog wheel in the bottom corner should I do it sure should be fine ok yeah I mean it should be there we go so settings cog wheel settings not a creator CMS yeah and then notifications and then you just like click the bell and fill the Bell in for the different things that you want do you want push notifications do you want email we should probably eventually have a better explainer for that if you want push notifications your browsers gonna ask you like hey is this ok and if you say yes you'll you'll you'll get them that's pretty cool and by the way our Bell like really works yeah it's not miss or anything it's not that you to buy theoretically yeah there's some stylistic changes coming and there's some improvements for how it looks and feels overall also we don't have a notification sound right now we will eventually get a notification sound but we need like a unique sound and that's not something anyone and either of the companies has really done so it's a new new avenue to go down I've been doing a lot of research on notification sounds which is a weird thing weird weird thing to research but I've learnt a fair amount yeah hey over here or whatever that super annoying thing was back in the day no mine was a smiley faces yeah same era definitely yeah yeah but yeah that's about it say something remember that oh my god alright see you guys bye yeah sure does we actually specifically thought of you I know my brother calls it
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