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Antlion ModMic 4.0 - Awesome Modular Headset Microphone

the antlion mod mike was always a good idea and while for some people myself included the previous revisions actually worked reasonably well the ongoing sound card compatibility issues minimal features and just plain old lack of availability made them not a great option for a lot of people a global leader in tech recruiting is celebrating geek pride by giving away 10 amazing tech prizes for more info visit the modus Facebook page or modus com but none of those things were enough to stop those folks from continuing to refine the original concept being able to keep your high quality headphones and put a high quality boom style microphone on them instead of resorting to one of several other solutions that have always felt a little bit cloudy to me clipping your mic to your clothes tethers you to your desk a desktop microphone picks up a lot of ambient noise and switching to a gaming headset when you game will either give you rubbish audio quality on your end or you'll be spending a fortune on a quality all-in-one like the ath ag1 from Audio Technica which just plain doesn't make sense if you already have awesome headphones that you like today all of that changes my review unit of the mod mic 4.0 didn't come in a package that looked like they made it out of an old toilet paper roll with a handwritten note taped to the side wishing me luck no this will time I get a handy dandy and surprisingly rugged little carrying case with a simple instruction manual that directs you to the website if you have any further questions to magnetic bases that allow the mic to be rotated or removed completely from whatever headphones you attach them to gotta love them magnets some extra adhesive for one of the bases and finally an alcohol prep pad for attaching the magnetic base to your headphones the mod mic itself is thicker than the old one and more robust feeling in every way the microphone tip is larger and has a nice snug fitting windscreen that fits over top of it but you should still be careful when mounting it to keep the microphone off to the side of your mouth instead of directly in front of it for bed sound quality and fewer plosives moving down we've got the other half of the magnetic mount and a clever little like bending system that can be adjusted to fit well in the lowered and raised position without unnecessarily tugging on you you can also adjust it if you want and bend it however will fit you best further down we find an inline mute something that was seriously missing from the older revisions and then a thicker than normal but still flexible and actually very lightweight wire that terminates in a standard a three and a half millimeter jack it's just little things but they add up to a lot last time the mod might felt like a really exciting science fair project and this time it feels like a finished product from a real company but of course you guys want to know how it sounds right frankly great it blows the doors off most of the gaming headset microphones that I've heard and to my ear is closer to the excellent microphone on the audio technica headset that I mentioned before then to anything else that I've heard but you can judge for yourself selfs selves or self however many people there are watching right now here is a microphone test with it this is my audio recording test for the mod mic 4.0 it sounds absolutely fantastic to me but I guess I'll let you guys be the judge of that also there will be dancing involved in this microphone test something that I probably should have warned everyone about before it happened sorry now bear in mind the only side-by-side comparison you're listening to right now is with the $600 microphone system that I'm using so for some more fair comparisons check out the SoundCloud link in the video description which I will continue to add to as time goes on so with all that out of the way I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions about a product like this but here are my thoughts anyway I love it it's a better implementation of a product that I already liked it is a little bit on the expensive side but it sounds great and frankly for the target audience people who have headphones that sound better than gaming headsets the price won't be unreasonable when you consider the quality and functionality of it and the fact that it allows you to use that other investment you've already made more often one thing that they really need to figure out though even if I don't have a solution off the top of my head is the two-wire issue whether it's through an optional accessory or something that they include in the box and lion needs to find a way to let me manage the headphone and microphone wires together so I don't end up with a tangled mess they address this somehow and this thing is pure gold as usual guys the link to pricing and availability for the ivory used an old script so it says Plextor m6e SSD but actually it's the modpack 4.0 is in the video description below the like dislike and share buttons which you should use accordingly also in the video description is a support link where you can buy a t-shirt just like this one or we've got a bunch of other designs we actually have all of our designs in stock right now which is cool you can give us a monthly contribution or change your amazon bookmark so we get an affiliate kickback whenever you buy like I don't know shelving units or something like that anyway it helps us out a lot thanks again for watching and as always don't forget to subscribe
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