
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Apple is slowing down your iPhone - WAN Show Dec. 22 2017

hello welcome to the LAN show everybody we've got a great show for you guys today you seem hesitant we don't have a great show for them well we had a bad show we have we have intent fairly intense news I know right yeah so it turns out Apple is slowing down your old iPhone well except for those of you who are like ha ha joke's on you I don't have an iPhone except for you Apple cannot slow down your iPhone but they can slow down your friends iPhone so you should still care about this we'll talk about it a little more later Intel CEO Brian krzanich came out and said we are going to take more risks so basically in time they're becoming they're gonna get into a big like the energy drink sector noise and they're gonna start they're gonna have a new slogan Intel we want to be inside you right now I can't get into the dock but good news yeah Facebook strikes a music deal with Universal I guess great news because we needed another music streaming platform yeah I don't want another thing to subscribe to okay I'm actually sick okay this is about to get really bad okay so Taylor Swift's album hold on just for that you know I'll talk about it later I'm also magic leap magic lead finally has a product yes you ordered it I well I signed up you can't order it yeah so I signed up so I'm expecting you know 10 years might show us so we'll talk about the ultimate secrecy freaking these guys are ridiculous I don't know how they got funding because they didn't they've never shown anything no they have only behind yes yes yes like MD eight literally up the rectum yeah so no one's ever no one knows what's going into inside okay does that work for everybody great Squarespace is that cool for folks okay we could just yell all showing I'm down yeah I'm down to down to yell all show apparently rip rip ears rip ears oh sorry everyone apparently it got louder so I have no idea what you people are talking about that's a global audio settings okay so why don't we get into our first topic Apple this is supposed to by dr. McIntosh Wawa on the forum the original article that we have here is from Yahoo Finance it's posted into it Jen okay that's an odd one I don't think I have actually which which one have we tested is that is that the look one or is that though do we do we have any idea this one works I believe that one works I think okay let's so about a week ago a massively popular and widely circulated thread on reddit posited that Apple purposely slows down performance on iPhones with older a batteries which people have been thinking for kind of ever yeah but now we've been able to you know so in a nutshell iPhone users have noticed their older phones not performing as well as they did before iOS 10 2.1 but they've also noticed that performance can increase after getting a new battery so it turns out that Apple has admitted that they are intentionally gating the amount of power that the CPU demands from the battery this is because the phone will shut down to protect itself if the CPU demands more power than it can supply so there are three scenarios where batteries are less likely to be able to produce the big bursts of power that the CPU might ask for when they're cold when they're low and when the battery has degraded over time so what this means is that right out of the box you might run into a situation where your cpu effectively throttles for a reason other than thermals except that it could be thermals but cold thermals not hot thermals yes the third reason means that out of out of a hundred iPhones how many of them will slow down 100 a hundred yeah because if it will throttle once the battery decays I shouldn't say decays degrades degrade they don't necessarily decay I mean they if you put enough like if you put enough chicken soup on them they could probably decay do you remember that old camera we used to use for tech tips videos line defectives videos that I got the chicken soup on yeah that decayed oh yeah Wow yeah because it was in my backpack for like over a span of a week I didn't realize yeah chicken soup I don't know what actually decayed well it smelled the soup yes I don't know the the contacts in the battery compartment were like corroded and stuff okay that make sense it's still not decay like when's your last day it like slightly over we yeah like just just over a week perfect perfect can't come soon enough well I'll get to two days I'll get to put down that piece of tape that will make it totally different yeah before yeah you'll be working and you'll be working in a separate office office yeah all by myself while I talk to people over the internet marked by the masking tape your office yeah and I won't have to be in it except when I have to meet with you oh oh oh we should talk about flow playing stuff on the show come on oh but see every single time that this happens people get confused despite no matter how many times I say this isn't the site you're supposed to be using everyone goes to go use it okay also you never actually ended up telling all the editors that they're supposed to upload things in a certain way and use that setting so it hasn't been being used so there's things that aren't supposed to be viewed yet on there and you're not gonna tell them until next week and then you'll probably forget so it's really not up to you I'll think about it how people are gonna be seeing videos with the wrong titles I think about it I think anyway slow playing lot of things going great we have a new live stream panel things set up so and yes I did he's not streaming till later tonight talk about that later you know what we're doing it okay we're going through the thing cuz I'm gonna end I'm an okay anyway so starting with iOS 10.2 dot one Mac CPU power drawers steps down in proportion to battery capability it's not just like uh like your batteries good so your phone runs at full speed or your battery is okay that's what Chad's really confused about me leaving might want to explain that okay starting January first alright alright okay can I finish the Apple battery thing and then can we get in we'll come back to they'll come back to it's not comebacks not that scary it's a little scary I'm scared I mean it's are you a little scared it throws me off pretty hard yeah but we'll talk about it okay okay anyway anyway so so it's not a matter of like your battery's good or your battery's bad so your performance is like great or your firm's like poo yeah it's it's it's like it's a spectrum you know so this was originally applied to the iPhone se e6 and has now been applied to the iPhone 7 and the 6s and it's being planned for future devices so part of the problem though okay bla they could have bricked the phones up front instead of breaking the mere after launch then they wouldn't be as impressive in competitive okay you know what let's let's get into this because the rest of this is all kind of opinion stuff hit me what are your thoughts I don't like it okay can i I'm gonna can I play devil's advocate on this one because if you're gonna be if you're gonna not like it then I'm gonna make the counter-argument here um your Android phone gets slow within a matter of weeks anyway even if the battery is perfect I haven't really used an iPhone very much but don't they do pretty much the same thing and mine doesn't do in a matter of weeks to be fair okay so the pixel lasts a little longer it lasts quite a while quite a while longer and then I just reformatted it and then it was totally fine I'm on the pixel to excel right now I'm quite happy with you with the mine took like over half a year okay look I'm not supposed to be on your side so and then I reformatted it and then it was fine again let's all let's bear in mind though that like Samsung owns the lion's share of Android right now okay and I'm not defending Samsung yeah so okay so so you know hey at least your performance is good for a year oh yeah then I reform but then you can just you can't do that on an iPhone it doesn't solve the problem no it doesn't solve the problem here like it so I have the ability to solve the problem iPhone doesn't you not went in here I don't like this because this way like say say I'm not a techy person okay try say say I'm not a trek Sam not I've read wrecked in the in say I'm not a techy person yeah let's say that and you're my buddy and you're like wow wavy way to be it with that little i gestured thing and and i have a phone and i'm complaining to you that it got slower yeah if it's an android phone you can be like hey back up all your stuff reformat it put it back on everything's fine it's an iPhone you can be like go buy a new iPhone but I guess yeah so really the upsetting thing here is not Apple degrading the performance to me that actually doesn't bother me and it wouldn't surprise me if other people were doing it and it wouldn't oh yeah big deal to me oh I would not be even remotely surprised at all if it was on the other side of the field as well so the part that is bothering me is that Apple is shipping these devices with batteries that are not only not user upgradeable because I have that ship has sailed I've gotten over that but that are difficult to DIY repair upgrade yeah so I should have said user upgradeable user replaceable but they're difficult even as someone with a reasonable amount of DIY knowledge like I have replaced phone batteries before even on ones with non-replaceable back yeah it's like it's it's not rocket science if you're careful and you go slow yeah but they're making these devices that are difficult to replace the battery for and they are running them so close to the red line that surely they must know when they're shipping these things because it's not like lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries are especially new technology at this point Apple in particular has done tons of research in this field they know exactly what's gonna happen with this thing yeah pretty much perfectly and they're making a conscious decision like the fact that the iPhone 7 is affected they're making a conscious decision to run them so close to the red line sorry this side red line that they can only handle it for a year can you imagine if a car manufacturer did this like let's say for example that Volkswagen nothing against Volkswagen let's say for example they're like not that long ago giant issues but yeah let's say for example Volkswagen shipped a car that had great emissions for the first year okay yeah and then when all the press have stopped benchmarking it and all those users well they're just plumb out of warranty let's say hypothetically that when nobody was looking they made it so the emissions were bad would that not be kind of similar and now to be clear we're not talking about a 10 year old car that just don't run the way it used to that's okay this is very targeted you know that's why you know that's why well DC used to anyway BC had a program called air care where people would have to take very old vehicles yeah and they would have to demonstrate that they've been keeping them up well enough it was you don't have really difficult formal emissions it was like a huge problem to get my nightmare and you know I had a car before that I used to have to make sure I had of nice fresh oil change in it a nice special world changing way for a while premium gas yeah yeah we know anyway the point is the point is this is I really don't think okay so my iPhone for my iPhone 4 is really slow and I get it that's a really old device that also you know is not getting security updates anymore like really has no no right to be to be used like as a daily driver at this point and and I could and the thing too is like I could replace it with something that would be a much better experience for an amount of money that I consider reasonable to tell someone just upgrade your device like I could upgrade to an iPhone 5s and that would be way better I could get a cheap 5s I'd get a way better experience and I could probably do that for a lot of notify this is worth it can't be more than like around 100 bucks like I can't even I don't know the point is Apple is not doing that with six year old devices Apple is doing this with devices that are well within what I would consider to be the the prime of their lives a one year old phone is not an old phone you're looking at used 150 give or take 10 20 and new 200 240 okay and but I consider I consider a used phone if you're on a budget a perfectly reasonable thing to do yeah so so I'm not that far off um so I can't I can't defend what they're doing because it really feels misleading I'd like because I'm gonna be chasing that headline they're chasing that headline how the iPhones the fastest have they posted anything in response to this I'm actually you know what to be perfectly honest I'm not sure because to flip sides on you a little bit I wonder if there is some legitimate technical reason to the point of trying to reduce issues with these batteries mmm-hmm maybe using them at the same rate as before it could could produce critical situations where you have because batteries sorry shutdown's yeah we talked about that already preventing shutdowns battery issues having looking in my on battery in your pocket is like not cool and has become really common but it's like super sketchy and luckily these manufacturers of things have been doing things mostly right outside of Samsung that one time you know yeah bombs you know funny to joke about now so I don't know it could have something to do with that I haven't personally seen an official statement anywhere yeah they've acknowledged that they're doing if they've set it to prevent shutdowns but basically the cold hard truth is they're only doing this so that they can they can run it right at the redline for a while knowing that no one's gonna no one's gonna benchmark it and no one's gonna give this the kind of press like even now we're talking about it now but when the iPhone x2 or whatever maybe it'll take on like a final fantasy ask yeah maybe when the the iPhone x2 rolls around by the time that happens we're not gonna be talking about this again we're not gonna be like here's the review of the new iPhone x2 by the way your iPhone 10 now performs like this and your iPhone 8 now performs like this we sure but we but you can't because it won't even necessarily be applicable maybe maybe mine is still running at 98% but maybe there are other people out there who let's say they use wireless charging all the time which by the way like Apple won't say yes it degrades it and I can't say like like with absolute certainty yes it will degrade it this amount but it will degrade it some amount we don't know how much but heat is bad we know this heat is bad for batteries and wireless charging produces more heat so someone who's running around like leaving their phone on a wireless charger trickle charging all the time for example or who just uses a wireless charger at night unnecessarily instead of plugging in they could be at risk of actually degrading the performance of their phone a year two down the line so this is something like we're gonna want to keep talking about don't know if it's uh I really don't know if it's gonna keep people's attention the way that a shiny fast new iPhone does okay let's get let's get through our sponsors and then we'll talk about Luke leaving - Media Group sure see how I made them stay tuned like that so first up is Squarespace think about it this might be your last Squarespace sponsor spot as an lmg employee okay yeah that crazy maybe I know I'd also put a little bit of a spoiler in there I think we're gonna continue working with Squarespace for a long time yet Squarespace is the place to go to you know let's say you weren't employed with the old employers and or let's say you had to create an online portfolio - Wow - you know Wow Jesus if I needed to do that I'd have 24/7 live chat and email support which would be great it would only cost me $12 a month because apparently I don't have a job anymore except I do oh-ho they're great templates feature responsive design so they'll look great if your potential employer is looking at them on a laptop computer or on their slow year-old phone they've got a lot of great features like their logo designer and cover pages the ability to publish content and Apple news format directly from the Squarespace blog every site includes commerce like if you wanted to I don't know spend all that spare time that you might have leaving little Etsy baskets you can sell them for your Squarespace good evening yes if you if you sign up for a year you get a free domain yep so head over to slash win and use offer code win to get 10% off which leads us right into our next sponsor spot I fix it so let's say that the basket-weaving doesn't doesn't work out for you then yeah maybe you want to get into small-time electronics repair like replacing batteries and phones iFixit has got the tools for you they've got everything from suction cups to their 64 bit driver kit - they're like big tool pack with Blake the magnetic that has all the little it's like dry-erase so you can write what everything is and you can stick all the screws to it super handy ESD straps they've got everything and they've got the guides so you won't actually know have to know a damn thing about electronic repair yeah to start up a Squarespace site get your eye fix-it kit and start repairing electronics go to slash Linus and get the fully loaded Pro Tech tool kit for just 60 US dollars and then once that starts going well when you need to do all your accounting for your small business you use your eye fix-it tools on that you advertise on your Squarespace site you can use fresh books as bad as up that is a grand slash this was set up and you can create and send slick-looking invoices oh boy in just seconds fresh books is everything you need as a small business owner or freelancer to help you keep track of your time with their timesheet function manage your expenses and keep track of who owes you what as for me LMG only giving you anything that's gonna be nothing so you know technically well okay well yeah I think it's gonna be the other way around because you get fresh books has tons of great features they've got mobile support so you've got the full functionality of the fresh books cloud accounting platform on Android or iOS however slow that might be and if you've got any questions you can reach out to their support staff where you'll speak to a real human no phone tree no escalations no return calls just answers so go to fresh books talk comm slash win and get a free trial try out fresh books I yeah you know what fresh books is one of those ones where I've like poked the bear I've tempted fate I've said it's one of the sponsors one of the few sponsors that we have never gotten a competitor hasn't we stop and we still haven't gotten one not nothing credible I shouldn't say we've never gotten one because me right we might have gotten something but yeah I've never because I will actually escalate things personally a brand if something comes through and they're an actual customer but nothing has ever made it to my desk I have never seen a comment it's impressive so go get a 30-day free trial at the link in the video description fresh books comm slash tech tips enter the wine show in the how to do both all right so you're leaving lands Media Group or are you being bad I don't I literally don't know how is that going to work does that have to leave that has to legally work in a way oh yeah oh yeah like you're gone you're done no I know but that's one like it has to be one right oh no no it's it's that yeah yeah and you're not laid off so I think technically you have to quit have to you have to quit what if I don't quit this sucks what happens yeah no I'm pretty sure you have to because your other employer floatplane media yo by the way it may actually be a conflict of interest for you to maintain your position so so Luke is not quitting quitting he's just quitting yeah confusing so I'm still gonna be on wine show if Linus ever actually lets me make a video I will make a video I'm gonna be at sea together that's not really oh that's gonna be fun it'll be fun yeah and you have I'm not sure if I should make a video on that I think you should I don't it's not as cool no no if nothing else we could do the classic react and just have some fun with it yeah yeah I do want to still do some stuff you might okay so anyways floatplane has been my full-time thing for quite a while now so most of this stuff is just stuff happening on paper that doesn't actually mean anything for you guys I'm still gonna be on the way and show every week you'll be doing CES coverage gonna be doing CES coverage so I'll be making videos down there for sure I won't be making as many as you know I get to handle like those to load myself this year which is great yeah don't think for that there's some perception aliy confusion stuff with the scheduling side of things I think I can do more than I'm currently scheduled for oh okay so we'll see how that goes player yeah I yeah basically nothing's gonna change on your side of things I'll still be doing CES I'll still be doing Wine Show I'm just gonna be doing a video every now and then just kind of you know not that often and I will be more on paper same with everyone that is currently a floatplane person will be more on paper a floatplane person because right now we're all technically like- media group yeah so right now linus media group is paying the bills but starting january first formally floatplane media is starting up as a separate company floatplane media is acquiring the employees and the intellectual property from linus media group that will the trademarks all that kind of stuff and it will become its own separate legal entities we were joking about it earlier on the show but we are actually going to like put tape down on the floor maybe put up a sign or something like make it kind of fun and floatplane media will have an office it'll be here within this building yeah but legally speaking well it'll be it's it's like you have to listen yeah it's like you're renting space minus media group will be subleasing yeah some of the property to floatplane media and flips leemy you like has to pay for it like yeah like legally either you can't give stuff away at least here in BC like you can't give away a car to a friend unless it's like under a certain value because there's there's taxation problems with that so like - Media Group can't just be like we're buddies you can use our office space so we have to actually start doing everything by the book which is both terrifying and really exciting because you know I have something really cool to show you guys that we weren't a hundred percent sure if we were gonna show you guys don't think it's a great idea but you know what I want to do it this is so cool - the screen I'm even I'm even gonna put I'm even just gonna get rid of us we're just gonna we're just gonna go flow this low plain front and center oh yeah that's all fine that's just places I go here we go so this is the sign-in screen now to be clear this won't work for you guys yet my account was manually created by manually creating entries in the database and we're not gonna talk about that okay what just happened well okay crying out loud okay so this is a sneak peek at the pre-alpha pre-alpha a floatplane dot-com so you can see here there's a few things like like what what can i what can i show should i click on a video sure okay that one so raise your phone the review of the razor phone is one of the videos that is up on Flo plain but is not yet up on YouTube so you can see here the video content is really front and center in the design some of these things are gonna end up tweaked just to be clear like this is we're calling it pre-alpha because everyone hears bata and thinks basically finished product yeah because that's changed in my lifetime but this is yeah let's call it pre-alpha even though it's it's if you like go with how that structure worked when I was young this is like a beta if you go with how that structure works now with things like the early access games on stream then this is a like pre alpha however however you want to see it it's early on yeah so man that player that's good man so there's a lot of stuff that you might not have expected from a pre-alpha stage type product so we've got thumbnail previews working one of our guys Yuki has worked really hard and gotten it so that our color profiles are wider than places like YouTube so if you have something like a really dark shot you'll be able to see more on our platform we can't show you the proper comparison for that right now it's not a Content don't think it would come through twitch anyways yeah so we can't really show you also there's a guy that I don't know if I can say his name yet I haven't asked him has been working on live streaming really heavily you can see live testing I don't think I'm currently running right now so yeah but should we talk about that yeah I think we should totally talk soon well then I want to go I want to go a little bit oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah let's talk about that okay hold on let's let's pull back to us for a second then yeah so Kyle from bit wet he's gonna be the plan is the last time I heard from him is nope oh he's like now is now a good time for you to show me the ropes no I'm streaming right now so Kyle is actually planning to do the first public-facing floatplane livestream like the first official one not a test yeah tonight so if you are subscribed to bit with ultra on flow plane then right now that's still running through the Linus tech tips comm forum yeah I'm just gonna pay for that I don't know if I can say his name publicly has been working really hard on the new payment system which is awesome because the current payment system is horeb terrible and we're gonna do it right and we're gonna have an awesome payment system coming yeah the best payment system the best the greatest payment system so that's really exciting so you guys might want to check out bit wait that'll be the first floatplane livestream from a creator let's just go back to let's go back to this here is the screen so that's still running which is good I can't show you guys right now but we have a chat system working for the live stream and that chat system has like basic moderation tools and highlighting for when the creator talks in the chat and all this other kind of really cool stuff that I don't know if I can say name has been acting really hard on and and it actually looks pretty good this is pretty cool we've got comments working we are gonna have thumbs down because we believe that some comments deserve a thumbs down damn it yeah they do down voting is important these are real people by the way these are people actually using the site these are our pre alpha testers yeah so this is one you can see it's shaded green because I thumbs it up few people thumbs that up we don't have replies working but that's coming that's coming yep it's being worked on everyone on the full point team has been like going super hard I even told like everybody that they could leave early today and people are still talking in the work chat because they're watching the stream right now I can see you on the phone which is like that's that's pretty hardcore I don't know so this is pretty cool there's a live button here so Kyle's channel when he's live hopefully we would be able to yeah we're gonna have so we're gonna have this standard like there will be a thumbnail sitting here yeah situation there'll be some stuff you can fill in here this is just placeholder text right now I'm subscribed to Kyle as you can see and then this is that this is a chat so yeah so that you can talk so so that's what the live-streaming will look like let's go ahead and go back to our stuff we can talk about some of the stuff that's on there so we've got the lg gran late 2017 that videos up we've got best case under 35 bucks this is what Luke was referring to earlier when he was saying the editors when they upload the videos are not using like the real title like this is just our filename yeah they don't they don't realize that it's public facing now cuz that's a feature that we've had for a long time the ability to put a title and description and keywords and stuff but it's never actually been public facing because we've just been posting them into the forum so that's great Dale the sleeper is live now so that's the sequel to Hubert the sleeper this is a really cool machine you guys razor phone is up oh the quad-core blade stealth that video is up lenovo thinkpad anniversary edition that's up on floatplane and we do have some exclusive content over there as well so this is a pretty cool little look at the but guts did you see this yes like kind of the equivalent of a developing kit a developer kit for automated cars it's really cool stuff I don't recognize almost anything but the number of sensors in this thing is freaking bananas so it's just a little three minute three minute tour of that I actually think I have another update that's gonna go up probably sometime this weekend so should I show them the SEMA so another another cool thing that's working there's no way to set it manually right now but automatic quality changing yeah yeah you definitely show that automatic quality changing is gonna work on the stream which is really cool AJ's been working on that and a huge amount of other things for quite a while so that's I'm stoked that that's working so oh someone says they don't see Dale on floatplane oh crap I wonder if it's like someone set it to the wrong status very recently we finished update okay well what you'll know for sure then having seen that very soon because the videos ready we very recently finished an update that allows for like the public private unlisted style setup that most video platform sites have and haven't started using it yet so everything's just been public on that site so there you got people asking about iJustine I definitely have talked suggesting about it I'm okay here's the thing I haven't talked to that many people about it just because I haven't had anything to show them up until about this week other than like still images and because you don't wanna it's it's a weird balance of like we don't want to do the always in beta thing yeah then we've been in production since before we had anything yeah so we have kind of always been in beta and we didn't want to like advertise to other Creators before then and it's a chicken and egg thing too because it's hard to you don't want to spend a year working on a platform if you don't have any creators but you don't want to talk to creators about a platform that doesn't exist that you don't have you don't want to make promises that you can't back so we've been really cautious and really careful about what we can commit to and you know we're we're doing our best to to keep from to keep from disappointing anybody I think that's that's really the main thing for us is we're trying not to not to screw anything up we'll floatplane allow Ken girls I'm sure you mean kam girls and no comment at this time one thing I will say about floatplane is that we do intend for it to be fairly non restrictive in terms of the kind of content creators that can be there well there's there's also yeah there's no should we go into that and go into it slightly I don't think we should go into a ton of detail I mean this is when show we can still do a little bit of tech news we've done like two topics but it's something that it's extremely unlikely that a conventional cam girl will be on the platform but if there's like an artistic element we're going to look into that side of things maybe yeah so we'll see we're not sure yet we're gonna work with like creators and like friends of ours like that's who we're gonna work with in terms of like what they want this platform to be because right now we're just building a tool box and we want people to use it the way that the way that they want to use it my phone's dying by all the floatplane people that I don't know if I can say your name great work people are like body paint very happy to show it that's gonna be a gray area see you like I don't we don't know we're gonna it's it's gonna take talking to people it's gonna take planning we're not really focused on that right now yep Intel CPU until CPU yeah Intel CEO and kind of the CPU we are going to take more risks the original article here is from tech let's go ahead and actually click that and see if that's gonna work for me there yeah how's that going - his screen we're going to take more risks we are taking the bull by the horns that is some pretty corporate speak right there here's a letter that Brian krzanich wrote to the employees of the 2017 comes to a close almost impossible to predict the future one cool thing is that Intel is almost a 50-50 company which is to say that half the revenue comes from the PC half from new things that they have tried to create and it's it's weird to think of Intel as an underdog but in a lot of those markets they are you know you look at Intel the way they tried to break into phones for example yes aster yeah but that doesn't mean that they're gonna stop doing that they're just gonna keep trying new things and see if they can go that way apparently so that's good I guess do you want to talk about the magic leap we still don't really know much yeah I guess we can go quickly I can talk about it though one they have an amazing website you should go to their actual native website it's really cool yeah it's like you scroll down like it's the birth of like its crystal ball it's actually worth looking at just because it's like just really cool yeah that scroll didn't work as well see there you go yeah see that so I'm scrolling with my touchpad right now and it like goes out of this like that and then you start actually scrolling down the page and it looks like a normal website so there's a few things that we can see here one is that this is photoshopped is it that's hilarious that's a render yeah yeah there's absolutely no way look at this I don't buy it that's hilarious yeah like let's see it see the light coming off his face on this side and see the way that this yeah like you can tell they tried but no I don't buy it huh either way I believe those are translucent lenses they show it somewhere else that's pretty cool and the fact that you can yeah so you can see through it which is super cool did a light field scroll up a little bit I noticed one thing you know haven't been talking about this this since the garage compute that is untethered from the wall yeah but is not up on your head that's really cool that's a way better approach I remember we had joked about doing like a wearable computer where we literally like strapped to ups to the back and like the power supply so you could have like a full desktop experience but wearing the whole thing as a bodysuit as opposed to putting the whole thing in a backpack yeah but like that's actually a very cool idea having having untethered but also tethered but where it's tethered to you is very cool SDKs coming in Geoff's thing I signed up as a reporter there's different ways that you can sign up sign up as a developer whatever else I sign up as a reporter I'm waiting to hear back this is super interesting open up displays all over the room yeah gaming in a are basically yeah the fact the fact that you can see through the lenses is very cool because the there isn't that many of those that are actually you can you can that you can get that are any good and aren't basically just fakes so they're saying they're gonna ship in 2018 yeah and you get that controller which doesn't look like the most gamer II controller it looks like an experiential controller yeah that doesn't mean it won't be compatible with other controllers yeah USB type-c looks this looks like a wireless that's the computer no no this looks like oh oh is it the whole thing is the computer I'm not sure I think that might be Wireless charge module on the bottom because if not that's a lot to tuck into a belt or whatever yeah but that is the compute unit we can run up and have a look at the guy who had it on yeah I think that's just it looks like it's in his pocket though it doesn't look like it's major whose belt so it could be really bulky on the inside okay I haven't read the individual things that I think it I think the bulk does go here actually here so you can kind of see that it looks like that big bulky thing does go into his pocket I like that that looks quite robust yeah I mean he's gonna be moving around quite a bit but the thing is is that if you make it too robust then it just wears yeah I know yeah we've run into that before that's for sure yeah it looks fairly well done so yeah these guys have gotten a lot of funding including from Intel speaking of experimental things that Intel's done lets it better than a backpack I guess I would I would think so it looks like it's gonna be about the same performance scale as the ones that intend to have it built into the headset but adding weight to the headset is not in my opinion the right way to do it and having it so that it can go on in like your pocket or something that sounds cool well that's what I've been talking about the compute and storage disk that goes in your pocket for the last like four years so I'm stoked that it's happening in a way I may be wrong about Intel having backed magically Google for sure Alibaba for sure but I I might be I might have been wrong about that one I thought they were one of the ones that had put some money into it apparently they've raised about two billion dollars so far Jews and they have shown what basically nothing probably yeah Nvidia and a driver support for 32-bit operating systems so the original article there this is posted by matric oh seven oh one two on the forum the original article is from Nvidia there we go yeah so I get it like yeah Windows 10 32-bit like you really suck at buying Windows they literally didn't even know that was a thing yeah it's pretty dumb why do they even do that I don't know compatibility with Wakko stuff I guess I would just run the previous OS Juran senkei yeah but then you would engage security updates like Microsoft Store has lost version of Windows AMD confirmed second generation Rison processors to debut in q1 2018 cool so they'll be like a little bit more better yeah to be clear second generation does not mean Zen to so we can expect tweaks not-not-not twerks still cool yeah still cool that's exciting it's cool to see them actually continuing to release stuff um GRU make a posted this on the forum Seagate has announced multi actuator technology yeah Wang so now I thought this was a graphic here we go yeah there it goes so now you can actually boost performance by having the read and write heads move to different parts of the disk independently so if you need something that's on this platter this head can go get it and if you need something else on this platter this head can go get it and they don't have to wait for each other so this is kind of like SLI for hard drives but like inside the drive yeah in the past and alike is actually becoming a thing instead of becoming less of things yeah so in the past all of those heads would have had to move in synchronization whereas now they can split up now to be clear you won't expect to double the performance know much like SLI but what you will get is potentially much improved random reads and writes yes I mean I'm not gonna say that it's you know gonna get up there with an SSD but it's gonna be a lot better I would think and like if you're in like a torturous situation where hard drives would like really really really start bottlenecking and this one should feel it much less yeah okay there's actually a lot more stuff in here but like the show is most assuredly over because it is a definitely Christmas break and people definitely want to go home and I'm definitely not done shooting mining adventure part 2 over there so that's pretty much it oh wait no are we good yeah yeah I think so if you are a bit wit ultra subscriber yeah either myself or Kyle or Linus will post a thing on how to view his live stream yeah right in the bit with ultra subform yeah on the actual forum forum like not on the floatplane site the floatplane site is still closed pre-alpha oh yeah I'm gonna have like at least a few hours of support tickets again this weekend explaining that that is not the site people are supposed to go to happens every time guys please do not write Lucas support ticket because then the site development will be slower it probably won't affected that much that's I'm trying to scare them yeah it'll be so alright so you get next week same bat-time same bat-channel why isn't this playing I don't know what's going on here over there before right click yeah properties yeah on the christmas team I'm on the why not both team Merry Christmas Happy Holidays jovial time off whatever doesn't make you unhappy yeah like merry PTO that's what Americans call it oh oh paid time off yeah oh hold on and hold on we're still streaming
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