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Assassin's Creed 4 Video Card Showdown Linus Tech Tips

Corsairs Raptor line of quality gaming peripherals has the features you need to win at a price you like click now to learn more welcome to our Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag performance review first off we're going to show you guys how I ran this benchmark I like to fill this bench marking around the torch run if you can see right there I was standing beside a torch and the idea of this run was all my benchmarks are about 2 minutes long so I had to get somewhere free running within two minutes so I went to an opposing Beach on the other side of Nassau and I made it about 2 minutes long and I end by another torch which is I don't know kind of random but I just thought it was cool I ended up going with free running not just because it was easy I tried a few different things and one of the ones I really want to do was ship battles because that's a big part of Black Flag that's why it's called Black Flag as you have a ship called the jackdaw and I want to fight in the jackdaw but I found that with the wave mechanics and everything that are in this game which are really fun um they're not exactly very good for benchmarking because they're not exactly the same every time which is good for gameplay don't get me wrong but not good for benchmarking which almost no one's going to do so that's completely fine so I had to go something more consistent though and I ended up falling back on an assassin's creed staple which is free running so I tried to make it a little bit interesting by going through the trees and stuff and then I do kill the dude at the top of this watchtower but that's honestly more of a necessity than anything because if you don't kill him when you get to the top of the tower he will shoot you later on in the benchmark and that kind of screws up your freerunning because your dad will fall so I stabbed him hello so climb up the very top of the tower and then we do a leap of faith here and what good is any Assassin's Creed video with only one leap of faith so we climb this one get stuck here for a quick second and then another leap of faith this one a little bit more black flag oriented and then as you can see there is one more torch we stopped by that we have completed the torch run the cards performed pretty much as expected in this game I noticed things like the NVIDIA GTX 770 was above the Radeon r9 280x and that was not surprising because this is an Nvidia title and I've noticed those cards trade depending on which games title it was and with no new drivers from AMD that was to be expected although it might change in the future not entirely sure another thing you might notice is that godrays were disabled I found that enabling godrays even on high didn't lower the FPS a ton overall but it did create inconsistencies in between my benchmarks so each run there would be too much of a differential in the final number that was output so I decided to leave it out because it just wasn't a very good result at the very end this game when I first booted up I didn't think it was going to be that hard to run because it was Assassin's Creed game I was like I never had problems with these before but cranking all the settings it was really hard to run and it's not surprising because once you get in the game it's absolutely beautiful the water is amazing the general graphics around everywhere are just absolutely fantastic if you liked this video like the video if you dislike the video dislike the video and in the comments below what is your favorite Assassin's Creed this one might be going for mine but if I don't include this one I'm thinking probably a SAS Creed tube Brotherhood and as always subscribe to Linus tech tips
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