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Automating my Schedule - Joan Meeting Boards Showcase

have you ever walked into a meeting room assuming that it'll be free only to discover that it is Occupato look I'm gonna cut you off right there because you don't really do anything here anymore so I really need you to sign this well to avoid that kind of awkwardness and to help prevent James from being constantly pestered by people who want to know who who's in the meeting room when are they gonna be done in the meeting room when do you think I can use the meeting room we've deployed a Joan board basically this tells you everything you need to know about this meeting room and they are the proud sponsors of today's video it's got a little cap of fees on this cap a face down so believe it or not the meeting room is actually one of the least difficult rooms to to get your hands on around here and my office is a much much bigger problem and while I do have this low-tech solution to whether or not I am in the middle of meeting or doing something important nobody ever really looks at it or that is to say they do look at it but they just assume that it's irrelevant when they see do not disturb they just like kind of point at it and and then they just come in anyway so today Alex and I will be deploying the deluxe err version of the joan meeting board the bigger one for my office oh wow this one is way bigger ow ah dang it well it was only a matter of time before I dropped it surely joan knew what they were getting themselves into when they sponsored this video what is this man it's another small one oh we got another small one I told my wife that if you have the choice you should take the small one no let's get those take the big one all right okay fine you tell me how to do it smart guy well you want to do it like by your door so you take this part of it oh that's another piece okay so this goes like right on the window then so this actually replaced there's my other one out right okay yeah now that seems like a suitable I never noticed before that this isn't Center to them it took until I was replacing it to realize for how heavy this thing is I'm surprised that it mounts on a magnet what are the chances of it falling down look it also has like vase on mounting on it too just in case you are afraid of the magnet okay create your Joan web portal account at portal dot get Joan calm all right well don't we already have one yeah but you might as well just make a new one what you didn't save it idea put all accounts and last paths here we go all right now what do we do set up follow the instructions in the Joan portal to set up Joan oh you don't have to cloud post it no you can do an internal those things how cool okay did you jam that in the wrong way oh no you know it's fine there we go so the proof that anyone can do this is gonna be if the two of us managed to set this thing up 30 frames per second wow they couldn't go higher perhaps no that's up to 58 now oh nice oh wait what is this no not that what is that what is LMG plasini at before okay can we reshoot picture the ink is so cool cuz it just looks like completely dead like it just looks like a tile okay I created a new Wi-Fi go ahead and scan yeah there you go great reception on that one what is the password all caps suck it Alex I don't take back connecting to Alex sucks Wi-Fi you know what I bet oh wait alright there we go okay big X small X 8 6 small left Big C 4 suck it Alex all caps no no don't oh yeah yeah that wasn't no word I did make them type it again so so we need to go into your calendar now oh boy my calendar okay why don't we just turn off everything that could have embargoed information on it and or information about like so this is all oh I gotta know I gotta remove that okay Wow okay so we could just sync it to an existing calendar but we're gonna create a new one for my office here how about you learn to spell you're literally a professional writer hi this is sex done on hopefully like joan meeting boards and watched one or two of our videos before her sponsoring fits all right okay Linus office okay cool then what we just scroll down get shareable link I think that's it okay no one copy that great no one copy that either yeah don't copy any of those this entire calendar is gonna be full of silver role events that would actually be hilarious you know what everybody go ahead and copy that I don't even care I'm gonna leave this on my door you can schedule any meetings for me that you want do we have to like link the Joan portal to my Google account because right now it's yours or we could add you yes and people ago you are now the administrator of my personal calendar yes officially you've been promoted you're now my personal assistant you and Joan you put the ass and assistant like you're an ass not like that kind No we got that working okay now what look at devices now we can make this device manage that RIM device sweet own premium there heck yeah well it even keeps the the kappa faces that's like company-wide i guess so heck yeah okay so let's go put it up so now we just have to rely on our community not to be amateur - office so today is the 17th and time to go home and it starts at a time of 6 o'clock p.m. now theoretically we could do that and then we could have so tuesday morning colton firing and we could add a time for that this is actually pretty cool I'm not gonna do it first thing in the morning I don't like firing Colton like right when I get into the office so we can do that at 10 a.m. and then serious business planning session well we're gonna hire him back Executive lunch time is the best lunch time I'm gonna take a long lunch tomorrow two hours all right let's see boom current meeting gone and it shows the next meeting yeah like look at the app it's just like - office oh that's cool so really the best way to use this would not be to just have it right that's why we're doing this yes just one room was kind of stupid oh no they're all on here now check this out so that's cool so then we can have one for my office one for that office we could have one for the one over there and then when you need a meeting room you don't actually have to get up and go check right that's the point all right yeah the days over yeah it actually knows that cool yes we should also say that the battery lasts of the year I hear ya year lasts all year does it you got a smaller ones a couple months ha but I guess that's why an e-ink device like this needs to be this thick so there you have it everyone that's the joan meeting board feel free to book your meetings with me at Linus Media Group commander Skorr RT KL q RQ 41 l 1u g BK s is 7 7 h io k t0 @ g re o u PG le and they dar dot ok thank you everyone and thanks to Joan for coming to work here at Linus media group and also for sponsoring this video if you guys dislike this video you can hit that button but if you liked it hit like get subscribed or maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the link in the video description also down there is our merch store which has cool shirts like this one and our community forum which you should totally join and for those of you who just like the bit video I know who you are Alex like you can still suck it I like my part I mean you're making this [Laughter]
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