
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

BENT iPad Pros... :( - The WAN Show Dec 21 2018

live right but that's why we should tell every good then that's not gonna be a problem yeah we're telling everyone on this show later what are we tell ya later later yeah it's when show time yeah actually it was when show time half an hour ago but it I was doing I was doing something really important very important but your children I know I can't oh no I know it's like it's a whole thing Oh like it's a thing okay yeah so that's fair because it's a thing I can't show them the thing cuz that's like oh that's kind of the point kind of the thing okay yeah yeah so I really all ban I really wish I could show you because I'm so excited I've never been this excited about maybe never but I haven't been this excited about a package of Technology arriving what about Lee this year what about okay okay like because I don't think that was this year but the last time he did something somewhat similar it was like a bunch of packages that was that was pretty cool too that was that was equal equal equal equal right um so guys we've got a great show for you today here we're live on YouTube twitch and floatplane com we've got actually a bunch of floatplane updates for you we've got some Linus tech tips updates for you we have a new merch store hey it has higher quality shirts and also some designs that are like is that even line is tech tips I don't know it just kind of looks cool I don't who knows you actually can't make out the only thing about it that is ltte yeah who knows but l TT that's kind of traced in the constellations in the sky mountain thing don't worry good um so we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today there's a rumor circulating that Nvidia will be launching the GTX xi series I think you're gonna need more like tech wiki what the heck is going on episodes cuz like wow this is this is this is great yeah this is gonna get pretty confusing and speaking of equally awesome iPad pros are apparently shipping bent which Apple does not consider to be a defect note by design more on this at 11:00 get more on Oh Oh Rick I've made that joke before been a while fortnight sue is being sued for the Carlton dance by Carlton I guess yeah like Carlton the hotel's no Ritz Carlton Fresh Prince you don't know oh that Carlton yeah wait what it's like I can't is in fortnight I don't know what his dance is so I can't do it what yeah okay well I haven't I'm not I'm not I'll talk more about that later and the boring company tunnel demo is apparently disappointing so you're such a fanboy you're gonna find a way to not be disappointed about it but we can do that later no it's all predispose I guess I see why we do it this way maybe I'm totally off my rocker it's just a pain oh how was your week uh actually really good guess what got enabled I I haven't seen anyone complaining about it yet I have seen someone in the chat said stream looks great from Spain so that's good which would make sense because we have a server somewhat near there the cool thing that was enabled this week that wasn't enabled last week on flow plane on flow plane is that we now have sort of load balancing for live streams which is cool it's like duct tape yeah I'm like popsicle sticks right it's not like super intelligent load balancing but there's a little bit of load balancing and lastly we were on one box now just about lit it on fire yes and now we're on like all of the edges that normally serve normal video content from Flula you should probably explain for the uninitiated what it is so it's an edge service so you have like your your mains a browser it's got this great engine designed by Microsoft not anymore just kidding but so so edge servers are like there's the the main servers that like store all your data and like receive videos and transcode videos and do all that kind of stuff the edge servers are generally closer to people that's why they're called edge servers on the edge and they are the ones actually serve the video to you so now the live streams are actually going to those boxes instead of just being delivered from one does it look well better it looks really good actually yeah I'm a little out of focus because I'm leaning forward to look at my laptop but when I'm sitting here normally like here I'm just gonna turn my brightness up a little bit so you you can yeah looks pretty good right now we don't have manual selectors for quality so yeah sorry about that that will be coming at some point I don't have like a very specific and even if you did he probably wouldn't deliver it at that time nope getrekt software oh man [Laughter] spend two years who even knows thank you have been two years but we have to factor now yeah actually there's a lot of stuff happening over the next probably four to six weeks and some of it even sooner so yes for accounting reasons yeah flow plane through the forum is going to be going away yeah like in ten days so our fiscal year end is December 31st for both linus media group and floatplane media yeah think about it we sync that up that was there was a rationale behind it I forget why not our department yeah but anyway they both have their fiscal year ends and up until now the accounting between the two companies has been sort of complicated because the money comes into the Linus tech tips forum which is owned by Linus Media Group then it has to be passed through to floatplane media which is its own ownership structure then floatplane media has to take its cut from the user subscription fee and then give the money back to Linus Media Group Inc and then also the calculations for any taxes and deductions for processing fees like payment processing fees has to be done somewhere in there and it has been quite frankly untenable we just cannot continue to do this so the reality of it is we're gonna have to do it at some point we're gonna find a way well not just not we're gonna find a way we have a way that we're that we're pitching to everyone who subscribed through the forum that we're gonna be able to make it more palatable with and I forget exactly what the plan is but okay so there's a few plans one of them is if you are subscribed on the new website on January 31st it's gonna be like a one-time flip over make sure you're done before January 31st I don't know when on January 31st it's gonna happen but like it's happening on that day we're not giving warning so do subscribe sign up now better stretch a spit wit tech deals subscribe to ya every single person actively subscribed at that time doesn't matter if you were still in the form doesn't matter if you're already on the new site etc you just have to be subscribed on the new site flow playing calm before January 31st and if you are have an active subscription at that time we are giving you two free months for everybody you're subscribed to and Kyle Jason if you guys are watching chill we're gonna top you up for any one that we gave three months to you will be it's all get handled yeah also if you are subscribed at that time you'll be getting an exclusive one-time only accessible emoji in the chat that you can use across all chats we're not even sure what it is yet but that will become a thing by January 31st and it might even be cool I think that's gonna do it right I haven't asked him yet now but yeah I don't know I guess Lloyd also exists will talk to someone we'll figure it out and then eventually I don't have a specific date for this probably before January 31st but we're cutting off your access before then so haha the liesecke website will have embedded player from Flo playing comm you'll just only be able to see it if you're subscribed through Flo playing calm so we're getting rid of subscriptions on the forum they're gonna be gone but you can still have your discussion about the video yeah on the forum if that tickles your pickle yes but like the the ability to have that video playing there I don't entirely know when that will be ready but yeah we're we're switching the like main source because all the payments really need to go through full open dark they have to go through floatplane comment it's an absolute nightmare the way that it is now it's just not sustainable it's a problem and these and we are getting to the point where we're close enough to launching some other really key features that it's really really important to get this clean now yeah because we could be adding more creators sooner rather than later especially in light of some of the news that has come out around you know other self funding platforms and stuff like that there's a fair bit of controversy at the moment so we are kind of looking at going well if only gosh darn it if only there was some alternative from you know someone else that you know if only that were a thing if only someone who's been working on it for a while and it's like finally kind of coming together yeah if only if only darn shame yeah such a thing just if only just yeah um also some other some other pretty cool flow plane news the final episode of secret shopper is live on float plane I haven't seen it yet but I'm really excited so if you guys want to go check it out that's float plane comm just go sign up and then you can always like cancel after a month if that was the only video that you wanted to watch or whatever but yeah it's it's it's it's awesome basically it's it's um so far the feedback on it is really good not everyone agrees with our conclusion though and I would be really really interested to see what you guys think also I should be careful with the word final because we've had a lot of requests from our floatplane members already that for a fifth episode where we reach out to every one of the companies and either invite a representative on to come and say their piece or like read out their letters yeah transparency telling them who we are seeking comment now that you have seen all these videos you've heard feedback from customers because I've seen people tweeting different companies and stuff it's gotten a little real what do you want to say you can add your voice I love that that's awesome so that may happen because we've we've I've been reached out to personally by the CEO of at least one of the companies with comments I've been also reached out to personally by PR managers for some of these companies I I will say this Janice got a personal apology from iBUYPOWER they actually get this they subscribed to floatplane so they could be keeping an eye on this a week early before that's awesome respect by the way to every single one of them for absolutely nothing to damage the editorial process for us so whether they had the best value as a gaming rig or whether they had a poor a poor showing in pre-sales or customer support or packaging or whatever else every single one of them not only didn't you know threaten us or or or behave in such a manner because technically you know there it would be tough because we're Canadian and they're all American so technically they could have at least sent a threatening letter about us recording the calls without telling them or whatever the case may be not only did nobody behave in that manner which I didn't think they would I mean that's making a bad PR situation a lot worse you go in like sue Linus tech tips because they showed that your customer supports I don't think they would lose anyways like that's a bad bad move I'm pretty sure all of Canada's single party concern but not only that but every single one of them that reached out to us said hey we have a comment or whatever but we completely respect the work you guys are doing and we're not going to interfere that's let us know if you want to chat when it's over that's cool I really I am in strong support of that final episode so I think that'll be really cool someone someone on the floatplane chat said Wow quality so much better on floatplane yes I think that's not gonna be necessarily true for everyone but we're trying yeah honestly their place there was another cub there's been a few different comments talking about I'm supposed to look at somebody's name who starts with dark and I lost it but I had already read it so it's okay he was asking for Oh dark force there it is doc full dark force says tutorial for moving Ltd for membership to floatplane would be awesome it's pretty easy if you want a tutorial I don't remember the exact menu titles but it's um it's just go to your like go to the store online stock tips calm go to your settings or subscriptions or whatever click the cancel button go to flow plan calm subscribe and you can also cancel within your PayPal dashboard also that that's a foolproof way to do it it's not the same as like issuing a like a charge back through PayPal like no don't get penalized or anything like that it's not quite as clean so if you're doing it to a site that's like running actively not as cool necessarily though we're nuking all of ya kalai effective site anyway so we don't care just can't just stop the billing agreement somehow doesn't really matter yeah but yeah if you're doing that to a site that's actively running oh they're not necessarily gonna know why the billing agreement stall so PayPal is API doesn't because they're probably using Braintree and PayPal Braintree don't like properly communicating but everything they owned by the city yup it's terrible so like depending on how the implementation works it might not necessarily notice why so it might think that it failed for a bad reason and then like try again or might well it won't try again because the billing agreements cancel sure it might like automatically reach out to you and be like hey billing failed and we don't really know why beautiful perfect makes sense um yeah uh-oh people are asking about yearly subscription well take care of you so send me a message or send full plain help at a message you will be handled you will get your free two months all that kind of stuff should we get a new alias for help yeah like just support it flow plane column or something yeah okay is there like any reason that couldn't be done like right away another of another inbox or some what is it like hard-coded into things no it's not actually we don't have a G Apps account for at flow point we don't know because it's at flow plain media I thought we got one not a G ops account really so currently we're paying nothing for it oh I see okay and an individual G Apps account okay if you you should make a group for it and have individual people as the gfs accounts but there's no one to put that on sir so I just haven't really okay I'll do it though yeah well well we'll get on that because like honestly when when people reach out to Linus Media Group like they're like yeah we are a very professional Amazon seller with you know many great products we'd like to we'd like to sponsor your channel or whatever and it's sent from gmail don't worry yeah well we'll fix that literally every time oh I also want to have just like a support page yes that you can contact that would be good we should we should have that that's that's that's actually pretty much done it's just not in yet so be in soon talk about 2fa being at it yeah - if a is added when you when you log in fopen com click on the little widget in the corner go to your settings go to security and then we're legitimately actually making progress now yeah well not what we were before but like you can sort a stuff we're doing a lot of backend stuff before which is less fun for other people in G suite whatever min you knew what I meant okay so let's go ahead and jump into an actual news topic yeah that's well I mean this is actual news it's just news about us and also like what no problem it was mentioned at one point in time that lines dips subscriptions we're going to cost more is that happening now or is that happening when we leave beta I don't know yeah I have no idea what a tremendous wonderful question so right now it's we've actually given very little a thought to a cohesive flow plane subscriptions /youtube memberships / whatever other sort of direct support plans - just so everyone knows with this whole plan that was already in place if you were already subscribed your subscription was not being bumped you were being grandfathered in at whatever you were at already we were just going to increase the cost for new users but god if we're gonna do that or not um so so yeah we don't have a cohesive strategy right now over on youtube it's five bucks okay on floatplane it's three on youtube you don't get early access on floatplane you do so this pricing structure really doesn't make it of cents yeah YouTube has features that we simply won't be able to deliver on floatplane at this time like stories okay so so there's there's that I guess but that has nothing to do with memberships cuz right now there's no way to do a members specific story and then they're both gonna get live streams from now on actually it was just a total like brain fart that the oil PC build stream earlier today didn't go on flow plane we'll deal with that next time and then flow plane also has sort of other things that are going to be coming later but that won't be over there so we just we just really don't know what to do right now there I said it some people are pointing out that the forum is at $2.99 and full plane it is $3 0.00 cents really so we got rid of the penny in Canada actually three dollars I mean okay no you know what no I'm not conceding on this one okay that is ten cents in a year twelve but like I think it's fine I think we're fine why don't we talk about the Carlton dance what the hell is a Carlton dance I don't know okay cuz like I didn't really I wasn't like I know it's a thing I think you like swinger I was back and forth and like do something but I don't really know okay here we go here we go oh man what is he this okay this was restricted from playing in your current geographic region Wow well you know what I think we can kind of get the point yeah I think you like throw your hips out and like flail your arms up and then snap em in the other way so the article here spa blah blah the Carlton dance was a trademark of Ribeiro's iconic character and he's now claiming that the fresh emote in fortnight is an exact replica of his well-known moves has alfonso ribeiro checked the year lately does that matter are those moves that well-known anymore the PM oats called fresh i think people are pretty aware i think the developers were aware of what they were doing but i think in the context of anyone under 25 this it's a night dance yeah yeah also i still don't think that gives you grounds at what point does john travolta be like you can't do this i mean i would make the argument that that saturday night fever that movie covered yeah is far more iconic than anything else Fonzo Ribeiro has ever done to go I in the end I agree with you but to go against okay right now okay yeah I'm just having some fun to go ahead say whatever you want say it doesn't matter that something's more iconic you still defend your trademark like like like yeah apples the kind of a bigger deal or YouTube or or patreon or Apple or Microsoft we're all kind of a bigger deal than floatplane and mines media group but we would defend our trademark to a certain degree we'll do our best like if someone put like ltte addition unlike some hardware and again we'd be like hey dog you actually can't you know what are you doing yeah that's not okay dance dance moves are traditionally very hard to protect this way yeah like as far as I've heard you can protect the specific choreography but you can't actually protect like performing the dance and then that gets weird cuz it's like in a game another thing I was actually really confused about is what actually gives him the right to sue that is something that I was kind of gonna bring up as his character it's not him it's his character I mean that's that's another like I could never this isn't really relevant I mean yeah but I could never sit it's not the same thing it's a name whatever ignore that part I couldn't see someone over the use of slick azzam thingy no cuz that was or like that was not me that did but then here's the thing catchphrases have been successfully trademarked like the let's get ready to I'm not gonna say it okay yeah but wasn't that because he was an independent actor yes this is he was on a show there was producers there was executive producers there's people that owned the trademark of yes there's copyright holders yes involved in there that are not he was paid to be on the show I don't think he owned he might I could be wrong but let's assume he isn't so here here's just a bit more of a summary here so he's filed suit against Epic Games claiming he's in the process of copywriting with dance so to be clear he hasn't already copyrighted it it's widely misses this is a quote it is widely recognized that mister Ribeiro's likeness and intellectual property have been misappropriated by Epic Games in the most popular video game currently in the world for tonight there's also plenty of games that have this dance that's has earned record profits profits off of downloadable content in the game including emotes like fresh okay so they're selling it which I guess is a bit more of a gray area yeah yeah epic has failed to compensate or even ask permission from mr. Ribeiro for the use of his likeness and iconic intellectual property so what someone said he improvised the dance that's why he's claiming it if you improvise something on a show you are paid to act on that does not at all mean you just get it guess who owns a catchphrase that Luke says on the land show that's just how it works yeah he has a contract that says that yeah in fact that's like the whole point if Luke invents something at floatplane media incorporated now that's like okay that's a little bit more complicated but it's lighter the the entity that will own his invention will be floatplane media incorporated it's in his contract and I'm it's probably in his contract with that said it was the 80s maybe it was a wild a time but I find it very very hard to believe now earlier this man rapper to milli launched nearly identical legal action against the game claiming the swipe it mo rips off the Millie rock dance he invented and they have also filed suits against 2k games for featuring their dance moves as player modes in that franchise - so where exactly is the line here it's sort of my feedback on this I don't know because the arguments being made that they're using his likeness but I would make the counter-argument that a fortnight characters likeness is really not very close to a real person these are very cartoony and as far as I can tell who the heck was it that tricht it was at Lindsay Lohan or something that tried to claim that GTA yeah yeah she's lost yeah she lost and in a hilarious way the judge was like that's just like an average like whatever it's completely clad female doesn't matter yeah so I think that that arguing that this likeness is that arguing the likeness is tough arguing the dance move Oh again I think that's really hard and like to say that putting your hip in one direction and swinging your arms and the other yeah is like the most unique thing I think that's pretty much the whole dance like I don't know like you've probably the rest I don't know and like he probably got that from somewhere or maybe not or maybe people do invent dance moves like it not every dance move has been done yet invention man you know I think said in interviews that he stole it some random person in chat said I don't know but like the thing is with stuff like dance and music you have inspirations yes music has samples it's like a part of making music Ice Ice Baby didn't like and a hilarious thing about that particular one is I actually didn't know that that was just a sample really yeah I actually didn't know because who is it man what give me a County under pressure it's who's sue song is that but you wouldn't know queen yeah thank you yeah you wouldn't know well you you don't know yeah but like I don't know your crap music I know Queen you don't know you don't know knows you don't know you don't know movies oh I don't know shows movie okay right this is another thing I was gonna bring up so another really complicated aspect of copyright law that I have to admit that I don't fully understand I wish John was still working out of this office in here like last week yeah um is how exactly it works where the line is between what aspects of a character the actor owns versus the copyright holder so like when Ryan Reynolds you know shows up on late-night TV as Deadpool hmm that's a live appearance what is in his contract with respect to how much in character he has to be or how much Ryan Reynolds he is in that moment right where is the line here yeah who invented a particular characteristic because like a really famous example of an actor taking a role and transforming it in a way that was not even really agreed to at least initially by the producers and the director was samuel l.jackson 'he's character in Kingsman so he sort of in interviews has talked about how the the rest of the rest of the management on the movie was kind of like so you want to have a lisp and he kind of he kind of pushed for it because he really believed that that was an important part of creating this iconic villain he didn't amazing job oh yeah he was just like both the kings and movies are amazing one of my favorite movie villains of all time in that movie he did he just did such a great job of crazy maniac but in a totally offbeat kitschy kind of way that just worked perfectly with the movie anyway that those mannerisms of the character samuel l.jackson came in and invented so if fortnight were to do and emot-- that like kind of mimics his body movements I denied it during an iconic scene in that movie and kind of you know melts his line but like doesn't say it doesn't take the actual audio who owns that is that Samuel dr. Jackson's property is that what I don't know universal whoever whoever owns the Kings I don't know yeah intellectual property yeah I think there's gonna be a tough one to win because this opens up floodgates on really almost any kind of artistic imitation so you know I felt like I didn't really have a position until I went off for a little while there and now I actually feel like I feel like I'm ready to take a position on this one I I think he's off his rocker I think he's probably out of money and this is a desperation move yeah I mean maybe not out of money maybe maybe he actually has lots of money maybe he invested well and Wow just sub Don floatplane holy s word the quality difference much appreciation as a dev myself heck yeah thank you very much yeah I agree it's weird I also who knows we don't know law very much at all no we don't and then also it's American I'm a lawyer so also that also that oh geez don't know what's happening but I think if on a project am I allowed to say oh geez oh geez where's that is that Rick and Morty now like oh is that a catchphrase yeah yeah I think that's a bit of a different think as spoken word versus dance but then that's also hard I think it's a it's a very weird section but I also do oh my that logic how could you copyright let's get ready to rumble in that's good Oh cuz that's actually bad right like he charges you for that yeah yeah you won't go after you crazy like full full full D mode okay just going for it cuz that but that wouldn't that also have like the way that you say it attached to it um probably maybe I don't know Jesus oh jeez I don't think you were supposed to drop that again we don't know this stuff I don't know I don't think he personally has the ability to do this I think the copyright holders of Carlton and Fresh Prince would be the ones don't have to do this a boring company demo is boring this was originally forum by two nerdom and the original article was from Gizmodo and this is this is pretty um this is pretty disappointing like riding on a dirt road first reviews of Elon Musk's underground tunnel are disappointing apparently they had trouble getting a paving machine down there for some reason so it left the surface really bumpy so it was like driving on a dirt road apparently one passenger got sick the vehicle only accelerate to 80 kilometers an hour so that's what like 50 miles 40 40 something high that's nuts not great yeah it's not fast great oh yeah on Wednesday Musk tweeted next step for boring company loop is demonstrating high throughput at high speed target is 4,000 vehicles per hour at 55 miles per hour also known as 250 km/h probably anybody what what sorry what 250 kilometers an hour yeah Oh at a hundred and fifty-five miles per hour so I thought you said 55 no yeah okay so that is apparently the next goal okay that's a big that is a pretty big bump they will definitely have to repave and also a big note here is that they were using like model X's as your vehicles and all the demos they've shown like big buses and like just start there are types of vehicles apparently they're saying the bumpers that they have on the inside could be attached to essentially any autonomous electric vehicle not just to Tesla sure so that's interesting so they're not like married to their other company which makes sense but yeah I don't know I'm not surprised it was kind of disappointing I think they probably shouldn't have demoed it yet or they should have demoed it with the right expectations if this is the state they were at they must have known they didn't make it go 250 kilometers an hour they must have known they were only gonna go 80 and it was gonna feel very much like driving at 80 on a road they tried it yeah but I don't know I think maybe they could have have communicated that a little bit better or just not done a test yet yeah setting expectations is sort of key yeah so I think that's probably where they missed the mark here what is a tipos you just oh yeah but you're supposed to be standing hence the TD part Oh someone wants me to t pose for five seconds but you're supposed to yeah you have to frame that's just yeah that's that's gonna be a problem okay no but there you go big word it was worth a shot okay oh we should do our sponsors for the show today fresh books fresh books is the super simple to use invoicing solution that lets you as a small business owner track your track your time with their timesheet function manage your expenses and keep track of who owes you what it also tells you when your clients look at your invoice the mobile app has all the functionality of their desktop version so you can take fresh books with you wherever you go and if you have any questions you can feel free to reach out to a real human being no phone tree no return calls nothing like that just answers visit fresh slash win and get a free trial today the show is also brought to you by Squarespace Squarespace offers 24/7 support via live chat and email cost just twelve bucks a month to start and you get a free domain if you buy it for the year every one of their templates features responsive design so your website will look great on any device and they've got tons of great teachers every website comes with a free online store so you can track your inventory every their cover pages feature lets you set up a beautiful one-page online presence in just minutes everyone can publish an apple news format directly from the Squarespace blog and you can start a trial with no credit card required and start building your website today when you purchase Squarespace you can go to Squarespace calm /when and use offer code when to save 10% on your first purchase there's nothing and private Internet access PIAA it's good go check it out do it yeah we're on like an affiliate basis with these guys so I don't actually have the best sponsors PIAA also known as Pia that's maybe I think that's where their name came from they were like we're gonna be we're gonna be the VP I feel like they'd be more of a defensive character those are all reactionary shots attacks of opportunity take what's up Oh rude what you love P ia why would you kill it yeah yeah P is good stuff so go to LMG oh that that link this link sucks go to LMG ji t /p ia Wham yay yeah we made one of those you know we really need to upgrade this graphic yes we do speaking of upgrades um Nvidia is downgrading it's Christmas there are TX what about it I did it you did Squarespace and you didn't even notice no I was reading wow that is a whole other level of tuning out that is actually amazing there was important things happening of oblation I did an entire sponsor read and you didn't hear it at all do you ever listen sometimes I'm actually curious very selectively when we're on the show are you listening to my yeah yes because sometimes I tune out of yours I don't blame you a little rude okay that's hilarious okay so let's talk about in video new gtx 1100 series i couldn't figure out why they skipped a bunch of numbers now I get it do you do I get it now yeah yeah why so here's what they're doing okay NVIDIA I mean they're not stupid hmm do you think they're stupid I mean collectively no so I don't think Nvidia is stupid and so when I was when I was looking at it going like okay so we got this RTX thing clearly the hardware you're shipping now especially anything that isn't the top of the line is not powerful enough to do anything anything other than these first gen and I'm gonna call them experiences because obviously this is going to get better over time yeah like like five ten years from now real time rate racing in this manner or another one could be an absolutely fundamental aspect of game design who knows but right now these are experiences so anything other than their highest end one is not gonna run anything other than these first gen experiences at anything resembling a playable framerate buried it's not gonna happen so like a game that comes out in 2020 with r-tx is not going to run the RT X Ness well on a current gen card in 2020 2020 2021 actually 2020 is pretty close okay let's say 2021 because like it could be three years before they release to follow up I don't know the rate things are going um so that's so there's actual dedicated silicon in the chip for RTX yeah but they know that this feature doesn't add value for a lot of their customers so I'm I was looking at it going okay they went straight from ten to twenty they've got this feature that costs them real money actually cost some money that they actually have to charge you for I mean they don't have to but they're not a charity so actually costs you money and for a lot of people doesn't deliver tangible value especially as you come down from the upper tier of cards into the lower ones so this makes sense now rumors are circulating that Nvidia is set to launch this is posted by Rob and M on the forum a Geforce RT x 2060 and a GT and the GTX 1160 in mid January some say it will actually be an 11-6 TTI so these new cards would be Turing GPUs but different variants so there will be a tu 106 that's the 2060 and a tu 116 and that is the GTX so that's what all the RT X features cut out so it would have the cheering shaders instead of ray tracing which will remain exclusive to our TX models there's rumored to be no RT x 2050 which would mean that these mid-range and entry-level parts would be geforce 11 only so I would fully okay know what do you think so will they go as far as then so will they keep them segmented if you want if you're a high-end gamer whatever you pay for our TX you want that ray tracing stuff in your battlefield 5 and other games theoretically at some point and then if your low-end gamer well honestly the hardware wasn't gonna run it anyway so get rekt you can just not run our TX yeah or do you think that they will actually offer a value performance GTX option like an 1180 or something like that I don't think they're going to and I really wish they did this whole thing differently both I will say both ok I would like to hear both of these stories so I don't think they're gonna go back up necessarily no I'm just kidding I am listening wow it was a sponsor spot I was dealing for playing problem and so I don't I don't think they're gonna go back up for one because I do think they want to keep their high-end prices I do think they want to keep their high-end prices as like one kind of product they won't have their one premiere product you don't want to have like oh you don't like ray tracing which we want to focus on but you want to match some experiment have like RT X and like GTX and like I don't know LT X like light to light T X or something oh don't let me forget we have morning Axios okay go ahead no I'm on it I think what they should have done is kept the mm whatever because people don't like number variants check gets people really confused sure and that's okay I think they just as you go down the stack should have switched to GTX okay interesting but then what if they like to be TX what if they wanted to have like like eleven sixty and 2060 like where they're both a sixty variant but just with and without a feature because suffixes used to be a thing like what about a suffix or that yeah like I like I hate that it's r-tx now I've screwed that up a handful you could have you could have a GTX 2060 R and you could have a r TX 2060 you can have 22 26 th and just have GTX RTSP I hate the Suffolk alright I hate the previous I'd rather have a suffix personally okay but but we both agree no number change yes I would have preferred if it so I'm although I'm fine with us I don't actually care which one I'm down with the suffix like I just don't want I don't like the number two the cynic in me feels like this was a meeting where they sat around thinking how do we make this sound like a huge quantum leap forward I know let's go up to the first number of 10,000 rather than 1000 or excuse me 1700 yeah like honestly that's what it sounds like to me yeah um great great so a great post on the floatplane chat raiatea says I can almost count Luke's beard hairs so you got a trim did you not yeah how was that for you okay so if you guys didn't notice my hair was my hair and beard were a little ridiculous because you still kind of look Reagan I know which is the whole problem so did you go to like like place next to the far restaurant okay there's a place I want to get my haircut for actually years yeah and we don't understand each other at all I started I went and I showed them a picture of Captain America in Captain America Winter Soldier and I was like that and then they just did it and it was great and it all looked great and then every time it would be a new lady I'd just show her the same google the same picture to show her the same picture again it was always like slightly different but it was more or less great and then I grew it out for a really long time so I wanted it to be slightly longer and I want to have a slightly longer beard when I went to this really fancy bougie kind of place and spent way more money than I was comfortable with and got like a beard trim and a nice haircut and the whole time I was sitting there I was like I don't think this is gonna be better at all and then I left and like got home and kind of looked at it closely and was like I kind of look the same just like ever so minorly cleaned up so I'm probably going back to the ladies that I can't understand but it cost me like 11 dollars see that's what my old haircut you surprised so I'm going back there yeah actually mine was particularly bad the last one so guys if you look so I just got my haircut I think last weekend or something like that or Monday or something boy whatever it doesn't matter the point is if you look at some of the most recent live stuff in particular you'll probably be able to tell that this side was like noticeably longer like almost twice as long as this side up around the top and then I got the same hairdresser at the great clips when I went in just recently and she did the same thing so I had to I hate to be that guy I really hate it too but I was like she was like yeah so she pulls out the mirror I'm like hold on a minute with the mirror there for a sec can we can we that I didn't say it like this but like could we have a look at how this side is like and there's this excuse about how it like grows different ways on either side of my head and I'm like don't kiss so here's the fundamentals of how scissors work you take your fingers you go like this you pull it up straight away from the scalp and you slice it off you just didn't do it it had nothing had nothing to do with the directional air was growing here's how your job works like I'm gonna let you finish buttons if I say that King Kanye come after me like oh maybe who knows is being an asshole trademark Abel Cartman just has everything you know I think Trey Parker and Matt Stone would actually be cool about it though probably I they have they ever gone after anyone for like memeing their jokes I have never heard of that happening me and I'm not surprised it doesn't seem like a venn thing I'm sure if you like tried to make basically exactly one of their episodes they would probably get cheesed yeah like pretty annoyed but they'd be more likely to Lampoon you on an episode yeah so let's do the iPad pros topic because it's sort of the title otherwise I probably wouldn't bother because Ed's giving me a ride home and he just like popped his head over here to see Cooper um this was posted by Street guru on the forum Apple has confirmed that some of their 2018 iPad pros are shipping with a very slight bend in the aluminum chassis that's an interesting wording port according to the company this is a side effect of the devices manufacturing process and shouldn't worsen over time or negatively affect the flagship iPads performance in any practical way Apple does not consider it to be a defect sweet the bend is a result of a cooling process involving the iPad pros metal and plastic components both sides of the device can be affected and it seems to be more pronounced on the LTE model as there's a plastic strip that breaks up the iPads flat aluminum sides some people have mentioned that the text on the full plain chat is a little bit small and hard to see if you have eye problems not a defect yeah it's a side effect of the rendering process yeah as it's going from your keyboard to your browser and to other people's browsers it may get smaller it's just the process of our advanced manufacturing process in all seriousness though that's great feedback thank you yeah thank you so Apple says it has not seen a higher than normal return rate so far but the only way for affected customers to return their iPads now that they'd like notice that it's bent is within the 14-day return windows so it should be no problem to just buy six iPads a flattest one and return the other five but we're not saying you should do that we're not saying where's my iPad at all oh yeah cuz you could literally you don't even have to just rapidly exchange you could literally just buy a ton of them yeah and then just no no no no no this I mean that's one of the reasons that I just can't take like open box processor returns without charging restocking fees because back in the day when overclocking was like kind of more of a thing people would go they would buy like 20 30 processors they would overclock them all see which one could do it and something chuck they'd keep really good ones they would flip them on eBay or whatever and then they'd just return the craptastic ones with open boxes and it's like thermal compound all over them okay so the last thing for today I'm going to LTX Expo com we know it's redundant we don't care and I'm going to the updates page do you like the logo by the way yeah no it's sharp I like it a lot oh do you like this logo being on the same page probably more than anyone could imagine I'm actually so freaking excited so sign up if you want to get this news or you can just watch my own show because real is little talk what every time talking about it but explore Vancouver's turf posted an update on the blog so we understand that oh wait you have to click it oh that's not actually that obvious Wow there's work to be done on the blog oh ok so as part of our weekly plan so we want to make sure that there's an update every week from now on something so this time being added something going on we don't really have anything huge to share on the blog so because it's a two-day event this time because Vancouver during the summer happens to just be a beautiful place to come and visit and we know that it's hard to justify coming all the way out here just for a convention or something like that we just wanted to post some fun and cool stuff to do here in the city but you guys can check out while you're here like don't just make it a two-day in-and-out event come see our city come enjoy it stay for a bit this is the Capilano Suspension Bridge it's actually a really like it's a little bit hard to capture it's a really wonderful experience it's pretty sick sorry oh did you really yeah Granville Island is a lot of fun if you enjoy craft beers Vancouver is a happenin scene for you want to make a night of it and you go to ground vote Granville Island you can go to a thing called Vancouver theatre sports that's where Ryan Stiles and one of the other awesome dudes off of whose line is any mockery Colin Mochrie out there start really awesome yep so really really cool stuff and also over on the LTX twitter this is cool this is a this is an actual update oh yeah this is amazing this is our convention space this year it is flippin huge you moved it off swings slightly but it's like 75 thousand know the the size oh oh yeah ninety five thousand square feet yeah 75,000 square feet baby it is going to be something else we are hard at work making sure that this year's event is gonna be a huge step up we've already talked to Bob and rod nice nothing is like set in stone but we have we have penciled in a way bigger booth for them nice and they're gonna do some kind of cool activation with respect to like water cooling or PC modding or something like that working with them we have a crazy project so at the last two you were able to try 16k gaming and 10k gaming we had them there at the show this year it's gonna be something really different it's gonna be something way cooler yeah I'll tell you more about it off stream okay it's gonna be like sick assume I'm assuming we can get it working we should be able to get it working I love how every time so far there's always been like some crazy plan that we like hope we can get working and then like it's it up till the very night of like it's like not working our negative to it finally comes together but but it makes it every time yeah somehow somehow we keep pulling it off so good so I want to do a couple super chats here mate keep sending money hype for LTS he's gonna be there names coming yeah so yeah so him saying he's hyped he got plane tickets for Christmas or something I don't member the exact details yeah yeah see you there mate um oh boy Tommy Gunn says Britain Channel super fun back Jensen says Merry Christmas hi Jensen merry Christmas to you too hey MooMoo hey diamond sonic Oh sign up before January 31st yeah okay ah would you be willing to add sargon of a CAD to floatplane what is that political dude so we don't have sleek so our policy with respect to right wing left wing politics is as long as what you're doing isn't illegal then it's really none of our business yeah ah Dan says have a good night I'll catch up in the morning too late thanks Dan ah Internet why on earth is floatplane using firebase hey why not like actually though he says please consider using a bundler to bundle all the assets on floatplane it'll improve your load speed a lot yeah okay so that's something we had something okay other side guy turn the Lamborghini into an insane track day car oh boy we also have plans for like like ways to use the bundler that will be better and yeah that was something we wanted to do with it we actually had a sponsor mostly lined up that they ended up we ended up still doing something with them it was way less cool frankly I'm not gonna name any names cuz like they're a partner and like I'm not trying to like crap on them or anything but they made the wrong call I know uh what else we got here Oh readeth floatplane cast button is that like easy or hard pretty sure it's already a thing oh well um what about on live stream though oh that's yeah it's definitely not here casting from your left yeah how would that work pretty sure it's there on a phone I don't know about a live stream though I know I know vods has a casting button I don't know if live stream has a casting button sorry any thoughts of me it is I really it is yeah any thoughts of making an app for Android also looking great from Japan someone sent a super chat because through YouTube but they're watching on floatplane an app is definitely on our radar we'd have to be complete idiots to not have thought of you know we should we have an app the problem for us is that really the the hard work of what we're doing is on the back end building out a scalable platform for delivering vods and live streams that is not based on AWS so it doesn't have the cost boat anchor that comes along with that it's not easy there are like container apps where we just like containerize the website and it's just like on the desktop of your phone but like anyone can do that at any time it's not really we do want a dedicated app at some point which will run faster and be better and whatnot but not now thanks Traip 333 oh holy crap the whole thing is like blowing up right now Disney is currently being sued for hakuna matata are you serious right now that's amazing it's not even real yeah oh the floss one they're being sued over that one too yeah I know about the kid who like went viral with it and whatever nice why not nearly 45,000 people signed a petition accusing Disney of colonialism and robbery for trademarking the Swahili phrase Hakuna Matata made famous in the Lion King oh they trademarked it is a tipping point in Disney's portrayal of Africa is a cultural appropriation petition claims that doesn't sound like an actual lawsuit that's a petition okay and lightened Apple fanboy when do we get to meet Janice okay so um we are going to do a a meatless so we do these exclusive videos for flow planner don't meet the team next time Janice is in and not busy I will sit her down and do the interview so so I guess late January probably not now this guy who's care as I don't know how to pronounce my issue is some persons dance moving game would be fine if it was free but epic charges money for something they didn't invent that is sketchy I think this is gonna be pretty tough to enforce though why don't you guys do 90-minute shows anymore because we never get started at 4:30 that's still when we try and we're just always like today we were later and there's way less news now yeah that's true someone posted on a will you be reviewing 1 + 7 next year presumably yeah ok ok so there was one thing on foot 1 floatplane comment but I wanted to address highlight it or something I don't remember too late alright I've seen a few and I yeah I know I'll leave this off I think so we talked about the story we talked with a story guy yeah but some people did ask about my shirt yeah this is this is a t-shirt it is official email - t-shirt you can get it on the website along with other LT t-shirts that look great oh I like this one a lot actually this is very cool so one one thing that's cool about this shirt is I know some people myself included don't always want like super hardcore branding on things so with this shirt you can support the channel and buy a shirt that just looks really cool on its own and this part at least has it has a little ltte in it but it's just like dots within the constellations and there's lots of other dots too want to see a fun Easter Egg sure look at my pupils whoa either I'm high as a kite how high are you or or I had an eye doctor appointment that morning oh I was trying so hard to not like every time Brandon had to snap a shot of me during this shoot I was like okay I'm ready I was due they had to put drops in to dilate me oh yeah you look super so I had to go in for an eye scan Wow so that's a final notice do you just point that over from I know I didn't pointed it out when I was shooting a video he's like yo you look blazed as hell man yeah whether you want like the classic logo t-shirt or one that's just called constellations do we have a zoom in on this so people actually see it yeah we should we should show there it is there so you can see there's like little lines drawn between the constellations and if you're really paying attention you can notice an LTT there you don't have to pay attention I can point it out for you there you haven't seen it yet it's very subtle so if you want a really subtle way to support and have a cool really comfortable nice quality teacher you can go with that or you can go with one of the more like clearly hey guys I like Linus tech tips shirts cable ties cable ties wait do we have actually just fully okay they put them on orange cables that actually looks really sharp yep all right so that's it for the wind show for this week that would kind of make sense this is the weekend before um yeah yeah sure why not okay so we've done something really special this was a James initiative for the most part like he was really championing this project hardcore but he got a lot of help Brandon my understanding is sat out there with him for literally hours working on this project oh I'm on the wrong server right now give me a second I'm just gonna see if I can play some of it off the server here Edie actually also gave him a lot of help a lot of people on the team pitched in to try and help get this thing exported because basically he had a goal he had a dream to create the world's first 8k Yule Log and it might is it actually the world's first I have no idea but it's it's it's really good it's actually pretty cool a very early so there's a bit of ooh here and that is that a lot of the files here are very broken so I'm hoping there's one that I can actually play there also a lot of them very very high bitrate and I think my poor laptop is going to cry oh wow but it is very very you'll log we're very LTT don't don't don't and it's anywhere from how long is the we wanted to do ten hours we wanted to do a 10 hour 8k Yule Log and I think we've dialed it back to I'm not I'm not sure yep there's fun Easter eggs you can hear his laptops like the fans are spinning up and it's lagging a little bit and this is great yeah yeah my laptop is is feeling the burn right now here oh my goodness you can't even open yeah CPU is slammed GPU is GPU is hurting oh my goodness yeah I have 11 gigs of RAM in use and all I'm doing is well I do have chrome tabs open but I'm just watching a video people are asking how large the file is well the so the ten-hour file was over a terabyte that was ProRes though so we've run into like all kinds of issues like export issues stability issues YouTube file limit issues we didn't know they had a file size limit but they do what is it it's 125 gigabytes okay yeah so there you go you're tuning in see you again next week same bat-time same bat-channel I think the Yule Log is coming tonight bye
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