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BEST Value PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Season 3 - Episode 2

this episode of scrapyard wars was brought to you by deep brand dude we're stupid mostly but still we totally is not the brand new MacBook sitting at the table oh oh alright let's see what this thing get oh yeah I can't believe you just did that we're knees total just lots of Rainey laptop just sitting on the table if it's gone oh no felt don't talk like that man I can't believe we just did that alright please visit thank you thank you so much we deserve that that was dumb we even looked the leftovers I like how achieving that is leftovers Oh guys trying to sell a dead GTX 40 I was like GTX 480 30 bucks I am gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna I'm gonna lowball him I'm gonna offer like 15 bucks cuz this has been listed for quite some time I'm going to tell the guy that I need it for a school project to fix it and that I can't afford to pay for it I'm going to try and get it for free all right I heard back from the 280x guy from before 160 he says is the lowest he can do on that so that might put that out of our price range if we can get something like a GTX 280 or 285 for 30 to 40 bucks I don't think that's going to perform four times better oh shoot the SSD for 39 bucks someone's apparently coming tonight at 6:30 for it okay maybe I should find out if I should offer a bit more than asking I'll find out what other SSDs are going for because the fact that someone's coming to pick it up means it's definite be worth the 40 bucks okay they're like no SSDs on Craigslist okay so we're running into a bit of a dead end on our SSD search the one that I wanted on Craigslist that I contact oh he's gotten back to me whoa oh you wants me there by 3:00 p.m. we're done okay yeah let's do it I'm giving him a call yeah I was gonna come at 12:00 and he said he couldn't come until 6:30 and if I still had it that'd be great kind of thing and so ah so I had reflective one minute for getting yours so I thought okay I think I see my way so we're on our way to go get the SSD that I sniped some guy was supposed to show up at 12 and then rescheduled the 6:30 I sent in a lowball offer but I'm getting it for asking if I come before that guy so I'm on my way there but I'm a little bit worried too because this gives me only two days left and I haven't even compiled my graphics card price to performance database yet we got to drive 45 minutes then as soon as we're done there we've got to meet up with someone else where I don't even know what they have and that gives me two days to compile my graphics card price to performance database figure out what card I'm buying hope that Austin and Luke haven't bought it yet and then go get it not to mention the rest of the components one thing I'm a little worried about is so I'm asking some of these guys like hey are you available tomorrow to be picked up because it's three o'clock right now it's a little kind of X actually sketchy because a lot of people are you know getting off work around five o'clock or so so I wonder what we actually are going to do about that restriction because it would be really really bad if like a lot of the stuff was available but it's like oh can we media like 6 o'clock or something so in that case cheating question mark question mark question mark we were just just just hanging out I haven't had a lot of time to hang out with my buddy Ed's so we just wanted to hang out catch up think about just like how much lies cheating because he's cheating oh yes he's chief the time so you did it on both the last one right yeah so it seems like a safe bet I wonder should we cheat - that makes sense you should we show a cheat right yeah let's cheat right here you're cheating of course right I'm actually not well well I'm not either but I just assume like in theory that you should probably be cheating if alliance is doing we should be doing it just saying that so yeah have fun thank you okay so I just message to the guy for the 290 I told him I can be there for ten thirty so hopefully that works out I really really hope the guy was the set up that I want to buy the motherboard CPU cooler and CPU messages me back because that would work out just great so now that Luke's back we need to be way more stealthy I don't know was he here for a while but he here is talking about me he's too nice to do that he wasn't listening okay I don't think I saying I think we're good Luke's nice he wouldn't cheat so 7970 Platinum cottage and I think the best part is this so we haven't seen 77 saber-tooth board for $30 the reason it's $30 is because two of the rooms has no water we don't care about that we care about is not only is it also in this place that's right buys you 970 but we need blocks let's find a more private place key go upstairs you're looking that's I don't actually have anything here but you guys left your stuff on the freaking table didn't you is that you guys and stuff what are you doing why do you abandon your stuff Wow boxes hahahaha that was a system Linus Nate built on Saturday so those are actually our new parts and they're sitting there you need to like make sure they think that ah here hang on come with me let me just subtly try like sneak that computer away so stealthy Wow hey I just wanted to call and warn you I saw some like sketchy looking dudes running through the warehouse with some computer parts they're running around with what looked like new computer parts so I'm sure it's not yours cuz you're far enough to buy old computer parts thanks man yeah no I appreciate it but actually we haven't bought anything yet we're just we're just strategizing today we wouldn't know we're just cleaning up yeah you told me earlier that you had bought everything well we bought everything in our minds but we were not gonna really get around actually picking it up till tomorrow so don't worry about it okay yeah cool sorry we got we're standing I just office I'm just making sure you guys are okay Oh Cordy we're golden we're just cleaning at the office making sure everything's nice and neat and tidy that's fair that's fair I appreciate that thanks a lot have a good one okay now that we can talk freely we need to work out a few more things none of these people got back to me which is still old stressful but so if we get this core i3 we would need a heatsink for it we would need to memory and we need some kind of drive whether it's a hard drive or SSD we might be able to swing an SSD I mean max we're gonna pay a $60 for a brand-new SSD so I feel like we could probably something cheaper but if not it's not the end of the world um so we're looking at probably like a $300 build right now that's actually not that bad scrap yard Wars we'll be right back after these messages this episode of scrap yard Wars is brought to you by D brand makers of the precision cut vinyl skins that you'll see on the phones and notebooks of our contestants they offer a wide variety of styles and colors and support for the coolest devices including the PlayStation 4 galaxy note 5 and iPhone 6s protect the body of your devices and make them look great at be slash scrapyard Wars officially sent my offer to the guy that was until to sell me the maloik CPU and cooler for 80 bucks so we'll see what he says about that he told me earlier that he won't be able to check to see if he has a ram until 7 o'clock tonight so I'm not going to make any final purchasing decisions on memory until he gets back to me then but I'm looking for some leads from every right now I also told them if you have some cheap low end power harddrive laying around to let me know so right now I'm messaging a different dude who ended up being Kevin's used computers or something like that it's a use computer store around here for a power supply I'm hoping I can get one fairly cheap off of him and yeah just trying to do some legwork on some other stuff but we're doing pretty good pretty good I think Brandon I are going to stop and get lunch pretty soon here all right so we got a 120 gig SSD for $38 Canadian my friends that could win us this competition if it helps us win PC mark and the guy with the broken 480 wants it for $25 $25 for what it's broken it's legit broken so I offered him 10 all right so we're rolling around to the literal back alley here oh dear holy crap what the hell is this that's exactly right I don't know okay and this one okay wait you don't want people fishing through this bin if they don't know what they're doing that's an exposed power supply if you accidentally bridge a contact on that there's capacitors someone could actually die okay that that was some legit like scrapyard digging I found a literal pile of Sempron CPUs okay I've got four gigs of ddr2 I've got a Core 2 quad q6600 yes my friends I have a Q 6600 and potentially I have an Isuzu commando board if any of it works I spent $60 of my budget on stuff where I am legit really not sure if any of it works but I also got an an tech smart power 450 watt power supply with a PCI Express power connector all right so so far my brilliant strategy of low-balling everyone is not going to well not getting a ton of replies and this one guy is extremely combative here something about why would you offer less than a half you looking to get told off so I'm kind of thinking I'm going to come back with asking price was out to lunch not my fault people don't know what their stuff is worth here's a card that performs better with multiple ones listed for 50-ish good luck with your sale brah some might say that this is cheating I would respond with that I don't think that they understand scrapyard voice because I got something from the scrap and I'm turning it into a thing if that isn't the meaning of scrapyard horse and I don't know what is no way we just heard back from the guy with the $25 6850 that is by far our best one yet with other people telling me off about asking my mom for money we've done awesome we have oh my ice-t is running down the roof oh no ah maybe I can get it hold on really yeah I'm gonna pull over hazards hold on mates maybe it's still up there I don't think of it maybe it's still up there ah damn it yeah it's all over the roof of the car okay so an email from the z77 people just came in I have more than 10 people emailing me about it I don't have time to meet in Skye's train station stuff wait I'm available this week is tomorrow 11:00 to 5:00 and I have someone who said he is coming so if you're really interested coming around 11:00 and email me before you come I think we got it need to go Andy because I think what's helping us a lot with the AMD cards is the fact that tons of people were using it for like bitcoin and litecoin mining which means that there's tons of these cards around and they're pretty cheap because they've been abused so that's helping us a lot so that's why there's so many 7950 and 79 70s here but not as people are getting back to me if we do the i3 in the 770 we're talking 280 if we bump that up to a core i5 at a 6990 we're looking at 420 actually 419 so but the problem is the power supply we absolutely need some kind of other power supply for this so we're talking about a lot more money but a core i5 in 6990 that's pretty solid and we're still talking about definitely well under $500 okay so it just texted the guy about 69 90 so if we do the 69 in the core i5 the little power supply that we have is not going to work so what we might have to do is go back to the idea of putting an extra power supply on the top of the rig and just wiring it straight for the graphics card factory powering out half the graphics card ah probably not the smartest idea it should work in theory okay so to recap we have a core i5 2400 at Kevin's used computer we also can get a 200 kick hard drive there most likely you can get some kind of cheap power supply as a secondary for our graphics card we have a case we have our second power supply we have a motherboard we have the memory which we can just pick up at the NCIX it's like 30 bucks no big deal and we have the graphics card which we will pick up in Richmond at some point I will text the guy in a minute 69.95 computer to me are we forgetting anything is that salvageable that I just saw it was good we got the motherboard to mount it works the spacing is okay the power supply will mount here or up here so it's the actual power spot that I get is probably going to be a little bit longer so it's it goes to here cables come out of here cut it this way cut it this way but I want to build a wall that I can sit against I'm going to cut it with a circular saw okay so this isn't me helping this is me making sure he doesn't cut his own hand off looks like you're hard at work over here I'm done you happy Austin I'm happy that you're five minutes late I'm very happy I'm gonna get some extra time get some some wood going on it's a smart move for computer bill I usually have wood I just thought I'd incorporate in a bill I mean it's a natural like you want you to make sure yeah of course one thing I wanted to use power tools in a good safe environment second thing it's only five minutes and it's supposed to be transit time and I'm already here so I don't really think it's that big of a deal going over all so to be fair you're in my space when I could have been working Oh so I also think you're not supposed to be in my space I'm pretty I believe I asked you to leave and you did not yet say that the outside is your space you can't say to the entire outside you worked in two different areas of the office I needed tools from over there and couldn't go over there cuz your parts were over there so I waited until later oh oh thank you for not looking all the parts I bye well I thought you didn't buy any parts hey my murse you know your parts nothing bought whatsoever I'm just having fun and this is all for a good sport sorry but does Luke have enough wood does the crack pipe line is found still work find out next time on scrapyard wars
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