BEST Value PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Season 3 - Episode 4
BEST Value PC Challenge - Scrapyard Wars Season 3 - Episode 4
this episode of scrapyard wars was
brought to you by deep brand so
basically the more expensive graphics
cards might be totally worthwhile even
if they don't score as many FPS per
dollar compared to a low-end one you
know what the stupidest thing about me
screwing up that formula is is that's
exactly the formula that I used to use
when I work to retail computer sales to
help people understand how you know
buying something that cost twice as much
might effectively give them a way better
value than if they bought something for
half as much like if you're buying $1000
computer spending an extra hundred
dollars on a graphics card that performs
30 percent better is still 30 percent
more performance for 10 percent more
budget in the grand scheme of things but
I like for God and the really
frustrating thing right now is that even
if we hadn't already been late to meet
this guy twice so I feel like I really
have to go meet him even if that weren't
the case I still have to go right now I
have no time to go and plug some more
cards into an updated formula and find
out how they compare before I have to go
meet him out so I basically could end up
stuck with a $20.00 paperweight by the
end of this
I didn't bring my cash it's okay it's
okay it's okay
hello thank you
this is uh this is gonna really help me
a lot I have money I also have a sweater
I couldn't find a t-shirt so it's a
hoodie that's alright better foods for
yesterday awesome
we just heard back not that I'm touching
that we just heard back from the
back-alley guy I think we've got a lead
on a sound card I'm gonna off from like
five bucks so we need to be in Richmond
and an hour and it's gonna take it's
about 40 minutes to drive out there so
we should be good on time and that's
pretty much it last thing we're gonna
have to do is go over and pick up some
memory which I think ncx is actually
gonna be the cheapest way there's not a
whole lot of like cheap used memory so
yeah I feel like we're doing really good
we just need the graphics card and as
long as that works and everything should
be fine there then we're gonna be good
so let's go Hey so that's the top slot
so everything's good so just got it a
free geek Vancouver I was pretty worried
about that store and that ended up being
amazing all any left is a power supply
and I've spent two hundred and eighty
dollars I should have asked about a
power supply
700 watts some sketchy brands - I forgot
I needed a power supply how much for
this guy is it from one cable can I just
put me going from one kid yeah I can
probably go and then it has a I need
yeah I need six plus two and I need six
okay has awesome okay so give me one
how much you say thirty bucks there you
go so done I guess
free geek just cleaned me out for what
was it a hundred and thirty dollars I
got a 550 watt power supply at Q 6600 s
160 gigabyte hard drive a 775
motherboard and eight gigs of RAM so
that means my final total comes to a
hundred and eighty plus thirty so two
hundred and ten plus one hundred three
hundred and ten dollars so I'm ten
dollars over the original scrapyard Wars
budget and have a way better computer
yes okay I keep telling myself I'm just
gonna stop looking I'm going to go back
and test the cards but I keep keep
looking anyway I mean I just saw a 7990
listed or a 7970 listed for a hundred
dollars even factoring in my twenty
dollar loss on that card
that's an FPS per dollar of almost point
four that would be the winner if I could
get it and here's something totally
stupid here's a 69 90 in rich
surely this guy doesn't think he's
actually gonna get 180 dollars for that
so why don't we send a text okay so
after the 18 hour drive to where we are
right now Richmond Richmond after the 18
hour drive to Richmond you ever take 17
hours we're here but we're actually here
twenty minutes early so the dude lives
in one of these apartment buildings over
here so I guess we just wait for him
oh there's a Toys R Us over there 20
minutes and Toys R Us hi I'm calling
about the 6990 you have listed on
Craigslist do you still have that yeah I
do but there's a guy is picking up this
if he doesn't shows up I will give you a
call how's that um do you know the name
of the guy picking it up no I don't oh
okay yeah I think he's not likely to
pick out though because he's using a
California numbers so I don't know it's
a browsable what oh okay um because I
can come like I can come like right now
because I have made a promise to him so
I will wait till 2:00 if he doesn't
shows up that I George okay how much did
he offer what 80 oh okay
I've had have to be okay um okay can you
can you call me at 2:00 if he if he
doesn't come get it by - sure yeah ah
wait by a half an hour something like
are you weird relieved well I live out
in Langley so the sooner you can let me
know the sooner I can start driving
because I really need it today okay yeah
yeah I will give you a call okay all
right thank you all right thank you okay
California California
Austin's number gonna pick up a 69 handy
in the city city of Richmond he is
rocking a 69 90 okay interesting
scrapyard wars we'll be right back after
these messages
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slash scrapyard wars so we're at the
guy's place he's gonna let us test the
card problem is do we film it because I
feel super sketchy at going in some
random guys house as he's testing
graphics card for me and say by the way
can we film I don't what you think I
think our intention is to make a video
this video is very important you push
like we're asking right is it is it but
what we didn't privacy if we ask hold on
but if we say we want to record what
happens he goes oh well I want twice as
much money for the car she's saying we
don't have a choice do it for the video
no no but like if he knows - like this
is not just some random couple guys who
want to build a computer like what if he
decides like he wants to raise the price
of something I just really don't like
recording like people's houses or like
and I don't like recording in places
where people don't like let me which I
guess you're asking we don't have to
tell them that we're shooting a YouTube
video you just feel like hey uh can we
just document this oh I've got the money
we're tricks this that might be a little
helpful and buy a graphics card
so now we know Austin's after that card
part of me wants to snipe it just to
totally him but the other part of me is
actually not even sure if that's that
great of a card so we can plug this into
the formula so 6990 at one hundred and
eighty dollars would be approximately a
sixty nine seventy times it's two ish
so that's fifty seven so let's say times
one point eight those games should scalp
like pretty well so about a hundred and
two so if he's paying a hundred and
eighty bucks for that oh that is a bet
see that's a better performance index on
getting 0.36 damnit Austin well if I can
snipe it I'm gonna alright so looks like
everything works so we're here testing
out the 6990 everything looks like it's
running great on Diablo 3 so we're
pretty much good there now pretty much
all it's left for today we need to go
pick up some memory and we'll be good to
so we might just have this bill ready
boom so we successfully have an esse X
at X Radeon 6992 me so yeah I think
we're looking good right now umm so at
this point we pretty much need to go to
inside X and pick up four gigs of RAM
which shouldn't be a big problem um
that's the only kind of slight question
right now is how much RAM do we actually
want to get so four gig is gonna be a
lot cheaper but we might have some
stuttering issues I think par cry 4 is
the thing that we're kind of worried
about right now so it's gonna be like do
we want to go for it or not I kind of
played a little risky so I think we
might go with four gigs of RAM
especially if they end up making me pay
for tax which I don't want to
so but most important thing we have an
awesome graphics card so we're set I've
got to say now that we've got this beefy
graphics card I've been way better at
this point we really only need the
memory and that should be like the
easiest thing ever to get so putting in
work right now so she can starting out
cheap this one's I mean this was like a
$600 graphics card I mean you set it at
all a graphics card it's just a few
years ago we got this thing for less
than 200 so I don't know I feel like if
we win this it's going to be because of
this card if we lose this Skippy because
of this card but I think we're going to
win this because of this card so we've
had a troubling morning we got our
graphics card that I thought was a great
deal turns out that according to my
corrected calculations it was actually
not a very good deal and we got some
very useful intel on what our
competitors are doing so Austin is going
high-performance and he's going dual GPU
which I really wish I had looked up the
69 I looked up almost every other dual
GPU solution yesterday by keyword this
one's been listed for a month and Austin
offered asking price he's getting a 69
90 for a hundred and 80 bucks which by
my calculation is going to cream me
so we're on our way back to the office
we're going to test what we have make
sure it's running I'm going to do some
shopping try and find a better graphics
card deal and if I can find something
that'll allow me to eat the $20 I wasted
then I will go out and get it before I
meet the back-alley guy again at 4:00
today dudes the NSA ex is right there
it's right in that okay so do you want
to drive over there or do you wish won't
walk it what let's go get our memory now
dude I'm feeling pretty pumped I really
think that we're actually doing really
good here eight gigs of RAM is way too
that's crazy for the scrap yard war
system we got we crazy and pretty crazy
we got to save money do this is price to
performance it's a serious business we
gotta go we gotta go football game see
if there's any other four gig just in
case okay
2035 day nope
you just got the four gig stick of the
coarser membrane so won't be super fast
will be a ton of memory but it should be
just enough get through the numbers once
we pick you'll be okay okay awesome man
appreciate it we're good
root beer all right we have officially
all of our parts right now so to recap
we picked up the case and one of our
power supplies for $25 this morning we
went to a computer shop we got our CPU
our motherboard we've got the heatsink
we got another power supply and we've
got a card drive we got the graphics
card just now and we just picked up the
$30 kit of working memory as ads on the
spot flying it out of here so we have
all the parts we bought them all today
and everything went pretty well actually
it is 238 right now so now that do we
have over two hours left but we get to
delay a delicious root beer what you do
you're too cheap to get anyone oh yeah
so accidentally I just bought this out
of the scrap yard works budget so all
the parts we bought plus like two
dollars for root beer
oops let's taste pretty sweet though I
think it's kind of worth it okay I'm a
little nervous right now there we go
what is that
this guy's awesome
so the good news is that we found a lead
on a graphics card that even if I have
to throw away the $20 I spent on this
will put me back out ahead or at least
even with Austin 4 FPS per dollar but I
haven't heard from the guy in about half
an hour so I'm really hoping I hear back
soon the bad news is our power supply we
hoped would work is dead which means
that our 400 watt backup power supply is
only borderline capable of even
supporting a 7970 if we get it there's
also more bad news
it looks like our 6850 might actually be
dead which could also be good news
because that gives us $20 back in our
pocket if we can get a refund
unlike in Austin's chances but never
count Luke out I mean he might show up
with some completely bizarro thing less
time on scrapyard wars Austin gets a
tetanus shot Luke gets captured by
Vikings and - runs over a dog
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