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Bang for the Buck Z97 Motherboard Showdown Part 4 - The Epic Conclusion

welcome to the fourth and final installment of the 100 ish dollar z97 motherboard showdown as you probably know by now we've been in venturing into the world of affordable motherboards instead of top-tier motherboards which are expensive and don't really impact performance anyways we're doing this because we want to explore the pros cons and trade-offs of boards that people are actually buying in this video we'll be covering the finished system experience of each board things like OneTouch overclocking utilities and the final conclusion will be covered in this video don't forget to stay subscribed for less videos on affordable motherboards in the future since apparently you guys aren't that into them anyways experienced silent performance with the new cooler master Silencio 652 s minimalist design maximum compatibility click now to learn more well start off with the fun stuff generally all of the board's various overclocking utilities resulted in a 4.4 gigahertz overclock for the Intel G 32 58 CPU and XMP settings for the g.skill ripjaws 24 hundreds except for the asrock board which simply had a selectable profile on the asrock board the 4.7 gigahertz profile failed 4.6 gigahertz seems stable enough but it wasn't really fair as I had to manually verify the stability anyways which kind of defeats the purpose of OneTouch overclocking next up we have the driver downloading experience something that might not seem that important in the grand scheme of things but we measured it so MSI comes in first at 7.7 megabytes per second on average with a soos as a closer honor up at around 6 point 6 megabytes per second gigabyte trails behind at 2.1 megabytes per second lining it in third place and last then in this case least is as rock at 1.3 megabytes per second please keep in mind that while we tested all these one right after the other we were unsure of how loaded these companies networks were at the time of testing and we downloaded all these files to our office in Western Canada so your results will vary so with all those megabytes per second what did I download well naturally all the drivers some would expect and some utility software as well something you may know if you've proves the software utility section of other boards downloads before is that there are tons of them and honestly you shouldn't download most of them but whatever you do no matter how many you download avoid network utilities like the plague Windows is actually totally fine at handling this on its own and doesn't need additional bloatware to do it instead unless you really need prioritization for some reason and don't have that feature on your router where it belongs if you do want to download any utilities you could go for their overclocking fan speed or monitoring software I suggest you use these largely just for monitoring however and use your UEFI for actually setting things up if you're looking for information on UEFI check out our last video here and also please note that if you do want to overclock in your operating system that you will need the Intel management engine driver installed so it's time for the final conclusion obviously if you're looking into buying a motherboard I would suggest watching all of the other videos in this series but as a quick overview let's look into what really matters first and foremost IO matters make sure that you're going to be able to plug in all the peripherals and drives into the board that you will need most of these boards will have you covered but it is still an important question to ask yourself then we have PCI layout same type of question make sure you can hook up everything that you need to and not have any conflicts in terms of positioning another thing to note is the comparison of fan headers on your board and fan slots that you'll be filling in your case make sure there's enough and make sure that they are in the right spot and general case compatibility is important as well if you're 24 pin connector cable management holes don't line up with the location on the board you're going to have a bad time now thanks to Intel moving so many things onto their CPUs there is very little difference between boards when it comes to performance and overclocking so this shouldn't be that huge of a factor when looking into bores especially in this price range but looking into things like if it's running a dual BIOS and or a socketed BIOS setup might not be a bad idea and choosing a board with a good software layout for all these by OC dials and switches will help a lot overall the motherboard landscape especially in this bracket is pretty level there is much less of a difference between boards now than there has been in previous years which is great news for folks looking to save a few extra bucks so then what's the best for you a soos was a clear winner in UEFI and overall usability experience but asrock has a ton of fan headers compared to everyone else and was rocking loads of other features like SLI MSI has great compatibility like a soos but a few more physical features then a soos while still having nice things like rich fan control gigabyte had a great aesthetic style and a great dual BIOS implementation to keep you going along with a variety of other features who do you think won let me know in the comments down below or better yet on the forum speaking of winning if you love watching anime you should check out crunchy roll with crunchy roll premium you can watch your favorite anime shows anytime anywhere they have shows like one piece bleach and Fairy Tail they also have your most current episodes of shows like fate/stay night straight out of Japan and they post them with professional subtitles as soon as one hour after they premiere in Japan with gradual premium you can watch as much anime as you want ad free and a beautiful HD on a variety of devices for only 695 per month but if you use our lake thats slash linus you can get a 30-day trial of their service absolutely free so be sure to check them out in the link in the video description alright guys thanks for hanging with me through this series don't forget to comment down below or on the forum of which board you think range supreme of their socket cuisine I don't know anyways while you're down below here commenting be sure to subscribe if you haven't already like the video dislike the video depending on which color board you like more share it if you think it's helpful for someone who might be building a computer soon and over on the forum you can become a contributor because there will be reason to do that fairly soon and in the video description below this video you can check out a shirt link and over on the forum if you like bouncing back and forth repeatedly you can see a like help Linus media group link where you can change stuff like Amazon links to help us get kickback kickbacks whenever you buy anything on Amazon thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time
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