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Behind the Scenes - Func Man HS-260 Video

other glorious behind the scenes I'm sorry what are you holding sir uh-huh and you got some whip cream what kind of movie are we filming here whipped cream and costumes the fake movie again take movie and there's like pilot bees Olivia alright so we're painting slicks chest with an adhesive here that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable just saying yeah I am just saying that I'm just saying that because it's the truth my fat the this this is probably the most awkward thing that I've ever had to do since minus media group was it's kind of awful okay just get you painted up here and then diesel your you're up next with the hair application let's stick okay it definitely sticks okay oh my goodness this is just horrible want to show want to show you tube Chloe's trick actually taken any behind-the-scenes yet oh yeah I'm ready hold on what's that headset you're using to monitor their fun emmis and that's that's nice now I don't want you guys to have trouble taking me seriously here because this is a very serious presentation about a very serious product the the ms3 has nothing wait awk I test 360 that's multiple sclerosis times three fantastic look for you see we've got the scientist thing going on which is just enough Peter Fonda these two should win an award for best fake conversation cuz they can carry one cause we just you're just awesome there's good and it's all within context it is like we're not even I mean we're still talking at the same thing we're working yeah it's a fake it's real oh ok so meal fake marriage ya doin Chris yeah yeah this is great josh is this yours it's the tie bag that it's labeled ties were you not really sure things in there were ties are you one of those like organized people I have a shirt this is sure so fun day we can more punish the face funky oh fun ki videos let's go yeah I know 25 bucks mindless I think 28 for the day so fifty dollars in parking is uh yeah you
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