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Blackmagic Cinema Camera & Kingston HyperX 3K SSD

for the ultimate no compromises compact gaming PC look no further than the obsidian series 250 d from Corsair click now to learn more the Blackmagic Cinema Camera our new camera by the way very excited has been on the market long enough now that I'm not going to spend a bunch of time talking about the specs other than a few key ones here it has a two and a half K sensor intended to be down scaled to deliver sharper than normal 1080p or 2k it's got 13 stops of dynamic range which basically amounts to less detail lost in the highlights and lowlights and it can shoot in uncompressed cinema DNG RAW avid dnxhd and Apple ProRes vs. AVC HD which is what we're stuck with on our fs700 unless we use an external recorder it includes a key for DaVinci Resolve which is otherwise a thousand-dollar piece of software which is pretty darn cool and it comes in a very pretty box which won't matter one fish is nipple to most people but I like boxes so there you go they're great at box design now they're great at other things too black magics design philosophy is a little bit different from other companies they emphasize building what we can versus what the market will be willing to buy for a given price and they emphasize open standards rather than closed proprietary vil ones in fact one of the most notable things about this camera for me is a great example of that and that's the use of two and a half inch PC SSDs for recording standard computer SSDs are probably one of the only relatively inexpensive mediums that is capable of delivering strong enough performance to handle the massive 150 megabytes per second data rate required by 12 bit raw tuna 1/2 K recording while other recording solutions sometimes do use two and a half inch SSDs convergent design is one of them most other companies choose to use firmware to lock down recording media to proprietary drives which deliver consistent performance sure but are much more expensive Blackmagic takes an open approach and allows you to use whatever SSD you want which when you consider that a 250 gig drive holds only about 30 minutes of raw footage is pretty nice but this open approach has some drawbacks for them and allowing customer to put drugs within adequate performance in the camera will lead to drop frames in the footage and a bad customer experience for which Blackmagic could easily be blamed which leads us nicely into the second part of this video which is both I guess a feature for Kingston HyperX 3k SSD and a bit of a public service announcement now Kingston was kind enough to send us over 3 480 gig drives for our recording needs this will let us shoot about 3 hours of uncompressed raw footage without offloading to a PC which is great and in exchange all they wanted was for us to talk about why their SSD is great for use with this camera which is easy because it's right on black magics validated drive list so there you go yay moving on no seriously I should probably give some background as to why it's on there hyper X 3 K drives deliver great performance in this use case because they use real-time data compression to take the large files that you produce while filming and to turn them into something smaller on the fly before committing them to the flash chips on the SSD this is actually similar to how other video compression standards like h.264 work except for one major difference when you read the data back off of a hyper X 3 K Drive it decompresses it on the fly again delivering the full quality file to you without you ever noticing that it was stored in a compressed form this technology is perfect here because uncompressed raw footage is right in the wheelhouse of SandForce controller-based SSD drives allowing them to perform pretty near optimally and of course they're just standard PC SSDs so the same tech works in your computer as well on the back we find a 5-inch 800 by 480 capacitive touchscreen that can be used for camera settings playback and review a metadata entry and it's large size is actually another example of black magics because we can attitude truthfully a 5-inch display doesn't cost much more than a three inch display so they put it on way to be with that said the BMCC isn't perfect the on-screen controls are not as granular or as fast to adjust as our main camera the sony fs7 hundred with its deeper settings and reprogrammable hardware buttons but considering that I could buy three black magics and the lens for each for the price of a single fs700 and the lens and it delivers better image quality out of the box it's pretty darn compelling although the FS does have slow-mo built-in ND filters and with the firmware upgrade in a third-party recorder pulls ahead and image quality and can record in 4k so just something to bear in mind last things to show on the camera are of course mounts on the top for any accessories you might have straps on the right hand side oh yeah that s SD slot where you go ahead and pop a 2 to 1/2 inch SSD in there for your recording needs on the bottom we've got ventilation yes it is actively cooled there's actually a fan inside this bad boy and then last but not least is the record button up there on the front that I never actually mentioned now to close out this video we're undoubtedly there are many folks who didn't make it this far in and left comments underneath wondering why we could possibly need this camera for unboxings I'll leave some footage here from some of the projects that we've done that aren't unboxings where it would have been nice to have a B camera or a little bit more control in post-production than the stock AVC HD recording of the fs700 allows so we do do other things than unboxings and we will put this camera to good use and I think that's pretty much it guys we're really excited about having it like this video if you liked it dislike it if you just liked it leave a comment and let me know you know something tell me what kind of fish is your favorite to eat and then as always guys 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