
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Caffeine-Fueled Midnight PC Building Stream 🔥🔥🔥

you're gonna be the first person to ever get shanked with a thread Ripper like torque yeah I know yeah and you're gonna be the first person to ever get shanked with one welcome to the livestream he wouldn't start the stream so if you're wondering why the stream is late well okay that sort of depends what you're wondering if you're wondering why the stream is taking place at such a late hour that is because it is sponsored out the freakin wazoo by madrenas madrenas they make coffee cold brew coffee fees more different regular coffees and now now for the first time for the first time ever they make a Linus tech tips coffee roast yes my friends in fact I've got a bunch of information from Colton about the coffee roast that I will not be reading because you know what Colton that guy's fired or rather roasted lightly fired and delicious just like our roast so for December 1st through 7th offer coat Linus over on madrenas is going to be bumped to 50% off is that correct yes 50% off Thank You Pam everyone who pre-orders the Linus tech tips roast is going to get a free Linus sticker really yeah yes anyone even want that cute sticker dude all right all right all right whatever ah the lambo micro roast will fuel the roast of Linus and we'll have more information about that later that's a sort of an optional talking point okay look we might be doing a roast but like not a coffee roast like a roast of me but then like sponsored by madrina so it's like a coffee roast but whatever you guys get the point we're gonna have slo-mo as a moderator on our live stream on YouTube we're gonna be hosting something our twitch channel on their twitch channel coffee for fuel and during the stream and that's just today right the first 50 people who pre-order will get an additional bag for free is that right yes cool all right so what are we actually doing today though um our writing staff needs new workstations and the reason for that is that quite often Oh in the course of us making videos they have to work with 8k footage and Alex how's that experience without 10 gig Ethernet and on an underpowered workstation it's not even an experience it's just like you see a frame and then it's like a dial-up internet like three minutes later you get like the next one yeah yes it's about like that so that's like one-eighth quality you can't even do like more than that so we had some some good friends of ours are you keeping track of like who's systems each one is and stuff Jake are you just you're just grabbing random stuff and yeah you know he tries to help but he's young you know he he's young he tries he tries her oh thank you just throwing throwing SSDs dropping them on the table you know who taught you how to tack anyway okay cheese so you've done a very good job of bringing over this system but we're actually gonna start with busy 391 because that one has kind of a cooler hardware Thank You Jake good work Jake here Alex can you help them take that down there I'm just gonna I'm gonna stand here how's the video all right so our goal today and Colton doesn't believe in us our goal today is actually Jake can you go over there and operate the camera so they can see cool thanks Jake our goal today is to build an Alex can you go back over there and grab the parts so that Jay can operate the camera our goal today is to build three workstations and Colton doesn't believe no no you don't to do that just leave it on the sticks what do you are you crazy are you crazy okay well there's the piles of workstations our goal today is to build three workstations and Colton Colton doesn't believe in us Colton Colton doesn't think look I believe in you guys I just don't know how long it'll take there's a prompter in your face let's Lynn I don't think you guys can build three systems in 120 minutes I just don't think you have Colton home call it's me and Alex okay so when you said yield all right all right all right so let's start we're gonna bring the z3 96 I didn't know I thought it was just modeling the kinds of know what why would why would I hire you to do that so which ones this this is Jean you were hired for your mad tech skills that Colton for whatever reason that guy doesn't believe in I mean you could model stuff if you wanted actually you're a handsome you're handsome gentleman okay although what I'm what I am actually wondering about though so this one's for James is it yeah apparently okay but that's what I here's for me look why because workstations but then like what does Ivan get ah his laptop still right look okay okay what about we build Ivan a desktop and then I just keep my okay that's still quite good okay what are you running right now 6900 K and Quadro yeah yes you're the one with the 6500 K yeah we're looking for that we've been looking for that for a long freakin time yes just man okay so okay couple things here first of all everyone's getting r-tx graphics cards apparently Jake are you having trouble over there should I switch to chai just switch to the other the other angle here like what's the Jesus what's the other one oh lordy what what just happened what just happened what am I even switching right now I'm not yeah I don't I didn't know you're not supposed to click the button you do it in OBS oh okay well I thought they were I don't know I thought they were bound to something look okay look I know this stream is a total bull crap fest so far but like well not crap fest crap fest makes it sound like bad I think it's pretty entertaining so far it smells very good with all those cones yeah the word I was looking for was poop demonstration you know but like the less yeah the less pee first you know like it's an accent and s can you stop tilting the camera you're gonna make everybody date this is awful it's an awful experience okay okay so here's what we have to decide so the people who actually need work stations then are who Ivan James and and panthan it yeah okay so which one of them gets the hardware that we requested from a suits we actually I sent them an email this is really funny so I sent a seasoned team I was like yo we're building up some workstations for the writers who need them because they're reviewing 8k footage and from time to time they may actually end up plunking things onto the timeline rather than just annotating timestamps that are relevant to help the editors sorry okay yeah we really useful that would be like really really good we need to okay you can stay like more Center you've got a drift all right I also need coffee so I'm you explain this and I'm gonna make coffee and then the body of the email was like I mean other boards graphics oh yeah ten gig Knicks would be cool and they're like okay great so they send over a motherboard a graphics card and I don't know how to operate this I just got it it's it's a it's a grinder but it's it's not grinding things so they only sent over one of their newsy 390 pro WS board that looks sexy as hell so who gets bored oh I did it yeah everyone's really happy oh we're probably about good there we go 390 Pro and the 9900 cake or i9 for their workstation do we just want to RN jeah oh my god pin off have they been able to hear me at all through alex is like yeah on that that's actually a thing we have actually filmed videos where I've had a co-host and my bike is just like off the whole time and we've just kind of been like yeah if we kind of cut around this we can just use yeah we can we can just use we can just grab why this is audio off this other microphone this has to be the single most extra making device oh it is so good in my life it's basically like a brown that looks recycled coffee filter and I'm having treat this coffee properly oh look at that oh man it's getting all nice and foamy that means it's fresh yeah it does yeah cuz like you know you don't get the foaminess with old coffee we can keep this dream going I hope you guys were able to hear this story anyway no let's just let's just decide no random number generator we are going to choose favorites Ivan James or Anthony who's our favorite I mean it's not really even favorite cuz like the other guys are getting thread Ripper 1950 exes but who gets that sweet single thread performance for when they stay in game afterwards because they're also gonna have our TX 2070 graphics cards because we need like really good screen capture for high quality HD Hardware h.264 encoder whatever doesn't matter you know what I pick Anthony okay good okay so let's build Anthony's system first so Colton mister non-believer over there yeah why don't you set why don't you set a timer okay sure also some timer sir why don't you see why don't we see how long it takes me and Alex to build this system because I guarantee you it is not very long and that's even gonna be with his stupid boy once a simmer for all of them we're gonna build them all but you can time one and you can extrapolate it's called math the copper build what do you mean keep the copper building oh you are not keeping the copper building you are not keeping the copper build as a workstation 1080i Alex have you looked on the car it's an 85 on the coffee here the coffee is in the coffee maker you can take you guys ready I can count you dinner yeah fine all right best of luck gentlemen how do we just swing that three two I know I didn't I agreed in front of 12 people right let's build let's go it just seemed unreasonable that's why you did it if you did all right so we're gonna save ourselves some time by getting everything ready so we got our i/o shield it's crazy how few motherboard accessories you had you want to give them an angle on this it's crazy how few motherboard accessories you actually need to build a system any more SATA cable say who needs SATA cables anymore we're going MDOT - who needs like this is like a rear panel USB - thing who needs that more SATA cables SLI lol SLI so dead CPU installation you got to be kidding me like how RGB okay RGB maybe you need that you got what serial oh there's a serial lead yeah sure why not you got three wait you got other more different to way you got 4 Way SLI and who needs any of this stuff you don't need any of that you got your i/o shield colton go why are you here why are you here Colton are you are you interfering with our stream I can't even see you they can't even see look at this guy look at this guy if you switch to the wives oh oh right here you are the world's biggest chill no.1 look at this hat oh look at this madrenas happy really cool yeah the heats not on we have everything on a schedule no one's no one's supposed to be in the office at this time it's it's ridiculous it's ridiculous all right look at this board look at this board okay give me give me the other hand give me the overhead again it's beautiful look at this board is that beautiful boooo-eeep in you got you four slots you got your Utah - you got your other more different you - you got your MDOT to your other MDOT - you got your USB 3.1 you got your USB 3.0 also one but not like the type-c variety - eight pin powers it's beautiful matte black PCB like why isn't everything matte black remember my mother boards were the color of cardboard that was stupid why did we ever accept that that list that was unacceptable all right so CPUs in so Colton how many components does a system have yeah cuz I've already installed one of them Corsair sent over this Ram you know we're building serious workstations so naturally we will be needing Vengeance Pro RGB this is 16 gigs actually maybe because you actually do things that could actually 32 gigs of ram people were asking for 32 but like pretty expensive I know Rams tough to get these days yeah I think the shortage is pretty much over I think it's like it's yeah Ram is still pretty pretty expensive but how much RAM do people yet they get 16 gigs yeah you probably already do have 64 gigs but that might actually need more RAM whoo they can't see you they can't even see you do all right 64 gigs I think I actually have 64 gigs in my row and that there is a freakin no reason for whatsoever so you normally have like 30 gigs of tabs open though so that's actually possibly true though no all right let's go ahead and get this m dot 2 installed here like I can't believe Colton doesn't think that we can in stuff that we can build three systems in two hours yeah I'm going to start putting the power supply in here how can he even be a sales guy at Linus Media Group when he clearly doesn't believe did you say those systems are three I said three okay okay okay three what do you think this is some like chump you know can't build three systems in two hours stuff I think either of us you yeah there Joey yeah you're totally allowed to drink the madrenas that is like literally the entire point of today this is the point yeah you can take the mug oh the point is that this is the coffee fueled stream in case you guys missed it I don't know if you guys can tell me but I actually hate that no you know it's not as bad as which one's the one that makes me like really like it just makes my skin crawl beer beer commercials when they just have like the like the like look look look pouring noise oh I hate it can't even can't even listen to it that's awful all right trying to build the computer right all right I guess I should say we have an RM 1,000 X from Corsair for the power supply yep 500 D for the case where Sarah's pretty chill I sent all this stuff over very quickly to heart you course it yeah oh man you were so disorganized about this we've been planning this dream for so long and then on like Monday yeah on Monday I I II like email Corsair and I'm like and Asus and Intel Intel sent over the one CPU there was no so I email all those guys I'm like yo we're doing this thing we're doing like a live stream it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be awesome can you send over hardware and they're like when is it and I'm like yo it's on like Friday and I lied I lied I said Friday because it was gonna be on Saturday and I knew that if I told them I was gonna be on Saturday they they try and do Saturday delivery or some weird stuff so they can buy themselves some more time but you can't deliver on Saturdays to our office so that would be a bad scene okay so Colton um just so you know I now have the CPU RAM and I'm about to have the cooler installed because okay unlike some people I can build a computer pretty fast yeah okay I think Derek some people would say a challenge I think you're taking your PC building skills and you're kind of projecting them five pcs okay five pcs yes five pcs to Luke kind of pretty much built but yeah yeah that's kind of what I thought all right that's kind of what I thought all right let's get this section firm can you adjust the angle of this camera at all yeah there's a hole there's a whole lot of floor organized yeah we were not that disorganized madrenas is very organized and when I talked to Alex I was like hey Lodi thinks the writers workstations deep do you guys need anything for this Alex goes now we're good okay cool man and then I find out we're not good we need parts no we yeah would be totally fine like those thread rippers we just had those sitting around we don't really need them we were just like yeah we're like now we have them I also didn't know J Colton that you were going to be sabotaging this build Oh Oh what did I do yeah because one of my spacers for my cool at my Knoxville cooler here is missing so we legitimately need another spacer for yeah one of those plastic spacers I don't trust Colton to find something like that Jake do you think you can track one for me Wow would really appreciate it thanks bud no this is just an Intel I don't know NH something I think we have oh wait you walked away without changing the stream back to the wide so we're just staring at this desk that's fine I can do it I know how to do it I know how to do it it's all good it's all good we got this beautiful yeah so I think there's a knock to a heat sink parts graveyard if you want to check there before you scavenge it from another cooler that would be very much appreciated because this is how we run into these problems people just scavenge some other tool what do you mean you don't know where it is it's for all the graveyards are it's over in the corner with all the cable dang it Jake you're killing me here how's that going that's almost in I think there's a nod to a cooler parts graveyard I'm actually not sure it seems like the kind of thing there should be a graveyard for because like anything we use all the time the accessories get kind of scattered to the high winds and we end up kind of just finding bits and pieces of them and they're very recognizable Noctua parts so we just like create a place where you put all the natural parts that you just move you're not sure what they go with I can't hear you there's no knock to a one yeah I wasn't actually sure if there was a knock to a one oh I'm having too much fun right now like I shouldn't be allowed to have this much fun at work but then again it is like is it Saturday it is set what yeah here because Colton hashtag blame Colton can't blame me for everything okay I can blame you for this yeah this is totally yours like actually your fault that we are honestly I just want to hang out with you guys you don't dress that and they're like you know let's enter let's move this coffee roast launch let's make this happen I don't want to use ash same size spacing well where's the Intel one it's right there it's right there it's right there just there okay so here's the oh it feels empty no this is this is Mountain well don't you know you can't do that oh goodness you're standing right in the audience's way here just look I pretty much yeah you think why would they include another set of AMD specific spacers for all the people who buy one cooler and install it at the same time on two different classes just to accommodate those people unreal Jake you have a garbage can around I needed to toss the toss the chummy oh and if you were wondering how we end up with graveyard parts okay so Colton you're actively sabotaging this process the bets off but we're still gonna we're still gonna beat your yeah we're gonna absolutely crush it thing yeah it's how long depends so Parks this is like most of the way built yeah 11 minutes you're gonna get rekt so hard I hope you didn't promise madrenas that this was gonna be a two-hour stream because we are gonna crush you think what no what what's that what the oh what oh well someone just mixed messed it all up and there were only three in there who's putting only three spaces no I didn't know no one put stuff in there unbelievable how hard is it to put all the accessories you know what the cooler the cooler for my test bench it's an H Adi from corset I have been using it since we moved into this office for my test bench and I put it away and there was like one radiator screw missing I put it away just the other dance which an air cooling from my husband what do you mean they're easy to find exactly that's exactly it I was only missing one piece after using that thing for a year literally years how hard is this but no one can keep this stuff together do you want to switch to the to the build for a second here you're kind of like the producer Jake I thought that was supposed to be Colton I used to be cool like man you know what we have any super chats Colton yeah Colton are you even reading the super chats oh hold on I need to get some thermal compound what's the quickest people yeah I kind of wanted to use those those pads do we have any of those pads down downstairs they're all upstairs yeah I know I bummed up I banged up my knee though all right I'm gonna go get them oh I'm gonna get stronger all right how is your night stream I don't know if Linus is talking right now probably yeah kind of missed it when we when they first tuned in we are or we have partnered up with madrenas to launch our own coffee roast so you guys get the Linus tech tips lambo micro roast on madrenas coffee calm right now you can pre-order it look dude don't ask me tough questions okay you can pre-order it right now if I had to if you do the first 50 orders we'll get another bag for free and every pre-order we'll get a Linus madrenas coffee sticker okay if I had yeah it's a good coffee we actually like work with them to like pick the coffee roast like it's it's it's pretty tasty yeah yeah it's good if I had to guess what micro roast is I would say it's probably kind of like a pretentious way of saying that it's a roast but like from a small company like micro brewery I would be my guess sure but that's again a reason that yeah like there you go Micro Micro roast check this out so there's my thermal pad these things are so frigging awesome yeah it's it's like great they don't leave residue on anything they're reusable they labor yeah do you have to lean in pretty close to me because you don't have a mind to with those things you just take a torch and you eat it up oh really because they get cold that's funny well like I just mean they shrink when they get cold like a lot or a little bit okay well why am I using your screwdriver I'm sorry well it's mine but it's also you're borrowing it so we're pretty close to have that and do we have a I Oh shield odd we do micros small-batch thanks little small-batch handcrafted so exactly what I said yep I'd be super down for some actually I'd be super down for just some food feed food yet the super chest oh my god what do you want that's a critical failure yeah I thought we like food before the stream started you guys hungry it's like Midnight's yeah what yeah you don't need me it's called a midnight snack cult okay okay midnight snack do you know when you eat it I'm asleep at midnight usually yeah well maybe if you didn't live in the middle of nowhere wow you wouldn't have to go to bed early like a grandpa wow those are fighting words right there why well it's because he that's the only reason he has to go to bed so early because he lives in like like a cow town for him like our driver here my hope in an hour like I go to his house warming which I found out when I got there he's already lived there a year and I wasn't invited to the first housewarming you think your dick so I go to so I go to his house warming and I'm like riding out there on my motorbike so I'm like I'm making pretty good time here and I'm like I'm like when does this end like when does this highway end this is this is horrible this is horrible he does this every day like to work here I just quit if I was Colton I just quit like it sucks I mean I didn't want announced in front of 17,000 people but uh I see yeah man far our man live in the middle of nowhere just because my youngest neighbor is like 70 years old okay leave me alone it's a quiet area all right are we good to just put this in yeah I think we should probably here why don't we clear some space and like do it kind of a properly way instead of just like upright like we would do oh you have to undo the screws of course there they've got screws retaining it which is smart from things not breaking standpoint I guess uh yeah yeah hit me with the food options I really want garlic fingers you don't have to yell you have a mic I know but I wanted Jake to know okay so our options are McDonald Wendy's McDonald's D plus pizza D plus pizza is actually pretty good ease or an W why would they call it it's like it's like an Indian pizza chain and I think they that might mean something to like Indian people that is not apparent to me but it's like really good like they have like tandoori pizza and stuff like it's actually good what no I'm serious okay I don't think it's actually a like a like an established chain though so like the D plus pizza on like 88 and King George or whatever or like around there like for that one is like that I'd I don't I can't speak to that one I just order it just do it Jake I have no idea yeah okay so here's what I was kind of thinking this goes like that oh you took it off no well that's also a solution that is excellent so here if I lift this up can you scooch that over and then we'll I don't know not to chew it over nobody says huge Jake's some people say dude so I'll lift this up and if can you make room for me to we can do panic oh I had pizza already today though like pizza pizza to Iceland it's midnight I do love a NW now okay to be clear to our American viewers out there I do not condone the consumption of American anw it is American McDonald's is worse terrible no no no it's not just like maybe a little bit worse like it is actually a completely different thing I noticed that American McDonald's is like no no American a and W is they don't even have the teen burger oh yes I know right oh no wait they do no no they do but it's garbage and they don't have like the mama burger and the Papa burger and stuff like they don't have the whole burger family thing going on and what was the other issue with it oh right it's terrible just everything it was I just couldn't believe I couldn't even eat it I was so hungry I was on this like I was on this trip that was like a really fast turnaround it was super late and I was so hungry and I was like oh thank goodness there's an A&W like basically in the parking lot of my hotel and I was so excited to eat it and then I took one bite of it and I was like wow this is the worst fast food I have ever eaten in my life okay I was like kind of down for that what are our other options no I also had Chinese food today I had pizza for lunch I had Chinese food for dinner what kind of food I'm super down for Indian food yeah we'll probably get like curry all over the computer and stuff that wouldn't be pewter oh okay I guess that's an option but we kind of need you here to like handle it if something goes wrong because like lord knows Courtney's not gonna do it yeah exactly well no I'm not even being sarcastic like you're an important member of the team yeah I mean I don't even know why Colton's here oh you have to show chauffeur madrenas right yep hey Colton you have a shell I can talk about the new coffee roast all right yeah yeah where why why are you leaving coffees right here holding the cold Brews too right you gotta wash your cup who washes a coffee cup you got to keep the stank in there I'm kidding I strongly do not reckon strongly do not recommend that that's one extra screw I took out it well when it weighed the baby's here let's do pizza yeah all right fine stored or whatever I don't care I guessed where those would go in but I was kind of wrong Oh where which would go in the cables how did you get it wrong they're like in exactly the standard places where they go I think three pizzas is a lot of pizzas I'm gonna have like two pieces three pieces tops two pizzas that is still a lot of okay you know what just I I just want her lingers oh yeah pillows here - he's not gonna eat pizzas no do you left okay yeah and he's not gonna be pizza anyway I feel good I already told you I don't envy it says this dude yet no no but it's Jake just ordered the pizzas yeah I'm super down but do they have garlic fingers that's the only thing that I care about yeah what's the difference ideally with donair sauce although you guys don't have how are we gonna get donair sauce from an Indian place well but the thing is you need hellofax donair sauce because that's the real good stuff Alex you're being very unreasonable right now well but have you had some like high quality garlic fingers with hellofax donair sauce before that just really is not relevant to the conversation we're having right now it's almost as good as madrenas coffee we can't obtain that you're standing right in the way nobody can see anything oh just go that we were on the other cam no we're not and also they were they would never been able to see anything on the other camera Oh terrible we should probably look at some holy crap we have a lot of super chats is that even right no this must be this must be a lifetime yeah this is the no yeah this is like left from the other one um yeah sure okay did you just did you just drop this eight pin yeah oh okay didn't the other one do you want it back yeah I'm into whichever I don't care I don't care doesn't matter I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight yeah that's fine I think I will be able to sleep I mean if you're gonna like if you're gonna drink the coffee like you might as well drink it over here oh yeah you just want to have your microphone you just want to have your time in the Sun I do all right fine that's fine I understand that like to talk about myself oh so you just kind of guessed it at the SATA and the molex requirements I don't think we need either of those things we don't but I thought that it would just be nice to have you down in there for like later I'm listening can we do super cheesy garlic bread hey Can we order both and can you just put them together you're gonna be that guy it's like yeah so I looked at the menu but like could you just I mean I see you've got all the ingredients for this could you just could you just make this instead like I looked at your menu it wasn't on there but you know if I think I think really any kitchen should probably have these ingredients so yeah you're that guy you are that guy it's like when you go in to make a noise and you're like you know I want them at gangbang and they're just like what gangbang and then you're like no yeah you should explain what that is because that might be like a regional thing it's it's when you take a big double and you like open it up and then in between the two patties you put a jr. chicken yeah it's really good I actually have never tried that probably said my favorite McDonald's hack is that when you go in like they have to do things the way that you asked so if you go in and you're like yeah I want to join your chicken but like add lettuce add tomato add like stuff that turns it into an actual burger it only costs I think somewhere in the neighborhood like 20 30 cents per thing you add so if you get like the we're not even on that angle what are you doing damn it it's not even in focus it's the world's least satisfying peel of all time of all time no there's been a couple of those ones where it like sticks and like leaves residue and stuff those are way worse a sticky peel it's been ordered all right for better for better or for worse our Indian style pizza is on route I'm excited actually I'll tell you yeah yeah I'm super down I'm super down Oh what is this that's actually like one of the reasons that I end up eating a lot of Indian food with my family because I have a couple vegetarians in my family they have like with all the cheese's they have so many options for vegetarians like I'm not vegetarian alright I'll eat meat all day but like if you're if you're gonna have a vegetarian at the table you might as well go get Indian food because then the meat eaters can also enjoy it too I have not wow thank you for that you dick alright gpus in I know right Alex what do you think the coffee coffee's good so what are we drinking coffee one we're actually not drinking our coffee roast right now we're drinking we are drinking sidequest medium roast on the dearness side questions for the travelers crave adventure and journeys down unknown paths they seek the trail to their sponsoring a secrets of culture and flavor if darker roasts are coffee's main quest line then madrenas side quest is here to introduce the medium roasted nutty side of coffee with a blend of our Fairtrade organic coffee forged or forging an unforgettable trail of cinnamon and brown sugar e flavor they are never sponsoring us again that's pretty good sorry Shlomo yeah sorry slow started I'm sorry this is why we don't let Allison sponsor it's okay our roast is a brilliant blend of medium roasted Latin American and African coffee beans this roast showcases a sweet chocolaty flavor a huge bold body and a smooth caramel finish yeah that's that's it that was almost better Colton that was almost better I'll take it was almost better than my Alice and that travesty that Alex that's pretty good executed over there that's good that's right you executed a travesty the travesty died it's so good I'm shaking you know it's funny because you know it's funny like I publicly like people leave comments I'll be like months looks like the worst boss in the world to work for it because he's so mean to his staff but when we live stream I think that's when you guys out there you guys watching at home that's when you guys finally get a look at the kind of crap they put me through yeah you just told me I have no life that is an incredible thing to say to somebody you just told Colton he has no life no life yeah Colton has a life he first he gets up in the morning okay Bennie drives okay then he goes to his job where everyone hates him then he gets back then he gets back in his car and he drives and then he goes to sleep like an old man hey thirty minutes so this PC build okay keep building we totally need a cold night it's just like and we need we need a how like how dead inside Colton is ohmmeter do you think that Anthony needs audio yeah he needs an audio it's right here sorry I never they're gonna hear no it's like what why are you going away it's like I was handing it to you okay whatever it's oh I thought that you were just doing it cuz I'm confused where the USB is USB you're talking about it's already installed oh no wonder I didn't see ya way ahead of you baby oh worth my reset switch at right there yes I'm having fun and I'm starting to wake up now time sighs it's nice time flies me having fun lots of it there's more in the fridge so just don't worry about it yeah madrenas hooked us up pretty hard for this scream mmm it's kind of like they're streams so like it makes sense but it still it's nice it's nice it's a nice gesture okay Colton now what are what are we up to on this build there 20 exactly 30 minutes exactly 30 minutes cuz you want to know something what we're done yeah that's right okay Linus and Alex team work makes Colton's dream die his dream of us not completing this build thank you Alex in the amount of time that Colton thought that we would do it like we're done right like we suspect this cable management dude out on but like we don't have to cuz it's not even a glass side panel on this version in this case every minute so why don't we why don't we put let's put all the case accessories in in things here I don't know like a little bit better no let's get let's let's start getting them done cuz thread Ripper is like a massive CPU and takes a little longer to install and stuff you know yeah so yes I don't want to get cocky I've had this problem before where like I make some kind of a bet in like scrapyard Wars or something and I'm like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna beat that mark by so much you're gonna just gonna make your head spin and then I end up losing but I like the margin that I gave up so I'm tired of that I've had enough all right so we can throw this windowed side panel back on yep and that my friends is how you build a comb poot or should we see if it works I don't even think the food's gonna get here by the time we're gonna be done building all three of these yeah that's right Colton that's fine we could just do like an eating stream after that's really popular like over in Asia I think like eating channels usually I think it's like attractive young women though so I think this will not quite capture I'm having trouble getting this on I'm having trouble getting this on - do we have that we have the opposite side side difference I don't know well here let's just try it okay let's just hear a tempered glass and off like that what could go wrong nothing clearly I got it take your in I missed twice hold on hold on I'll get it in I'll get it in here I'm gonna get it will you though yeah I will well how can I don't line this up it's like there lordy okay I'll these are magnetic cool yeah you know what let's let's do it let's verify it looks at least verify that it posts I think that's uh that's fair to Colton okay do you want to verify it and I'll start getting the other crap over here sure do you want to get the crap from this one away from here yes instead okay let me just throw this monitor like kind of here it's dropping my toolkit which is a bad time but it should be okay so don't worry about it Jake just chill just chill just chill just chill just Oh Jake just chill just tell just chill just chill it's all good it's all good okay suck it you want a pizza review yeah I'm down okay cool yeah I'm super into it what is it oh oh we forgot about the 10 gig oh right yes we need 10 gigglin o get rekt widest you know what we're still at like 32 minutes or whatever so yeah it's not hard to put why don't you get yeah so this is this is our 10 gig network card Thank You Jake you got this you got this Oh beautiful look at that 10 gig gorgeous I write 10 gigabit per second Network gorgeous so right I guess now is a good time to shout out everyone who sent us Hardware for this stream Intel AMD like kind of not intentionally but like we just have all this thread Ripper stuff lying around we have like a lot of thread Ripper stuff Asus mad mad props trace and Corsair sending over these like these are pretty ballin workstations all oh yeah there's no way to lose when we were deciding who gets like the good one everyone gets a good one yeah that caught yeah your builds gonna be like straight-up aesthetics rather than like practical 8700 K is like peasant compared to yeah that's true no I can they even hear you right now no we have Colton I'm here now no no I got it I got it I got it I got it no one wants to hear Colton read the super chat Oh read a super Jack Colton do it called me the super chat I actually legitimately don't know how okay I'll do the super yeah I just try to turn them down turn it down what there's 20,000 people watching Oh what time what time is it where were frozen of you like go tell three friends to watch like guys where are you from that you can watch this stream right now well that's true actually yeah or they're from Australia like we have a disproportionate number of viewers from Australia because for so long we've released our videos at midnight Pacific time because that was like the that was the point in the day where I could finally get around to posting a video India really so we are gonna be straight up eating the Indian style pizza for our viewers from India hey okay are they are they in Surrey I'm serious you can get very authentic Indian food in Surrey like this is look we had a huge Indian community in Surrey and it's like it's awesome because here's the thing in Vancouver you can get good in food but be prepared to pay a lot of money for it because it's like upscale in Surrey you can get very authentic Indian food cheap because there's a huge Indian community there it's like awesome and like it's cheap it's great it's a good thing all right we're ready can i fire this baby up did it power on yeah cool well it does RGB it doesn't have a lot of RGB so it's like hard to tell that's hopefully fine turn back on oh oh you just hit it while it was doing the thing oh did I yeah oops okay sorry zero zero which I guess is fine no that's that's good oh it's it's doing stuff now I might have gotten a little cocky but why is this back fan not spinning did you not hook it up oh well that's what I was that's what I was looking at I was looking at the back fan Alex dude new CPU installed did you hook it up I did yeah well it's clearly not very well yeah yeah I did it wrong that's kind of impressive how I did that actually did you know it works did you break our fan no I didn't hurt me you just break out thinnies cooling fan no Anthony's gonna be fine you're a monster some 16 gigs of RAM yes I 999 hundred K so beautiful we are the way so they can share the experience with us Colton oh we are one system down only two to go by the way nice you're almost 40 minutes yeah so we want to do some math how long do we have to do this you give 100 you have two hours uh-huh which is how many minutes just let me do them up here hundred twenty bro 120 can you stop stalling for time right now so 120 divided by 40 is what three and how many systems we say we're gonna go mmm three love it oh good luck yes okay let's not get into that let's not break this thing down yeah I don't know I don't know well well you know we'll cross that bridge when we get to it we'll cross that bridge when we get to it oh all right I've got to put this monitor here or something okay so let's get all the boxes and everything together oh yeah that's like - yeah broken the monitor no no it's fine it's fine it's all good it's just great this stream okay so is this is this this yep this all goes here okay ladies and gentlemen can they build two more systems within the next 80 minutes yeah can you immune coltan stay tuned shakes like way ahead of you it's like way like oh okay I hear can you bring that a little bit further over let's just let's get some distance between us and the finish system so all right now spread them out thank you Alex all right cool now let's do something let's do some thread ripping let's rip some threads baby oh we got the fancy graphics card on this one too so I guess let's do what exists Ivan system I'm sure this will ends who's got the fancy graphics card this time was that a was that a Strix over there oh no was yeah oh who gets the the rear exhaust one then I guess I James does yeah James James is kinda he's like practical he would like a quieter overall system experience rather than a card that turbos a little bit higher at the expense of the temps of the rest of your system so we're gonna we're gonna make this Ivan's why am i taking the graphics card out right now I'm getting ahead of myself a little bit here way too much fun we should do this every night yeah system system stream every night I'll never sleep again everybody will have madrenas - - when you started Linus tech tips did you ever think you'd have your own coffee road uh when I started Linus tech tips the last thing on my mind was whether or not I would ever have my own coffee roast I was trying to figure out to afford beverages like we were we were out of money like straight up out of money before before the first checks started rolling in like it was really tight so yeah no no I did not I did not never dream of this so wow this motherboard I don't need any of these amazing accessories because the i/o shield is built-in so once again I'm just no this is actually a 10 gig network card that's included yeah we should just keep the other ones for the other workstations because I don't think I do or Alex are you okay you have ten gig what part are you using you know I think it's from the Maximus ten oh so you just stole one from a motherboard did you at least notate it correctly in the system all right we actually probably should do that but the thing is that the newer ones like the ones they just shipped us have a newer chipset from the pancha so it's probably better to use the more mature chipset cause Alex oh yeah I forgot this i forgot about this every time linus dropped something on stream we're supposed to take a swig oh hey you already dropped something so okay if he drops something bagel shotgun sure sure yeah thank you no it'll be bad time for the rest of us though cuz don't you get the farts yeah right it's a good thing we're gonna be done these systems by the time yeah cuz that's not gonna be good no get out of here I know actually I need get get out get out of here okay nineteen fifty X gorgeous that green thing is oh oh this isn't supposed to be here well it's here now that's okay funny I'll deal with that later ah why not yeah throw drippers really bad for not posting yo just cuz like it's hard to get the CPA lined up correctly these like it's a torch so I can look I'm a share secret their instructions are very poor you shouldn't just like go one two three when you close it you should go one two three a tiny bit and then go one two three a tiny bit more and then torque it down because that's how you push the CPU in evenly otherwise I have also had issues with thread Ripper or not not posting until your recent CPU and also it gets mad at some types of RAM so I don't know how much it likes benjin's pro but we'll find out why would I try that why would I try that but I can just like be that boss who's like hey Jake can you just fix my cars you know yeah that's true but that backpack car though no we've got a plan for the car oh there's a plan anything right now there's a plan for the car I think I already leaked it or you delete it yeah I think I already said what the plan is oh you're probably running over the it's gonna bomb the tank oh yeah yeah we're gonna run over the Lambo with the tank probably gonna involve a tank I actually don't object to taking the engine out first and building a go-kart around it I don't necessarily alex is down cap not promising anything right now that would be a really fun go-kart we need to okay Adam our excellent plan from before that's kind of dead now it would be really great for that as they say on like super corporate conference calls I think we need to take this discussion offline except like unlike conference calls we are actually literally online not just talking to some people in suits there's probably some people wearing suits dang it I need thermal compound this dye is too big like it is just too big look at it we don't even need to switch to the close-up camera look how big this CPU is you don't even have to look it's gigantic it's ridiculous so I've got my sorry I've got my graphite thermal pad here and it's like lol there's the pad CPU no you need like four and you need to cut them up oh the big two big one well I'm just gonna go get some paste I'm gonna get some paste because I give up alright so putting in the power supply now yeah that's pretty good no what does take is that's why I was going and I said good you know at this point I wouldn't even care get yourself a mic and he could just keep her you know super Chad Steele hold on where's my where's my gamers Nexus mod Matt how do I apply this thermal compound um how many pins do we have for this one - eight - all right now - eight pins eight pins of what oh oh oh yeah - eight pins - eight pins on this board alright get that thread ripper going okay where's my mounting hardware for this how the hell does this thing now I actually don't know I haven't done one of these in a while does this have all the mounting hardware in it hold on hold on hold on no no I can figure this out I know I can figure this out is that better mic-check is coming over here yeah yeah yeah read some super chats what I'm a bit sketched out by that yeah yeah yeah this just goes on here and then yeah I got this I got this oh good it's all good delay in the stream yes that's how strings work can you not be rude to the people who super chat escape like straight up can YouTube can you not be rude to our valued viewers who are all valued regardless of whether they send super chats Jake geez just like straight up being rude to the viewers yeah I'm terrible I'm sorry in fairness it wasn't a particularly great question and Jake's rude over and Jake is rude to absolutely everyone fire : yeah Oh Fredrik bring the host are we gonna butcher people's names I'm in a tracksuit nice pitch I have no judgment I should probably read this before I read it now I just read it out what's the worst I have no judgment my daughter decided to wake up at 4:00 a.m. and I'm watching you guys build a PC rather than you know doing anything productive sounds like you're doing something very productive yeah that sounds pretty productive linear doing great thing I mean if I didn't think that that was productive what am I doing here what are we all doing here yeah what are we all doing 27 here but you guys look more awake to me because caffeine the crazy stupid thing about like this stream for me today is that I was already here today like I was I was here for like four or five hours yeah you were almost viewer here doing nothing like five minutes you were so unhelpful it was incredible so I was here installing like electrical wiring and network wiring for what is gonna be the greatest hey can you be quiet for a sec the greatest lounge of all time is this a good volume mic check yeah Colton's a but yeah but he's not a but hey when's their pizza getting here 10 minutes a pretty soon they said 12:40 hopefully pretty soon I'm super down for some pizza actually I'm getting hungry the longer I stay here and build computers yeah I could absolutely destroy some garlic fangs right now oh I did your your I didn't get some super cheesy I got the regular girl what are like fangs is that bang gee thanks no no I have no idea what you're talking about this is like an East Coast thing I don't know East Coast thing or just like something that my friends would say yeah so that's exactly why we have this disproportionate representation is anyone actually wearing like a real suit like a like a suti suit yeah cuz we're not gonna believe you unless you post yeah you need to tweet us a photo at yeah and there needs to be like a clock do I say that Linus tech yeah tweet us a photo Sanji really come on yeah this guy's super chatted just to say fire colton fire Colma better than a live stream look look look we'll try this again hi guys great to see you scream when I was wondering if you ever had a raspberry coffee and where is Linus his dragon I saw lucky actually over the dragons name is lucky where land center with lizard was gonna be and I was like oh I should really move this over and then I looked at all the cables on the ground I was like I know I shouldn't yeah yeah land center is gonna be freaking awesome I make that's an advertisement I make CPU key chains that is what he makes CPU key chains I'm not saying where you get them but maybe you find them on eBay or something hey Linus I really enjoyed the 10 year LTTE stream me too yeah there's a lot of fun does a birthday suit count what is that it that's okay let's go next one do you not know what a birthday suit is this super chat was pre-recorded I was transaxle Jake do you not know what a birthday sounds at Jake tie me if you're in your birthday suit no it's a jack oh yeah please do not do that that's right yes super chat was pre-recorded and the transaction was finalized October 24th is master X 1000 it's like contributing to his own or her own conspiracy theory it seems very you ish very me ish North van dude also will you do a meet-up I also just finished a PC that's three hundred and thirty and runs games a hundred plus fps that is very impressive my friends does it play battlefield five r-tx I think I think Jake's inviting you to shill for LTX yeah that's kind of why I was no no he was just talking so I don't really think it was good to talk over whoa whoa anyways we are doing lcx and l.jackson 2019 is going to actually be in vancouver this year that's next to your Tecla this is 2019 that 2019 so it's in july and i actually don't remember the exact I don't actually remember the date yeah we do pretty don't talk more about it on wage okay so one of the reasons we're doing it on the date we're doing it I've got some sort of some this is a this okay so this is the closest Colton has ever gotten to being fired actually so LTX was supposed to be on a particular couple of dates and then what happened was I got pretty much the best news of my adult life I found out that the Backstreet Boys are doing a reunion tour and they are coming to Vancouver one show and I was like I was like Vaughn Vaughn is what I call my wife not VA ughn it's V oh and any its with the apostrophe at the beginning Vaughn it would be pretty cool if we could get tickets to the Backstreet Boys concert and she's like she's like I'll totally get you tickets and I'm like yeah the problem is that like every time I make plans it's like six months from now every time I make plans this far in advance Colton comes along and screws me because like a week before he's gonna be like yeah we've got this thing you're flying you're flying to Indonesia three days come on and pack your bags pack your bags get out of here and she's like no no it'll be fine it'll be fine so get and she's like look like you know we work we work hard if it's like a sponsored thing or something just say no go to the concert enjoy yourself and like you know what yeah I'm gonna do that then get this okay there's so many super four days later okay like four days later I hear back LTX has been moved it's the same day as the Backstreet Boys concert well I can't bail on my own damn party can i way to go Colton and there's nothing that can be done about it because it's big it's sort of because of our partner for the event that isn't a hundred percent locked they're just not announcing it okay we're not it's gonna be sick though but it's gonna be sick we want to do it with this partner there's no way around it so we found a compromise I am leaving LTX early on one of the days and I am going to my Backstreet Boys concert come hell or high water there you go get that copyright strike get that copyright break yo the one really cool thing about LTX next year's we're doing a two day event yeah I know that's the point there's no room I'm not do we want a cramp let's get high Colton here hey what's up guys yeah you made two day events give me great Oh are we announcing that yeah oh okay yeah it's gonna be booked it there you go it's booked okay can we read them how much is that how much is that venue for two cuz we're gonna be the Vancouver Convention Center help me so like we are gonna be let me let me break it down for you I got a van even if LTX doesn't happen as far as I know that venue is not refundable so we're gonna like even if there's no load like no convention we're just gonna be sitting there in the Vancouver Convention Center in like three gigantic ballrooms just like behind a table like signing things or something like we're gonna be there how much are you paying that's actually that's actually not a bad idea that she brought a fallback plan the goal is we're going all-in we're going all-in on this next year and yeah if something falls through maybe we'll just do that we'll set that one table and just like 20 of us or however many of us work yeah ofc fifty-eight of us or whatever yes so so how much did the venue we don't know exactly let me give you a reference here there is a penthouse suite right next to that Convention Center that's like 25 million dollars okay well yeah it's not 25 million but we're not buying think about that that's the kind of property we're talking about here is this I don't think so okay yeah I was but it seemed I think it's just the 24-pin because it feels like we're like getting fired stopped by something here like that's not going all the way down into the standoff so this is kind of an EI TX ish board and this is not an EI TX ish case and there's just there's something there's something under it Alex no no it'll be fun oh you know what it is it's the backplate yeah it's about Cleveland my board you know what it's fine though cuz it's in enough now that I know that it's not interfering with something that's gonna like short out or whatever I don't even care so we can go ahead and do that motherboard you've got some screws yeah the super transfers oh my gosh we're so far behind um okay that one's not going in which one's not going in the one furthest over here ah here's a good one okay I think that's fine we'll get all the other ones in okay so Christian asks what's the latest update on the six editors one CPU actually I can answer this kena how much can you just tell them what's up okay um so there is a slight issue with the motherboard actually um it might be software pixel might be Hardware fixable but doesn't stands right now the motherboard just actually can't support that many graphics cards so I'm just glad it wasn't user error yeah I was pretty sure it was user error but it actually turned out that Linus doesn't suck well let's not get ahead of ourselves parsley so we're waiting on yeah I got the bottom one in so if you've got that one in then we're good hope we already read that one yeah let's not let's not flex it yeah that's what I was yeah so we'll just still we'll do a six screw approach not because we couldn't have done nine screws given the time boom just because the safety of the motherboard we're not gonna flex it we're just gonna let the backplate rest on the that thing and it's a no-fly zone yeah oh yeah can you explain that to me because I don't I don't keep up with I look down and just says give Colton the raise that's not why did you send that super Chinese James that was a waste of $5.00 day yeah I bounced back the man in my head says it was great to see you guys can grab some the ten-year anniversary no I think no one got sick because of me is for did we do we not but I didn't put the end out to and yet I'm sorry I'm dr. Hyde no it's fine I can do it properly less than six hours in time to be at work so of course let's do this thing also I'm watching the Galaxy Note 3 7 didn't you have one of those yeah no no I didn't was gonna order but uh you are like the worst super chat radio you can what yeah you just what are you doing what's going to order $80 a madrenas to us really using code - so it'd just be $40 but shipping turn out to be 85 US dollars well so that is something madrenas is working on but live in Australia what were you except do you know how far away Australia is very far so I recently took a nonstop flight to Incheon Airport that's in South Korea which is not nearly as far away as Australia do you know how long that flight was that flight was 12 hours 12 hours how was that that was a non-stop it was terrible did you girls wish ah no I actually I'm done breath of the wild like I have no use for my switch anymore I should just sell it like breath of the wild was amazing if I'm being if I'm being honest with myself because it's really hard to kind of it's kind of hard to change your answer to a question like what is your favorite game of all time because my answer has always been Final Fantasy 6 and I really didn't think it was ever gonna change Final Fantasy 6 is a fantastic game it is far better than the sum of its parts the music is amazing the characters are amazing the story is amazing for a Final Fantasy game like it's pretty it's pretty shallow if we're being honest but at least there's like you know a plot twist that you kind of don't see coming ish like it's a great game I think breath of the wild is my all-time favorite game wow that's crazy yeah yeah it's really really good you should try and it's not gonna live up to that but you try a Mario Odyssey if you're into like 3d Mario games the Odyssey is good I so okay I skipped a lot of generations of gaming so when I was really young my friend had an S so I played like a fair bit of the original Mario Brothers then I got ass Ness so he started coming over to my house right and so I played the crap at a Super Mario World I completely skipped n64 oh wow PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 so I moved in with my mom who is bless her heart lots of other redeeming qualities not real supportive of gaming No so I didn't have a game console until around the time I moved out and one of my buddies like gave me his old ps2 not prop to Tyson anyway so so you just skip that so I just never owned a game console until the week like a modern one from Super Nintendo to week now I had a PC yeah but not like a gaming PC so I play games like sieve 2 or whatever like I was able to play video games but not right not like hardcore so I got my PC so I built my first gaming PC when I was I think 17 and then the we came out like a couple years later so I didn't actually have like a legit gaming PC or a console for like I don't know six years or seven years or whatever they just yeah Wow okay yeah I take back my recommendation it's a really good game but Christ all chap lays into a big part of it I have tried to play Mario 64 yep like I've tried a couple times I even bought it for the Wii Virtual Console yeah so I paid like $13 or whatever whatever it cost me and I was sorry I paid $13 for it cuz I just like didn't get it wait wait where's I what's a Mario pushes thing what you mean he doesn't jump and like how do you jump on stuff like this it's it's in three dimensions I don't even control this bunny that's great hey I need your wallet and like I don't even mind how terrible graphics are I got you a thing you got me a thing that's not my favorite sriracha Bacon's pretty good it's not my favorite though maple maple bacon maple bacon so the sponsor the stream is madrenas and we have our own roast that's right my friends you can order the what's it what are we calling it Lambeau are we gonna get my a roast no we're not gonna get in trouble for you can pre-order it right now okay 50% off on madrenas not just on the Lambeau row so you can just buy other stuff that you know is good already but the Lambeau roast we actually it's not just like one person like we validated it internally had a lot of people try it out and people pretty much agrees that doesn't like it I think Boyd but Lloyd's kind of like a coffee snob no offense the Lloyd like that one the the one that we didn't get oh okay okay well hey there you go yeah I mean boy does a Mac exactly so like all you need yeah I mean we're really trusting his taste like honestly like I'm not I'm not trying to be rude or anything but you guys that's PC I'm just being honest but we're not quite done I still have to hook up the front buttons and stuff all right you don't really get it Colton like we're not we're not gonna slow down as the night goes on we're just getting our momentum going like we're we are PC building machines like just building a normal PC two guys who have built like the desk of PCs and like epic sleeper rigs like this is nothing I could do this in my sleep hey okay and I don't need to sleep because this whole stream is powered by caffeine it's like the legal astruc ever all right I just got to hooked up these uh front buttons and LEDs and we're like ready to post this thing right yep I'm going to connect yeah the case fan correctly this time yeah that would be good thank you for that it's not your pretty hard to reach this board is actually like super dirty like what did we use this for I don't remember ever deploying any like long term thread repair machines yet the one that we did the chiller on no I don't think so it's like dusty okay I need to get like some pliers to get in there okay cool see we're like fetching tools Colton we're still gonna slay this wait he needs pliers to plug in a fan header okay I had far too much respect for Alex I think far too much oof why does he need pliers where is even trying to plug this in oh my god he needed pliers for this and we drank all the coffee friends didn't you put a bunch in the fridge like wasn't that okay let's crack open another wait Jake do charge on this yeah you're weak Alex you're weak of course it's in all right good job hey we got pizza we got weight as Kat ago I thought you ordered like Indians not like Indian what what since when if I I mean to be clear I'm not like anti pantego or anything it's just that I had 10 ago like six hours ago that's the only problem here we're no longer than that I guess all right today you don't have a mic like your it was like you were one no I'm good thank you you are gonna get the farty so bad there's like so much cheese on this all right so we got our power our plug Doon yeah heck yeah do it hey cold when you ready for two for two all right heat level hot I'm going to not have fun with that just ignore that we got a lot of super chance and we started to answering them and now there's like how's that postcode going there there buddy it's saying detect memory which I was concerned about yeah I almost a chance that was gonna happen so of course err I didn't know that we were doing thread Ripper systems because we weren't supposed to be doing thread Ripper systems because Asus was gonna send more Zee 390 boys so alex is gonna go get some thread Ripper compatible memory okay yeah Fred Ripper does not always look post with look whatever you put in it maybe just try receiving them but I installed them correctly what's the post code um it could be the CPU ad memory hmm yeah which still could be the CPU that's true tell you what I'll try different slots all right I'm gonna try deewaar I see one go ahead however sometimes when you don't seat CPU correctly or fully we can have certain DIMM slots not work because they're not making proper contact like there's a connection between the bottom pads of the CPU and the memory slot so my hands are greasy now for pizza they're bad so that is like a motherboard that doesn't have bent pins right because we do have one of those zenith extremes that has some bent pins on them you serious yeah well I didn't think to check that well like in the system it would just say it oh well I can tell you the I can tell you which one it is it's uh be 34:19 be thirty four nine yeah if you want to double-check that that would be that would be super cool thanks Alex meantime I will move these memory slots are these memory modules over one thing that's really nice on the intel high-end boards now is that it's like a stupid aesthetic thing but they put the memory slots one way on the one side and then the same way on the other side instead of upside down on one side and the right way on the other side so like if you have RGB effects or whatever they're they all run the same direction I mean you can reconfigure them on a lot of the RGB memory now but just saying 5:18 a.m. and Newfoundland and Here I am watching you guys hashtag priorities hi from giro heck yeah hello yeah is this a bad one I don't know the keyboard isn't working on the inventory PC so okay gotta love it gonna love it yeah I'm kind of ready for pizza yeah I just I really want to see this thing 16 gigs ram ah so we can you know what that counts we can we can figure out the the little details later all right yes a pizza very nice alright alright what else we got here for soup chats finally watch - yeah what you guys do at a pizza how is that pizza yeah okay hold on huh he needs another couple bites it's not spicy but it has a spices kind of smells it's aromatic of the onion not that pepper good okay so what is this this is called the chipotle chicken while there's a monitor in place this is the chipotle chicken pizza it's got chicken and corn and green peppers and onion on it and instead of pizza sauce its chipotle sauce it's like most importantly how well does it go with an ice-cold madrenas so guys check out time we've got the madrenas Lambo roast we're gonna have that linked somewhere cold you want to throw that in the chat or whatever yeah sleep below ingredients coffee calm yeah go check it out they are bumping our promo code to 50% off from December 1st to 7th so even if you don't order our custom roast it's still gonna be freaking awesome you can go order some madrenas but of course you should try out the custom roast because we gotta kick back on it right yeah yeah cool because we gotta kick back on it and it's good so I actually haven't tried it yet we had how many people did we have tested internally I think we have like 10 yeah 10 or 12 Jake I don't even rank Oh coffee yes thought how do these things happen without me oh my gosh all right I don't like to coffee but I like this madrina stuff so so is this system and gonna we good yeah hey cool what time is it you guys have 30 minutes 38 minutes or into the superjet oh you're slacking you're at an hour and 12 so you actually have like 48 minutes oh cool do we have the 10 gig card in this one thank you love it so you have eight minutes to finish this one with the pizza in your hand do we get an extension for the pizza so we get a 5-minute extension for not yet no okay all right well I gotta put this in if you don't finish in time you know here first one-handed pen got rooked art installation get that pineapple it's good it's good stuff not wrong to put pineapple on pizza or pizza mm-hmm that's funny cuz i'm like a proponent for not having sign apple on pizzas yeah well then I guess you just didn't realize how great it was it's good to know I don't like Hawaiian though this is a good comparison Hawaiian is okay you can't just say Hawaiian pizza sucks so you shouldn't put pineapple on pizza I agree yeah didn't put pineapple on pizza no no that's not that's not what I'm saying just because one particular type is like so played out doesn't mean that it's a bad thing overall it's a bad thing pump it up you know we've drop hold it before what I don't care what they think anyway because pineapple on pizza is just fine okay one-handed find out blue is delicious all right terrible is prime you kiss your mother with that mouth with a pineapple no and no I don't like what nibbling make out with my mother like what are you what are you wrong with you people who don't eat pineapple on your pizzas you're injured you're sick you're sick so the internet there you go one-handed 10-gig installation want to hit me up with that that there panel thanks Alex Oh hold on boys I got it oriented the wrong way here oh that was scary tempered glass baby oh oh okay conspiracy confirmed the dropping stuff is just an act no no I knew there was a chance I'd drop it I can't fail if I drop it you guys are gonna freak out and it's gonna be awesome and if I don't drop it you guys freak out this awesome say I can't lose weight did we put the screws in for the graphics card oh we did what are these extra thumb screws for oh the tummy in the back who doesn't eat their tummy in the back oh yeah you know I always see my costume it's like the best part of the pizza I didn't eat the crust I know I do eat the crust although I was in a hurry and I wanted to eat more somebody's asking where's Dennis Dennis is probably sleeping yeah it's like 1:00 a.m. here there is an old man too we're gonna move your butt Linus yeah bought some of the LTT coffee but honey use someone else's coupon code I mean honestly if you'd if you got 50% off than power to you man what a monster next Michael Dennis Coulter you inspired me to make a 5150 sleeper bill just waiting on the parts now nice so I screwed up one thing we were gonna put in that NIC that was included with the motherboard we did not I put in the fresh one but I guess it doesn't really matter Christopher Wagner just spent fifty one dollars and 26 cents after offer Kota madrenas and ordered euro second okay hold on Alex we're scattering that's it so this over there is the one for that mm-hmm I'm done chillin this motherboard box this is the one for the one we just built yes also no you just put these systems like right next to each other no no the idea okay hold on we keep track of which stuff went into which system so that the inventory system doesn't get all screwed up okay this is what how these things happen just keep them separate okay we good also a bit cooler yeah cool thank you now you're not way to go Jake like straight up completely like pointing that camera at me it's okay I'm not done over there yet I don't think I gotta take something else over there oh wait no I don't know it's already did it so Jake was trying to get me organizing the systems here so that all the boxes for all the same systems are all together in Stefan you should be a camera person no you're far more valuable as the young person who advises us on what's like hip and cool with the kids like straight up we should just put that on Jake's business card twitter twitter like this is why you're a bad camera person you still have it over there you're like not producing the show at all here let me just fix this for you today you drinking madrina nope I'm not eating I do the case this time okay all right why don't we why don't we show so Colton that we're not only faster at building pcs than him we're also versatile like I can do the case in power supply you can do the motherboard and RAM and we're still gonna finish this system well within the time our teamwork will slay you you don't have a microphone over there anymore Colton hashtag no microphone it's over here I actually was kind of happy to be the one doing all the like not heavy lifting stuff so this kind of sucks yeah no I'm not so much of a lift II boy are we just inspecting the socket yeah yeah that's a good idea yeah let me punch it on this every motherboard manufacturer on the planet will swear up and down that it is impossible that you could get a bent pin right out of the box I have personally had it happen more than once with multiple motherboard brands that was fun and it also set on fire what pizzas terrible you're not miked Colton you're not Mike don't which one's the one I had before what kind of monster leaves a pizza box open when no one's taking pizza out of it you guys I know but you were gone you left and you keep your keep them stacked you keep them stacked you keep the heat in wait can we just put it behind a computer or something no I'll help we've tried warming pizza before that was a bad scene was a great video I'm talking about yeah no you know that was there were lots of problems let me read some super shots were really behind $10 so Alex can buy a new sweater get a new sweatshirt and get rid of those pit stains Wow Oh hold on hold on who's the savage Van Daan Wow dang well I just got hurt ouches got rekt yeah did we read this one roast it then our roast I'm building PCs for people that lost theirs in the camp fire here in California for free oh that's cool for you Ryan you're a cool guy did you say camp fire cuz I'm sure he meant like no that's what I called that forest fire no in California was called camp fire Oh in California sorry sound word ah it's like kind of a sick joke sorry okay anyways Zachary Berger says where's Dennis but I think we already read that one so okay alright alright if you're just gonna read the same super chats over and over again you start too hard to keep track alright do you mind switching to the oh yeah oh one of I am on top of it so I'm adding another level of challenge to my side of the bill over here I'm gonna do the whole thing one-handed and I'm still gonna beat Colton's stupid benchmark here no problem no issue mm-hmm somebody asked about the folding giveaway I'm going to announce the ten seventy winners on Monday we already announced the 1080 winner yep so if you didn't hear about it already and you were hoping for the 1080 I think you're done how many cards did we give away three it's cool but a guy that won the 1080 was like a longtime folder oh yeah helping with the contest which is really cool oh that's really cool what you didn't like rig it did you no oh good okay we used a random number generator between Wow oh I dropped like one in a hundred oh I dropped my pizza no choice was a sport game on the floor bend quickly I had probably said that wrong I believe in the five-second rule even though there's actually no scientific basis for that no a man six seconds and you're you're done you got to give up at that point no I think I was reading an article it's like wrong oh I'm sure it is how to protect yeah there's no why is this yep mmm okay pour water no that's all right you saw pizza in the other no no I'm just doing it one-handed because I can now oh okay I'm good I got this yeah have you dropped something yet like you mean shotgun I'm Audrina I don't think so you almost you should drop the computer that would have been funny no that would have been actually really I'm going on Alex because Alex like the screw work okay I almost dropped my screwdriver but then I didn't nobody's looking at you looking at Alex's excellent screw work screw work yeah Alex you keep screwing Alex you screw like a champ let's drop your screw their driver you know I know your girlfriend I could verify this well so Alex informed me that he gets told this can you can you back that up or contradict that claim should be like this is the weirdest thing ever my my my my boyfriend's boss is that what what look just just don't worry about it YouTube YouTube chat wanted to know okay YouTube chat wanted to know they sent us you know seven dollars and we figured while at that point there's a contractual obligation to ask this question so it's like literally but super chat is like the ultimate the ultimate low low slow like small-scale whoring right because it's like you'll do whatever they say for like three dollars or whatever I think the minimum is five for to like show up five for it to show up well whatever five dollars sorry I'm not really selling this any better Oh $4.99 I think is the minimum $4.99 alright thank you Jake Thank You Jay oh I just refreshed it is there a mic over here I could speaking it yeah yeah you're under the mic oh well you want to sell our madrenas madrenas roast yeah hold on let me get let me just sip some madrina stuff I mean let me talk about what the roast actually animate Oh slurp in here first sure just give me a sec let me get a slow I'm gonna be one-handed cables over here this is a lot of photo one more slurp why are you so weird can you not do that into the microphone that is very unpleasant for people you know these people paid good money to watch this stream the ones that sit for the low low cost of hurry is dead this is just for their entertainment right yeah 21,000 people watching nah nah man the line is tech tips Lambo roast is a specialty crafted custom rows of coffee blended and design wait what okay you know why do you guys always haul me there's too many people and this is why that's why I took over your sponsor feed on that thing what I asked for your help nice try the lab Boros has a specially crafted custom roast of coffee blended in designed by madrenas coffee and Linus tech tips the line is Texan flat Barossa is a brilliant blend of medium roasted Latin American and African coffee beans this roast showcases a sweet chocolaty flavor a huge full body and a smooth caramel finish this blend was designed with the vast diversity of the ltte audience in mind and is made to deliver a delicious and balanced cup in any brewing method from high tech expresso to workhorse drip machines this blend will satisfy even the most discerning of coffee heads that is how it's done IMO you read it a little fast but that's fine oh well vertebral I've relied screams your lines for people got you know they got places to gun they gotta go gotta go quick they got to go yeah okay go fast Cory says fire Colton then I'll send you my $6,000 workstation Oh fire Colton he'll sense yes it works as if he needed more incentive yeah we are building workstations I think we're good you know you're gonna have to step up your game there Corey we've got plenty of workstations we we aren't we are literally like drowning in workstations right that's it unloaded or my sipping unsubbed for Jake's Thank You Jake I told you this is gonna happen some guy asked what does that monitor it's like being exceptional yeah it's it's not amazing it's AIT's a Seuss's like 144 Hertz tn gaming monitor it's like fine if you're into TN but it's it's just like was customized by Intel did like a thing with me nerd phew 7s ammunition shoot I feel like the worst person ever I forget the name of the other guy he was super nice he's pretty cool anyway they built custom rigs for us and like invited us down to LA I think for like kind of a shoot where we talked about our ideal systems and then they like kind of probed people we knew for the answers ahead of time and then basically presented us with these ideal systems it was pretty cool queen bee says love ltte Purple Heart thanks queen bee hold on hold on I got it I got to adjust my grip on this power supply hold on oh my wait for it wait wait oh man the cables are gonna throw the rotation kind of possible whoa those quick hands one-handed bill baby you're still doing that oh yeah your hand is in your back pocket is that for heating um no I already had a couple pieces of Pete's I had a lot of pizza today I'm like kind of done that's really good though they're both good ran sue says last super track you missed a chance to make this a madrenas coffee giveaway stream what the heck do you do with your oldest older stuff what do we do with our older stuff giveaway yeah I think he's talking about hardware Oh hardware a lot of the time we build like internal work stations and stuff with it sometimes yeah sometimes yeah sometimes Dennis takes it home without asking yeah it really varies to be honest with you okay I need mike says fire colton then I'll send you my wife dang Nocturnals ask him what do you guys say is the key to speed building every time I build a gaming machine it takes at least an hour thanks from the best videos I mean there's two of them so that's yeah buying new hardware get all the practice there ah cryptic slave keep sippin no do not keep sipping the only one who can set your boy is sippy P that is such an old and like niche reference now it is I just don't even think well hold on I I do talk about it in my your gigantic twitch chat I get like 30 concurrence your dirty concurrence alright well that's an improvement it is actually legitimately it thirty times where you were at a couple of years ago you keep that growth level up and you'll be at like 300 in another you know a couple of years three years men I'm gonna move this Oh how's this shift dang it I had it all aligned and it was really hard to do onehand dude mate dang it maybe some ape why does me keep sending us money to to New Zealand Dollars mate oh just two boxes well it doesn't come up in the hub maybe sent like a hundred and fifty dollars during the 10-year anniversary stream mate this is Savage okay that's like what are you doing dude doctor says oh my god still installing screws next to an upturned power supply have you no care for the blood pressure of us text the fans on the bottom okay never mind ignore that I paid good money for the stream please keep slurping and just do whatever Linus doesn't want you to do also Alex is much cuter than Linus don't have to bring it up oh yeah Alex's girlfriend like what righty why are you gonna be like that Linus dropped a cable apparently what cable did you drop a cable oh I mean maybe probability says that doesn't count though yeah I don't know if that's really a drop that's just like okay are you ready for me is that why you're standing there yeah do you have the m dot to in this guy says by big oh yeah trap says subject all right hold on okay how much time do i have to finish this one-handed cable management here thirty minutes oh yeah it should be fine hashtags show up now it's probably okay no way this is gonna be the one that posts so much faster than the other two it's gonna make your head spin MAPE corrected you apparently was a hundred and seventy dollars one hundred and seventy five dollars this time sorry mate so now it's one hundred and seventy seven dollars me when's that sweet new merch dropping I need something other than super chair money when are we launching the new merch store Colton do you have any idea what's going on with that no idea no idea alright cool there's your answer we have no idea we have no idea do your best longest sip ever okay ah that's my bread you know what we should show though we should show the new LTTE zip ties are not a zip tie Zach cable ties do you know where they are I'll go find them yeah there's no there's some just on the office supply shelf yeah yeah can you grab some some guys asking if I wanna take your shirt off for 20 melons stream i I mean I take my shirt off for nothing I take my shirt off all the time on tech linked maybe you have a problem it is possible well Dennis doesn't all the time - and Dennis just does it cuz he's like smoking hot you know I do it cuz like maybe I aspire to be smoking hot where's the a pin on this guy oh is that why you were moving things around last time yeah what do you think of beef onion and pineapple on pizza being onion pie why not sorry that sounds pretty good you know you could do like a barbecue sauce oh oh like regular pizza sauce yeah you could do it like a red sauce you think would be the best sauce without red sauce first yeah I wouldn't go a white sauce on that nah I'm gonna be very good but barbecue would meet you that either yeah barbecue would be good I'd be into part be careful you'll be very sweet yeah I'm super into sweet pizza Oh have you had dessert pizza before like the ice cream once fired no no fire crust is dessert calzones okay pretty good is the Chevy bolt review still works I still want to do it I'm like disappointed that they discontinued my car yeah it's dead oh yeah bolts dead they laid off everyone like it's a huge mess Linus tech tips cable ties whole look not in focus yeah I miss tech tips cable ties so these are the first edition came though I guess I don't have to do this one yeah so basically they're just like regular cable ties see that they're gonna hook and loop fastener we can't take velcro cuz they're not except they have LTTE oh my gosh to hear that yeah that is that is literally the only difference there you go bouncing focus they're like pretty nice though in fire Jake promote Colton and pineapple on pizza hell yeah put that on there so you get that little LT to there it's not orange no okay I can wait we wanted to match people's color schemes we'll probably do like more options later special edition special edition you know just more options like we'll probably do more colors more lanes all that kind of stuff that people like yeah I got this there you go one-handed motherboard install wide there we go oh man I rehearsed what I need to do you mind moving this thank you sir first what I need to do oh man I got to shift my grin no I'm gonna put it down to do that though I'm not not gonna pull another one of those midair grip shifts so first I need to kind of get the cables out of the way that are in there and cable manager already yeah then I need to lower it in this hole this is terrible Oh God the noises hold on hold on I got this it's fine it's all good that's just the i/o shield chill out everybody no no it was the IO shield thing it was definitely not right there's definitely the CPU cooler no yep you're entitled to your own opinion all right I just need to get it in a little further what am i aiming at here you know like what am i what am i aiming for maybe says Marmite on pizza is the best no MAPE is objectively wrong so now he's up to almost $200 now I think he is that exactly $200 hey what the heck okay Alex you sabotage me here but whoever took this out of the previous system gosh left a fricken whatever this is in one of the motherboard standoffs what the hell is this doing here oh there's a there's a nice get in there there's a there's a nut here and a screw screwed into this nut in this standoff I was trying to put this two of them in the standoff I was trying to put on the nubbin to get it aligned I had it I completely had it yeah yeah probably oh no that's not right oh man fires but you're only left hand okay I think well are you guys allowed to help me like it was the right size I think that for this it's fine okay this is like not fair is it just really so why the hell oh no no no that's fine okay this is so dumb who did this how are you no not me most assuredly not me Tanner says fire them both hire me and I'll buy you pizza okay I'm just using my hand because is not fair Colton just sabotaged me Oh what what what that was just been held on wait what what school I just come where's the other one what but somebody used oh where they can't sense at all okay no I think you can just take that off yes here yeah it's supposed to be held on by the motherboard screws but there's no motherboard screw somebody put a nut on it for some reason okay okay number two okay is this even an MDOT two heatsink no this actually has like thermal pads on it like yeah these guys right here is is that a problem that that this piece is not on that other motherboard classic you make me adjust the camera it's probably all right one-handed motherboard install here we go let's try again and like honestly it's it's kind of cheating with this board because it's it's got a built-in backplate like there's not a lot I can do the screwed up to be clear I would not do this with just any motherboard like I'm I'm pretending to be very reckless right now what is not a big deal it's still very crusty yeah I mean it's some optimal like I wouldn't recommend it I'm just saying it's not as big of a deal as it might seem like it is used F really there we go all right grungy no no that's fine I'll go from the right spot I'm not sure Alex I'm not sure okay is that that nothing like poking through there yet no there we go ah it's in motherboards in so here's a stupid thing there's no way to put this on because this one doesn't have a screw you just for once per I guess we could just put the one screw in all right okay and you're allowed to help with this part right cuz I helped last time yeah yeah oh cool are those 632 threaded or they the finer and whatever 32 so I can't use the screws and nuts that we're already in that thing that is so weird I wonder if that comes like that from the factory like maybe it's for like oh I think it's an accessory I think it's for the I think it's the like overclocking kit yeah so we probably used this for yeah Anthony did the video on that hmm yeah blame Anthony yes so I think he just left it on so I think we can just take it off that's why this heatsink has an inventory tag on it oh crap so we need that nut where'd that not go I don't know um okay we have no it's not 632 but you could still use the 632 no you can't tell because you could use it okay oh can you put this back together please oh gosh thank you what seems right oh yeah no you just gotta just kind of jam it it's not oh I see the problem oh crap there's no fan why are there okay in my defense that didn't happen the first time okay I gave up on this one-handed thing we're just gonna finish the system we're running out of time yeah how much time's left Kelton did you get anything no did you get it out 18 minutes that is lots of time yeah and it was lots of time at 30 and we've made progress since then and it is lots of time now this guy says naming your Showtek link really messes with me every time I hear because I work at tech link Microsoft's internal IT support oh really I didn't know that was called that that's hilarious so it was actually called Tech linked because it's a play on net linked the show that I used to do back at NCIX there's nothing to do with Microsoft's tech support thing but that's very funny and I love it maybe says I will also probably buy pizza just next time I'm at the office probably 2020 hey fire Colton and I'll be your server network data recovery admin is that what Colton does I don't think so yeah that is the furthest thing total would be so not in charge of that everything would be on fire it'll be even worse than me doing it which is the situation's already pretty bad is already terrible yeah that's true gaming and streaming PC what an 8700 KB good yes yeah that'd be awesome but you should probably use nvm yeah okay yeah I was gonna say for streaming that probably wouldn't be CPU encoding there yeah especially if you get a 20 Series card not saying that you should because it really expensive but the encoding is really good almost so yeah yeah out of shell I mean we talked about it in our review the even new the new generation and vank encoder is significantly better than the old one on a pixel-by-pixel basis the 10 series NBA MC is actually slightly better than very fast CPU encoding the 10 series or 20 series 10 series really series is better than fast and should soon be better than medium pink Kabang it's pretty ballin and there with OBS they're actually improving the performative I'm looking forward to laptops with 20 series technology and then with that new hardware encoder because then you could legit stream without basically any compromise on a laptop uh-huh get like Thunderbolt so you can have a high speed external capture card so you can take a really nice source so it says let us buy win hoodies again there's new hoodies coming yeah there's new hoodies coming the LAN hoodie is most definitely dead forever the new hoodies are really nice though so just yeah should be fine and hopefully not absurdly effective like bath time yet so the thing about the land hoodie is it was really expensive because it was really expensive like it like tomatoes yeah we got it from like there's a middle party that was definitely taking a sizable cut on that production run but it was the only way that we could really manage it at that time we were a really small company we couldn't afford to like have a dedicated person to like call up every textile factory in like China and Pakistan to like deal with that kind of thing so Jamis tea is wondering you guys always use CS to test who is the highest rank in the office oh definitely at Edsel he is straight up elite no I got probably Co gone pro that won't fit this overhangs it oh yeah that's that's why there's a long message from Austria it missed the second ten-year stream first one bugged out before I got to send the super chat wanted to say thanks for the decade of awesome videos hope there's another decade keep up the great work - mrs. Linus and the crew oh that's for 2019 wow that's really nice thanks Andrew we hope for another decade too but I'd have to like live that long oh yeah I see what you do give me those side notions yeah Dawg so guess what we are now less than probably like three minutes okay I'm saying three minutes we're three minutes from testing rig number three Colton what's our time at sir we challenged Colton where's Colton challenged us he said that we were not going to finish three systems in two hours you were at 1:45 so you got 15 minutes we have 15 more minutes to finish a rig that is basically done do I owe you guys anything if you win no okay good you just have to live with that for the rest of my life you have to live that I was right and you were wrong oh no it's the worst it's the worst experience of all time yeah I agree yeah cuz Jake's experienced it a couple of times not many but a couple of times I feel like there's been more to the other way but you just pretend like it's not happening I'll be like this well spend like ten minutes trying to fix the thing and then the thing that I said originally was right and then he's like well whatever somebody screws up here okay that's what this okay and are you kind of keeping track of other things back here cuz this looks kind of like a gong show no it's not a gong show I have it's a gong show yeah okay tell you what how about while I finish this up you uncanny Undong show it a little bit ddong show fight are we having technical difficulties on the stream I can't get this type-c connector in here what the crap get in there dang it try it both ways it's a typical USB thing USB things you try it one way oh that's not it then you try the other way to go what the crap is not going in what the heck watch this suck up the last 15 minutes of our time for this machine why should this be the straw that breaks the camel's back USB fellow and can I am talking am I talking into people's ear balls now your balls your butt yeah that's yeah that's not really a new one I think it's a Mighty Car Mods thing Oh move oh yes yeah that thing is twisty is hilarious and I really want to do a dance like they did in that oh I don't know how why I mean money did they spend on that oh I don't know what it is really well I've always wanted to do that what are you still on that yeah I can't get it in can you try can you just put me out of my misery here I can't get the USB 3.1 type-c nobody can see anything you guys are doing I know we're trying to finish because we need to make Colton feel bad that's all most important thing right great yeah it's only 1:30 how are we gonna sleep with all the coffee you've had you've got a lot of coffee I had a bit of coffee see see what I'm talking about it's not going in it isn't no I still don't think they can see what you're talking about no well I'm talking to Alex this guy says it's the best Sunday morning show in the UK let's make this a regular thing oh no Kolby no it's like 3:00 in the morning I think there's just leap at the wheel really Chubby's alright I'm sorry oh yeah no I think that I was something really funny I can't get the regular usb3 in either like I think one of the pins must be like ever so slightly misaligned or something because it is not having it and like you can't force this one gotta be real careful with this one yeah I know those things are horrible yeah they're the worst connector in the modern PC yeah I can I can actually see which one it is now but it's really hard to fix because it's a right angle connector so I need the board like out in order to fix this so he gets no front USB whatsoever oh poor James Davis give him a dongle yep David Orr says he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area I he just got home from work he's a chef who loves tech and this is perfect time to find an LTT street also love the stream with Yvonne it says if - Media Group ever wants an on-campus dining room to hit them up an on-campus dining room hire an on-campus chef that would be sick so first I'll make this part of the land center yeah I will check out a full kitchen we can get rid of the gaming piece Jake that's your whole contribution to the endeavor is to mock it up only that's only thinking like rev it seems like it'd be fairly inexpensive yeah I think we should yeah totally it's the bits the head count that costs money not the kitchen will be pretty expensive renovating a kitchen is not that big of a deal hiring a full-time person to do nothing but cook for your other staff that's sort of a big deal okay we're ready yeah we're ready to fire up the last one with no front USB because hashtag take that James did this not power on no you gotta be kidding me okay oh there we go oh did just take a while no the power squid must be off or something when you hit that it turned on for a second yeah like it's on now oh just loose must be okay we're good no it's turned off again what hang out yeah we're good okay all right no apparently there's the fast as possible where you say you prefer to you know Ruby or IPs what for what though for what okay remember this a long time ago yes for like for FPS gaming back when IPS was only available at 60 Hertz high refresh yes oh yeah high refresh rate yes high five so good hasn't always been a thing ultra-wide - even though it's not great for competitive gaming it's so nice yeah oh we got past detect memory that's the hard one okay cool that's a good sign we didn't plug in either of this case fans this is definitely by far our sloppiest I'm there okay heck yeah you gotta plug in those fans or you're not done I'm plugging it in do we have to inspect them at the end make sure they did it right yes three systems less than two hours not even speed built and we ate pizza and they dicked around make coffee if it makes you guys feel better I asked like three other people and they all said that you guys won't be able to do it in time so just so you guys know so that's to make us feel better telling us that no one believes in us now I've admitted if I just fire cool them then hire the chef get a hair cool okay not even the worst idea I've ever heard dick a decade I think take a big fan - you gave me the confidence to build my own consistent n system own system have a great night oh it's morning now actually yeah it's all of you most assuredly morning at sixty-five thousand a year for a chef then depending on what you want to eat could be $200 a day for food yeah pretty person or twenty yeah that's gonna be more than two that sounds good white reason yes for 21 people what have you just like that's a great values everything I think it cost yeah still I think what if we just eat ramen all guys get chicken nuggets I'm not hiring a chef to cook ramen noodles Ramin stupid like some twisting wall draw every single day I'd like some caviar and the tomahawk steak everyday lobster every single day yeah the whole budget goes to one thing all right have planes Street we apply Misha Alex and I won the game wha so guys what you got to show them three systems you gotta bring no I'm not actually old so guys the stream today brought to you by madrenas from now until December seventh you get 50% off with Africa was it - you thought for code lioness I can't keep track of all the Africa I told this guy I told this guy look you need to get me you need to get the vanity URL the same on all of our sponsor he's like I can't like what do you mean you can't why why can't it just be the same why can't it be / the same and just the dream is calm / the same thing no he says he can't anyway what what what he also can't do is predict accurately whether alex and i can build three systems in two hours because we did anyway so 50% off using offer code linus over on madrenas we're gonna have that linked below and then we're also announcing the Lambo roast so this is our Linus tech tips roast it's available for pre-order I know we always say don't pre-order stuff but like ok look we've already had it fine you don't have to pay yeah oh yeah yeah and right we tried it so it's all good and by we I mean I actually was like out of office while they were doing this whole thing anyway they assured me it's great and we had like 10th what 10 12 people on staff try it ok cool good ok I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to tell you what first bag that arrives I'm gonna try it because it's kind of like the worst kept secret ever I actually don't drink coffee so there's that I'm gonna try it am I gonna and I gonna need like milk or like sugar probably some iced tea or something all right there you go there you go so there you go you guys can pre-order that down below I'm effectively pre-ordering it like I've got a pretty significant investment into this thing you've got our own like custom bag and stuff I'm pretty sure Lloyd spent like three weeks designing it she comes in so he comes in my office is great he comes into my office with like four coffee bags all of them like completely like scratch design he's like which one do you like the best I'm kind of looking at it going wouldn't it have been a good idea to just show me like some concepts on your screen before you printed them all and like painstakingly folded the sub bags he likes like I pulled all of the edges because we didn't have like all of the right equipment perfect we unfortunately don't have them otherwise so funny anyway so we're gonna have the ltte roast also we're announcing that I think probably we're doing a roast of me so are we like selling tickets to this like people can attendance people but everybody else to be able to watch it and it'll be great give me a pretty big production all right so thanks to madrenas for sponsoring the stream today thanks to you guys for tuning in in the middle of the freaking night all 20,000 W that watched this mess although it wasn't a mess for anyone except Colton who was wrong today who was wrong about how quickly Alex and I who are PC building chance by the way can build systems I don't know if I'd say rich hams but we're competent yeah we have experience oh we just do basically were just better at it than cool if you liked it hit like and subscribe okay kill it I'm done I'm not doing the outro wait come on please no I'm not doing hey Hach like fire cold
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