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Connected Car - CTIA 2014

Linus tech tips coverage of ctia 2014 is brought to you by AT&T alright guys welcome to the ATT booth where we're specifically checking out AT&T drive ATT drive is delivering connectivity to different cars around the world including stuff like the Tesla Model S GM terrain volvo xc60 and audie a three some of these cars are either powered by 3G or LTE and that's mostly what 18g is delivering to these devices HTT has specifically said to me at the show floor today that they're trying to make it a car purchasing decision or a car manufacturer purchasing decision not a carrier decision when buying a car which is quite admirable but if you do want more ATT drive connected apps the car manufacturers are able to take advantage of some of those hopefully in the future to talk about the different apps that there hopefully going to be able to partner with I have a conversation with a GTS senior vice president of emerging devices division Chris Penrose so what kind of apps and services are you guys partnering with to bring to these vehicles we're really excited on Friday we made a big announcement of six major app partners that have come to develop on AT&T drive platform and really covering a full range of services that people are gonna want to use in their car so first think about in ffort infotainment and media type of applications we've got i heart radio obviously being able to stream internet radio we've got stitcher be going to listen that's a certain podcast and then Newsbeat really exciting one hour or one minute consumption of different news articles you wanted to be able to hear while you're driving so that's great also some location-based services are really big in a car and glimpse and being able to share your location is one of those great applications out there we also brought weather in the car and weather is a believe or not a very important thing that people want to know and and finally we also brought parking because parking is something that we all do and Parker is a great app that we brought in the car as well so accuweather does the weather Parker does the parking app and we're very excited to have these first six partners on we have many many more they're building off the app for the platform we'll be announcing in the coming months by utilizing these apps and general connectivity you can do quite a few different things especially when using them in sync but first off I want to talk about twinning twinings pretty interesting if you happen to say leave home without your phone your car could essentially kind of turn into your phone if you have your profile properly set up and you home your your car can mimic all the things that your phone can already do it'll have its address books that can call out to people can receive text messages you knew all those kind of things and it will do those things as your phone so if you called someone it's not going to come from some foreign number and it's not going to not show up in their call display as you it will still appear directly as you all the time so it should be quite seamless alright guys thanks for watching our ATT drive video and our general overview of the future of the connected car if you want to see all the rest of our content from ctia be sure to subscribe to Alanis tech tips and thank you AT&T for allowing us to come here this year
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