Contrast by Compulsion - Having fun with an imaginary friend, PAX 2013
Contrast by Compulsion - Having fun with an imaginary friend, PAX 2013
Linus tech tips coverage of pax 2013 is
brought to you by Western Digital Intel
and steelseries hey guys we're here at
the Indy mega booth checking on a game
called contrast where you play is the
imaginary friend of a little girl named
didi what more can you tell me about
this game so contrast is a puzzle
platformer it is set in the 1920s in a
film noir inspired universe and as you
said you play the imaginary friend of a
little girl and you have a very special
power as all imaginary friends do and
what you can do is you can run around in
3d and then run up to a wall if you have
a shadow on the wall you can shift into
it so you can then become your shadow
you can platform in 2d and jump on all
of the other shadows in the environment
that's great really interesting mechanic
and as you can see in all the art style
of this game shadow is a very prominent
so you play as dawn the imaginary friend
and you're jumping all these shadows but
you're the DD will actually follow you
as you're playing around as dawn
sometimes getting your way sometimes
apologize can you can you explain the
relationship between the two girls yeah
absolutely so our DD is like your guide
and companion essentially it's just kind
of the reason for your existence so a
lot of the time what you're doing is you
know following her instructions
I think I need to get that began working
for see ya she's going through the will
and sometimes she'll say hey I can't get
across here but but you can with your
shadow powers and so that's kind of how
the relationship works however sometimes
as you said I can't do anything well you
can't do anything as dawn until DD helps
you so at one area she actually holds up
a stick in 3d and the shadow projected
on the wall you need to jump on that to
make your way through the puzzle that's
cool and we've seen a lot of that in the
gameplay of people playing that we've
seen so far now why does this imaginary
friend exist well it's all tied to the
obviously the story of the game dawn
exists because deedie spends a lot of
time alone and she's invented this
friend to help her cope with some really
difficult family life so much like a
affiliate from Pan's Labyrinth win Vince
an imaginary friend to deal with
actually the rise of fascism in Spain
it's not quite so dark it's about her
parents splitting up and didi
desperately wanting to get them back
together so so Spencer her mom spends a
lot of time away her dad has left so she
creates this imaginary friend to cope
that's really interesting a lot deeper
story than we've seen a lot of video
games what was the inspiration for this
well very very broadly speaking our
studio studio head and creative director
was a really recent single dad at the
time so he's got he's got two young
daughters and he wanted to talk about
their experience of you know what he
went through in his life and tell the
story from their perspective that's
really cool it's not it's nice to see
personal experience going into a game
because I feel like that will make a
much more engaging experience because
when it's based on something that
someone has actually felt it always
feels a lot more easy to connect to than
with someone makes a game that's based
on something someone else has felt not
themselves well exactly and I mean it's
kind of hard to put yourself and you
know your personal experiences into a
game where you're playing the savory of
the galaxy or something like that so
when you've got real life experience you
can draw on that it makes it mates
actually telling things
easier and more realistic is there any
other game mechanics you'd like to go
over look this is one other game
mechanic that you can activate which is
a dash ability and that's really just to
kind of move through space in it and
again a different way adds a bit of
complexity to the platforming
environment but you can also you can
move lights in contrast and whenever you
move a light you can shift into shadow
wherever that light hits you can also
move objects in 3d which change the
shadow landscape and sometimes you can
move point sources of lights so like an
actual light bulb which cast shadows
everywhere and when you move that
obviously it changes the entire shadow
landscape that that you're running on
cool so reference to something you said
earlier where it's hard to make it
personally relatable when you're saving
the universe you might not be saving the
universe but you might be saving dd's
own personal little universe so that's
something you're interested in you
should definitely check out contrast how
would someone be able to acquire this
game okay so contrast is coming out on
the PC the ps3 the ps4 and the xbox 360
around about middle of November so we
haven't haven't announced the launch
date yet but that'll be coming in the
next few weeks sounds good I'd prefer it
was ready when it was ready anyway so
that's good to hear if you want to check
out contrast if you you should
definitely check it out if you want to
see the rest of our packs content you
should definitely check that out too and
the way you can do that is by
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