
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Covering the biggest show of the year

every freakin year we just about kill ourselves making over 50 videos in a span of like five days at CES this year we will do the same but Dennett we're gonna do it smaller lighter better and much much more stylist Lee first up are the tweaks we're making to editing obviously I got every one razor blades whose quad core Core i7 CPUs 16 gigs of ram and desktop GTX 1060 graphics will cut through our editing timelines pun intended like expensive knives through butter but it's me ichy pout and got the 512 gig person so what do this is where the angel bird pkt external USB 3 Drive comes in they sent us the one terabyte version which is a great size for on-the-go editing thanks to sustained read speeds in excess of 300 megabytes per second timeline performance is excellent with our standard Sinha forum 1080p files and it even handles red 8k raw playback pretty darn well physically I can't help but marvel at the size to its head and shoulders smaller than all the other portable drive solutions we've used in previous years and there are some other clever things as well trim is supported on Windows or Mac and the type-c connector on the drive is recessed to protect the cable from any unnecessary strain which is comforting since a dead portable drive during an event like CES would be devastating drive to drive transfer speeds were tested at around 250 megabytes per second which combined with the easily swappable included USB a or C cables means that sharing footage between our editors can be done without any dongles speaking of dongles though since they seem to be the way of the future at this point we settled on these juiced systems biz hubs as great as the Razer Blade is we're still missing a few things in the i/o department to truly make our lives as effortless as possible but this hub has an extra HDMI 1.4 out 3 USB 3.0 ports full size Ethernet and the SD and micro SD card readers we so desperately need its driverless so you just plug it in and you're good to go and I've been really happy with the one that I bought a couple months ago and they generously offered to send them for the rest of the team you might be thinking carrying a dongle sucks and Linus there are lots of laptops with all that i/o built in and that's true but a 14-inch blade and a dongle versus the laptops that we brought with us last year to CES there's no contest now let's talk about the rigs not PC rigs camera rigs what's the point of better editing flexibility and i/o if we don't have better footage to work with here are a couple of updates that we've made to our rigs so our a7 s2 cameras whose compact size and stellar low-light performance makes them ideal for show coverage where booth lighting is anything but consistent will be equipped with new battery banks from anchor that increased their life between charges from about 45 minutes to over 3 hours with a little clamp on the camera we also finally got tired of the static and pops in our wireless audio and moved to electro Sonic's wireless system we still plan to use wired hammer microphones for our hosts but having a reliable wireless backup in case our host wants to conduct an interview or needs an extra hand to pick something up without risking dropping it well we'll have that now they cost us eight thousand dollars for two kits which is more than many top youtubers spend on camera and lights combined but we haven't had a single audio issue since we started using them so money Wells bent also new this year shooters will be able to choose between a tripod and handheld a monopod a shoulder rig or a Chinese knockoff version of the easy rig that we bought on eBay shooting with a tripod gives you Rocksteady shots like we would have while working in the office while also allowing you to set the tripod down and quickly go handheld at any given moment the main disadvantages of a tripod for shows like CES is that it requires a much larger footprint to use and when you find yourself in a tight space or a crowded room it becomes cumbersome quickly it's also much heavier to bring around and takes longer to adjust your height versus Brandin preferred method of shooting it shows the monopod monopod take less space while also giving you a similar steadiness compared to a tripod but they allow height adjustments with just one latch at a time where the monopod has its quirks is in the consistency of getting smooth pans and tilts as well as static shots since you only have one point of contact with the ground additionally setting a monopod down is typically not recommended since they are prone to well tip tip typically tipping over shoulder rigs can be a comfortable way of doing hand held for an extended period of time also allowing you to move between shots quite quickly but the disadvantage is that the movement of shoulder rigs is not as steady as a monopod or a tripod and they can get much more tiring on your arms and back walking around all day on the show floor so meet our newest addition to the stable of stabilization products we use our knockoff version of the EZ rig this oh so excellent fashion statement is composed of what is essentially a frame backpack that terminates into a metal support that hooks onto the top handle of basically any camera rig this transfers most of the weight from your shoulders and neck to your hips making shooting handheld a much more ergonomic and less tiring experience while also making you look like the second biggest camera dork on the planet first biggest that's an honor that's reserved for Brandon who added bungeed and gear tied Kong frog clips to make putting the camera on and off the easy rig much simpler so you have the option to set the camera down quickly when you're not rolling the main disadvantage with the EZ rig is that foot steps are more easily transferred into mint so the operator will need to be careful of his or her footwork to get the most out of the system our last piece of gear was generously provided by Logitech as much as we love our big headphones for here in the studio when you're traveling and when you need the utmost and noise isolation on a crowded show floor to monitor audio nothing beats a good pair of in-ear monitors that is where the ultimate ears 900s comes in these are excellent IMS with a relatively neutral sound signature and in the Box they come with a wide variety of ear tips for nearly any ear shape all of this while being relatively lightweight and very easy to carry around with an included hard and soft bag for carrying the headphones themselves have a braided cable and are fairly comfortable with a good resistance to falling out while moving around and the cable can be switched out if anything were to happen to your connector so we won't be left hanging if anything snags our IMS what a funny video the zone balance gaming chair from Tesoro is a racing style design chair composed of a steel frame with polyurethane faux leather I'm sure there's some padding in there somewhere to the high backrest is set on their website to provide full spinal column support as opposed to full spinal question mark support like it would if your spine was in the shape of a question mark it has a steel base with the clasp for hydraulic clasp four Pistons to adjust the seat height and comes with head and lumbar support cushions you can check it out at the link in the video description so thanks for watching guys if you dislike this video hit that like button but if you liked it hit the like button get subscribe maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at Amazon in the video description also linked down there is our merch store our community forum and not down there but up there other videos of ours that you can watch I promise they'll be good
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