so today's video is a little bit
different it's one that was inspired by
basically my frustration I mean I'm the
kind of person who whenever I'm given my
case a reach-around ah funny right
anyway whenever I'm plugging anything
into its backside I like to be able to
see what I'm doing and the problem with
most cases is that they simply don't
have a way in a dark room I mean
obviously we've got studio lights in
here right now so it's kind of a bad
example but in a dark room to see what
the heck you're plugging into where so
this is a quick and easy DIY solution to
that problem also I'm supposed to tease
we're going to have a hard pipe
water-cooled build vlog coming up pretty
soon so stay tuned for that
course RHA tigt in each one hundred-eyed
GTX liquid coolers improve both the
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right so the first thing we've got to do
in this video is go down on our pcs
alright so I'm gonna get down here on
all fours and show you guys what the
problem usually is so you can see back
here there's well for one thing I'm
tethered to the wall by this whole room
liquid cooling setup thing so let's go
ahead and detach here all right there we
NZXT cases have a feature that i've been
saying forever every case should have
and that's they have a little LED in the
top right here and then they have
another one down here that illuminates
all the rear i/o so the very least even
if you can't really get your head in
there you can you can kind of you know
as long as you can see what you're doing
before you dive in then you'll you'll at
least know what it is exactly that
you're dealing with well again I don't
understand why more manufacturers don't
do this and I was looking for a simple
solution since obviously this is not an
MT XT case and as usual Amazon has the
answer trust me and it cut all kinds of
stuff on this one in
particular is an LED strip and I wasn't
actually looking for quite as much of a
pre-done solution as this I thought that
I was gonna have to buy just a strip of
LEDs and that I was going to have to
figure out how to well not figure out so
much it's pretty easy they've got solder
points on them just like that I was
gonna have to hook up some kind of a
power source and then solder it to the
positive and negative terminals but
actually I ended up finding one that was
a extremely inexpensive and B even had a
USB connector right on it now before you
do something like this it's really
important to bear in mind that you
cannot use just any old LEDs 12 volt
LEDs which are the more the more
standard voltage that LEDs buy online or
we're also going to run at won't work
for exactly what we're doing here now
you could power 12 volt LEDs off of a
computer in fact most of the LEDs on
your cooling fans or on the strips that
you run inside your case are going to be
12 volt LEDs but the reason we need 5
volt is because I wanted the there we go
I wanted our LED strips to run
regardless of whether the system is
powered on or not so we're going to go
ahead we're going to just kind of figure
out exactly where this is going to go
and we're going to show you guys a quick
before-and-after here this is gonna all
you do is cut it off at the length that
you want so you'll see it's clearly
marked with little with little cut marks
so we're going to go ahead and I don't
have scissors on me so I guess we're
using a no-life
oh go on reaching there grab that out
yeah that's not okay
Oh relatively easily now we have some
extra LEDs left over in case we ever
wanted to do something like this again
it's important again to know that there
are 5 volt LEDs now we're gonna go ahead
take the adhesive off the back
I'll have this linked in the video
description you guys often complain that
I never say how much things cost in my
videos and the reason is that it's
always linked in the video description
all you have to do is click well and
then click and then click again yeah the
price always changes except for for me
always a dollar alright let's go ahead
and alright now you're gonna want to
watch out you don't want to accidentally
make it so that you can't get at your
USB ports or anything so I'm gonna lose
no it's not the stickiest pieces I've
ever seen so I'm gonna try and get it in
there as much as I can I'll get you guys
a better view of this I'm probably after
which raises the question why bother
recording it now at all a lot of really
you two guys record everything or
posterity yeah alright so we're going to
run this all down the side of our top on
there and then we're actually going to
come out a little bit this is important
because we don't want this interfering
this B screws here we go and then we're
gonna run right down the very edge here
there we go alright so we've got it
running all down this side here I would
recommend normally turning your system
off anytime you're making modifications
to it now we're gonna do a little bit of
now I would normally want to shorten
this wire if I was gonna plug it in
directly but I'm actually going to show
you something I'm gonna do it a little
bit different after you're gonna plug
this in and just like that amazing our
i/o is illuminated and suddenly we are
happy people that is some really
terrible adhesive on on this LED strip I
would recommend replacing that with
something else that is just horrendous
now the coolest thing about this and the
main reason that we went with 5 volt
power instead of 12 volt power is this
I'm going to shut down the computer
because let's face it a lot of the time
when you are trying to plug something
into the back of a computer it will not
be on so the reason 5 volt is important
to say a 12 volt is that 12 volt does
not run while the system is not powered
whereas 5 volt our system is actually
off and the only way to get the light to
turn off is to actually power down the
system outright power down the power
supply even so you can see I turn on the
power play boom now I can plug
everything easily without about and
difficulty then if you don't want to
plug into the back of your computer
there's actually one step further you
can take it and we're going to go ahead
and show you guys why I didn't shorten
the length of this wire before so this
is a cool little doodad that we featured
on our handy tech under a hundred series
not that long
I'm just gonna go ahead and table manage
that somewhat recently there we go that
is going to make it so we can plug this
into a USB header internally it goes
from a four pin connector like this to a
female USB connector to plug that batboy
in plug that in there close it up and
there you have it so I think that pretty
much wraps this up guys let us know if
you like this kind of a format this is
something a little bit different that
we're doing we always want to want to
hear from you turn the computer on just
make sure I haven't completely ruined it
by now and like this video if you liked
it just like it if you thought it sucked
leave a comment especially leave a
comment add the linked forum thread in
the video description that is where we
would like more people coming and
commenting are you laughing because
you're looking at my nose or something
also linked in the video description we
have where to buy like cool tee Linus
tech tips t-shirts like this one where
you can give us a monthly contribution
if you love our videos and you want us
to make more of them where you can
change your amazon bookmark to one with
our affiliate code so we get a small
kickback whenever you buy stuff like oh
I don't know five volt LED strips on and I think that pretty much
wraps it up although I'm not entirely
sure I had actually brought up all of my
talking points for this video on the
screen before I went in to shut down my
computer so I think I'll pretty much
have to sign off thanks for watching and
as always if you haven't subscribed
already then go ahead and mash that
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