
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Did AMD Deceive Consumers w/ Vega Pricing? - - WAN Show August 18, 2017

all right it's when show time again and you guys may or may not have noticed there's something a little different about the show today I know what it is I'm screen-sharing off a Mac I'm using a Mac oh no that's it isn't it unsub I know right um so yeah we've got a couple special guests we've got James $0.02 from the YouTube channel Jay's $0.02 there's pretty much no way you guys don't know who he is and then we've got Dimitri from Hardware connects who a lot of you will probably know who he is as well so we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today what are they oh yeah in unexpected news andis Vega graphics cards are more expensive than MSRP oh my god we saw that coming more Vega news oh wait I've got okay you guys are all being sarcastic which is kind of addictive okay it's not a sarcastic show no okay there's not this is a forthright and clear communicative shell command dependences in other news Intel claims that the 8700 K will be about 11 percent faster than the 7700 K cool can we just not say anything if we're gonna be nice okay know what if you guys aren't gonna like guys aren't going to do the show nicely then you can just go actually no what no I'm just gonna go okay okay well after that we have probably more Intel shows over oh this is the end this is the end of everything the end of days okay you are the weakest link goodbye goodbye you all we're just what I was looking for it neither was found after that the bullet that was in like one of your main compartment to your back neither was behind it we were both looking for yeah good job Nick magic ain't magic hey is holiday sonali oops I clicked the wrong thing uh okay back on the Oh Oh No terrible everything's terrible what are you doing hold on hold on I got this okay there one sponsors there we go don't worry about it don't worry about the nascar hat there's reasons that will reveal that another time yeah it has nothing to do with scrapyard Wars or their close toed shoes yeah nothing these guys are here also has yes nothing we've got you and where when show and when show only okay so actually I think that's probably a great topic for us to start with guys get amped about the upcoming season of scrapyard ours it's probably not going to be out for like six weeks to eight weeks like I'm talking first episode but it's our Christmas present to you and Brad will play and it'll be out first on floatplane by that times victories by that time floatplane nope let's not go with that well plane might not even exist anymore for all we know who know um but what I will say you know there's going to be no spoilers on the show today you guys but what I will say is a huge thank you to Jay and Dimitri for flying all the way up here pleasure was all ours yes thank you for these like cool I'm yeah it was like we had a lot of fun so that's that's the only spoiler I'll give you guys is it was a ton of fun and yeah you know what that's it that's it so and now radio silence and don't even bother trying to get anything out of these guys because they know the scrapyard Wars code yeah say something and I I mean it's more like um what is it a say on things say and AI day you know we'll go with the pig latin version of the code but yeah I just like that we left it worried to death didn't show um alright so guys first first article today this was posted by stay us on the forum and the original article here how do I click a link on a Mac what the hell is this yes okay yeah uh yeah you know boys okay I just want to know it works don't discuss religion through the hardest pressure Oh what why fresh I no pressure to tell and then i go i go to i go to use the touch screen to zoom and it's like no you'll have to do ah about my computer back okay anyway anyway AI be partners to gamers nexus is was posted by Seberg st right yeah you know Steven yeah okay ah give Oh was right about AMD price changing plug is here AMD basically came out of the game with Vega 56 and Vega 64 with and I think you guys in your reviews probably agreed mega64 looks okay other than being a couple years late because it's basically an overclock so 980ti and Vega 56 looks pretty good it's the $400 King I'll return your computer new it okay so now it looks like launch price at Vega 64 was supposed to be $500 but quickly shot to six hundred US dollars in the wake of immediate inventory selling out so is this actual MSRP and or is this just stores reacting I'm going with the letter yeah yeah is we can't really blame them for that so this is interesting apparently a website that AMD provided the top retailers and e-tailers with a $4.99 price on Vega 64 coupling sale of a card with a rebate to reduce spend by retailers so basically that's like it's usually called like a POS rebate point-of-sale rebate apparently the rebate is already expiring hence the price jumped by retailers Oh was that fast yeah well see this is something that is kind of not public knowledge this is more and I'm sure I'm over like the statute of limitations for my old job as a product manager but it is it is pretty tight to be an AMG partner I've gotten a lot of feedback in the industry over the years being an Nvidia add-in card partner I think they call them a IV's and I think AMD calls them a ICS adding card versus at inboard Road being an Nvidia partner versus an AMD partner is supposedly a lot better now XFX you guys probably remember this oh yeah when did they jump ship Oh Indy yeah but wasn't like 4000 years six six thousands of sorry odd 6000 series name oh no no it was 4000 series I think you're right so it was like so that was when AMD looked because they were competing against um was that 480 generation or had they just G was out then put it they just haven't refreshed in forever basically they turn tail on Nvidia and they went to AMD and my understanding is that it's been pretty rough over there is is all I can all I can really say but what are your guys have thoughts on the pricing of Vega 64 in particular looks like here having effectively been increased I think it's only beneficial for those who are using the computer formance honestly not as a gaming card right because at that point it makes no sense that you're talking today DTI pricing which dominates it in games but at the exact same time not not in terms of making sense but AMD right now has a very aggressive very dedicated fan base it's true so it might not even matter my concern of this though was that that fan base is usually though attached to the performance per dollar aspect of being a named exam and yeah but AMD has put a lot of work into making it a rebellious stance instead of just necessarily a performance for daleks because they were definitely performance per dollar like with the 3000 series Intel processors and like a couple generations that were like 200 series AMD graphics cards but more recently I feel like they've been shifting it I think the bigger question you'll hear though I think the bigger question here the one that effects our audience and the one that affects us as reviewers more is this artificial rebate that's only valid for I mean the card only launched what a week ago so a rebate that they're putting on the card for a week to hit a price that isn't sustainable is that effect write your conclusion about the card of your and it's not like especially as youtubers it's not like we can go back and edit our article be like yeah the price to performance sucks donkey balls and not not to flatter ourselves but that's where a lot of research is happening right now is YouTube especially for people that are getting new into computers and might not think to check a whole bunch of different sites like written sites that can be updated like gamers Nexus guy we just talked about him he might say in his video pricing and stuff is in is on our website i've seen him say that before so that they can update it but not in them but like for something like a like a $4.99 Yuling changes yeah like a like a budget graphics card where they're going like we're the were the new $4.99 guard 399 King 399 King and then if we if our conclusion is check the link in the description for prices for the most of them advancing on Amazon but we say yeah AMD's positioned this card really well it's performance looks great and the value is great if it's a if it's 80 or $100 more extensive I feel like what they've done is they've made Nvidia feel like a more compelling deal or at that point I mean because 1070 right competes against 56 and 56 was beating 1070 pretty much across the board but now you increase that price why would I want 56 unless I'm going compute I mean if I can use the compute aspect of it then yeah it dominates both of them dominate what NVIDIA has to offer but the question is how many of these buyers are actually buying them for compute or to be a part of that rebellion nation you know also will this affect any of the bundle stuff that baby is and what happening out right yeah and we have to sow the bundles would have to go 500 yeah I feel like yeah the bundles would just go up and I don't think anything else would change I don't think the bundles are going to get anything the bundles were a terrible idea to begin with I just really don't like being screwed around with like this yeah I don't like being manipulated in a way where like there's a couple things and you know what it's one of those things where I'm not just going to crap on AMD for this like you and I talked about this offline I think I might have mentioned it to you but I was really really displeased when Nvidia had a separate processing embargo for the 1080 Ti because you know what that is that's Nvidia saying max you need some help over there no what are we changing I don't know okay I gotta focus now I really would have just maybe left it also point it towards Linus a little bit more that's a bit okay okay let's just let's not have to take part okay um thanks medics okay what are we talking about again your time at the unboxing right okay so there were a couple things wrong with that number one was that Paul had already done an unboxing at the event and that's nothing against why not super cool but I think I applaud attraction that that sort of got and the problem up with the idea of like oh we better reel this in and you know put an embargo on this because what they're trying to get because that effectively what they're getting when they do a launch event we all accept it because it gives us access to talk to the developers of the product right in a way that we don't get to on just a lot more helpful than a conference call yeah so so we all accept these events that they do because it's also an opportunity to network within the industry most of the time with you guys it has has been advent industry events but what's really frustrating is that Nvidia controls the narrative at that point because any news story and we have to do a news story because everybody else is going to do a new rotary so that's my upload that day that's Jai's upload that day that's to make sure you upload that day that's other content that might be more meaningful because it's not just regurgitating the same information everybody has that isn't going up because we're busy traveling for a day yeah spending a day at an event and then traveling back for another day we just spent 1% of our year on this event to make the same piece of content that everybody else is making for me personally and there's ok they're not emn yeah there can be some value to that because people might have different opinions or insights or ideas about how something might be used well Baba but it's a lot it's a lot to put on one item and when you have to do just an unboxing it's a it's pretty unlikely that you'll have a lot of unique insights well not even I need to be just kind of off topic a little bit but then it goes as far as starting to break down the information like you can get this piece of information we get this piece later this piece tomorrow right the pricing issue that happens 1080i which was a huge issue yeah so what this looks like to me because Nvidia is effectively getting marketing out of bringing people to this event they're just regurgitating whatever was on Nvidia slides because that's all the information we have so far we don't have any benchmarks like how fast is the the öberg card ten thousand or whatever so then there's that date let's say let's say March first for the sake of argument then March 14th would be the review embargo typically or yeah like they ever give us to video yeah maybe like March it would be the review embargo that gives us a week to get back home test it formulate our opinions and go okay that thing we talked about a week ago here's the real skinny now they're putting this additional day a few days later where they're going okay now you can publish your unboxing here's the problem with that the unboxing contains no information that's new yeah and especially when it's time in retail packaging yeah there's a right physical showcase it's the glamour video yeah I think they should be paying for that because effectively what they're getting is marketing so when Nvidia sent us an embargo for an unboxing of the 1080p eye I basically sent them back an angry email went this is BS you guys are asking for free advertising no you know Nvidia no hard no right yeah so Anton pulled the same thing with red gripper on the CPU side and then on the GPU side honestly this feels even worse in some way because instead of instead of asking for free marketing what they've done is they've manipulated the conclusions of what it's supposed to be an independent evaluation yeah I mean like you said it's so close to the launch date that's I mean our reviews are still not even cooled off yet and I have that whole the whole budget factor of it is just wrong and like I'm sure one maybe two guys will make a video about that right yeah but there's only enough space for that because honestly most people the audience won't really care they won't care in terms of like oh I'm going to watch all of these videos because I'm not interested you know what I mean now so then it's the the ROI on making one of those isn't really there for the creators so then they're probably not going to make it yeah is the rebate information available to to the reviewers until a certain point I didn't know anything about no rebate yeah I didn't know anything about it and I didn't know that it was going to be expiring after a week yeah if they had been upfront about that then this is a totally different conversation and that's and that's not even that it doesn't even mention the fact that they only launched with Bendel's to begin with anyway yeah really hard to find a card by yourself the bundles were the only thing you could find all of your tailors are doing bundles yep and I mean like if we want to keep going on about grievances with the RX Vega launch you know when did you get your Vega 66 Friday before the lunch yeah so we got it Friday morning before what was it a Monday 6 a.m. launch you know so if anyone from AMD is watching imma break this down for you Saturday and Sunday are both considered we ken's and it is fairly typical for people who have a life for a family or both I don't know if anyone has those or not can you have a life and a family ok whatever not the point the point the point is that those two days are weekend days which are generally considered the days that you spend having a life or having a family right so then we have to make the choice right so I have to tell my wife and my kids last minute like hey I've got to work all day Saturday oh and by the way I'm going to be leaving for a whole week right after that you know so I live the whole whole Saturday with them yeah and literally that was we just added a whole six workday to the week room just to handle that well you could just you could just wait and you could you could just publish so here's the thing we had mega64 like a week before and we had the drivers and everything and we were told that Megha 56 was going to be coming was going to be lifted way later like quite a bit later so we weren't so we were like we were like yeah everything's fine and then a card literally arrived here Friday morning when I get 52nd I was like what are we supposed to do with a message asking to prioritize it did they for you yeah oh I don't I think we didn't get that until like even later in the day yeah no the message was 56 is coming please please prioritize it if you can I got a new driver on the weekend yeah no you're absent this is a 6 a.m. Pacific launch time so you have to be done the night so you actually have to be rendering your video by like Sunday evening mm-hmm because there might be error so many things you have to correct the render might not work there might be edit to have to make because of a problem Taran's very intimately familiar with this yeah so well it's kind of like right before the new CPU platform launches to write how many BIOS updates are there like up to the day of your launch I would be it's really funny people are joking in the twitch chat about like YouTube or Union or something like that here is an interesting thought Owen directly what if every text guy on YouTube got together and said no screw your embargo will go when we're already I've kind of started doing that Vegas the first actual embargo date I've hit in a long time thread regulating hit rise in 3 5 & 7 I didn't hit inhale I hate your head go for like two three days after everybody publish two or three weeks sometimes because I'm tired of the situation like Linus is talking about and when you're talking about with last minute drivers and stuff that I just wait for things to kind of settle and then I'm going to start making a like review embargo Alliance yeah review embargo Alive cause like I we had to pull in we had to pull in multiple people on a Saturday yeah to come in basically because the video was completely done yeah by the time we had a very fifty-six in our hands yeah yeah so turns over there informing us that it was indeed him that edited it all - yeah so now he is like that didn't get to go anywhere I have just gotten so sick and tired of all the last-minute changes in the way it actually changes the whole landscape that I've just decided like I'm no longer going to abide by the embargo dates trying to hit them if I'm late that's fine that's my audience is willing to wait and watch it anyway yeah but I'm tired of feeling like I'm just an extension of someone else's marketing team so tell me this um oh should I completely lost track of what I was going to say there bloody hell sorry it's been a long week it has something something embargo something embargo Union yeah I think something etc yeah forget it I got nothing so uh basically I'm frustrated it's stupid and had enough of this crap oh now I'm really frustrated it was like him it was like a great discussion thing I was really looking forward to talking about something very temporarily while you can try to talk about that do you want to talk about what the the premise or the rules were for the scrap yard work yeah go ahead go ahead you know for this car of wars the idea was instead of starting at the office and working out of the office the entire time like we have in the past we had two teams should we do what the teens were yeah there are thirty public okay yeah so it alright that makes sense so as myself and J and Linus and Dmitry and we started out actually in the City of Vancouver which is about an hour from here and we had a fair amount of cash I can say how much when fair amount of cash but some of that cash had to be allocated to food and water you had no budget for food you can by food normally in separate words you could buy whatever food you wanted while you're going with your own money but this time be fair it didn't have to it's just it's allocated from your budget yeah nothing you spent anything and your thing yeah come out of that budget if you wanted to bike somewhere you'd have to buy or rent a bike if you wanted to transit somewhere further out you get a bus pass or a transit pass of some sort or get a cab or whatever so yeah it was a very interesting setup both teams decided to go at it in certain ways that I'm not going to describe because I'm worried about going too deeply into it but yeah it was very interesting quite a bit different from any other scratch or a dream I dream to go I'm just laughing all the get J water comments because I think a drink or an empty cup of the coke I'm trying to make up for all the water that you know we needed yes yeah don't spoil it water doesn't spoil so what no this ah don't they figured out I say yeah I never figured out what it was but I had really like just wanted to talk a little bit more about sort of how they're handling it and how it's uh we've had to do it before we've had to delay videos we've missed embargoes which are yeah fairly important but we found not the most important thing and sometimes it helps if there does happen to be a change yeah because then we can talk about the change and that one video will pick up traction but it's usually only us or only J or only Demetri or only one type of creator that's making that one delayed video and I do wonder what that what the fallout would be not really fallout but what would the impact be if suddenly the entire tech scene on YouTube just said no we're not going to hit your embargo we all collectively say we'll wait two weeks to see where things land because we'd still be in that window of AMD pulling this or would they just post on this I don't know I don't know how they'd react because I told them I think you guys should push it I think they might I think they might think initially especially something like in video right they might think that there's not gonna be any impact whatsoever but that's been an interesting metric to see how it actually plays out I don't think NVIDIA gives two craps with any of this thing I think you're right to be perfectly honest it's really funny because like I think you take this somewhat but we take flak all the time for being an Nvidia socket or someone and there's some what yeah yeah yeah oh we do when show is brought to you by Nvidia so yeah well according to the audience anyway so like it's it's one of those things where like you know why but it heads with some a fair number of times recently more often than I like go to a nice dinner and you know talk shop it's been it's been it's been pretty tough lately actually alright so let's have a look at uh we didn't get Titan XP needed today until like now yeah we have one now yeah cuz they were like oh what you guys don't have one I was like no I asked for one for Terry Crews and I said no why they turned me down until I made that video talk like talking crap about Titan XP which would have gone out regardless because I think it's a really stupid card based on like the way to locking down the CUDA cores and yeah they're unlocking it multiple times in the same generation but it was after that they're like two of them just showed up right right so they hand-delivered them yeah other good not even for me I don't care right they're not for me and like this is this is a stupid thing on both the vendor side and the audience side do you guys honestly think that Jay can be bought with a graphics card that doesn't pay my lease doesn't pay for my employees my insurance do you need a graphics card Jay it's pretty obvious I don't sell them I mean you can see the shop you know no they do not run my business in fact I started buying more stuff than ever now I've noticed that you were talking about buying lots of stuff and off just it's just easier and it's in general way don't though yeah yeah yeah and now we go to scrap here at war experience you can buy more stuff to what someone else's money which is great [Laughter] speaking of someone else's money the show today is brought to you by cable Don yeah I've got some stuff over there yeah okay so cable mod now has sleeving for a iOS have you guys seen this this oh I did a great review that was very well-received oh okay I didn't watch it I know you didn't have to watch it either oh so basically you buy your AIO and then with no actual modification required you guys can go watch James video because we didn't review them um but they're you know you just kind of unfold it and then you don't have to like take off the tubing or anything like that you just wrap it around and you end up with that nice sleeved look on your AIO cooler tubes and matches your cabling assuming you went and bought cable mod cabling and that's pretty much it they've got little finishing pieces for the end so they look nice and tidy and what else can i really say about it i mean it's a pretty simple idea just today i'm going to do the colors do specifically match their cable sleeping so they're perfectly match for that so they've got lots and lots of different colors you guys can go check them out all cool also just launched their sleeping kits on amazon so we've got a link in the video description for that but basically it's uh hold on a second and can I even figure out how to do this on a Mac holy crap camp you can't right-click it's two finger click copy you have to like bring it up it's your finger tap oh it took me well so I'm not signed in so forget it the link will be below I'll get it alright what else we got here oh yes today's show challenge also brought to you by G fuel that's right the same G fuel that we were check out that right there is concentrated blue energy G fuel powers the editing of many of our videos and the writing of most episodes of fast as possible around here we actually may consume as an office on ordinated you'll amount of G fuel yeah so basically how it works is you choose your fuel select your drink mix from up from over excuse me from 18 flavors they ship it directly to you you just add water so you mix one serving into a glass or shake your cup filled with 16 ounces of water and enjoy it comes in tubs just like that boxes containing packs or just the little packs themselves and then who put this note in here a bunch of the people here at the office pretty much live off of his so what John John for sure I know Colton drinks a lot of clothes and thanks a lot of it I've seen a bunch the editing dent I'm not entirely sure who drinks it in there I'm not sure I think Edie does I wouldn't be surprised at all I'm pretty sure Edie consumes a copious amounts of it so there you have it their goal is to create an alternative to sugar loaded cannon energy drinks and now you can have these packets you mix them with water and bippity bop you're ready to go so you can say 40% until August 21st using offer code - at the link that I am definitely going to put right here right now over at G fuel calm all right our last sponsor go team soloed have you guys tried savage jerky would you know about it you guys want to try it you don't have to there's like my sponsor spot I'm not fighting the address might be more exact can I get more water dirty stuff as you're watching yeah you can get for what I will personally go get me what I get he's gonna go no I want less to do it now he said he was not I'll do it okay I got Linus to get up and leave his own show to get me water this I win so we got the Reaper we got the motor I've been informed this is no ho not mojo no go well if you're if you're like into spicy but not an insane amount of spicy like you don't want your face to literally melt but you're into spicy I like Momo I mean if you want you're eating these because they're like all almost thinking like you know everyone's just like oh yeah I'll just like eat whatever no that's really hot one that's already hot and Reaper I think is even hotter yeah Reaper is the crazy one ghost peppers like pretty damn hot mohos on these like cocky bitches this is like a 3 so it's like on spicy and it will kick Oh God so the Reapers are 5 it like makes its own level smell ghost pepper is absolutely okay this one is just delicious if you guys just want something tasty before you melt your taste buds off resist oh ho oh there's only a one so if you want to try peace so savage jerky the jerk you've made with the best ingredients without night or preservative Golic we in a snack that was full of flavor and spice it's not bad for you they've got 13 different flavors but my personal favorites are Moho as well as the maple buffalo bacon and some of the some of the taste but melty ones are actually pretty darn yeah they've got a lotta cheese while your face milk made of ghost pepper as well as a Carolina Reapers and you can use offer cone healthy to save 10% 10% Oh Bret savage jerky calm all right I will go get you some water and you go ahead and pick one of those if you want I'm not gonna make you do it though cuz there I think my girlfriend would die savages right in the name oh really this isn't why I see okay you got giant Pink's in there I think you'll be good I love habanero yeah I think you'll be good yeah why because if you would if you don't like spice don't eat that one but if you like spice it's good at the mother when top know the moment one's a one it's like it's not even supposed to be hot good yeah yeah give me two minutes I'll just wait yeah the reapers the reapers a bit of a kick that one kind of sucks that's a five sucks in terms of like it hurts it takes a lot to be fair oh don't doubt it like it's like um a powder like something that you breathe powder yeah but no flavors really good because they try to they go pretty hard with the flavor stuff which I like for beef jerky I think that's one of the reasons well let's go so much I'm cool it hot yeah no it's not not too high I swear I'm cold hot if it has flavor yeah hot for the sake of hot no I'm in the same way yeah I can deal with a fair amount of spice but it's I only did not even like water helps with the habanero I'm not thirsty yeah alright I'm going to drop a bomb on you guys this was originally posted by NumLock 21 on the forum the original article here is from video card bomb so the grain of salt Intel claims the core i7 8700 K will be 11 percent faster than the 7700 K and here's what I want to know because this is crazy well it is to be fair a full entire one percent higher than I would have guessed this is what I want to know who needed intel to claim this to know that this is coming yeah I mean this is literally does it mean being about does this mean that they're not scared okay so here's the thing so there's two things first of all the rumors are also that coffee lake is going to be available in six core configurations which would Ligon okay so if they're keeping their 10% anti-wrinkle it's their 10% faster in terms of IPC and they're adding 60% more cores then I'm looking at this going that's a good jump thank you for what should have happened two years ago but okay yeah fine thank you I mean else I still appreciate them doing something good even if it was a long time coming and should have happened before so 8700 KS for me to be the six core excuse them it's supposed to be six quarts well thread with a single threaded boost over the 7700 K of about 11% yet there still be an i-5 or next to 99 that time ah yeah cuz like two nines I am refresh by then so yeah I mean this is this is yet another reason I mean you know okay you know my feelings I know your feelings on the 7740 and the 7640 those two skews make no sense at all and when coffee lake launches those skews remember the whole point of the high-end desktop platform is supposed to be mucho memory bandwidth mucho PCIe lanes and mucho processing cores and Moho jerky those chips have none of those things they have beefed up power delivery so theoretically you can overclock them a little higher there still dual-core they still have the mainstream platform number of PCIe lanes and they're still quad core process and they're pulling significantly more power than their mainstream counterparts and now compared to the mainstream platform that's coming oh I don't know what it's rumored to be launching what in it so it would be three months later if the rumors are true it will be two generations behind architectural II - and that might only be 10% per generation or 8% or whatever but still two generations times 10% is not complicated not that 3% so if you had a five gigahertz processor let say you're an overclocker it's actually better than that because 10% on top of 10% that's right so let's say you're you're an overclocker you get to five gigahertz we're talking about now on this high-end platform you would be equivalent to the mainstream's performance at what like four gigahertz right well that's not good what did I just go spend $350 on a motherboard intel says they're hoping you're going to just step forward for future compatibility with more expensive bigger but why would you still spend you know almost $400 on that CPU forgive me I said that's the thing it's like I get that argument if it's like a pentium dual-core or something and that's devil's advocate argument far as I'm concerned right like like I've seen that before like Pentium anniversary edition we're talking $100 chip right you buy something to get running today you hope it doesn't drop in value too much you flip because $100 CPU to drop some value 20% we're talking 20 bucks yeah right and if you if you've managed to save up your 400 or 500 dollars or whatever you need for an 8 core processor by that point then surely the $20 is not that big of a deal some time has passed I get that logic but here we're talking about a 300 plus dollar processor that you're buying as a placeholder doesn't make sense you guys buy a $300 processor as a placeholder in the socket I don't really buy processors Plato based hey boy and we never recommend that no do you guys ever recommend that no I heart by hardware that isn't what you actually need and then like like buy something else later yeah no I unless you're like I'd be crazy like Craigslist or you site junkie it's like you've done this kind of stuff but you're constantly flipping things so you were never planning holding it for more than like possibly even two weeks but even then it doesn't matter you're not buying new anyway that's no exact exactly so yeah it's not even applicable so like I could see buying a 77 40 from some idiot who bought it realize that this was really stupid and then it's like oh crap this thing isn't worth much I guess I'll just take a bath on it I could buy from that guy yeah and then then I do buy myself a few months to save up and I can probably flip it for pretty close to what I paid but I wouldn't buy something like that new no so I threw mine in htpc just because I was like what else am I going to do with this Oh take the chip that doesn't make sense and put it in a form factor does it make sense for a next to nine platform to begin with so that when the whole video is based on that I just figured we'd put nonsense on top of nonsense okay and then I called it my VR rig on top of that there you go oh we are capable do you're capable sticker improve on we got to get as reviewers we need to get our own the are capable stickers and to start putting them on every single little watermark on the video channel Oh herb they already this video is via already yes but it's really not well you could technically if you put it in theater mode Oh true done watch it Andy got here yes figure it out V already this is he already life is B already oh right yeah because you could buy an oculus or anything else in life which means that it's there already I was going with Sony VR whatever it is pal yeah also that what yeah okay so the original article here's from ARS technica I've been completely out of the loop this week so I agree I can kind of explain why so Apple is investing a huge amount that it says they're going all-in but Apple has a lot of money a billion dollars is not all in so not at all but they're they're putting a billion dollar budget to Apple shows so they're doing like the the first original series from them was Planet of the apps and carpool karaoke and they're doing more but this isn't that surprising Netflix is going really hardcore into original content they're going to be putting these shows on the Apple music thing so they probably need to rename that but oh well a lot of these big companies that are trying to serve video are going into original content because licensing especially from like big movies and big shows if you want to have all of them is obscenely prohibitively expensive and this is something you and I have discussed apparently there isn't a video streaming platform online like a significant one I mean that's in about losing money yeah and you know now that we are really doing sometimes yeah well sometimes there are parts of bigger companies and then they don't care that they're not losing money it's offset by some other aspect of the business exactly yeah but the actual video streaming division whether we're talking YouTube Amazon Prime video Netflix twitch as far as we can tell they're all losing money and like hearing from certain people that work at some of those companies not all of them but some of those companies we know people that I think we know at least someone it pretty much all of them yeah which makes moves like Disney pulling all of their movies off of Netflix to have their own streaming service just really make you scratch your head Amanda Disney has Disney money to spend but still no company wants to bleed my name but they already have a website and they've already been streaming their own video to be fair so they just have to gala yeah but you could get their settled in other places now no their video is going to be available only on one source so they're going to have to probably upscale anyway and that way they can control the pricing too they can they can do and they can control the content that goes around it there's any cares about that a lot yeah they do and also users already getting familiar with needing to get their hands into so many other platforms yeah and you know we're talking about there's gonna be sites that pop up that bring everything together they already exist all right well they already thing yeah so you just kind of like log in with all your logins there and then it just becomes a single app becomes one viewing site yeah so like I got tons of tweets about that last time yeah I think they're actually know what I feel really stupid now because I know Samsung had a thing built into their smart TVs like a wild X is it all together for years then actually it's just a browser of the other browsers yeah it just goes in finds and it can even browse rental services like Google client that's me you know what's really funny is on the subject of Apple doing their own original programming and like they should probably change the name of like iTunes now I I gave Google so much crap about Google Playstore back when they did it now it totally makes sense yeah yeah play music play games play videos oh they actually got that one right yeah way to go Google I just didn't way ahead of time when in the moment it didn't make a ton of sense it just made a lot more sense of the future they were playing they were playing 3d chess they're doing the longest and I was playing what should I do this wow that was that was I was going on there I didn't get it I mean that you were you were making children at that point in time no not yet okay yeah no not yet no that was a solo effort oh that's why it was just playing solo effort I see yeah okay yeah yeah yeah so funky I'm surprised though the 1 billion characters okay hahaha oh yeah I put up the green screen picture from earlier and someone did that oh no I love how you said that oh no show him the other one would be good where's your tonight how they can okay I'll show you check down at Jay's to fence I hear I can I can pull it up yeah it's pretty it's pretty so we Dmitriy night earlier if you guys follow our social media we stood in front there green screen and it was they'll give you guys an opportunity to key out and play around with green screen pictures systems good oh that's a really good creative people out there my goodness okay let's go to media others yeah also make sure to tag some of them might not be appropriate so you might not want to scroll live okay there it is well there's there's a long we were looking for that you're thinking of there Jake would your highfalutin bad who is that foxy foxy video Abe what think there's a Sun okay oh man that's great so we pick that that is great ha ha alright see you we're not have fun we can have fun some work alright so here's some potentially big news so PC gamer calm reports and I'm just going to close this ad before I screen share with you guys and videos next gen Volta gaming GPUs not arriving any times well why would they so this picture right here is Jensen showing off Volta already super duper definitely working in the data center which means based on the way that Nvidia rolls out product they launch their big GPU first and whatever product that is it used to be GeForce now it never is but I'm not bitter and video launches their big one first which means they've got the architecture down and then they just they just cut they cut and cut and cut and the performance goes down according to how much they cut away that process usually takes like two to three months per per cut because they're even art is obviously more complicated than just like taking a pair of scissors to it you know to a V 100 and like taping that to a PCB like so there's R&D that is involved with that you've only got so many engineers at a time it's a resource management thing so based on when they showed off working like production Volta silicon so in a while they could probably be launching a g-force card now if they felt like there's no reason to there's no mark there's there's no competition for them to do it and they push back their HBM already generations from when the original roadmap back in like 2000 and deal was leaked yeah it was max wobbly was when we were supposed to first hov em but we super did but they now look at Vega and there's just like why even invest in the manufacturing cost of this when we don't have to when our when our traditional architecture is still topping the competition and the other thing too is like nvidia strategically you've seen it over the last five years has moved from trying to make the GPU faster faster faster to try to build out technology around the GPU whether it's stuff that doesn't make a ton of sense to me personally like Ansel is that that screenshotting yeah thing where you can capture like super high resolutions you guys know anyone that uses it have you used it I've used it only in a demo version just to see how high resolution you can go if you go like crank up the settings but outside of seeing how beautiful you can turn those screenshots for like witcher 3 and other game is it has never does you want a big poster on your on your i have never used it ever like i'll tell you guys this i remember this was a weird experience for me at a land party this was back when like I went to LAN party so clearly I like to play video games but I wasn't really like I didn't have like a guild or like a clan or anything like that so being like really into video games was kind of alien to me and there were these two people at a land it's only like a 45 50 person land which is like it's big but it's not that big they spent like two hours literally it felt like you know uncle Harold's like vacation pictures one of them was showing the other one an album of WoW screenshots yeah like this was the time we climbed to the top of freaking some mountain never clear through the sang and like whoever Clips through the thing so it was hi Joel what I don't know what you're talking you know this might have been pretty cool ok one thing while screenshots was like a big deal because you'd show boss kills and you'd usually have like the timestamp see if you were like world first or server first or whatever you could show the boss kill it could be and if he's talking about my condo Nigel's during the kill and this is when you were at land parties so this was probably classic Wow correct yeah in classic Wow you were not allowed to get the Mount Hyjal so he probably has a similar screen shot set to me which is glitching through many walls and over many things and it takes like quite a while to get there and you're just like screwing the game repeatedly and you get to a part of the game that has like Blizzard co-construction signs and there's stuff that never got released that's in there hmm like our commands like jig giant skull leaning up against a tree and stuff which was never in the game so it was actually super cool and it was glitchers it wasn't necessarily just people that are interested in WoW because I was a glitcher back then I broke like every single aspect of Halo to a friend of mine you talk Russia I haven't talked to you in many years but is that guy named you talk Russia him and I used to play Halo 2 together and we were like in the first group of people that found the switching from rocket to his sword and flying across the entire math glitch if you knew that one I killed Hager you would do this thing where the rocket the rocket you could aim it at someone and it was show it would show red because you were targeting them right you remember that I never played halo - that's an xbox game okay whatever man-- if you I think it happened in halo 1 - if you aimed over top of someone the aimer would turn red anyway I don't remember that long like i'ma guess that was like a state and the sword if the aimer was red you would lunge towards them and the state was shared so if you switched it fast enough and lunged it wouldn't notice that it wasn't in that state anymore so it would let you lunge to the person but they're super far away because it's the targeting from the rocket launcher she just like so and just fly it it was pretty cool we did a lot of other stuff too oh I'm gonna stop that Oh many many of the screen shots were just like here's me and this other person in a meadow no it was really bad so okay anyway back to come back to the topic a lot some of the stuff in videos building doesn't make a ton of sense to me like ansel but some of the stuff they're building does make a kind of sense things like streaming better better GPU based encoding and decoding okay all that kind of stuff does make sense to me so pretty much what they're doing is they're kind of going we don't even we don't even need to develop all much much faster GPU every year we're just going to like put more tech in it to the point where even if the RX Vega 556 was the same price as a gtx 1070 and videos whole thing on their side is like we still think you should buy a 1070 anyway because we do release state drivers every time oh by the way they're wickel ball and then we've got all this other tech we've got your shadow play and and all that kind of stuff built into it and you know AMD's approaches oh yeah but like our approach is open and let you look at some time but if videos started opening slip-up - though sometimes open makes sense but only if you're actually doing any work yeah because like look at okay so stereoscopic 3d however much of an abortion you may or may not think it is indeed eeeh did a better job because they actually did work on it whereas AMD was just like yeah through I said 3d and whatever that other thing was you can enable stereoscopic 3d on our cards but they were these janky third time did you ever try eyes at 3d it's no I didn't it was I never did in video 3 step either it was awful like if you think 3ds bad imagine 3d but like there's no oxygen to say 3d ready or whatever yeah keep just to just to justice just to have the checkbox it was super bad yeah we did testing for that people are telling me to shut up I think like three quarters of the chatters Dmitriy return in the chat yeah so much of it you talked yeah I mean you give them what they wanted okay here I've got something for Dimitri to discuss this is posted by Purina on the form the original article here is from ARS technica and this blew my mind Bing is bigger than you think says Microsoft with a quarter of UK searches whoa Wow so saying a quarter of the searches are from UK Ragno a quarter of the UK's also use been they are using Bing ten percent in Spain 19 percent in France nine percent in use though is it whatever that is what are they searching there were just looking spikes to Donald Chrome hahaha that's probably legit man apparently Taiwan is as high as 25% the US is 33 yeah the u.s. is the biggest percentage 16% Canada what these are just what you did you just figures being put out by marketing at lowest percentage because they may be just using type 2 search which uses being as your as your search result I love how they're saying Bing is bigger than you think and then there's literally multiple single digit percentages yes that is bigger than I think to be bear yeah but what if you damn guys I I honestly think like the media said that's just because they're searching for another browser to download on but 33 percent of all traffic in the USA is not searching for another browser download like I'm not even just trying to be devil's advocate that's not there's no way so if they're using Cortana yeah Cortana uses Bing so anytime you type that in click enter it so that's just a just a falsified not really falsified but it's it's cute in that make a name look like but I'm not going to being I don't use Cortana begin with but if I do a search or something down here I'm not searching Bing I'm just searching here usually for something on my system but yeah but that doesn't work that way most of the time it just gives you driver download from from online but a 13-3 Internet is what simultaneously when you search for something local so that is not really a good representation of being usage yeah that and I accidentally used Bing a lot accidentally yeah you contribute to that how many 13 14 16 per second Canada so I'll like I'll launch edge because I haven't bothered to install another browser yet and I'll search for something I'll be like aw crap well have said sir I want to do I want to Chad just said Alexa users name and he Alexis huge in the state that would maybe make sense why it's 33 percent there because apparently globally it's about 9 percent out and then 33 percent in the USA that's huge even like a homecare users being here that can't be right I'm pretty sure that's not right Bing is for porn apparently quick yeah so a certain a certain friend of ours in Seattle would say that like I guess the algorithm for that is way better ah a certain friend of ours in Seattle yeah well I'm not getting involved in you guys um thanks again to Jane Dimitri not only for being here for scrapyard wars but also for being here on the show so you can find Jay over at I think I know the answer you sense with a Z not to be confused with the rapper yeah and I said hardware conducts click yeah I'm just I'm leaving it cuz it's funny oh I'll do it there you go perfect oh we should have done a special intro with like you guys like on planes coming here that would have been real long it's like a chair supporter like biplane scarves and goggles do do like Epsilon yeah they bring that on a channel yeah you want to see a travel vlog go to Dimitri's channel where we're connect I recommend the dumb personal journey I know I'm collecting stuff still oh yeah they'll be good they'll be good
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