
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Did Intel CHEAT on Benchmarks?? - The WAN Show Oct 12, 2018

and we're live it's gonna be a boy it's gonna be a short land show today you know what I was doing today no I was installing a sound bar that took you all day well I was installing a sound bar with Alex oh and have you ever tried to achieve something with Alex actually I don't think so it usually involves a drill okay okay that makes sense I could see that so did you guys go like way over and above actually no no the sound bar was not not crazy janky or anything like that the more fun thing that we did is I don't know if when you rolled into the office today you noticed that the super Civic kind of moved I heard lots yesterday it was loud yeah so the floatplane team had a little viewing session through the window yeah so we were working yesterday on what I think may be the greatest video that Linus Media Group really has ever created Wow so basically what happened was a particular projector brand yeah reached out wanting us to do a sponsored video on a projector okay and the writing team having learned our lesson from the the fiasco that was the how nerds watch sports ball video really put their heads together to try to come up with a concept that wouldn't get us completely as the kids say wrecked in the YouTube comments okay and we came up with this one won't look we came up with the idea because here's the thing about projectors yeah projectors are really good at one thing a big picture in a darkroom I thought you're gonna say projecting light okay yeah projecting a big light picture in a darker yeah and they are super mediocre at best at everything else yeah and so when you're trying to come up with a unique spin on a projector it's like coming up with you know I was about to say it's like coming up with a unique spin on socks but actually coming up with the unique spin on socks is pretty easily easier you can put them on your feet you can put them on your hand to go like this you can wear sandals on top of them like there's all kinds of different legitimate ly use them as gloves if you really need lots of different ways to enjoy socks yeah projector best enjoyed from the couch popcorn in a dark room with a projector screen and we've had it like dis rapport tional e high amount of like brands that make projectors approached us about making unique content so you pretty much name it we've kind of done it and yeah we only really like to review projectors like any when it's not sponsored because we don't like to cross our streams there as the as the kids say you know across streams yeah um but we don't we don't really like to review them when there isn't something really different technologically about them so when I see a 4k 120 Hertz projector that has like some kind of like superhuman DLP wheel that spins faster than any DLP wheel ever spun before then then that'll probably merit a review okay just like what we did with Adele has a really unique projector it's a 4k laser projector that's a super short throw so you put it like 1218 inches from the wall and you've got this gigantic really sharp image cuz it's laser and stuff cool yes sort of it's like hybrid laser there's a DLP wheel involved if I recall correctly anyway the point is it was really different so we did a review on that so the one that we were working on for this it was it was different in the sense that it's higher brightness compared to most projectors of this type which is great because higher brightness means you don't have to have quite such a darkroom in order to have a good viewing experience but it wasn't like fundamentally different technologically so we weren't gonna be doing a review of it and so we were like we were like okay you know so far we've upgraded our board room we've installed a projector in my children's bed like that was that was pretty out there which actually they loved I took it down recently because we changed the layout of their room but they actually love having that up there pretty cool um and we thought you know what we haven't really seen a lot of in the last you know a couple decades drive-in theaters the drive-in theater is kind of you know like a lost you know art form I know of one yeah so only one then we thought what if we took the drive-in theater concept on the road that's why it's okay so you guys are gonna have to watch the video but let me put it this way we organized a meet-up for like like an experience of viewing experience party of the portable drive-in theater machine and four people showed five if you count the guy who owns the field oh my and yeah you guys play molarity hilarity ensued we ended up playing rocket League um Rick Astley's never gonna give you up okay and some of some of Brandon's beautiful footage from it okay honestly rocket League on a mobile set up off the front of a car actually sounds super cool so you're playing with controllers anyway so you kind of sit wherever and I will tell you this it was cold last night and I was very happy to have a warm hood to sit on so I'm sitting there in the middle of a field right it's very premium sitting there in the middle of a field with a controller with this gigantic like it's a 200 inch screen or something 17 feet whatever that works out to 17 foot we actually researches yes we bought it we purchased I had no idea we spent $200 of Linus Media Group's hard-earned money so everyone's sending super chats today you guys are making up for the gigantic inflatable projector screen that we bought apparently well not yet not making up for it yet yeah we got we got we got a $10 super chet thank you thank you for that Hellcat Thank You Hellcat uh-oh great we should probably get into like some topics for the day we've got a lot of great topics for you guys there was the made by Google Hardware event there was also the made by Razer Hardware event I actually have my hands on the pixel three right there the pixel three XL I've been actually been spending most of my time with the XL so far and I'm gonna go back to it I'm just I'm having a weird issue with it where it's not getting hangouts notifications so I popped my sin in this one so that I could see if it was just isolated to that other unit and it does appear to be isolated to the other unit so I'm gonna have to figure out what the crap is going on maybe just really format and see what happens yeah not only do I not get a notification but if I open up unlock the phone open the hangouts app I still won't get a notification until I happened to open a conversation thread with a person who sent me a message in the time since I got my last notification and then it will spam me with every hangouts notification I got from anyone else in the meantime oh jeez yeah it's like hilariously broken never seen anything quite like it yeah I'm trying to refrain I'm so interested because this is gen 1 and is starting to really show its age and I'm in like looking for a new phone territory but that one's really small and the other ones not is very ugly yeah it's like shoddy you remember not that long ago we had a poll about like what influences your smartphone purchasing decisions right no I don't remember but go ahead we had one on on Wednesday we had a straw poll and like we we talked about how like yeah probably more people have have design influences than they realize interest yet a lot of phones just look really similar so it's not a big deal but I didn't realize how much that notch might influence me wow there's a picture of on posted on Twitter yeah univ on on the couch the not from far away is really obvious what the heck and they pull that out i've seen i've seen an iphone XS and it's not CH and it doesn't seem that annoying to me but this like giant i call it a fedora on twitter this giant blah key thing in the middle of your phone it's just so weird you can see it from here so that's us on the couch and that's been cocked like it looks like there's a huge dent in the top of your phone yeah wow yeah that's Kent that's a lot like I don't know - have you seen the pictures of the notch delete um were they black out the notch area and then they put your notification and stuff on just a black bar so it looks like there's no notch because there's just a big black bar no I haven't seen that yeah but between that and the gigantic chin bar that they're only sort of gesture based navigation gives you it feels like going back to like an HTC One m7 yeah honestly like in terms of the forehead and like chin experience that I'm having using that phone so what-what I know your reviews not for a bit and you always like spending more time with phones but if you had to give like a short term preliminary opinions um hold on a second I actually didn't watch their keynote yet I'll like watch it later okay so I don't know the price how much is the pixels I believe it's a hundred to less than the iPhone holy crap so it's Canadian oh that's Canadian okay so hold on a minute so what like $7.99 or something I believe at $7.99 okay I'm just gonna change this America we were supposed to be going through the topics for this today but I guess we're just getting a little bit sidetracked here phones that's probably 464 ok so here we go so $7.99 yeah so ah it's hard because yeah it's really early on it's here I always always lose track of pricing because I'm Canadian and so I I things in Canadian rupees but then I try to speak in American dollars because the majority of our viewers are American so I always forget when I'm comparing slicing yeah yeah I actually know that's true not the majority of our viewers are American we actually have a ton from the UK now yeah that really took off in the last like couple of years here we go all right so I'm just finding out how much a note 9 is brand-new yes remember my Troy how many times do I have to tell it yeah that's always a lot of things to figure this out yeah okay so 999 so it's a $200 difference to a note 9 if Samsung had a commitment to support their devices with timely updates for three to four years like Apple does yeah then my answer would be very simple buy a note nine or failing that in s nine plus because I just yeah I just don't I don't know and there's other wild cards in there right now too so I actually have the pixel three and the pixel three Excel normally these days I review the the Mini and the max version of phones together I've been doing it for that way for I think a couple of years now yeah but I'm reviewing these two separately Oh because they are completely different phones just like the pixel 2 and the pixel 2x over in the sense that like every phone is very same II these days these two are as different from each other as any other phone is from any other phone as far as I'm concerned in terms of their design in terms of the the experience of using them they have things in common but in that same way an iPhone and other more different iPhone have a lot of things in common but there are different phones just to be clear all of the hardware is the same right picture all the cameras are the same I think two CPUs the same I think the Rams the same as far as I know but what I don't know based on the cuz I haven't tested it yet is based on the size of the chassis I don't know if the performance is going to be the same especially in things like gaming because of thermal ok and you know modern modern devices a batteries another big one and modern devices are designed to thermal throttle basically it's just a matter of what the manufacturers tolerance was for how much thermal throttling they want when they want it to kick in how they're balancing surface skin temperatures versus the temperatures of the processors inside like they're really different devices so pixel three pixel three excel razor gaming phone to a csro gphin phone yeah the polka phone f1 that's just off the top of my head those are the phone reviews that I still have to work on right now so I I have a lot of work today on season and the polka phone f1 is a really interesting one because that one's only $2.99 and while the custom rom sort of scene has kind of died down a little bit since since Samsung in particular fixed TouchWiz with the move to Samsung experience yeah um it's kind of popping up again around that phone oh yeah the one plus 60 is coming isn't there a company that essentially it's not called cyanogen anymore but isn't there a company that picked up the cyanogen project dad I'm not sure I heard about this I'm just not yeah I'm not sure about that one but anyway the poco phone f1 the community is kind of springing up around that phone because the skin on it is terrible like I have the same kinds of issues that I did the last time I reviewed a Xiaomi phone like they're just not well optimized for the North American user period and much worse things than just like you have to install Netflix manually using an apk rather than through the Play Store like it would feel like it's not compatible through your device you go what do you mean it's not compatible with my own device it's ridiculous of course it is a snapdragon 845 it's the same damn phone as every other phones just with a different you know shiny face on the front so so where was I going with this right so because the software experience is so bad but the hardware is like banging for the price it is similar hardware to a top-tier samsung or talk to your Google phone except a crappy er camera right for $300 and the reality of it is not everybody cares about their smartphone's camera that much yeah so it's very compelling so anyway that's a video that I've been kind of been working on for a while but I've decided not to review with the stock skin so I have never done that before I actually intended with the mean mix interesting to yes I think it was I think it was me mixed to it was a show me phone I had intended to go ahead because I got like a Chinese version of it and I had wanted to install like like a more stock Android experience type ROM like I had wanted to go through the whole like unlocking the bootloader maybe it wasn't stock Android experience maybe I just had had bought a Chinese one and then I wanted to put a US ROM on it and that wasn't supported yet but then while I was in the process of working on all this nonsense they released a u.s. are like a global version of it and I was like okay well that work was all for nothing in any way so I have never actually gone to the lengths that of installing a different skin like a different ROM on a phone prior to reviewing it but for me the poco phone f1 is a unique groans yeah case yeah because it's unusable with the stock skin in my opinion and if you can add a very significant amount of value yes that makes like to the point where people should be doing that if they buy I think of any kind of mod as how much I'm paying myself to do the work yeah and if I'm paying myself three dollars an hour to install like to - you know hack a game console or something you know where there's realistically six exclusives I wanted to play for that console anyway and I could have bought them all for $200 and this is like a thirty hour mod that's like things like that yeah that might break your thing that I'm gonna run out and I'm gonna have to get a new soldering iron for cuz I need like you know like a high like a high shoots like a high mass like I need like a high mass soldering iron to make sure that I can hit this high temperature without affecting this other nearby chipper like whatever whatever if there's like all these hoops I'm jumping through and I go no this is stupid I'm just gonna go buy the games whereas if it's if it's if it's a different type of mod like if it's a four hour mod and I can get you know 200 or 300 dollars of value out of it I'm paying myself 50 60 65 dollars an hour well then I look at it as something that I could reasonably recommend to a viewer yeah and it's worth the effort for me of going through documenting this process and laying it out for people so so that's why I want to do it that way people were pointing out to me after I googled it but thanks guys that is called lineage OS apparently okay like new continuation so might be interesting to look into honestly something that's kept me from Samsung for a long time I know there's been a lot of interest in the note 9 but something that's like strongly kept me from Samsung is yeah I hate using their it's better now it's a lot better now by the way that weird hangouts glitch that you saw where I got where my my always-on display had Luke's message from an hour ago was because I got a different notification from Tyler that he's purging the fridge right now you were talking about that earlier in the stream I just saw it happen why so I was like what that's a different bug oh my other bug is way worse okay I just won't get a notification at all and what I would have to do is I would have to go and I would have to go into hangouts and I would have to open like oh no your chat and then all these other ones would ping me at the same time really stupid super annoying and the thing is like I was talking to our debrand contact just like we were just chatting over twitter the other night and I was like yeah I'm having these issues with the pixel 3 XL and he was like lol it's what you get for using hangouts and I'm like okay look he's gonna be a hard time because he's like that who was our D brain contact I don't know his name is public I'm not sure so I'm not staying here his name but he's like lol you use hangouts that's what you get and I was like ok point taken but hangouts is part of the G suite yeah which is an actual for business product that I actually pay for and it is a Google service that is inexcusable and he's like lol yeah no I know man I'm just I'm just razzing you but I get I get kind of triggered because I know it's not popular and I know it has its issues it works pretty good it's I don't think it works yeah it has definitely has its limitations it has its limitations yeah but it is cross-platform yeah and especially for just like getting a singular person attention for one like quick kind of thing I think it's really good for that yeah it's once you start getting into big team chats and stuff I think you start running into it no pretty heavy limited then you start getting into slack or discord land yeah and like that's fine but the thing about hangouts to is that because all of our work accounts are Google I I have a guarantee that if someone is just by logging into their email they are getting hangouts messages yeah at some point and it's all in one place there are benefits to it and it's really frustrating for me because this Google service that I pay for and this Google device that I'm using shouldn't be completely unworkable together that's really ridiculous yeah it's like when back in the day when like a brand's power supply wouldn't fit very well in their own case yes guys what are you doing what an Tek an Tek was like exactly ghosts are notorious for that and like honestly it's probably better now because they had a bit of a dark time there for a bit and I say dark time because I'm talking specifically about the dark Fleetline up a bit that's dark time I'm pretty meta because they just had as far as I could tell no idea what they were doing the DF 85 was probably the worst designed case of its time I'm serious and they came out of like such a strong era I'm serious right now so DF 85 let's bring let's bring this mess up this thing was just unbelievably bad images I made a video about it like way back in the day this first of all that's what it looked like that was never cool it's not cool now it wasn't cool then it's bad it was always bad now let's go ahead and enjoy the interior design of this hope the kitties own hot garbage so remembering that this was only like six years ago when already no-one was putting optical drives certainly not three and whoever put like eight three and a half inch tried except hold on it gets because you couldn't actually fit that many three and a half inch drives because they had these ginormous caddies that were basically adapting whatever this was to three and a half inch drive bays and then this was this was during the era of the GTX 480 so it had like all this cooling which seems great in theory the thing has seven 120 millimeter fan slots which is amazing except that this stupid caddie interfered with like standard length Nvidia graphics cards so you could only install like one it was just so bad and get this see this thing right here this is like a five and a quarter inch bay cover except that it just has a little plastic clip right here that just like clips in here and then you could actually reach the button of your optical drive you could press the button but then the drive would pop out and it wouldn't actually open this thing I would just get jammed up against it just like open and close a couple of times because it's confused it's like there's a there's a blockage and there was no there was literally no room for cable management so you see this cut out for the CPU cooler the amount of space back there is negligible almost none this thing was a complete cluster to build in because these video cards barely fit the cables had to be just like piled up down here getting in the way of all this airflow and like collecting dust it was just all men so bad and was this the one that had that stupid two and a half inch dock in the top of it and remember this is those were horrible this is at a time when an SSD is like worth its weight in gold yeah right there's like six seven years ago it was supposed to be like a gaming case like take it to a land party you can put your SSD in the top for your land party and I'm like are you nuts people take locking cases to land parties so that they don't get their graphics card ripped out they're gonna put their SSD right on the top in a convenient little dock we can just rip it right out are you kidding me and who had an SSD for anything other than their OS why would you want that in a conveniently removable dog you know would be kind of an actually pretty cool series of videos you sure retro rents I'm calm I'm calm I'm relaxed right now and some chill you'd have to be not calm though like my Apple watch is like breathe is it giving you help noticing no it started taking dictation Oh Apple watch my Apple watch why was it why was it I don't know what is it even doing I love how useless my watch is right now the Apple watches is really interesting so it still doesn't have an always-on display which is ridiculous when you get a notification if you close it it doesn't show notifications that you got in your like history wheel they're just not there so that's really smart and so because we did that video earlier this week where we intentionally put one of my calendars yeah yeah it's like actually useless because it's just completely full of smack Oh from Justin three regret all life decisions channel super fun meeting hi Oh Nikki V back drop expensive stuff reopen Linus's sex that got truncated it survived the earth 26 events got for tomorrow phone call with lioness from one week in the past fire at Colton fire Colton both fire him and fire Adam and got another fire Colton buy apples for tomorrow drop something test fire alarm as loud as possible burn all lionesses sandals thanks night blood so I'm just you should probably dealing people are probably what yeah so people are probably wondering why I'm wearing an Apple watch while I'm working on my pixel 3x over yeah I mean it's not doing anything anyway I'm tell the time so twitch at loves the retro rants by the way I bet they do I backed our YouTube chat does as well you know what they probably also love speaking of things they love our sponsor sports are number one honey head over join honey calm slash Linus you've probably heard us talk about it before but honey is the free shopping tool that helps you find the best promo codes whenever you shop online at specific sites those of you who downloaded honey from our link have already saved over a hundred thousand dollars in the past few months just pretty nuts if you don't know what honey is it's a free browser extension available on Chrome Firefox and Safari that saves you time and money when you're shopping online in over thirty thousand stores honey works on Amazon eBay new egg raiser Best Buy Walmart and more they get a small commission from the sites so that is where honey saves you money it's always free for you or that's where they make their money excuse me honey gets a small commission from the site where honey saves you money so it's always free for you it installs in just two clicks and Colton and Brandon a few others here have used behind you to save money shopping online oh you too oh yeah oh man those waiteth I actually shop online far less than you would probably think most of my impulse purchases are tech and most of those will they get purchased through work so I don't actually do it that makes sense yeah so you can get honey for free right now at join honey calm / Linus we're gonna have that linked well we have that link right there you know it was good for me with honey yes was I had it when buying gifts last Christmas oh so I just every time I buy a gift for Christmas just give honey a shot it's gonna it's gonna like one thing about it is it's gonna be like I've got like 15 coats I don't know if one of these is gonna work but I'll try them and you just tell it to go for it and if it fails it's like well there you go and if it works it's like hey I saved you this much money it takes like a couple seconds it's great you know what else takes a couple seconds signing up for private Internet access P ia hides your true IP address and allows you to bypassed your restrictions and censorship by making you appear as though you're connecting from somewhere else and you can use it on 5 devices at once I'm not 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own shortener yeah I know Jake knows how to set it up I think it's like 10 minutes or something like that if you know what you're doing yeah anyway fresh books yeah fresh books is the super simple to use invoicing tool that actually does a lot more than help you create and send slick-looking invoices it helps you track your time manage your expenses and keep track of who owes you what including a feature that shows you when your clients look at your invoice for the first time their mobile app has all the functionality of their desktop version so you can take fresh books with you wherever you go and if you have any trouble you can reach out to their support staff where you will speak to a real human no phone tree no escalations no return calls just answers it is eerie when you call a company like fresh books or ting and you call them and someone's like hi what can I help you with there supposed to be a tree yeah why am I not talking to a computer go visit fresh books calm slash man if you're any kind of freelancer or you work for yourself it is worth giving it a try 30 days is free just enter when and how did you hear about us section all right an actual tech topic I shouldn't do the intro now just to troll people but what can I do for you Nick usually when he comes down here during the show it's terrible news turning on YouTube memberships yeah you can you can turn it on right now if you want so actually it's probably worth actually it's probably worth talking to you guys about this because I feel like we're sending somewhat mixed messages right now there are no fewer than three different ways that you can send a monthly contribution to Linus Media Group you can subscribe on Twitch you can subscribe on Flo plain or as of one minute from now you can use YouTube memberships to subscribe yeah man that's confusing terminology you missed one on YouTube did I miss one hold on hold on let me think let me think anything okay is he gonna get it twitch YouTube oh yes you can contribute on the forum yeah so I had that bundled in with Flo plain because technically most of the forum contributors are contributing like four or four players yes but yes we actually do have a significant number of even like gold level contributors who are amazing like actually it works out pretty well cuz the forum is one of those weird side projects that never really panned out in terms of being a money-making endeavor yeah but because of the contributors on the forum our costs for running the servers for the forum and even like a little bit of man time to make sure that it doesn't completely fall apart it's mostly mortis it's covered thank you Morris so yeah it's we have an amazing team over there and not just an amazing team there's a reason I call it out in almost every video that we do it's a great community over there so it but it's like it's self-sufficient now which is which is because of the contributors there so in terms of like actual linus media group like the videos stuff I still consider there to be three yeah um Brandon sent me a message that said do not reply no he didn't that was actually Nick but hangouts notifications are what Oh am I not allowed to say that is that not so here's how this works we have never really sold subscribing on Twitch no because we think that's a bad idea yeah we have a fifty-fifty rev share with twitch which means that twitch is basically just taking half of your five dollars every month so that you can watch literally one live stream a week for like roughly an hour for ya ruffnut even always at full power so we've never really pitched that as a good idea yeah and then best-looking so it's someone who's subscribed to twitch right now just oh no - say it isn't true says RC mal I think that's the same guy who said oh no yeah okay oh then there's a trap giving out gift subs he's done 61 in this channel alone traps kind of a beast so so anyway you know thanks to you guys but like it's really never been like you know something that keeps the lights on it like this media group yeah AB scription yeah so then vessel came along and do not reply from Brandon because I haven't cleared that notification was just so mad so mad getting so triggered right now I just need to like mute this thing and like put it away stop looking at so that in vessel came along and then died and and then we and then we created flow plane such as you guys know Luke is CEO oh and basically does all the things over there he runs that runs that ship or plane or whatever it is vessel nope excuse me it's a plane um so he runs that and the way that flow plane works is that flow plane takes a cut but one that is actually smaller than what twitch takes believe it or not and then Linus me tiger takes a cut after the payments cut is subtracted yeah does that all make sense to everyone yeah okay they're just still better than the way that YouTube works is YouTube takes a cut and - meteor group takes a cut so this is going to be the story we're gonna have the feature enabled because the reality of it is there are going to be people out there lots of them that want to support Linus tech tips or tech quickie or channel super fun or whatever content stream it is that they enjoy and have no interest in going off platform in registering a separate credit card now that they've already set it up for super chatting over on bit way detective there's something on YouTube they did they just they wanted stay in the Google ecosystem because they can't be arsed to go sign up for some other third-party service there are always going to be those people so for those people we are enabling that for the people who are willing to go off-site we are still going to be supporting floatplane 100% and floatplane is still going to be the platform that gets early access video yeah and we have worked out a deal with YouTube where it's cool if we have early access video on our own owned and operated site that we're gonna maintain and we don't have that for YouTube subscribers and if people like like wanna subscribe on YouTube then cool that's great if they want to support us that's great we appreciate that but early access is floatplane and floatplane is have actually has reached some really cool milestones internally lately and you can expect to see more options than just three dollars for one week early access at 1080p yeah then the the technically the newest hire guy is building some cool tools for that and there's a lot of other things that are coming through the pipeline right now that are that are gonna be fun and new while we're at this do you want to just pimp the other position you're trying to hire again yeah let's do it there's a forum that is going to be can I give me a second I'm gonna post it in twitch chat right now while you're doing that actually I might as well show what's what's really access on floatplane right yeah so we have a tech quickie on cable management Oh actually I have a master account so I can see everyone so tech deals has asked tech deals number 14 Q&A best support nvme is it worth it we've got oh lordy six editors one CPU hurt two out of question worse it's been a it's been a rough time bit wit has hotline 2.0 pre water cooling build final core specs revealed tech deals another QA Linus tech tips the hundred dollar vertical mouse this things won't go man we've got this oh this is we we put tech linked up there but it's like it's not early access it's a news show here let's just okay there's a lot of good stuff a lot of tech deal stuff so six orders one CPU yep part 1 of 2 and then part 2 of question mark that gives you guys some idea of how that whole thing went Tec wiki why is Wi-Fi slower than Ethernet we've got we bought a cheap SSD on Aliexpress that's actually even more interesting than you might think cool we've got this keyboard that raised $300,000 on IndieGoGo and is frankly effing terrible to put it to put it bluntly yeah I'm not surprised ya know the Asya retro classic is really nice ok ya know this thing though I'm key whatever this is raise $300,000 on IndieGoGo oh it's terrible what else do we have in here we've actually done a fair number of simultaneous releases lately but we definitely have is that it this was fun I think it's on both now but this one just came out anyway so we've got early access stuff over there that's going to continue to be happening ok should we do a news topic I feel like I've talked about the pixel 3 a lot so oh ok all right here we go so this was posted on the forum by oh never mind there's just a business insider source it doesn't matter the point is I'm gonna quickly go it's basically hiring an infrastructure guy there's more details in the Google forms link in the twitch chat all posted on chemicals that's fine I can't you just like it's over so it's a web address oh sure I'm not ok anyways it'll be in the description later so check it out they're hiring someone to help with the infrastructure side of things and there's a huge massive questionnaire that's like do you have experience with this if so how much and then that repeated like a whole bunch of times and basically we're just trying to get a picture of like how familiar you are with some of the stuff that we've used I've had some people be like you should allow like short answered stuff I mean if you have 0 years of experience with everything that we're using if you're if you're able to move local great if you're not if you have tons of experience with me but like it's we have good responses already so so not trying to discourage you just saying okay pixel three after this form I do an email out then you send me resume stuff we do it that way sounds good what is happening all right are you tired okay of every year oh boy whether it's Google or Apple or Samsung yeah are you tired of every year then putting some shiny new feature in your face that just sounds so amazing it's almost unbelievable when they still haven't figured out basic stuff what are we talking about in video no we're talking about the pixel three right now okay so they've got this call screen feature that lets a robot answer the phone for you and transcribes the dialogue on your lock screen that sounds pretty cool do you remember that thing they talked about last year where you're like Google assistant could make appointments for you it could like call the hair salon and make an employment was that last year I was last year that was pixel two if I recall correctly whoa okay remember that AI camera that's stupid thing what was that thing called I don't remember that that stupid AI camera that was gonna just like automatically take great pictures or whatever okay Apple wireless charging last night when I got home I realized that I had left the key to the super Lambo in the ignition okay okay so I walk in my door at home I'm like I pull out my shiny new pixel three XL and I say hey Google it goes oh your Internet's not working I go are you effing kidding me my internet is working I browse to a webpage yeah it's working just fine hey Google your Internet's not working like I'll turn off my Wi-Fi ok cellular data good we got it my internet working because whatever hey Google remind me tomorrow when I get to work to take the key out of the Civic okay I've set your reminder it's an 8 a.m. reminder that has so that has nothing to do with the time that I'm normally like barely even awake at 8 a.m. let alone at work it gives me no prompt to change it alter it in any way and then I go oh crap uh okay Google show me my reminders and that's the first time it managed to pick that up that's great so I go okay google show me my reminders it not only doesn't show me my my reminders page yeah it reads me only my next reminder which is a reminder to go check on my daughter and take her fingers out of her mouth if she's sucking on them because it's making your teeth wonky okay and I'm sitting here going this assistant he's expected to make appointments for me it can barely do basic stuff like fundamental stuff so here's here's my here's my unsolicited advice for the Google assistant team get your shit together don't make new things improve you have stopped making new things yeah altogether for like a year okay what I'll give them to go back and and look at like some of the very frequently requested stuff that you haven't been able to help with or that people because I know you collect data about when someone sets a reminder and then they go in and they change it manually after like when you got it wrong go look at that stuff because that is way more important okay that's all I have to say about the Google Hardware minute oh let's move on to this was supposed to buy carcass on the forum and it's the Intel ninth gen benchmarking scandal ooh so why don't we go through why don't we go through the series of events yeah we're almost done give me five minutes five minutes because this is like the headline topic it was in the thumbnail I have to talk about it when we don't people get mad especially because we can't change the thumbnails now all right so as Intel's new ninth gen chips became available for pre-order there were no benchmarks available because tech journalists were under embargo now this is a behavior that we feel strongly is inappropriate don't think you should take pre-orders for products that haven't been evaluated by independent third parties but the reality of it is we are just we are just a drop in the ocean of voices of consumers that are apparently dumb enough to just go buy stuff without having seen it evaluated by a third-party independent whatever right so there's nothing we can do about pre-order culture apparently I wish we could but we can't yeah um one publication PC games end though published benchmarks conducted by a company called principled technologies their results were claiming that the ninety nine hundred K was up to fifty percent faster than the rise in seven twenty seven hundred X in gaming so Steve Walton of tech spot immediately thought the data looked suspicious and eventually uncovered a series of steps taken to handicap AMD okay that's good that's a little bit color commentary there a series of things that occurred or things that weren't done that should have been done to benefit yeah that made the AMD chip not put put forward its best showing and allowed the Intel CPU to shine they used Corsair Vengeance memory without loading the XMP profile setting the frequency to twenty nine thirty three and leaving the loose default memory timings in place the AMD system used to stop cooler while until used in Nhu 14s that doesn't make a difference but sure whatever a game mode was enabled on the AMD system disabling fifty percent of its course something that anyone who knows much about benchmarking should have known like so game mode is more for thread Ripper and less for like four and eight core Rison process the argument with the coolers because the case was really bad apparently sure just adding some context there I have no information on whether or not a throttle so a big part of the scandal is that apparently Intel contracted principal technologies - to like evaluate the these Prince processor and there's there's a hundred reasons why companies might do something like that it can be useful to sidestep internal politics to get like an independent third parties opinion on the performance and the market positioning of your product that can help well pricing everyone discounts internal benchmarks it can affect pricing at canosa it can affect forecasting there you might want to show benchmarks to you know analysts or to partners ahead of launch while the like just the independent press is still under embargo and if you just show your own numbers that you ran it lacks credibility so there's a lot of reasons why companies will contract someone third party in order to get their products evaluated so there seems to be a couple of issues here one of them is that principled technologies you know actually there was a beer as a big to-do about Ryan shroud from PC perspective creating like a secondary side business that's all about this kind of consultation for companies it's not this one just to be super good yeah it's not principled technologies so I think a shrout research so so there's a couple of problems here because one people are mad because the results were not necessarily reflective of the real-world differences in performance between Intel and their own processors and Intel's new processor and AMD's processors but I think that people are getting on making a bit of a mountain out of a mole here here because we don't well here molehill here because we don't know what the event was we don't actually know if principal technologies is completely incompetent and we don't know if Intel did this out of malice because obviously the pre-orders on a CPU remember this is a supply chain that has taken decades to develop like the pre-orders on a CPU are not significant this isn't like a game where you are making you know and I'm using arbitrary numbers here but where you are making fifty percent of your total sales for this title within the first couple of weeks it's not like that well you have you have experience at a retailer yes so you will typically see a spike you'll typically see a couple weeks where your where your weekly run rate is thirty to fifty to you maybe even double if you have a great launch and then it settles in and you move the bulk of your product over the life cycle of the product so it's not like this was like a sneaky trick to you know sell a bunch of CPUs before people realize they're garbage most people don't suddenly upgrade when something new comes out most people upgrade when they want a new computer another thing too is that all of the industry scuttlebutt that I've seen that has any kind of credibility to it is that Intel is going to be supply constrained on these chips anyway so if their intent was to like drum up a bunch of sales and make everything else look bad then they're really shooting themselves in the foot with this ninety nine hundred K launch because if they can't ship enough of the bloody things then what good are they doing themselves if they have everybody waiting around for ninety nine hundred case so that's another factor that makes me sort of wonder if if we should attribute to malice what we could have attributed to incompetence and as much as Intel might have just been done here and hired the wrong consultancy firm might I recommend trout research or himself these days next time that might be better um they have oh that would have its own controversy but anyway they had to know that this was going to come back and reflect on them poorly if they chose the wrong third-party house to do this testing and so some of the backlash is definitely deserved because there also should have been oversight from Intel where they should have gone we'll hold on a second that's not really right now with all of that said I don't understand why there was such a big blowup about this because what all of you and all of the rest of the tech press should have done is they should have completely ignored these numbers we should have looked at these numbers as exactly the same kinds of numbers that AMD showed off at their Hawaii launch event for the tooth ninety series we should have ignored them the way that we ignored AMD's numbers when they originally launched Rison and I remember asking someone actually add a name the event why did you put twice as much memory in the Intel system here as in your own system and they were like oh well we thought it was the fairest way Reisen had all kinds of issues with the memory controller they couldn't run it any other way it's not any different from those graphs that Nvidia shows at their long yeah where they just have like like 18 games and then they show like a bar and they're like yeah it's like that much better when some of them might have been equal and some of them might have been weird anomalies where they perform like twice as fast it's not any different from anything that intel has ever shown why why are we treating anything other than post-launch benchmarks from independent parties as anything other than marketing fluff this I just don't see the difference and maybe I'm missing something here so when a twitch chat is is pretty sure you are but hasn't pointed out a single necessarily reason why yeah I agree on a lot of your points I think there are a few more issues with to testing probably and and a little bit of the mentality behind it after watching the interview and watching some other things and I agree with some points and don't disagree and disagree with other points that were brought up in the interview and pavo yeah but yeah I don't we do this every single this seems like a just a little bit more than we do every single other time but we always do the same thing every single time right where every single review were like wow those numbers are ridiculous why doesn't everyone wait until independent reviewers get their own numbers out then cross reference across all reviewers yeah because you shouldn't also just look at one reviewers because anyone can make a mistake even route research can make a mistake we've made plenty of mistakes like everyone makes mistakes that's why I mean when back before I got an opportunity to test the hardware personally or you know have someone on my staff who I'm directly you know sitting next to testing the hardware you know I would always read at least three to four reviews of anything that was back when you read reviews and yeah I watch yeah dating myself a little bit I guess and then if there was an anomaly you could go okay why then you start to dig in if everyone agrees it's usually fine unless something very scandalous happens later like that whole thing with the GTX 970 and the half a gig of ram that was lower than the rest or whatever the case may be so so far I've got over the person that the testing methodology was flawed yeah yeah that's exactly what we're talking about like there was certain issues like they didn't list the settings of the use for GTA 5 and as yeah you and I know that's a real chore that would be that would be two pages of the document yeah cuz you can't just set GT what is it is a real chore but it was also revealed in the interview especially that they might not be super educated on different ways that reviewers at least these days like modern reviewers are doing these different testing methodologies because there are a lot of weird things and I did say poor choice of there was a third party yes that was already covered and I did say there's some blame lies with Intel no matter what the argument Linus is making and by extension me because I agree with this is that it just doesn't matter and everyone should ignore it not that there wasn't problems with it I think I think some people in twitchchat are are just pitch forking because they want to be mad about this whole situation yeah which is great you should completely ignore those numbers because they're dumb and you should ignore them and usually manufacturers mislead you yes we're just saying that this isn't new no it's not unique to Intel and yes it's trendy to hate on Intel and we get it but there this particular instance doesn't look especially different to me than what we've seen from until in the past ambi Nvidia you pretty much name it I mean do you remember do you remember the sales pitch Microsoft gave for game mode we were actually talking about it in our in our writers meeting this Monday we should revisit game mode because back when we did our video and it basically did nothing a lot of the community feedback was like well they're gonna fix it over time and they're like let's find out if they fix that over time because I'm very much guarantee they didn't ya know that would actually be awesome yeah I would love that video personally so so we should always take manufacturer claims with a grain of salt that's the lesson and we didn't learn it because people are still pre-ordering these things anyway and there's just nothing we can do about it so that's it end of LAN show one more quick quick quick thing fine we talked about the giant like 50 million or whatever I don't remember the number account Facebook breach not that long ago on wine show if you want to check how it impact did you log into Facebook then go to slash help slash security notice scroll down to the bottom thank you will from the floatplane team for sharing this with me scroll down to the bottom and then there should be a box which will give you some details about how secure your account is pay attention to the wording it will not say you were breached you were not breached it will sound a little bit more or a little bit less sure depending on how how problematic your account is so yeah check that out that's why I'm officially licensed Wireless GameCube controllers are coming to switch that's pretty sick I just want to throw that out there and also Google Plus hack and end-of-life lol Google Plus the gift that keeps on giving it's like NCIX ok bye everyone bye oh yeah we can mention the discord logo contest we're doing a Halloween themed LTT logo design contest on discord on Newsies lat music for the intros plain right now so I gotta go I gotta go why
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