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EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti DS Video Card Unboxing & First Look Linus Tech Tips

today I have an unboxing for you guys this is part of EVGA 's DS series of cards that is not to say that it is like the Nintendo DS in that it's neat but underpowered that is to say that it is I actually don't know what it stands for but all there DS cards have this really cool heatsink design so maybe it has something to do with that I don't know dual slot mind you all the heat sinks are dual slot these days pretty much dual dual fan would be DF maybe someone can post in the comments under this video what exactly the DS thing in the name stands for so this is basically a gtx 560 TI with an aftermarket cooler made by EVGA who is proud to proclaim themselves to be number one seller of us of nvidia based products in the u.s. the number one in reliability and service the number one in performance and the number one folding at home team although I don't think I should talk too much about the folding at home team because NCIX has its own folding at home team which is pretty good as well so that you've got 24/7 support as well as EVGA a coveted warranty service alright key features include DirectX 11 we've come to expect that at this point all the usual Nvidia stuff including two-way SLI cuda physx 3d vision as well as 3d vision surround if you grab two of them and run them in SLI mode you can use EVGA utilities including precision as well as their OC scanner and let's flip it around this is a super clocked card which means it's not the highest priced highest performing it's not the second highest for a second highest performing but it's the step-up from the stock o'clock cards that are also available so we've got one of those EVGA skull dude posters which I often have a really hard time getting unfolded for some reason let's see if this one is any easier hey there we go alright so I'm just going to step back show you guys that so something about EVGA gaming there you go you feed your gaming and then ask all dude okay so let's go ahead and put that away for now if I can figure out how to do it usually the putting away part is even harder there we are and without ruining it excellent okay next we have any graphics card user guide at this point you should probably pretty much know how to use a graphics card you plug it into the slot you install the drivers but not off the disk off the manufacturer website as well as a quick start guide in case you want to get started quickly rather than slowly highly recommended that getting started quickly rather than slowly because your new hardware is in your system and ready to go more quick alright we have don't touch your card for two minutes after it's been on we have a mini HDMI to HDMI cable this is a great inclusion because it allows you to not have to do this any clearance issues replace adapters if you have a DVI cable plugged into the next slot over we have dual molex to single 6 pin PCI adapter as well as another one and finally a DVI to VGA adapter finally we have the card itself coming out of the wrapper which is an unwrapping video today not an unboxing I mean we unboxed it too but we're also gonna unwrap rate its unboxing and unwrapping video there it is if that's not a slick looking card I don't know what is I think my white balance is a little bit off because looking at the LCD in my camera this green stripe looks pretty yellow but in real life it's actually ah there we go if I should there that's about what it looks like so it's an NVIDIA green stripe that looks very sharp it's a nice little accent on an otherwise almost completely black card okay we got white DVI ports too but I guess we'll let it slide a couple stickers alright so let's start with let's start with the top today the EVGA GTX 560 Ti the text is in the correct orientation such that when you actually install it in your case you will actually be able to read it on the top we also find a single sli connector so that means two-way SLI but not 3-way or four-way SLI remember those modes are not supported by the gtx 560 TI GPU next on the back we have not a whole lot to speak of although maybe what I'll do is I'll find out for you guys whether this is a reference PCB or whether this is a custom PCB why don't you go find another 560 TI hmm there's a hawk it's not a 560 TI yes it is okay so I'm in the tech tips room trying to find out if this is a reference card or a non reference scribe so far it looks like a reference card all right let's compare the PCB layouts here guys that's looking pretty darn reference to me at this point now remember to just because of manufacturers using a reference design PCB that does not necessarily mean that they are using all reference components on it so they could be using higher-quality capacitors or chokes or whatever the case may be EVGA is renowned for their quality so who knows what's actually on here but it does use a reference PCB next we have an open slot at the back so some airflow is going to be kicked out into your case by the DS cooler here we've also got two PCI 6 pin PCI e6 pin power connectors although it's not a particularly power-hungry cars at the bottom we have a PCI Express 16 X connector and we see a couple of big old fat heat pipes so lore there are two heat pipes no.33 heat pipes yes there you can see the third one in there now right so you got three heat pipes covering the GPU which you can also see right down there see the GPU itself and so those are going to be spreading the heat out to the aluminum fins which you can see all under the dual eighty millimeter fans here and that is what we'll do the cooling for your system you can also see that the VRMs are going to get direct airflow from this fan right here so you don't have to worry about those overheating at all as well as one of the things that is superior about a downdraft cooler design now one of the disadvantages is that although we do on the back have the open PCI slot for exhaust most of the air is not going to come out of that slot most of it is going to be exhausted here here here not it here well yes I'm here and then some of it will go out the back but you want to make sure you have decent cooling in your case before you install a card that does not exhaust everything externally on the back dual DVI mini HDMI and I think that pretty much covers it thank you for checking out my unboxing of the geforce gtx 560 TI DS from EVGA don't forget to subscribe to Linus tech tips for more unboxings reviews and other computer videos
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