Enermax Digitally monitored fan less power supply and SP fan demo - CES 2014
Enermax Digitally monitored fan less power supply and SP fan demo - CES 2014
Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2014 is
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western digital hey guys wrote the
enermax sweet checking out the first
fanless power supply with digital
monitor this thing is awesome it's a 550
watt fanless power supply go 80 plus
platinum it's fully modular which is
absolutely awesome I've got it right
here and as you can see right in the top
there's no fan but the coolest part
about this because we've already had
found this power supplies is the digital
monitoring so with the digital monitor
you can check how much wattage it's
using how much efficiency it's running
at how hot it is you can switch rails
from single rail to multiple rails you
can see the actual readings and the
theoretical readings of the different
rails you can adjust actual readings for
voltages you can see how much wattage
and voltage and amperage which is a
calculation of each other that is
pulling from the wall you can see
everything essentially which is great
because there's a little bit of phobia
around fanless power supplies that
you're worried that it's going to get
too hot and your system is going to fail
in some way but if it's digital
monitoring you can monitor the
temperature so you can see exactly how
hot it is how fish and it's running all
that kind of stuff so this is great to
see because I think this is going to
open a lot of doors to people that were
scared of families power supplies in the
past next up we've got their twister
pressure this is enter Max's first foray
into 120 millimeter static pressure fans
it has an air flow of seventy nine point
nine six CFM static pressure of 3.85
sound level of 25 DBA and a speed of
1800 rpm and the demo that they have
here is what's really cool so what's
going on is they have a little basically
windmill and then they have two
different fans they have competitor high
pressure high static pressure fan high
performance high static pressure fan
sorry which I'm sure many of you will be
able to recognize which competitor that
is but either way and then they've got
the windmill sitting out there so you
can have it the the pressure hit the
windmill and then spin it so it's not
the most scientific thing ever because
different fans will shoot air in
different cones and I know it supposed
to be static pressure so it should be a
certain alignment all I kind of stuff
but it's not perfect but it's kind of
fun and if you want to try and see how
your fans doing at home you can kind of
run this test so if you have a few
different fan
in your case you can see how well it's
going to perform based on shelving some
type of windmill in front of it like I
said it's not perfect but it is very
cool thank you for watching our enermax
content thank you to all of our
subscribers NCIX mainly corsair and WD
for sponsoring us to come to CES 2014
this year and if you want to see all of
our CES 2014 content be sure to
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