
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place


no I I don't think anyone did bump the cable I think the microphone is set to allow exclusivity mode and then Skype was open and I think Skype grabbed the mic in between recording the local recording and actually going live so I ended up being completely silent okay so what I was trying to say that whole time in a very long around about way if it helps it all actually hadn't really said anything yet I was mostly just killing time what I was trying to say is that our New Year's resolution is to start the show on time and that those of you with calendars or fancy phone image Agurs in your pockets have probably realized there's not the New Year yet so that's why we are nine minutes late but in that time I have been tooling around with getting the audio working for a while and so we are actually more like 14 minutes late but there's that and and and I was also going to address that focus right on account of Christmas or something was this has not managed to come by it this is actually an audio interface that we bought they're going to bring some other gear but they have not managed to come out here yet they're going to come in the new year and we are definitely going to be upgrading the audio setup to something that is not a USB microphone will be all XLR and fancy and nice and and all that good stuff it's really it's really funny though we had a call with them a little while ago and they were just like hey um so we couldn't help noticing that you know you guys are recording in a warehouse and so we were thinking like you know I don't know maybe you'd want to put up like some sound deadening so you don't get that echo and I was like yeah you know what that's really the least of our problems I mean if we can have audio working at all and like a compressor would be great then we're going to call that good and they're like yeah but like we really think that with these other additional things that we're like I'm like yeah it's a set that we use literally one-and-a-half hours a week so if we're creating a bunch of clutter they're like yeah but we think we can make it sound really good I'm like you know what let's just get it working and then we'll worry about making it sound amazing how about it just works first and then we go from there so oh hey we have a special guest for the wine show today hey Vaughn can I borrow you for a minute oh I just wanted my three-month-old daughter to make a special appearance on wine show today is she able to do that she kind of cranky right now okay oh and oh oh man they get heavy fast so this is definitely how to handle a baby um when you are streaming live there you go so that's my new baby I really don't know what she's looking at you can tell that she is my daughter because she is wearing her brother's hand-me-downs that is the way that you can tell that and um hi are you gonna smile for us hello oh she doesn't want to play the tickle the nose game hey what are you even looking at what if I bounce you wow you're getting really heavy hello okay yep and she was not stoked on that guest appearance and we're done so uh all right we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today which is a total lie but we do have a couple of topics so Amazon patents reveal I won't call this a plan but they reveal talk I guess of flying warehouses that send delivery drones to your door there's a rumor that HTC is expected to unveil the vive - at CES 27 already I just bought a vibe um okay and Tesla predicts accidents and gives warning before it happens and in a Florida a Florida senator says we shouldn't need a permit for driverless cars so uh there you go let's go ahead and roll the intro see if it works is it going to work oh there's no there's no music yep well you know what freshbooks there we go freshbooks calm /when and there's no reason to stay here and stare at the intro because there is no awesome music to go with it so this is kind of a you know what here this is a perfect opportunity for me to talk about sort of one of the challenges that I think we've had with the wine show computer so we learned recently that the best way to update xsplit is to fully uninstall it and reinstall it I did not know that apparently what xsplit does if you just install updates on top of updates on top of updates is it only updates certain parts of the program so if you've ever had xsplit have like the old icon in your taskbar but then you launch it it has the new logo on the splash screen but then it has like the older style of theme that's why so I have an issue with xsplit right now where I can't play a vis and so that's why I can't play our normal intros they play slowly all of them but I was even able to playback a much higher bitrate file which is our old old intro but one that doesn't have audio and that's how I temporarily got it working but then I have never looked at it again and so it's very very temporary and - the army of people demanding that we use OBS OBS is a steaming pile in completely different ways so yes I have used OBS and I have hust xsplit and in this case I'm going with the devil that I know if anyone has a suggestion that is not OBS then I'll be willing to listen to it yeah but uh thank you thank you to all the suggestions for OBS but yeah I'm not pretending that xsplit is perfect I am literally in the middle of complaining about it but that doesn't mean that OBS is great sorry alright so let's go ahead and jump into one of our topics here wow I could really use some water but we are so short right now on people I don't even know if there's someone that I could cry to to bring me a bottle of water at the moment so the original article here is from Tech Crunch Amazon patents show flying warehouses that send delivery drones to your door figure figure 3 look at figure 3 okay so this warehouse has this blimp or something so 3 350 okay so blimp 350 goes like here or something okay and then blimp 302 is like bigger than blimp 350 and has like a warehouse I mean tailspin anyone like oh thank you Colton it like tailspin right like we're just going to have like floating gas stations and like Sky Pirates that that's the Future Sky Pirates busting into Amazon floating warehouses and like the air police like right now we've got police on foot we've got police in cars we've got police in motorcycles police and helicopters in Canada we have police on horses and now we're going to have police in airplanes it's going to happen calling it right now December 30th 2016 was when line is predicted airplane police which probably already exists just calm down but anyway so look back going back to the going back to the screen share here so the idea would be that you would have these resupply drones carry supplies presumably up to the art blimps not drones I'm not going to call it a drone sorry I mean it would probably be a drone because it would probably be automated but besides the point so you'd have a resupply blimp from the warehouse 332 the larger blimp 302 and then you would have drones that like carries stuff to the city and then like maybe returns would go back to blimp 350 so so blimp 350 hold on a second so okay so drones would go from the main warehouse to the city and they could also go from blimp 350 to the city and then they could also go up to 350 and then down from 302 to the city so the idea being then I guess that you would never be deploying more aircraft than you need to get to the final destination very very cool I will now read the notes because I basically made all that up as I went from one diagram figure three bla bla bla bla bla bla bla more detail bla bla bla warehouse in a Zeppelin bla bla bla including temperature control models ideally suited for food delivery that would be freakin awesome like food coming down from the sky all my favorite shows Cloudy with a Chance meatballs now an example cited in the filing is that at a sporting event Amazon AFC's could be loaded above with snacks and souvenirs so Amazon would be finding a way to take bear eight to 15% cut I forget exactly what it is to get fulfillment by Amazon right now as a third party seller we looked into it with our Rancho hoodies but they're basically trying to figure out how to get there 10 to 15% cut on everything amazing besides the airborne fulfillment center so those are the AFC's and the affiliated drones the company has envisioned larger shuttles that could carry people supplies and drones to the FCS or back to the ground well that sounds like the kind of future that I would want to be a part of as long as we don't run out of helium we'll be okay because they start filling those things with hydrogen then it doesn't take it doesn't take - class futuretelling in order to figure out what's probably going to happen at such time all right let's move on to our next topic here what on earth is Luke doing in the background of the land show instead of being here while he's waving to you for one thing and he's also finishing up hold on I'm gonna move my chair out of the way that I'm gonna move myself but who locks these chairs who let's tear and sit in these chairs okay he it's swear every time teryn sits in a chair he adjusts the seat so it's like a V instead of like being flat on the bottom and he locks the tilt I hate him okay well it wasn't him this time actually but anyway that's what get out of here it's so easy to think you're not even left we're not even in the frame which is perfect Wow now I'm in the frame terrible so anyway that's Luke oh what's that is that zero-gravity really but they call it that not really but they call it that perfect sounds like marketing okay so Luke's working on the surface studio video which will be up at some point I actually have no idea when I haven't looked at the video tracker I've been busy trying to throw together all of my content for the lead-up to CES so as of next week pretty much the whole company is going to actually not even pretty much the whole company so many people now a big chunk of the company is going to be out of town at the Consumer Electronics Show which I've been informed it is no longer called it was called International CES okay sure I mean never mind that CES did at least at some point stands for Consumer Electronics Show never mind that it is a Consumer Electronic Show International CES so that's where we'll be all next week the plan is to turn out something to the tune of 40 to 50 videos sponsored by D Bray and also some other companies actually I don't even know if the D brand deal is inked yet so now that I've said it he's pretty much stuck right anyway sponsored by D brand we're going to be covering what's new in the PC hardware space as well as consumer electronics maybe even some camera crap assuming Brandon can find some we're going to put all that together for you and you know pump out all those videos within a span of about five to seven days so stay tuned it's going to be a glut of information on all the hot new stuff that's going to be coming for about the first half of 2017 speaking of CES rumors what is this glove that you're not going to be getting any love if you wear it like an artist glove so when you're writing on the screen this part of your hand is gloved so it like doesn't put your oils and whatnot from your hand on the screen and it glides smoothly Oh fancy yeah your falsetto is terrible and very alarming we're disturbing what's the word I'm looking for unnerving alright so on the subject of CES let's move into our next big topic here HTC expected to unveil HTC vive two at CES 2017 says report and the babies crying sorry we're working on it so according to Taipei based Central News Agency the vive too is expected to utilize a wireless transmitter to connect with PC systems and to come with two 4k displays and a monitor refresh rate of a hundred and twenty Hertz instead of 90 Hertz meanwhile HTC has also reduced the price of vive devices sold in China by 10% and this is apparently to pave the way for the launch of the vive - so I gotta jump in here from dinner and actually I'm going to ask Luke to jump in here for a minute because we did hear about a third-party accessory available for the vive which if you guys recall is 1440p 90 Hertz so let's go ahead and do some basic calculator math here okay I'm going to use calculator because every time I try and do math in my head live on the wind show I screw it up and you guys all make fun of me and it hurts my self-esteem very very much so calculator math okay 2560 x 1440 okay x so that's that's a three point six eight six mega pixels per frame okay um wait a second that doesn't oh bloody hell that doesn't tell me the data rate well whatever times 90 so every second 331 million megapixels so you're going to tell me then we're going to take that 331 million okay everyone remember 331 million because I can okay so 38 40 times 21 60 okay times 120 okay so you're going to tell me with a straight face that what was already from my conversations with Luke kind of a Genki third party wireless accessory what was already kind of janky we are going to 3x the pixel count which to be clear doesn't necessarily mean a tripling of the needed bandwidth but it will definitely be significantly higher very very much higher so you're gonna you're going to take that and you're going to make wireless part of the out of box experience I really don't know how much stock to put in this rumor so that's what I'll say about that I will be thrilled as all heck if they are actually showing off the vive - but given that we don't really have a contact at HTC or valve we haven't gotten any kind of an early heads up nor have we even got a meeting booked so if they do show it I guess we will just have to door crash and figure out how to how to get a video shot of it all right actually you know what I have I have a very interesting straw poll for you guys straw pulled me I only want to hear from owners or people who are close enough to an owner of an oculus rift or an HTC vive okay this is very important the very serious pull okay so owners of I'm going to call them Premium VR headsets how long since you last used it okay so I'm gonna put ah less than one week less than one month and um more than one month ago okay I want to hear from you guys I'm gonna answer the poll but I want to hear some results from you guys first who is actually using their VR headsets out there so I'm going to go ahead and hit this straw poll again here and why are you here because twitch chat is incredibly upset that we haven't confirmed that apparently the news is fake about the vibe too so even though you were saying that you don't think it's fake don't believe it they're like it's Frank and you're stupid for believing it so but I didn't say I believed it exactly I said exactly I even did math thanks fish which is not a strong point guys in grade anyway PC gamer released something 27 minutes ago that HTC said it was fake so there you go Oh 27 minutes ago well wat thanks twitch chat why isn't Colton on this monstrous chat it only happened 27 minutes ago dicks oh I even used math alright let's go ahead and have a look let's go ahead and have a look at this oh oh that's not looking pretty okay so 20% of you less than a month ago 38% of you have actually used it in the last week's I spelled that wrong but that's okay I don't actually believe that 600 of you have HTC vive czar oculus rifts but you know that's a whole other conversation and more than a month ago say 42% of you so I'm actually going to put I'm going to put my vote in here of less than one month so it's been more than a week but less than a month for me and I'm not counting actually having someone over a little while ago and letting them use it because I actually didn't use it not neither I nor my son and were the only two people who use it have used it in the last week and it's been almost a month for both of us so as much as I really like it the gameplay experiences aren't um that amazing yet although edie has told me that there are some pretty good games that I should try out pretty soon he had me play some one with him I forget what it's called it involves magic or something and standing on platforms yeah I forget I don't care what it's called he kicked my ass so hard like it was embarrassing I just I like I play I played once with them and in my defense I was having some issues like I was I had to play on the rift not the vibe because I was using like a pre-release copy that was part of our reviewers kit for the rift and anyway my cameras weren't really working properly and like half of my screen was like going black a lot of the time like every five to 10 seconds like in my defense it really wasn't working correctly but but like I would just like move to a platform and then he'd be launching like all these spells and crap at me and then it would cover all my other platforms and I couldn't move and then he would just kill me and I was just like this is dumb yeah yeah so basically basically the moral of the story is that Edie is one of those nerds who sits and don't move that chair Edie is one of those nerds that sits and practices mariokart by himself so that when all of his friends come over he can be like oh I'm gonna hide behind this weak justification that I wanted to unlock all the characters but actually all he's done is create an environment where no one else can have any fun playing with him because he's just he's just because he's just a hopeless nerd who sits in place by himself because for him gaming is not a social experience it's a winning experience yeah Gaming is just a winning experience it's about humiliation it's not about other people having fun I mean lay back over there do you mind double-checking the focus of the camera - I have a question that was how I cleverly lured him over here Thank You ad - yes what can I do for you talk about or the microphone is here did you get thermals for the razorblade prolate 2016 - the GPU and CPU temperatures because I don't have a graph for it and John has no data there um this has nothing to do with the wind show I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen I apologize thermals I don't know are they in the folder John says he doesn't have it where would is there a place for it to go yeah you say it in the script what do I say exact a thermal zuv GPU and CPU ah and AH information ah I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen um so that's a great question and I have a really good answer for you that is that I will use my razor blade late 2016 which I have right in front of me and I will run a stress test right now Wow on the show on the show that's right folks you are seeing live nation King you're seeing live Korea on our live video you are seeing us live create a video yes my friends that is what is going on this is how changing things get sometimes in this moment yeah yeah well I'm working on it thanks John while you do that what's the next item on the thing so I can talk about it with my talking um I have no idea why you think I would want you to cover the next topic oh well because you're busy is why rekt so hard seeing it rekt so hard cuz I'm so bad I oh I found oh yeah I think that's it I think that's last week oh you should check the data why would last weeks is B because Luke hasn't been on the show yet alright Tesla predicts accidents and gives a warning before it happens I saw that video look at this really really really cool really cool so the original article here is from eat NIC's and you should definitely watch the video here we go the new radar technology predicts an accident here we go it's 52 seconds long and hopefully I don't get a copyright strike for this basically you know your cursor arriving oh wow okay see that's bad thing that's going on there Wow hit the brakes love it beautiful very unexpected thing um honestly I wouldn't even have a ton of faith in a in an experienced human driver to respond that well and that quickly to that kind of a hazard hang on can you pull up the article again because I don't know if that's a prediction because what I heard was it's actually bouncing the radar underneath the car in front of you to see the car in front of that car and that's the one that it saw was hitting the brakes really hard and so it's like oh the car infra behind that car is not gonna be able to break or a will and then the third car is actually gonna hit the thing so it didn't predict as much as be able to see a car that the human couldn't see yes yes that's like predicting well that's not predicting that's reacting very quick it's predicting that what the human would have been able to see oh well we'll we'll change in some way that a human wouldn't have been able to know I think the word predicting here is a little bit odd I would use fast reaction or something anyway very cool predictive reaction whatever TM TM predictive reaction TM very cool someone's gonna end up using that some car maker is gonna have predictive reaction technology the names they have a new RGB right the names they have four things just like I know I don't know well I mean we at last what was at CES like we saw like this whole room full of like car self-driving stuff and it was like all these maps and stuff and yeah there was ridiculous names yeah for all these things they had the sensor and they had like rain flowing at it to show that it can see through rain you know crazy stuff all right so basically this is new radar processing technology that was pushed as an update in September under Tesla 8.0 Elon Musk explained the significance of the technology when it was announced press statement and this is a quote in fact an additional level of sophistication we are confident that we can use the radar to look beyond the car in front of you by bouncing the signal off the road and around the car we are able to process that echo by using the unique signature of each radar pulse as well as the time of flight of the photon to determine that what we are seeing is in fact an echo of the front of the car that's in front of you wholly actual balls oh are you coming back to the show ok boy hi everyone it's not really coming back to the show if you were never but yeah so how's the surface sauce to do really mostly cool watch the review like what I did there so left like a cliffhanger it's not a cliffhanger sort of not answering a question fair you should tell the the the producers have lost but that's how that works that's how I just hmm that was me I kicked a thing ok it's ok ok yep everything is fine I was moving at the time so trust me yeah no don't you go get my tooth just wait we're gonna publish our video on like the redoing of the land show because there's actually a whole bunch of stuff we're gonna redo it while we're gonna redo the computer we're gonna um sort of more formally for you do all the captures stuff we're gonna redo the audio we're gonna redo the automated lighting and all that crap and just watch the first show after we like announce all these big improvements I don't know haffley 5 minutes in I'm gonna like kick a bucket on to the computer it's gonna unplug all the cables in little bit like all the audio stuffs just gonna like slide off the back the table and smash and break yes you know one second I want to be your twin nothing can wait what oh ok sure yeah the story behind the to kiss that it was made by a fan and it matches like the LTTE colors so I think it's super cool and I've been wearing it this winter ok so the original article here is from PolitiFact Jeff brands right I'm sorry Jeff brands says unlike California em we in Florida welcome driverless cars no permit really the faint wait no what is this I walked around it what is that what was that's oh that's behind you oh I thought it was the the dude yeah no he's on the thing okay anyway um so basically here we go uber hit the road with self-driving cars in San Francisco in December but california regulators quickly hit the brakes so in florida senator jeff brand saw an opening hey uber unlike California we in Florida welcome driverless cars no permit required hashtag open for business and that was a tweet on December 22nd so that's interesting that is either a very progressive stance or a very reckless one yeah yeah because not all driverless car tech will be built equal no and I personally think that some kind of government validation there needs to be a car by car but what's the one that does drugs EPA no that's environmental protect what am i doing FDA yeah yeah yeah and the FDA is like Mary Lee overworked and they don't have enough time to look at everything and that's actually like a terrible situation and blah blah blah but we need like a version of that for a driverless car tech some type of government oversight seems like a good idea everyone's everyone's hating on me cuz you said EPA yeah they're like IRS DEA thank you everybody thank you government acronym of the G AP government acronym police we're gonna take care of me well switch out is that everything police yeah so except the twitchchat police they're fine to let that just go to hell in a handbasket yeah um speaking of going to hell in a handbasket FreshBooks if you feel like your business is going to hell in a handbasket because you just don't have time to can I help you well is going to say or if you like want to make your business around hell in a handbasket and you want to like sell n baskets for Halloween or something for like gifts say someone has a birthday on Halloween and you want to give them a themed gift maybe you could so one out of every three hundred and sixty-five people theoretically has a birthday on Halloween which means that doing some quick calculator math here seven billion okay divided by 365 that gives you at am so a total addressable market of nineteen million one hundred and seventy eight thousand people yeah so of which let's say ah one 120 F of them or so are in the United States and Canada so divided by 20 is that how that works so that's a million people okay ish okay a million people in the US and Canada approximately have a birthday on October 31st and you could let's say you sell your gift back I'd say $19.99 $29.99 go to $20 bill yeah it sounds good yeah okay thank you 20 oh yeah okay so I am estimating that your market cap is Wow nineteen billion dollars I mean viable business yeah live will be based on that enough uh you should quit here today yeah Helen handbasket dot-com I shouldn't even have to fire you is that a is that is that domain taken Helena Hat I'm pretty sure that domain is taken let's see and is there a reason we turned off all the lights that were eliminating us before we sort of need those those are pretty those are pretty useful those lights um so uh hell in a handbasket yeah sure that's a little better than oh it's taken nothing which of course it's taken I thought I'd check okay hell in a handbasket dog CA is not taken so if I got just a Canadian company then it's only ten bucks you thought we don't pay you to think oh well it's because we don't pay him not because he doesn't think well huh anyway ah fresh books so fresh Phyllis allows you to take your small business idea good or terrible and manage your accounting in a more organized way so that the thing that holds back your business will be your idea not your accounting solution so whether you're running a dense studio out of your garage you're doing small-time PC repair or you know running a plumbing company or a painting company or whatever the case may be fresh books gives you a ton of flexibility that you otherwise wouldn't have it allows you to take deposits through the platform it allows you to log your hours log your expenses it allows you to send bills to customers professional invoices in seconds and allows you to see when they've gotten them so there's no more guessing games oh hey have you paid that bill oh hey I didn't get it Lou oh yeah can you send it again none of that and they have their own payment system as well so check it out over at freshbooks comm slash win and claim your free trial today I prevented Taryn from breaking your chair by the way no I'm trying to figure why my base is so much higher than yours because it's a completely different chair ah okay cool it's a bigger chair for bigger blokes that makes sense yep I liked my basket idea what else we told him you liked your basket idea if I you were just completely joking no I was okay good I was joking about liking my basket at you it's a horrible idea doing themed holiday baskets okay an entirety could be a good idea doing like someone sketch just hell based ones sounds a horrible idea don't do that help a skits dot-com you might do okay around like the launch of Diablo for whenever that happens and that's it a fib that you're screwed yeah based on how often Blizzard launches a Diablo title it's gonna be a feast or famine type of yeah you're doing pretty bad is hell baskets calm taken hold on wait for it is it taking so long wait for it wait for it wait for it come on oh my goodness wow your search is terrible I believe in you GoDaddy you can find it okay I don't really believe in you Wow probably find it oh man no this is solid there's a chance you can find it yeah you know what's really funny is I thought a little while ago we were looking for domains for our online video streaming platform that we're sort of building now because Yolo rip this whole I guess oh you have your vessel too yeah nice yeah I couldn't find my orange one you should come to YouTube I'm one but to bring mine I have mine too oh my Pole yeah I posted a picture of it in the right chat yeah I sold my vessel shirt and my vessel too cuz there's so much cool in it I know right you are so much cooler such a hipster way of thinking yeah but it is so true it is um yeah anyway but what we were talking about right cuz like right cuz we have to build a we have to build a video streaming platform now so we were looking at domains and I thought Go Daddy was throttling us for like searching too many too quickly like I thought they thought we were a bot or something no way my god hell baskets is available right now hell baskets calm I'm buying it I'm buying hell baskets dong-ha right now because it's amazing who would not want hell baskets dot-com I'm gonna verify that he actually goes through with it oh he obviously can't show the like checkout process because it would show all the things that are important oh I am I am I am buying hell baskets calm so hard right now so what someone's gonna maybe try to snipe it before you can try and snipe but I am I am armed jeez all right I am armed with uh-oh oh no my to factor what effect the slowest version of two-factor you it's gonna slow it down yeah we can't talk about it but our to factor is like dang KF it's secure yeah it's def secure it's definitely that it's uh oh bloody hell I don't I don't remember can you I think that's the wrong one isn't it yeah no no this is the right one for that account okay but I instead do you remember it I think so oops no no it's just very laggy oh there's still a character in uh what did you do oh I don't even know what you did but I I am - factoring this this biatch your two-step code - factor is such a pain in the patoot a good worth it valuable pain in the patoot what it is still technically a pain in the patoot while he's doing this I'm gonna kill time with some Japanese topic self-promotion I'm doing a end-of-the-year charity stream thing my twitch stream has raised all together through two main events and just through doing it throughout the entire year about sixteen thousand two hundred dollars a little bit lower than that it's like sixteen thousand one hundred and sixty eight I think so we're doing a stream tonight starting at whenever I'm home and ready because I never give a guaranteed time for wine show days and we're going to shoot for twenty thousand dollars it is for extra life which is a Children's Hospital charity kind of thing if you don't know what extra life is check that out you can go to extra life calm slash Luke to see my team I don't know how I got that URL but I did so it's pretty awesome but yeah we're going for 20k tonight I mean be doing who I'm gonna be doing a 24 hour stream and doing one game every two hours I ended up deciding on 12 games instead of 24 and then we have we're giving away like a huge amount of games I think tre is coming up with like a hundred and fifty games that he's giving away during the streams No someone got it no way so much check it the basket contains two domains that are unavailable those domains have been removed you bastard who got it you bastard I was buying hell baskets calm you're terrible who got it I want to know who got it they're foods they're bad they're a bad person who doesn't use to factor apparently or at least not the slowest to factor in the world one named bad karma claimed to have got it yeah but it's twitch chat so like yeah it's a good bad karma twitch commenter could be someone most proof that you got it yeah I want to see proof or I don't buy it I don't buy it he'll bat and like tweet it to me because the twitch chat is going far too bad you can tweet it to the official - tech tips account anyway what was the story right I was as I was I thought that they were throttling but maybe they're just slow that was just that was the little story that was the point of the story and then I wanted held a skits calm and I couldn't even I couldn't even manage that today what a crap day um should we so amazed that's what I'm kind of sad cuz that's actually really cool domain I'm amazed that it wasn't taken hell baskets like it just well it's a cool sounding domain it's like I don't know what the hell I did put on there ya go nothing but whatever people are spamming yeaaaah so links um alright our next article is uh what's up hmm yeah there it is there it is who's it from who God I'm not sure cuz a whole bunch of people are posting the link oh great is there already something parked on there couldn't be couldn't be up that fast hahaha redirects to the forum that was so fast hell no come no dude for me did you put in www nope just help acid saw Tom dock home hell basket aches at Debbie WWE yeah well I thought so but what it works for me I don't know bra do be happier AC hold on hold on do we have your screen share working right now no I can steal your cable steal my cable okay okay here I mean we can't we can't talk about this unless we're gonna offer proof right yeah here you go cable cable in yeah thank you all right well I'm like I'm still setting it up you missing key you got this you got this bra hell baskets calm okay terrible we might be ready okay alright hit me domaine bar I'm not sending good domain bar hell bastards calm you can see that yeah do it enter well it's the forum know another tab enter loads the forum I'm telling you man he directed that fast like really fast wow that was legendary alright so there you have you um yeah for spending $20 on a very strange domain that never eater X I love that okay so do you have a very funny community sometimes yeah it's like the kind of stuff that they think is funny like I'm gonna buy a domain joke's on you it's gonna drive extra traffic to you oh I love you guys okay epic speaking of love AMD oh my there may be something to love ya about AMD Rison is it rising arisen rights risin know they say rising in their presentations I'm going to rise okay risin yeah video this is from Digital Trends calm oh wait what oh it's what it shows kind of a oh yeah sorry it shows kind of a code name when you look at it in like the benchmark it says am d2 d3 1 v 1 a to m88 e but like and that's not here anywhere if it's performing that well then whatever no worries apparently it has 100 68.7% performance of the provided core i5 6600 k ah so that would put it like well above a 6700 K apparently only the 69 hundred K is shown performing out outperforming the rising chip so the 69 hundred K is an 8 core no 6 core can't remember I'm Jesse I'm just terrible at all this stuff previously I'm pretty sure it's an 8 core yeah today core right yeah I think so like I'm yeah other see cards okay good I was right the first time so that's a three point two to three point seven boost with a max boost of four gigahertz 140 watt TDP eight core from Intel that AMD Rison is not able to beat mind you that's a thousand dollar chip so if AMD were to come in even at like $5.99 which would get them a pretty good return on their investment in the silicon um we could be looking at an actual race and that's and that's like the first time in a very long time a big TDP benefit to which is not something that in AMD usually gets over em don't see I hate it when people do this I hate generalizations you can't say AMD usually because you have to evaluate product by product because there have been time in the past when AMD's thermal but more often than usually does apply problem okay but that's more like historically than usually I think they both work so historically AMD has not been known for their superior performance per watt yeah versus Intel yeah okay but okay so how do I explain usually versus historically I'm sure twitch chat doesn't care um but you know what okay fine fine the point is generalizations are bad you have to look at every product as an individual product in the tech space because it is not as simple as like Nvidia cards run hot AMD drivers are bad Intel chips are overpriced probably soon I know but this is a word of warning to everybody these kinds of generalizations are what lead to fanboy ISM because at some point in history every single one of those statements I've made has been reversed has been true or has been not true every single one of them I did put a lot of care on to the word usually one other thing do we look better today is that a new lens no it's just the lighting is porked do you notice there's no light in front of us but we look better depth of fielded than we normally do do we not you look sharper I think it's just the the fact that there's lighting in the background well so it comes off the back of our heads like this maybe yeah it's like that yeah I know the lighting is broken yeah anyway so so the power consumption tests show this chip pulling 93 watts an AMD claimed a 95 watt TDP at their launch event which are which would be very competitive with the 140 watt rated TDP of Intel's chip with that said Intel's TDP SR a big load of bollocks because all they do is say okay well this is a thermal design envelope like that is the maximum for this entire range of CPUs that go all the way from like 6 cores to 10 and they're all 140 watt don't worry about it so we'll see thermals and power when we test it in house yeah again you have to evaluate chip by chip in those cases no let's just read off of Intel spec sheet because everything from the 6800 K to the 69 50x has a hundred and forty watt TDP but it's still exciting and this is really really exciting and so this was actually leaked by a Reddit user from a French hardware magazine meaning that maybe it's not just AMD numbers maybe these are third-party numbers that are actually being run and maybe there's something to this which hopefully and it says it in here but hopefully it was actually true the power consumption test showed the chip itself only pulling 93 watts which is not that bad speaking of not that bad if you believe that fake news is a problem which I would hope that most people would agree on that it's a problem even if we can't necessarily agree on what the correct solution is because I can see a lot of people going well who's the fake news police who decides news is fake what's the difference between fake and satire that one's confusing just like what happens to the onion can an opinion be false like oh you know if all of a sudden you just have to start going you know let's put together an opinion based you know news story in my opinion you know Bernie Sanders slept with a donkey it's like is that news if it's an opinion would that be allowed to be posted as news what if it was on a news site I don't think that's how you'd be able to say it look good but the point is like there's a very that we can all agree that the lines in the sand are not very cleaving something at having an opinion something different because I think you'd have to say I believe that he did not I have in my opinion he did um I think I think there's sort of two sides of this very similar coin so so in much the same way that you would say allegedly if a source has been confirmed um yeah so if everything was allegedly you know allegedly this happened and it allegedly dot-com yeah who'd you hear it from like my neighbors the fastest my neighbor who says whatever I tell him to say alleged um anyway okay so we can't it's not simple how to get rid of fake news but I hope we can all agree that non factual news designed to mislead people is a problem that should be addressed so Germany's solution is apparently they're considering this just to find the trash out of them is to find facebook half a million dollars per fake news item per day that they do not pull it down from the site per day that's awesome that's a lot of money yeah like doesn't make sense this we can afford it um yes I yes soon um yeah so in hand jesters I like this do we have any more any more details about this so the German government will consider the bill next year and it would allow both official and private complainants to flag content that is in sitting on fake news that's going to be a disaster the law would also for social networks to create in country offices focused on responding to takedown demands Wow lawmakers believe they believe in their opinion this bill will help tackle the possibility of Russia meddling in parliamentary elections scheduled for next year this follows allegations that the Kremlin was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee that led to the leak of thousands of emails by key aides to Hillary Clinton fascinating hmm I guess moving on yeah I guess so Thermaltake made an RGB power supply what is this new I don't actually think so but I don't really care it's adorable there you go there's the article on new at all on uh like maybe this protects our spy is new but like it's fully modular low ripple noise smart zero fan 100% Japanese capacitors and a 10 year warranty power supplies with ten year warranties man Kelly can you imagine using a power supply today that you bought in 2006 yeah totally I do you do yeah 2006 that was a long time ago dude things about 2006 against Iran yeah yeah you know the mineral ring I still use all those components Emma played starting Valley on them literally last night that's about 2006 yeah that's like an H X 5 20 or something like that if I recall correctly still works huh I don't know if I would use all of them for that long right but that power supply seems to have been rather stable yeah CH X is a good person yeah yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't yeah there's a lot of power supplies to be clear that I wouldn't use them for that huh all right the original article here is on the verge and it's exciting what's that what's an tech 1,000 watt HX no light what no antic what is it HP some ah HDCP yeah yeah that one the 1200 watt yeah it's still working in my system I thought it died it was something that's not as old that's like 5 years old whereas it your HX is like almost 10 years old yeah yeah Twitter wants to make tweets editable but it's complicated why why is it complicated let's find out why it's complicated um so CEO Jack Dorsey is polling Twitter users on what features they'd like to see from the company in 2017 he believes a form of edit is needed but not for everyone honestly here's one objection so so strong argument for allowing tweets to be edited I can go against as well I can I can fix the sever pet typo in my tweet last night yeah where I referred to our server as a sever which it is not yeah I do that kind of stuff all the time the counter-argument is that you can say something start a whole bunch of crap with people respond to you and then just change it and be like haha but like I think the Internet has figured that out at this point have they have they really because right now just show edit history well right now Twitter serves oh okay so showing it at history but if they show edit history like whatever platform works like that like our forum doesn't show an edit history you can see that it was edited monitoring moderators yes you can see that it is edited and you cannot remove the flag that it was edited okay so like I think that would just like if people start freaking out people are just point out like yeah I was edited so whatever and then just if you're tweeting something super important don't edit it post it and then if it's that terrible delete it repost it again because we have to do right now fair enough okay that makes sense so basically there's a series of tweets so there's one asking whether to fix at it's quick or edit any time because that's something that you could do you could allow it to be edited in the first five minutes yeah that would fix the vast majority of my problems yeah I have me too apparently there's a big difference in the implementation because allowing to edit anytime requires change log as we're often the public record so that's a very good point and that Twitter is often like you look at all the fact checking that was done during the during the US election for example where I candidate might say something like I never said this and then it was as simple as going back and going well your Twitter account which you haven't said was hacked at any point in time has a completely different thing so and with how big your Twitter account and following is and all I kind of stuff I'm pretty sure you'd respond real fast if it got hacked yeah so yeah not that that seemed to matter to most people no okay wow that's really boring news and about it that's really boring news we're gonna see yes and we're going to see yes yeah and I got some videos to shoot before I go to CES one of them is gonna be a us exciting dongle roundup so many dolls which dongle is the best dongle who's Tonga will reign supreme can i Dunga you later sure anytime only if it's the best dongle intro dude dude dude through still nighttime audio no we don't have audio dude dude dude the doctor why don't we have audio but there's this little problem okay we just solve it pretty easy yeah duh sort of yes duh yeah it's like Twitter it's complicated come check out my charity stream and not wait too long fresh bucks huh yeah Chris Berg Oh are we set up to do an show like remotely do we have all the files and stuff we should probably do that at some point I probably should
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