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Fitbug Orb Smart Fitness Aid - CES 2014

Linus tech tips coverage of CES 2014 is brought to you by NCI XCOM your source for great technology selection and service along with corsair memory and western digital this is the fit bug orbit is a tiny little fitness aid that intends to remove a lot of the excuses that come along with most of them it's pretty much the simplest possible thing that still enables useful functionality so it has a 3d accelerometer it has low power bluetooth and it uses a coin battery to last for several months at a time so you don't have to put it on your nightstand at night to charge it the idea is you should always be able to be wearing it in some form or another it has a watch strap which I could obviously demoed right here it also has a belt clip which I can demo for you guys right here go ahead and throw that on there and finally it has an underwear clip that is magnetic that I would be happy to demo for you guys no I'm just kidding i'm not going to demo that part but it hasn't underwear clip this is great for women who don't necessarily have a belt or they want to wear watch you can strap it to your underpants or your bra or something like that so you can always have it on you it's an evolution from their last generation fit bug air which had a display so how is something without a display an evolution from something that had one well because it has bluetooth now we have an appt yes friends it has an app it also has an online component now the app has all the basic functionality so it'll give you your total steps aerobic steps it even helps you track things like sleep so it can tell you yo dog you're sleep deprived because you went to bed like in the middle of the night and then you woke up like four times and you were tossing and turning it can tell you all kinds of great stuff like that and aside from the app they are now launching a new little program of customized while programs so these are I believe they were 12 wheat programs and whether you want to burn off that baby fat or you want to you know stretch out or get in shape for skiing they give you little webinars as well as personalized goals some nutrition tips and such like that and the idea is to have it instead of just being you know well hey we're fit bug so we're credible so you should probably listen to us is that they're going to have well renowned trainers or celebrities backing them and endorsing them to show you that it's not just them making things up so to speak it's the ok so the kicker guys is that it's only 50 bucks so when you compare that to something like actually the next door neighbors here that have a much more advanced sort of fitness e type device but is of course much more expensive and not necessarily easier to make yourself use all the time actually makes it look kind of appealing thank you for checking out our coverage of the fit bug orb don't miss any of our CES 2014 coverage guys remember we are powered here at the show by NCIX your source for great technology selection and service as well as Corsair and western digital
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