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FreeSync vs G-Sync Input Lag Comparison

it is a hot day and you know what's refreshing on a hot day these guys aren't a sponsor no today what we're going to be doing is we're going to be taking g-sync so this is the Green Team over here this green graphics card and that black monitor with a red light okay don't worry too much about it that's the Green Team over there and then on the red team we have the r9 fury X which is actually inside this computer right now and the BenQ XL 27:30 Z so I would consider that in the rog swift PG - 7 8 q pretty much equivalent as far as a g-sync versus a freesync monitor goes so we're going to be doing something pretty interesting we're going to be taking a look at which g-sync or freesync both with 144 Hertz displays offers the lowest input lag so the least latency between pressing the mouse and firing the gun stay tuned vote for turnip it's a shirt I don't have one so we're gonna do our best to demo what it looks like and this is not what the real shirt looks like it looks a little more like this but we didn't have a sample to show you guys so this had to do you can stay tuned after the outro for bonus footage of the creation of this masterpiece if you're into that sort of thing so the first thing I'll need to do is oh yeah guys this just arrived today drop a like on the video if you want to see the 3dr solo taken for a test drive we've actually got some pretty good ideas Burkle who just about killed himself recently on his mountain bike wants to test the follow feature on his bike so drop a dislike if you think that that's a terrible idea and we should actually go ahead and just review it normally so the first thing we're going to need is on my desk over here now one of the better methodologies that I found online and I love those guys over at Blair Buster's they make my job so much easier one of the better methodologies i've found online is to have an LED that illuminates on an input to the computer so in this case we're going to be using the makey makey which has indicator LEDs on board and then we're just going to go ahead and we're going to do a mouse click that's going to light up and then we're going to be able to see how many milliseconds it takes with a high-speed camera before our muzzle flare or flash whatever the bullet comes out of the gun so here we go let's head downstairs and get our monitors together I like these vlog style videos because this is basically what's happening with every one of our videos except with this style you guys get to kind of come along for the ride as we go on voyages of discovery in the labyrinth that is the LMG headquarters to find the hardware that we need in order to make whatever stupid video it is we're trying to make that day so I am only half standing on a rotating sphere disc machine ball well at least this isn't heavy really fairly heavy okay here we go no I got this what don't turn don't don't turn don't turn okay and let's down never do that ah why did I pack this monitor up I knew I wanted to do this comparison all of what we do is nothing without editing okay so you got both monitors here all right competitors lovers no one is sure what I'm talking about no that's okay that's fine that's normal everything is fine for some reason it started working I don't know why and I'm not going to question it okay yes victorious yes okay so what made the mouse work no device is detected what do you mean no device is detected okay so now that my stupid piece of crap windows 7 install has completely itself and won't work with a keyboard or mouse which I'm going to diagnose later with my handy-dandy ps2 keyboard and mouse I can install a USB keyboard or Mouse trust me we've tried we are going we've gone ahead and switched to my Windows 8 test drive and it is time to get the makey makey up and running first of all so we've we've set it up for click and ground and then we're going to position this so we can see the activity LED but look at that we clicked well hold on hold on well I got to put it somewhere useful okay ready so you can watch the LED illuminate just like that okay so that led is going to be the indicator of when the gunfire should start in Crysis 3 now the reason we're using Crysis 3 is that blur Buster's has already done the groundwork for us those guys are awesome which I think I already said once but it deserves being said again and have found that Crysis 3 uses a particularly not leggy engine not as much as csgo mind you but csgo requires some fiddling around with max FPS settings within the console that we're just not going to do here so we've got our fury X on the bench I've got the latest drivers that just finished downloading we're gonna go ahead and install those and boom we're gonna find out how much latency between click and display with free sync enabled all right so the first thing we're going to need to do is enable free sync now this is not quite as cut and dried as it used to be with g-sync because you can also enable or disable vsync from within game so we're actually going to have to look at it four different ways we're going to have 144 Hertz with three sync with vsync on or off then we're going to do G sync with the same thing with vsync on or off and then have look at how things go okay so we're in our game we're going to target 200 FPS for our uncapped scenario and then basically all we're going to do is we are going to fire them out our pal fire the mouse I fire the gun like that now this is our sony fs7 hundred camera and what it will be doing is recording the screen at 480 frames per second unless we discover that 480 frames per second is not good enough in which case we will record at 960 FPS but the image gets very grainy and very dark at that framerate so it's a little bit harder to work with so we're really hoping for the best here so uh let's get started where's that damn remote it's not under the motherboard that's good it shouldn't have been there here it is so the geniuses at Sony which I have clearly demonstrated myself to be a more genius then installed the remote IR sensor for this camera in the back of it so the talent may never actually use it you know I don't know maybe like here and like sticking out so it works from any direction whatever so I use reflective tape here and then I can be like Blau bounce it and it will start and stop just like that that way I will be able to start the slow-motion recording which only runs for four seconds I will be able to take some shots not that kind of take shots what kind of videos you think we make around here and then I will be able to review the footage start nope it didn't work and stucked here we go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and it's probably done now okay so let's check it out let's check it out so here we go here we go here we go you can clearly see a delay and this is running faster than the actual footage will be exciting so let's come back with some numbers so welcome to the next step in the process it's actually been in a head ended up taking me like three hours or something like that run all the numbers that I needed but basically what it amounts to is I've got my folder full of clips here so these are all slow-motion clips of here we go so check this out so you can see these are at 960 frames per second so like this you can barely you can actually see the individual blades of the fan spinning and then what you're going to see here is a significant delay eventually right here we go here we go between the light and the actual muzzle flash so that's not good enough what we need to do is take this footage and dump it into Adobe Premiere where we can make an approximate equivalency of one of our frames is about a millisecond and then what we do is we actually find the exact frame where the top LED begins to illuminate and then we count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 20 23 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 32 there we go and then when we see the first hint of the muzzle flash animation that's when I make my mark that's when I put down my result and we're already getting some really interesting results which is turning this into more like a regular Linus tech tips at this point not very vlogging with like grass and everything but sometimes I'm just not in control of what video I end up making I set out to do one thing and then it's like all of a sudden I'm making videos about Subway sandwich napkins in the way that you could actually use one to replace the built in eraser on your dry erase marker if it was too full of crap with just a pair of scissors and a double-a battery to help you also some tape ah yes a knife it's covered in peanut butter oh my god why am I sitting at Erin's desk so I'm not sure if it's because they think it improves their job security but my asshole editors let me sit here for an hour counting frames one by one instead of just showing me this super easy way to do it by changing this to frames and then just marking in and out and then getting a frame count right here so that a faster way to do that little do they know that that does not improve job security we just told you I'm going to replace them all with robots these these are the future video editing like that so I feel a bit like every Linus tech tips video is sort of like like life you know you start out with joy and hope and belief that the world makes sense and then by the end of it you're this jaded bitter soul that just what the hell is going on here so all right I'll put all the results up on screen for you guys or more accurately I'll have an editor do it since as you obviously know I don't know how to use Adobe Premiere so I'm at high frame rate so that 144 F Hertz 144 FPS remember we're using g-sync or free sync regardless of what else is going on with vsync or no vsync so with no vsync um g-sync really does okay but freesync actually comes out ahead at 1440p with the excel 2730 looking like it's overall a lower input leg chain along with the iron.i in fury X so with vsync however so this is G sink with vsync the way NVIDIA intended for it to be used before they eventually caved and allowed vsync to be turned off now we see G sink really come into its own with not only really really low latency between LED light illumination and muzzle flash but also a really tight grouping of the of latency here with free sync being a little bit sloppier now when we move up to 200 FPS you can see that no vsync doesn't actually give us on G sync and input lag reduction whereas with AMD freesync now that we have D synchronized we are actually getting a proportional improvement in our input lag this is what we expect but this is where my brain explodes at 45 fps remember this is the sweet spot for variable refresh rate gaming with vsync disabled Nvidia just clean up cleans house we're talking 72 to 73 frames with our camera that is outstanding at only 45 fps that is an incredible delay with free sync not only much higher but also a little bit all over the place in terms of the latency then we turn vsync on and I just retested this to make sure I wasn't crazy if we turn vsync on forcing it through the driver or turning it on in game I just retested it g-sync is actually as bad or worse than free sync so ultimately today we have raised more questions than we have answered uh what we do know is that at least on AMD freesync you are going to if you're going to exceed the maximum refresh rate of your monitor then you are probably going to want to go ahead and disable vsync if you want that 10 millisecond improvement in input latency it's open like the responsiveness and on g-sync if you're going to be playing in that 45 FPS sweet spot where I guess Nvidia intended for it to be used then you are going to want vsync off for some reason but then if you're going to be playing at a much higher refresh rate it looks like vsync on that is the cat's pajamas with g-sync so let us know in the comments if your interpretation here is is different than my own and thank you for tuning in to this little adventure I'm just going to look at my calendar and it looks like I'm supposed to tell you about mass drop but I have no idea what their featured product is so I'll film that at a later time so thanks for watching guys like the garb know I have a new outro dislike the video if you disliked it you guys know how to do that like it if you did like it they'll also get subscribed maybe even consider contributing to us whether it's directly through our forum by buying a t-shirt or by shopping at Amazon with our affiliate code once you've done all that stuff and you're looking for something new to watch apparently we just released I guess we just release our fury X vs. 980ti small form-factor you know uber gaming machine showdown so check that out and guess we're done here
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