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From the Archive - LD Cooling PC-V10 Phase Change Case Unboxing

welcome to a new segment that we're calling from the archive where basically I don't know if we'll ever do this again but like we found a video that we made a long time ago and never released so here it is it's not often that I do an unboxing anymore and the reason for that is actually a good one because you know I think there's more value to other parts of the experience with a review or a build guide or a build blog or whatever else but this product I actually started opening it up and I realized how fun the experience was and I went now let's put the few things we've taken out back in and let's just start over welcome to my unboxing of the LD cooling they used to go by little devil I think that's sort of unofficially what they're still go as PC v10 phase-change cooled case this puppy is going to hold your CPU a 300 watt CPU at minus 30 degrees gee fuel is the sugar free alternative energy beverage to maintain focus and endurance in long days and gaming sessions use offer code linus at the link in the video description to save some money so let's open it up and have a look at what comes inside first shall we you get a couple of boxes each of which has assuming some kind of accessories or something like that as soon as we take out the foam on the top we've got the top of the case that is able to house a quad 120 millimeter radiator the OEM for this case is Lee and Lee so you'll probably recognize a lot of the design elements of their PCV 10 case also in here we get a neoprene insulation boot that there's going to be instructions out I seem to have misplaced the instructions well there are instructions for how to put on the phase change cooler as well as some looks like adhesive neoprene material for insulation yes when you are cooling below ambient temperatures you have to insulate the cold stuff in order to keep condensation from forming and getting water on your hardware now I don't think they include the kneaded eraser for most people but they threw that in for me I'm actually not 100% sure about that and then the same with the PCI covers so they sent those from you those are actually an additional purchase this no idea but it's a three and a half to two and a half inch drive mount so I'm not sure if that's normally included this all is though this is a bunch of mounting hardware for your phase change cooler it's compatible with pretty much any socket so you can see they've got your AMD holes your Intel holes your other more different Intel holes some different Intel holes and then this is a piece that goes on the back to keep the backplate itself from frosting up and then just dripping down the back of your motherboard then we've got another one of those puppies as well some more screws and then this looks like yeah I'm not sure I know that there's a USB module that it includes that monitors the temperature so that you know you don't boot up before it's working and something something whatever it's in the instructions alright so now we got to take out these pieces of foam honestly it's kind of a miracle that this thing arrived in one piece because this is pretty much the worst kind of foam it only has about two inches of it on either on every side so weighs about 50 pounds 50 pounds without a system in it which means getting out of getting it out of here is going to be a challenge because I'm not actually 100% sure if this applies to all systems with the condenser and evaporator all phase change systems like refrigerators for example I know you shouldn't flip them on their sides if you intend to use them anytime in the next I don't know what it is 48 hours or something like that so I don't want to flip this baby over because I want to try it out pretty quick and I've had it sitting upright for a while so I actually have to lift this straight out so let's hope this goes okay let's clear some space let's put it up here okay it's nothing to hold on to oh man that's heavy yeah I'm gonna need a hand kill the camera okay got it so I've clearly I'm clearly out of practice at this whole unboxing thing my wife's like why don't you just cut the Box open like I I don't know because I didn't think of it what's up little girl sorry about that little Missy was getting fussy over there so on the side that we had actually left off on you can see that there's a very very large window I think there's actually a larger window option as well but then the bottom part is just reserved for cooling on the back you can see we've got 10 PCI slots single 120 millimeter fan power supply and whoa there's already a power plug there I guess we can start opening it right I mean that's how this works unboxing there we go we've got another plug there that's for the whoo there's our first glimpse of the phase change cooling inside alright let's go ahead and come around to this side where we've got all just plain white and here we should stay over on the side we have light where we've got all just plain white as well as another fan vent there that looks like an exhaust while they included a noctua industrial fan these guys are serious about you know quality here I mean I guess if you're going to charge 1200 euros for a case it better be nothing but the finest and then finally that brings us around to the front where we've got four or five and a quarter inch base two large intakes the USB module thing as well as our front switches all right so let's unveil her look at that now it's all aluminum except for the bottom plate which is steel to hold the weight of the compressor unit that is installed pre-installed in the bottom this is made in Slovenia check that out and I guess all that's left now is for us to open it up and oh right no there's one thing that we can definitely check out so that's the thing that we heard banging around inside the case before we were able to open it so it's bubble wrapped and that is the evaporator unit that is going to sit directly on top of the CPU cooling it and then let's go ahead and get the bottom opened up as well so you guys can check this out all right so this is curious it looks like the case comes apart completely with allen keys like with hex heads all right here we go left side panel off so there's our window in spite of no protective covering it's in pristine condition looks like they're using a very different it's not glass but it seems like a seems like a better acrylic and then they've just got it adhered with adhesive strips and then it is slightly indented so it's it's just almost flush with the side panel actually quite nice it's a very DIY but like in a good way in this case does seem to be a crack in the corner though actually well there's a crack in the corner yeah there's definitely a crack there so this case is available without the the whiteout option so you can see the case is painted white and then the actual here we go everything but the hold-down plate and the boot here is actually white as well so this is the lines here are insulated underneath this white sleeving and then there's more insulation here and then this piece right here is for insulating the bottom right here so you're actually going to have to cut that to size you can see that nice shiny copper base there absolutely beautiful I mean you see a lot of DIY phase builds on forums like Xtreme systems org or wherever else but I've never actually seen like a commercial grade one like like a like a professionally done one for for resale so that is pretty that is pretty incredible so we can oh okay I'll take this baby thank you so what else we got in here so behind this plate we've got five of Lee and Lee's usual sort of you put rubber grommets into the drive on either side put them down and slide them in three and a quarter inch base a three and a half inch bays excuse me we've got those four or five and a quarter inch bays up here I don't see any dedicated s steam mounting although it seems like if you've got even remotely creative at all you could drill a hole here or there put some double sided velcro here or there and make SSDs happen pretty much all over the place we got a nice big cutout for CPU coolers like say for example this one getting those mounted with the motherboard installed have kinda this is kind of funny even though they sent me the five pack of PCI covers it didn't even occur to me at the time that I was ordering that I have ten of these and I'm not putting in two graphics cards and something else so I'm probably going to have to figure out another solution for that anyway this is an extremely roomy chassis so you can see that an ATX motherboards only going to go up to here with like mounting holes going like way the heck off to who knows what the heck you can put pretty much well absolutely whatever you want and here you can mount a 140 millimeter fan between the basement and the no you can't that oh that's weird so you could yes you could screw through this side and mount a fan on this side blowing up at a graphics card or something like that but actually that's going to be for your power supply if you wanted to have it have that Happ top intake or something for some reason so let's go ahead and open up the basement and get a better look at the compressor alright here we go last screw and there it is all that Noctua okay so I'm not a phase change expert by any stretch of the imagination the closest I've ever been to anything like this was the one time I did sub-zero cooling and that was with chilled liquids so I bought a window AC unit and then basically submerged the the evaporator in liquid and then pumped that liquid around to my CPU and I believe my GPU at the time don't let me just EP anyway the point is this is a totally other ball of wax so the evapo disappear we know this so this is all insulated very nicely very professionally glued together liquidy bloop this is the condenser so this is where the okay so the liquid basically boils on the CPU then it gets brought back around then this is where it has to go from a vapor back to a liquid so this is the condenser so that's a 140 millimeter fan on there that is pressure optimized fan manufacturer does recommend cleaning out the front very frequently because this is going to do all the cooling this is what does all the cooling so then once it turns back into a liquid it comes back over here and then around and 50 boop around and around we go so this is that USB control board that I was talking about before so this is where we've got it looks like a K type temp probe that goes presumably right up to the evaporator head so that's going to tell it how cold things are running and going to tell all these other things what to do and then over here we've just got general ventilation for all this down here now I don't know much about the individual models but I do know that Danfoss is well regarded as far as compact compressors go this is what it's going to make a bulk of the noise of this system it should be noted that phase change cooling especially a compact unit like this like I mean I was using a window mounted AC unit in order to get similar CPU temps actually not even as good whereas this has this tiny little condenser like one-sixth the size this tiny little evaporator this tiny little compressor so it tries to make everything really compact so you're going to have to make some compromises and noise is definitely one of them speaking of which ting the mobile carrier that's focused on customer service and satisfaction first which shouldn't be unusual but it really feels like it is and the one key difference will not be one but one key difference is that when you call them you do not speak to a robot you actually get put through directly to a person I mean sure the person says press one for billing press 2 for sales no I'm just kidding they don't say that at all they just pick up and they're like Hello like your mind is so blown you forget what you were calling them about but it's ok you can call them back and talk to them again once you've recovered the other great thing about ting is that they've got to pay only for what you use type of plan so the average ting bill is actually only $24 per month per device so all you got to do is head over to Linus ENCOM which we've got linked in the video description and try out the savings calculator if you enter your last few bills and how much your actual usage was and it turns out that you will save money with ping they'll actually cover 25% of your cancellation fee in your existing contract up to 75 bucks and if you use our link you'll get $25 in service credit or towards a new device so check it out over at Linus ENCOM mommy's little sunshine here is getting kind of grumpy so thank you guys for watching this unboxing of what is definitely the coolest thing that I feel like for me I've unboxing quite sometime like the video if you liked it dislike it if you thought it stunk leave a comment at one of the places linked in the video description either the forum or just under the video if you have feelings that are more complicated than this also linked in the video description we have a place you can buy cool t-shirts with Linus tech tips logos on them you can give us some of the contribution if you like the work we do and you think it's important and you can change your amazon bookmark to one with our affiliate code so every time you click on that and then buy something we get a small kickback that kind of thing helps us out a lot thanks again for watching it as always don't forget to subscribe and follow and all that good stuff
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