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Galaxy GeForce GTX 660 Ti 3D Vision Performance Overview Linus Tech Tips

welcome to my 3d vision performance review of the gtx 660ti so in this case we have galaxies GC dual fan card and we're comparing it to a couple of different scenarios so number one is we're comparing it to a last generation solution so we've got a gtx 560ti on the test bench we're going to be running three different games on the Elder Scrolls what is a 45 I don't know something um Skyrim the latest one we're going to be running crysis 2 slick really cares that i say that it's elder scrolls five okay it's good slick so Zelda schools 5 skyrim and then we've got prices to and metro 2033 which we will be doing our usual run throughs we're going to be using our high details and ultra details that we normally use to benchmark these cards except throwing 3d into the mix actually dramatically increases the load on the card so what we discovered is that ok ok what we were trying to find out is how does the 660 ti compared to the 670 which is a hundred dollars more and how does it compare to the last generation equivalent card the 560 TI in 3d performance so right there so there's a lot more load on the card in 3d just because it has to render both the left eye and the right eye image at the same time and you can see here that we are actually getting only about 20 FPS in crisis to using 3d vision so look through one of the lenses if you can if there's a way so you can see that the leg innocent level is actually quite high hope you can see that anyway the point is that it is so let's have a look at what kind of performance results we got we're not actually running a benchmark right now we're all done with the benchmarking so here we go let's create some grass charts and graphs that's like my favorite thing ever so select data and we're gonna go with our 3d vision performance and we're going to look at crisis to first oh oh oh I did it wrong Excel doesn't like it when you select things in the wrong order so we're going to look at minimum FPS as well as average FPS we're going to put in some data labels so you guys are seeing the whole graph creation process here from start to finish including boldness ok so the 560 TI reference gets pwned in crisis to minimum FPS is about a third of what you see on a 660 ti from the latest generation of nvidia products using a kepler GPU so remember 560 TI is Fermi and this says battlefield 3 1080p eltra but what it means is prices to fuji there we go so now let's pull up another chart and graph for you guys in this case it says it says PE but actually it's not the 660 ti PE it's the 660 ti GC from galaxy so pay no pay no mind to that ok yeah these are this is like my super professional approach to to graphing for tonight it's actually it actually is 5am so the 660 ti launches in an hour which means that we've we sort of given up on a lot of things and we're very tired both me and slick slick splay oh yeah he's nodding I thought he was planning to be not tired not as going to be like laiĆ” laiĆ” i adding do labels holding the data so you can see here again the 660 ti basically wouldn't even run like slick couldn't do anything an average FPS of 10 whereas with a newer solution whether it's the faster GPU whether it's the additional vram which is needed a lot more so in 3d vision than it is in non 3d vision mode we were able to get a minimum of 30 FPS with our 660 ti and this is a bit of an anomaly where our 670 losses but it is what it is lots of weird things happen in benchmarking we try not to question it too much if you question it then you might end up understanding it which is madness sparta something let's go with metro 2033 I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore I hope no one watches this video that'll be better Metro 2033 and once again this 560ti gets absolutely creamed with a whopping 2 point 5 FPS I barely even could make the jump that I have to do for my benchmarking run and the 660 ti also gets crushed and so does the success of me but they do a lot better than this one by like a order of magnitude so what we learned today is that the 660 ti is a worthy upgrade if you're using a 560 and you want to go with a 3d vision solution and that the 660 performs pretty closely to a 670 except in one weird instance where it actually outperformed it I wonder asleep copied the wrong number down he says no I think I was the one who are dumb yeah I worked on those okay so one way or another the 660 ti is an awesome video card and my other videos on about this video card or better you should probably watch those don't forget to subscribe to Linus tech tips for more unboxings reviews and higher quality videos than this one and don't forget to said don't forget to subscribe it's like five in the morning
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