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HTC Vive vs Oculus Rift CV1 - PAX Prime 2015

Thank You the HyperX for sending us to pax prime 2015 this year check out the cloud to gaming headset in the video description down below also thank you to a sous and corsair welcome to no actual booth in particular what we're checking out right now is the oculus cv1 or consumer version 1 and the valve HTC vive combo thing what I came to pax prime 2015 expecting to do was have a head-to-head between these guys in terms of tech specs but that doesn't seem to be the really important thing here which is a little abnormal for me I'm used to be like whoa times this resolution screen and this refresh rate on the screen all its gonna stuff that's great they're both kind of getting to a point where it's it's okay it's obviously not great it's not the ideal VR experience people still want higher resolution people still want higher refresh rate because then it will feel more immersive and look more realistic you can still kind of see the graphics aren't that amazing because framerate is super important in VR so you need kind of lower settings and higher framerate a really beastly machine we know all this kind of stuff so okay what is it coming down to well as you guys know killer apps is super important oculus right now has a Valkyrie gear VR has something from Eve as well and valve HTC vive has a whole bunch of their own killer apps coming up it's going to be kind of that whole console pc gaming war thing all over again even though they're both on pc because it's going to be okay well this one is hooked into this one specifically and yeah that's kind of a problem to be completely honest i'm hoping that they merge libraries because then people are going to be able to get the experience from the hardware that they want and be able to play whatever game they want I don't know how true that's going to be in the end we've seen it time and time again people are like oh yeah we're going to get rid of exclusives and then they super don't so I don't know we'll have to see now hardware experiences there is some stuff I can stay here the main differences are about the sensor the oculus has a sensor that sits in front of you and looks at its ir leds and that's actually pretty good but only kind of condenses you into either a sitting experience or a standing experience in a fairly small square you can still stand and move around a little bit but really not that much the vibe gives you much more freedom around in a much larger area and have it still be relatively accurate because their sensors that will go up on the walls in kind of the corners of the room and track you there the problem with this is it's less consistent and harder to set up harder to set up the first demo I did for the vibe was that Nvidia on the first day really early on and none of the demos that I tried worked every single demo I tried had a critical failure at some point in time during the demo also the HTC truck that was outside the convention in a parking lot had so many problems that they had to shut down part way through the day I know their booths that I tried to that a sous they had it going on but I tried them much later on so they were able to kind of fix some of the bugs it's an interesting idea a lot of you guys out there are going to be tea growers and you're going to be able to work on this stuff and set this stuff up and that's cool you'll have no problem but other people are going to want the more simple experience I don't know if I can condense these two brands into simple experience and more complicated experience yet they're not out yet we'll have to see but it's kind of how it's looking for now I'm excited hopefully you guys are 20 FC in 2016 how this war ends or some might argue begins anyways thanks to hyperx for sending us here to pax prime 2015 if you want to check out the youtube channel should be up here in the top right hand corner in the cards section they really tall bunch of cool gaming content be sure to subscribe also thank you to a sous and corsair if you want to see products from all of these companies click the link in the video description down below thank you guys for watching we'll see you next time
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