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High Wattage PSUs - Do they consume more power?

welcome back to the workshop set this is going to turn into a segment but I'll cover that in a moment first off right now today we're going to be looking at really high wattage power supplies actually use more power than a power supply that's tuned for your computer that means power from the wall so what we have is a 450 watt power supply a 750 watt power supply a 1200 watt power supply and a 1500 watt power supply we're going to run our 59 30 K and a 980ti through some stress tests using i-264 system stability test and fir mark just to get the wattage up there and then test each power supply read the wires from the wall figure out what's going on it's a very straightforward answer the question style video and that's what the workshop is going to turn into I've been kind of grappling with what I wanted this to be over the last few videos that I've done in the workshop that being and you can check these out up here the where should case fans be or how many case fans do you need video and does your cable management actually affect your thermals throughout your case video there's gonna be more of these there's already one on the schedule coming up soon if you guys have ones that you might want me to cover live testing things in front of you guys on the workshop set in the future hit me up on Twitter or comment in the comment section down below my twitter should be on screen but just in case it's at Luke underscore la Fr I'd love to answer whatever crazy things you'd like me to try to figure intel brings ddr4 to the mainstream with their new core i7 6700 K and Core i5 6600 K processors check out the link in the video description to learn more hello everyone this is future Luke this is Luke from further on in the video and I'm wondering right now if you guys would be interested in the little experiment there's me a strawpoll link somewhere and I want you guys to vote before you see the rest of the video which power supply you think is going to win which one is going to use the least wattage from the wall to power this computer in this scenario let me know I'm interested what do you think so we're gonna start off with the power supply that was already in this test rig this is my standard graphics card test rig this is way too much wattage potentially on the power supply so this is a little bit overshooting it so after that what I think I'm probably going to do is step it down a little bit go to the 750 then the 450 then do the 1500 I after that we're gonna wait a few minutes just to make sure that the power stabilizes maybe three to five minutes and then we will read the power wattage reader from the wall that's plugged in back here so I decided to change what test we were using and went back to my old school tried-and-true Crysis 3 skybox test because using i-264 system stability test and fir mark gave me variations of about 374 to about 405 I'm going to continue onwards this is 350 one plus or minus three seems to be pretty accurate within that range next up is the 450 watt power supply let's see it's it's within range I'm just wondering how much watts it's going to use how many watts it's going to use English well shooting video huh oh so the monitors power was unplugged that almost freaked me out all right here we go time to load up Crysis 3 again do the skybox test get our second set of numbers so the variance on the 450 watt was 364 plus or minus 4 so a little bit more of a variance window there and more wattage but there's another interesting thing to look at here when you step up in power supplies your 80 plus rating almost always goes up our 450 watt power supply is bronze this next one I'm going to test the 750 watt is gold the 1200 eye is platinum the 1500 eye is titanium 80 plus rating they're more efficient we'll get more into the efficiency talk a little bit later on but for now time to step up to the 750 alright our test with the V 750 are done and the results were 345 watts plus or minus 1 that's our lowest wattage amount yet but not our highest 80-plus efficiency rating on the power supply because just the rating is not the only thing that matters let's try the 1500 I that's the titanium rated 80 plus power spool just look at it it requires a proprietary cable it's all about efficiency curves we're probably not gonna land on the right spot one of the cool things about these videos is if you watch it and you're like oh my goodness you did this one specific thing in a way that I don't think is right for this test cool tell me in the comments I'll do a video and we'll see if it matters this whole series is about like answering questions that people might have or exploring different things alright so our last power supply is installed the X 1500 is set up and good to go if you guys thought I was rough on it check out one of these videos where we massively abused Corsair ax power supplies not because we disliked them it's mainly because they can take alright let's run our last guy box test so the 1500 I came down to 340 watts plus or minus three at one in terms of their positions the 450 watt was in last place than the 1200 I then the 750 watt then the 1500 I a little bit confusing why you might ask it comes down to efficiency charts which is actually listed on all of these power supplies which is great because it makes it really easy for visuals the titanium rated 1500 I it's peak efficiency on American plug so 115 is at about 94 percent for instance if we move down to that bronze rated one its peak efficiency on North American plugs is around eighty five percent it limits things it doesn't mean that you can't be very efficient on a say bronze rated power supply it just means that to be very efficient you're going to need to be right on the sweet spot of the curve and something like a titanium power supply you're pretty much always going to be pretty damn efficient but it will be better if you got the sweet spot of the curve and then that 750 watt had a little bit of an irregular curve it was a little bit earlier on where it peaked where most of them were peaking right around 50 percent so efficiency matters eighty plus is a rating of efficiency but you want to know where you are on the curve that also matters find the sweet spot for the power supply that you're buying and try to make sure that you're in it to save money on your power bill but ultimately do higher wattage power supplies use more power know that no they don't crunchyroll is a site created by anime fans for anime fans they offer the most current episodes of new show straight from Japan like erased and active raid and they have a large collection of the most popular anime series like Naruto at one piece who who of which basically everyone has heard of and all of the content on their site is professionally subtitled head over to slash linus and you can sign up for a 30 day free trial of crunchyroll premium with that you can enjoy the many benefits of premium like ad free 1080p streaming 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looking at mine you might be able to figure out that it maybe didn't matter a ton but I'd go watch it anyways because it's actually kind of funny
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