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HighLANder Vlog Part 1 - Preparation and Starting the Climb

the asus rog gaming notebook featured in this video is available now from with a free bonus gaming bundle so be sure to check out the link in the video description ok so that wow that's real far away there we have our hard to get over here that's where we're going I figured I would try to grow my own how do you think I'm going so far you look like when I try to draw facial here excellent it's at least we're on the same page severity I got you I got you shot we've got no get that close up you're getting the macaroons for that one can see the four hairs that are close enough together that they can all fit in the frame natural healing clinic it's Colorado right across from the hotel there you go we don't approve of that type of thing here hey like who are you speaking par here speaking Kim I do know that was good beer never came back so um let's see here your trail mix in there that just about exploded on the way here I'm like I I purposely depleted it before we left oh well that's your problem why cuz if it had been normally inflated then it could have compressed and then exploded I didn't pull boots whoa got a bit of a process going on here oh haha oh my ass did mule are you oh okay thousand DP so so I was all still pretty extreme my idol according good like as we likes climbing up the mountain in the car like you in like kind of these stairs like all out but like the steering wheel or Commission I almost like so it's time announcer walking closer hi Mel but maybe cool we just yell go do that right now yeah sweet dad dad dad that's awful what do I do I think the hip thrust or the ass trust or what everybody is this facilitates this you know as terrible as I look that's probably about how we all feel this morning pretty good I don't look that terrible so then you go thanks Ryder look guys I had said what was I gonna do to hold it all Peggy people gotta use the bathroom you know it's not like there's two bathrooms in here there's no time to shower just slather on more Brandon is good night's sleep lack egde failure of is my fault if you ask Luke it's because he's too tall for the bed yeah and Ed's oh and if you ask ed well and actually slept pretty well so he drizzled he didn't he woke up he's like yeah my headaches gone I'm like feeling good that means it was his fault we forgot I'm so ready ready look ready I like your hat thank you negative you have one you don't have the chinstrap your planet you heard I'm keeping that up nicely pleasure at you two I'm very happy that you hear the dawn is one of our witnesses for our Guinness world record breaking at 10:00 so he's going to be one of the people who signs and says yeah they were they were there they did that and they did that thing and you actually right so this one that is the world's most fabulous hat comment we were going okay with facts leave nothing behind wrong way that way that's why I asked your voice after a feeling thank you should have little markings on rod so apparently you say no people across the water and nobody waits my my team tree up doesn't start it's I it's been nice when we travel it's uh it's not that bad that's how you do the leave you process the why it's too easy yeah well we put them on the casting couch how are you in bed remember Brandon accepting help is not a sign of your weakness but the strength of your helper John you're a badass thank you huh I'm glad you're here life isn't even the beginning of it cowboy okay great I didn't ask her so people are asking where this crazy idea came from and how long it's been planning so Logan's been pretty busy with Computex so my team's been on it for about three and a half weeks and his has been on it hardcore for about two weeks but the actual plan was uh it's like in the Devon all right middle of the night right is your idea Kevin event for ASIS oh hey let's I really want to keep spying on these guys see what I say so unfortunately Lou who was one of our original co-conspirators wasn't able to make it I think Google i/o got in the way but this is way better than Google i/o you
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